Unfair Labor Practices

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Unfair Labor Practices (UP BOC) 3.

Bargaining in bad faith

4. Gross violation of the CBA
refers to acts that violate the workers’ right to
organize. The prohibited acts are related to the Prescription of actions for ULP: The offense
workers’ right to self organization and to the prescribed in 1 year. (Labor Code, Art. 305)
observance of a CBA. Without that element,
the acts, no matter how unfair, are not unfair Purpose of the Policy Against ULPs (UP BOC)
labor practices.
Protection of right to self-organization and/or
Thus, an employer may only be held liable for collective bargaining:
unfair labor practice if it can be shown that his a. The employee is not only protected from
acts affect in whatever manner the right of his the employer but also from labor
employees to self-organize. (ateneo BN) organizations.
b. The employer is also protected from ULP
XPN: The only exception is Art. 259(f) committed by a labor organization.
[i.e. to dismiss, discharge or otherwise
prejudice or discriminate against an employee The public is also protected because it has an
for having given or being about to give interest in continuing industrial peace.
testimony under this Code]. (UP BOC)
Parties Not Estopped from Raising ULP by
Nature of ULP (UP BOC) Eventual Signing of the CBA (UP BOC)

a. inimical to the legitimate interests of both The eventual signing of the CBA does not
labor and management, including their right to operate to estop the parties from raising unfair
bargain collectively and otherwise deal with labor practice charges against each other.
each other in an atmosphere of freedom and [Standard Chartered Bank Union v. Confesor,
mutual respect G.R. No. 114974 (2004)]
b. disrupt industrial peace
c. hinder the promotion of healthy and stable NOTES FROM CHAN (2019)
labor-management relations UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES (ULPs)
d. violations of the civil rights of both labor and Parties who may commit ULP
management but are also criminal offenses ● Committed by an employer or by a
[Art. 258] labor organization (Article 259 and
e. Criminal offenses against the State; (Ateneo 260).
f. Violate the constitutional right of workers Who is criminally liable?
and employees to self-organization. (Ateneo On the part of the employer – only the officers
BN) and agents of corporations, associations or
partnerships who have actually participated in
Four forms of Unfair Labor Practice in or authorized or ratified ULPs.
Collective Bargaining (UP BOC)
1. Failure or refusal to meet and convene On the part of the union – only the officers,
2. Evading the mandatory subjects of members of the governing boards,
bargaining representatives or agents or members of labor
associations or organizations who have affirmative reliefs. It should be asserted in the
actually participated in or authorized or labor case before the Labor Arbiters who have
ratified the ULPs are criminally liable. original and exclusive jurisdiction over ULP
Who can Commit ULP (ateneo BN) 2. Criminal aspect – Only be asserted before
the regular courts.
Both employers and labor organizations can
commit acts of unfair labor practices in ASPECTS OF UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICE
collective bargaining. However, the labor (Ateneo BN)
organization must be the representative of the
Civil aspect Criminal Aspect
employees before any act it does may be
considered as a violation of the duty to bargain May include liability Can only be initiated
collectively. (Labor Code, Arts. 259[g] and for damages and after the finality of
260[c]) may be passed upon judgment in the
by the Labor Arbiter labor case (Labor
(Labor code, Art. code, Art. 258)
1. There should exist an employer-employee
relationship between the offended party and
the offender; and NOTE: But judgment in the labor case will not
2. The act complained of must be expressly serve as evidence of ULP in the criminal case.
mentioned and defined in the labor code as
3. Act complained of as ULP must have ● In cases against employers, the union
proximate and causal connection with/ has the burden of proof to present
violation of: (Ateneo BN) substantial evidence.
a. Exercise the right to self-organization ● In cases against labor organizations,
b. Exercise of the right to collective the burden of proof is on the employer.
Employer-Employee Relationship Required
GR: An unfair labor practice may be EXERCISE OF MANAGEMENT RIGHTS (Ateneo
committed only within the context of an BN)
employer-employee relationship [American
President Lines v. Clave] When rules are necessary to the proper and
XPN: “Yellow Dog” condition or contract: effective business operation
to require as a condition of employment that a The law on unfair labor practices is not
person or an employee shall not join a labor intended to deprive the employer of his
organization or shall withdraw from one to fundamental right to prescribe and enforce
which he belongs. [Art. 259 (b)] such rules as he honestly believes to be
necessary to the proper, productive and
ASPECTS OF ULP (chan) profitable operation of his business.
