Rushing Attack

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Sudha Panwar et al, International Journal of Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 8(2),185-189

Survey on Wireless Sensor Network Protocol to Solve Rushing Attack

Sudha Panwar1 , Sunil Malviya2
M.Tech Scholar, CSE Dept., Sagar Institute of Research & Technology, Bhopal
Assistant Professor, CSE Dept., Sagar Institute of Research & Technology, Bhopal


Wireless sensor network (WSNs) is network formed by battery, radio transceiver with an interior antenna or
a huge amount of sensor nodes which is furnished with connection in the direction of an external antenna, an
a sensor to explore physical incident, such as light,
electronic circuit for interfacing with the sensors and an
heat, sound, pressure, etc. and to communally transfer
their data by the network in the direction of main power source, a microcontroller frequently or
location. For sensor nodes, the factors that required to an embedded form of power harvesting. When
be worked upon are limited energy and memory. batteries get empty, in this condition a node becomes
Wireless sensor networks are required to deliver out of service and network performance is degraded.
communication with security necessities like Thus, energy efficiency is most important factor in a
confidentiality, reliability and accessibility. The intent protocol design for multi-hop networks like WSNs.
of this paper is to analyze five WSNs protocols DSR,
This had strong influence on the protocols design.
SDSR, SAODV, ARAN and Trust Oriented Secure
AODV against Rushing attack in wireless sensor There are many application of WSNs like Area
network. This paper concentrates estimate the observing, Health care observing , Environmental
performance of WSNs protocols when Rushing attacks sensing, Air pollution observing, Forest fire detection,
involve in wireless network Landslide ascertain e, Water quality observing , Natural
disaster preclusion, Data logging and Structural
condition observing.
Index Terms— Wireless sensor network (WSNs),
DoS Attack. Rushing Attack, Routing Protocol.

1. Introduction

A Wireless sensor network (WSNs) [1] consists of

various detection node called sensor nodes, each of
which is low cost, small, slight and convenient. The
entire sensor node is equipped with a microcomputer,
transducer, transceiver and energy source. In (WSNs)
few nodes are known as source nodes which explore
the event in the environment e.g. variation in
temperature, pressure, any signal etc. Whereas, some
another special kind of nodes that collect information
about these events from every nodes. These types of
nodes are called sink or base station (BS). The main
task of sensor networks is to sense the events, collect
data and send it to their requested destination Due to
their broadcast Transmission, unattended nature and Fig. 1: Architecture of Sensor Node
unfriendly environmental situation, the WSN nodes are
vulnerable to numerous Denial of Service’ (DoS) In this network, sensor nodes are respondsible for the
attacks[1]. In this networks sensor nodes are information exchange.
responsible for the information exchange. all sensor
network node has usually a variety of parts like The main aim of DoS attacks is is to disturb the routing
and interrupt data generated from the source nodes to

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Sudha Panwar et al, International Journal of Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 8(2),185-189

reach the sink or target nodes. A few well known DoS

attacks are Hello Flood, Sink hole, Wormhole, INA,
Black hole, Rushing Attack, gray hole, jamming, node
replication etc. Our main focus on Rushing attack and
its prevention protocol.

2. Some important characteristics of WSN

• In WSN Power consumption constraints for all

node using batteries or energy harvesting.
• WSN have ability to manage with node
failures. Fig. 3 Cluster Tree Topology

• WSN have Ability to withstand rigid 3.3 Mesh Topology

environmental situation. Mesh networks feature nodes that can connect to
numerous nodes inside the system and pass data
• Scalability to large scale of expansion. through the most reliable path obtainable. This mesh
• It is ease to use. link is often referred to like as a router (see Figure 4).

3. Some wireless sensor network topology that

use commonly.

3.1 Star Topology

Star topology is the one most essential or basic
topology. In star topology every node are linked in the
direction of the gateway node. Gateway node is also
called protocol converters. It can activate at any
network layer. The basic diagram of star topology is
shown in fig. The black node is gateway node and blue
node is simple network node.

Fig .4 Mesh Topology

4. Rushing Attack
Rushing attack, which outcome in denial of services
when used against all earlier published on-demand ad-
hoc network routing protocol [2]. Rushing attack
exploits this doublet suppression mechanism by
Fig .2 Star Topology speedily forwarding route discovery packet in order to
avail reach to the forwarding group. When a sender
3.2 Cluster Tree Topology
node send a route request (RREQ) packet to other node
Cluster tree network topology is a topology in which
in the wireless sensor network, if there an attacker
each and every node attach to a higher node in the tree
present then he will admit the RREQ and transmit to
and then linked to the gateway node, and data is routed
his neighbour with high transmission speed as
from the lowest node on the tree to the gateway node.
compared to other original nodes, which are extant in
Lastly, it increases the reliability of network.
the wireless sensor network. Due to this high

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Sudha Panwar et al, International Journal of Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 8(2),185-189

transmission speed, packet forwarded by the attacker

will first reach to the target node. Destination node will
accept this RREQ and leave other RREQ which are
arriving later. Receiver found this route as a valid route
and use for further communication. This manner
attacker will successfully avail access in the
communication between sender and receiver. The
attacker in WSNs can be occurring anywhere in the
network like as follows:

4.1 Attacker at near sender

Fig. 6 Attacker at near receiver
In fig. no. 2, S is a sender node and R is receiver node
and A is the attacker node B, C, D and E is the 4.3 when Attacker anyplace in the network
intermediate nodes. Source node S send packet to the
node A and node D. attacker node A forward the packet In fig. no.4, attacker node A is at anyplace in the
to the receiver more quickly then node D. Receiver network. S sends RREQ to B, C and D. Attacker A
discard letter receive packet. acquire the RREQ from B, and transmit the RREQ to
its neighbour F. Here, attacker node A gets RREQ from
some intermediate nodes and it has to also forward that
requests to some other intermediate nodes. In this the
chance of reaching the RREQ forwarded by attacker
depends on the middle nodes between attacker and
destination node. In this situation the attack success
rate is little [11].