1. Civil aspect – claims for actual, moral and
exemplary damages, attorney’s fees and other Management exercised in good faith
So long as a company’s management Specific ULP acts by the Employers
prerogatives are exercised in good faith for the
advancement of the employer’s interest and Article 259: UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES OF
not for the purpose of defeating or EMPLOYERS - It shall be unlawful for an
circumventing the rights of the employees employer to commit any of the following unfair
under special laws or under valid agreements, labor practices: (YIP-C2-D2-V2)
the Court will uphold them.
A. Interference - To interfere with,
There is also no ULP when restrain or coerce employees in the
exercise of their right to self-
● The Court has held that management organization;
is free to regulate, according to its own B. Yellow Dog Contracts - To require as a
discretion and judgment, all aspects of condition of employment that a person
employment, including hiring, work or an employee shall not join a labor
assignments, working methods, time, organization or shall withdraw from
place, and manner of work, processes one to which he belongs;
to be followed, supervision of workers, C. Contracting Out - To contract out
working regulations, transfer of services or functions being performed
employees, work supervision, lay-off of by union members when such will
workers, and discipline, dismissal and interfere with, restrain or coerce
recall of workers. The exercise of employees in the exercise of their right
management prerogative, however, is to self-organization;
not absolute as it must be exercised in D. Company Unionism - To initiate,
good faith and with due regard to the dominate, assist or otherwise interfere
rights of labor. (Royal Plant Workers with the formation or administration of
Union v. Coca-Cola Bottlers any labor organization, including the
Philippines, inc) giving of financial or other support to it
or its organizers or supporters;
● Where the vacation leave is without E. Discrimination for or against union
pay, which the employer requires membership - To discriminate in
employees to take in view of the regard to wages, hours of work, and
economic crisis, is neither malicious, other terms and conditions of
oppressive nor vindictive, ULP is not employment in order to encourage or
committed. (Philippine Graphic Arts, discourage membership in any labor
Inc. v. NLRC,) organization. Nothing in this Code or in
● In the absence of showing that the any other law shall stop the parties
illegal dismissal was dictated by anti – from requiring membership in a
union motives, the same does not recognized collective bargaining agent
constitute an unfair labor practice as as a condition of employment, except
would be a valid ground for strike. The those employees who are already
remedy is an action for reinstatement members of another union at the time
with back wages and damages. (AHS/ of the signing of the collective
Philippine Employees Union v. NLRC) bargaining agreement.. Employees of
an appropriate collective bargaining
unit who are not members of the
recognized collective bargaining agent INSULAR LIFE DOCTRINE: TEST TO DETERMINE
may be assessed a reasonable fee INTERFERENCE, RESTRAINT OR COERCION
equivalent to the dues and other fees The test of the employer’s interference with,
paid by members of the recognized restraint or coercion of employees within the
collective bargaining agent, if such meaning of the law
nonunion members accept the ● Whether the employer has engaged in
benefits under the collective conduct which may reasonably tend to
agreement. Provided, That the interfere with the free exercise of the
individual authorization required employees’ twin rights to
under Article 242, paragraph (o) of this selforganization and collective
Code shall not apply to the bargaining.
nonmembers of the recognized ● It is not necessary that there be direct
collective bargaining agent; [the evidence the any employee was
correct reference is to Article 241, restrained, intimidated or coerced by
paragraph (o) but this has been the statements or threats of the
renumbered as Article 250, paragraph employer; what matters is that there is
(o); a reasonable interference that the
F. Discrimination because of testimony - anti-union conduct of the employer
To dismiss, discharge, or otherwise does have an adverse effect on the
prejudice or discriminate against an exercise of said rights.
employee for having given or being
about to give testimony under this For a charge of ULP to prosper, it must be
Code; shown that the employer’s act was motivated
G. Violation of duty to bargain - To violate by ill will, bad faith or fraud, or was oppressive
the duty to bargain collectively as to labor, or done in a manner contrary to
prescribed by this Code; morals, good customs, or public policy, and
H. Paid negotiation - To pay negotiation social anxiety or grave humiliation resulted
or attorney’s fees to the union or its therefrom.
officers or agents as part of the
settlement of any issue in collective The employee has the burden of proving that
bargaining or any other dispute; or the employer exercised bad faith.
I. Violation of CBA - To violate a collective
bargaining agreement. TOTALITY OF CONDUCT DOCTRINE
● Used to determine whether the act of
The provisions of the preceding paragraph the employer constitutes interference
notwithstanding, only the officers and agents with, restraint or coercion of the
of corporations, associations or partnerships employees’ exercise of their right to
who have actually participated in, authorized self-organization and collective
or ratified ULP shall be held criminally liable. bargaining.
● ULP should be viewed on the basis of
INTERFERENCE WITH, RESTRAINT OR the employer’s act outside the bigger
● Under this doctrine, an expression EXAMPLES
which might be permissibly uttered by ● Dismissal after they have organized
one employer, might be deemed their union and about to start efforts at
improper when spoken by a more having it certified as SEBA
hostile employer, because of the ● Dismissal of union members to ensure
circumstances under which they were defeat in certification election
uttered, the history of the particular ● Dismissal of union officers which
employer’s labor relations or anti – threatens the existence of the union –
union bias or because of their union busting -
connection with an established ● Dismissing union officers and
collateral plan of coercion or members on the ground of losses 2
interference, and consequently years after it has allegedly sustained
actionable as an unfair labor practice. them and after the dismissed officers
(Ateneo BN) and members became more militant.
● Effecting discriminatory dismissal
General Milling Case v CA where only unionists were
● The fact that the resignations of the permanently dismissed.
union members occurred during the ● Mass lay-off or dismissal of 65
pendency of the case before the LA employees due to retrenchment
shows the employer’s desperate absent any loss or financial reverses.
attempt to cast doubt on the ● Dismissal by refusal of employees to
legitimate status of the union. give up their union membership. -
● The ill-timed letters of resignation ● Dismissal because of his act of
from the union members indicate that soliciting signatures for the purpose of
GMC had interfered with the right of its forming a union.
employees to self-organization. ● Dismissal because of their refusal to
resign from the union and to join the
JURISPRUDENTIALLY DECLARED ACTS OF ULP union favorable to the employer
INVOLVING EMPLOYER’S INTERFERENCE, ● Dismissal because of acts engaging in
RESTRAINED OR COERCION valid and legal concerted union
1. Dismissals activities
2. Threats ● Dismissal because an employee who
3. Questioning and interrogation worked for 19 years have filed money
4. Offers and Promises claims against the employer.
5. Espionage and surveillance ● Terminating teachers who have
6. Interference in intra-union affairs attained permanent status because of
7. Other forms of interference, restraint or the employer’s apprehension that
coercion there may be a future strike in the
● Dismissals that are occasioned by (2) THREATS
employer’s interference, restraint, or ● Mere issuance of a threat by the
coercion are always ULP employer, even if not actualized, may
already constitute ULP.
● Questioning employees about their
EXAMPLES: union sympathies or activities in
● Threatening employees with loss of circumstances that tend to interfere
jobs or benefits or promotional with, restrain or coerce employees in
opportunities if they join or vote for a the exercise of their rights would be
union or engage in protected treated as ULP.
concerted activity.
● Threatening to close the plant if EE (4) OFFERS AND PROMISES
selects a union to represent them or to ● The employer’s act of making an offer
discourage union activity or support. or practice of certain favors or benefits
● Stating to employees that union may also constitute as ULP
bargaining is futile or a strike is
inevitable. EXAMPLES:
● Threatening the union recruiter with ● Promising or implementing employee
bodily harm when he refused to yield wage increases to discourage their
the demand of the employer to union activity or support.
surrender the union affiliation forms ● Offer of reinstatement and attempt to
● where the employer encouraged the bribe the strikers with comfortable
employees to sign a petition costs, free coffee and occasional
repudiating the union. (ateneo BN) movies, overtime pay, for work
performed in excess of 8 hours and
(3) QUESTIONING AND INTERROGATING offer of arrangements for their
EMPLOYEES families so they could abandon the
● May be ULP even if it is merely in the strike and return to work.
form of a question ● Offer Christmas bonus to all loyal
employees after the request by the
General rule: employer may interrogate its union to bargain.
employees regarding their union affiliation for ● Announcement by the employer of
legitimate purposes and with the assurance benefits prior to the conduct of a
that no reprisals would be taken against the certification election, intended to
unionists. (UP BOC) induce the employees to vote against
the union.