Fig. 5 Attacker at near sender

4.2 Attacker at near receiver

In fig.3 attacker node A is at close to receiver. S send

RREQ to neighbours B and D. Attacker A accept the
request packet RREQ from B.B is neighbour of them.
But it forwards the RREQ packet which came earlier.
Here, attacker A forwards RREQ packet quickly
compared to C & E. So RREQ from A will reach the Fig. 7 Attacker anyplace in the network
destination D first. Thus route will be discovered by
attacker A. In this situation attacker A can directly 5. Some WSNs Routing protocol
forward RREQ to destination node with no any
5.1 Dynamic Source Routing Protocol
intermediate nodes. At this point, attacker A gets the
REQUESTs from most of node. In this situation the The DSR routing protocol utilized a source routing. In
attack success rate is high [11]. source routing the sender node knows hop-by-hop route
in the path of the destination node. These routes are
formerly stored in a route cache.When a sender node in
the wireless sensor network try to send a data packet to

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a destination node for which it does not beforehand sender generates a signature and attaches it to packet.
know the route, it uses a route discovery works Moderate nodes validate the signature earlier than
throughout flooding the network with route request creating or updating the reverse route to the host. The
(RREQ) [1]. Every node rebroadcast the received converse route is stored only when the signature is
RREQ in entire network after that node responding to verified. When the node reaches the destination, the
the RREQ with a RREP packet that is routed back to node signs the Route Reply with its private key and
the unique source node. The RREQ build up the path sends it back. The Moderate nodes again verify the
traversed transversely the network. The RREP itself signature .The signature of the sender is again stored
reverse to the source node through traversing this path with the along route entry.
to the destination. The route passed back by the RREP
packet is cached at the source for future use [1]. 5.4 Trust Oriented Secure AODV Routing Protocol

5.2 SDSR (Secure Dynamic Source Routing)

Trust becomes a passable approach to provide security
in a distributed way for mobile ad-hoc network. A
In the extant protocols, since each and every node system is based on path repute and trust value, is
forwards only the first received route request, the proposed to magnify network Trust Oriented Secure
rushing attacker tries to forward the first received AODV Routing Protocol throughput and reliability of
request to its neighbors. In this protocol change this discovered route. In this protocol trust value is
property to overcome this Attack. This protocol every incremented and decremented according to positive and
node doesn't forward the first receive route request negative observations. An integrated trust management
(RREQ). Instead it waits for some amount of time model is introduced to select trustworthy service by
(which is proportional to its distance from the source); quantification of trust on platform of context-aware
gathers the all request through different nodes and service. This model, addresses a basic set of trust
randomly choose a request to forward. By doing so, the aspects related to identity provisioning, confidentiality
probability that the request selected to forward by the enforcement, and context provisioning activities [3].
attacker is reduced. Since every node attacker, the other Using trust conception AODV is secured by numerous
successive nodes might discard it and the probability proposed approaches. Trust-based SAODV is projected
that the route through the attacker is nearly zero [1]. on the base of intrusion detection mechanism (IDM)
and trust-based mechanism (TBM) to penalize self-
5.3 Secure Adhoc on Demand distance Vector centered nodes in AODV. If signature is to be verified,
(SAODV) routing protocol node reaches the destination node and ciphers the
Route Reply with its private key and sends it back. The
SAODV is a safe extension for AODV. The SAODV Moderate nodes once more validate the signature .The
concentrate on security necessities like integrity, signature of the sender is once more stored with the
affirmativeness and authentication. The Secure AODV along route entry.
routing method is based on the imagination that each
and every node hold established public keys for all 5.5 Authenticated Routing Protocol (ARAN)
network nodes. The inventors of the routing manage
packet add a RSA signature with the last constituent of Authenticated Routing protocol for mobile Ad hoc
a hash chain to the routing packets. A packet Networks uses asymmetric cryptography key pairs such
transversal the network, reasonable nodes as SAODV via the signed public keys which are
cryptographically verify the signature and its hash available to all the nodes in the network [5]. In ARAN
value. The moderate nodes originate the kth element of protocol, all nodes that farther the packets have to sign
the hash chain, with k being the number of transverse it and examine the signatures which intercede all
hops, and place it in packet. The SAODV routing routing data. As the route discovery in the ARAN
protocol provide two option for RREQ and RREP. In protocol does not endorsement a TTL meadow or a hop
the first condition when a Route Request is sent, the count, there will not be any changeable parts in the
packet and the stationary signatures are measure

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