XPN: when interrogation interferes with or
restrains employees' right to self organization. (5) ESPIONAGE AND SURVEILLANCE
Note: The interrogation of the ER should not be ● The act of spying and surveillance of
persistent and/or hostile. (UP BOC) employees to determine their
involvement and participation in union
EXAMPLES: organizing and formation and
● Interrogating its employees in concerted activities is ULP.
connection with their membership in ● The information obtained by means of
the union or their union activities espionage is invaluable to the
which hampers their exercise of free employer and can be used in a variety
choice. of cases to break a union. (UP BOC)
EXAMPLES: ● The acts of a company which subjects
● When management conducts a union to vilification and its
espionage or surveillance of the participation in soliciting membership
meetings and activities of the union. - for a competing union are also acts
Requesting employees to report on the constituting a ULP.
union activity of others. ● An employer may not send letters
containing promises or benefits, nor
(6) INTERFERENCE IN INTRA-UNION DISPUTE threats of obtaining replacements to
● The act of management in meddling individual workers while the
with purely internal concerns, issues employees are on strike due to a
and affairs of the union is ULP bargaining deadlock. This is
tantamount to interference and is not
Other Forms of Interference, Restraint, or protected by the Constitution as free
Coercion Constituting ULP speech.
a. Indirectly forcing employees to join another
labor union as a condition for re-admission for Lockout or Closure Amounting to ULP (ateneo
participating in a strike. BN)
b. Instructing employees not to join a union. ● A lockout, actual or threatened, as a
c. Refusal of employer to reinstate strikers means of dissuading the employees
who voluntarily and unconditionally offered to from exercising their rights under the
return to work but did not accept new Act is clearly an unfair labor practice.
discriminatory conditions imposed against ● To hold an employer who actually or
them because of their union membership or who threatens to lock out his
activities. employees guilty of a violation of this
d. Grant of concessions and privileges during Act, the evidence must establish that
pendency of a certification election case to the purpose thereof was to interfere
members of one of the unions participating with the employee’s exercise of their
therein. rights (Azucena Vols. II-A and II-B, 9th
e. Suspending union officers who attended ed., 2016, p. 323).
hearing in the petition for certification election
they filed. Sale in Bad Faith (ateneo BN)
f. Ceasing operation due to establishment of ● Where the sale of a business
the union. enterprise is attended with bad faith,
g. Asking employees to disclose the names of there is no need to consider the
the members of the union. applicability of the rule that labor
h. Putting on “rotation” only the alleged contracts being in personam are not
members of the union. enforceable against the transferee.
i. Transferring, laying off or assigning ● The latter is in the position of
employees more difficult work or tasks, or tortfeasor, having been a party
otherwise punishing them because they are likewise responsible for the damage
engaged in organizing or forming a union. inflicted on the members of the
aggrieved union and therefore cannot
Speech (UP BOC) justly escape liability. (Cruz v. PAFLU)
● Promoting efficiency and attaining
YELLOW DOG CONTRACT economy by a study of what units are
● Art. 259 (b) of the Labor Code essential for its operation.
● Er – has the ultimate right to
One which exacts from workers as a condition determine whether services should be
of employment that they shall not join or performed by its personnel or
belong to a labor organization, or attempt to contacted to outside agencies.
organize one during their period of
employment or that they shall withdraw Absent proof that the management acted in
therefrom in case they are already members malicious or arbitrary manner, the Court will
of a labor organization. not interfere with the exercise of judgment by
an employer.
Common Stipulations (or Requisites)
1. Representation by the employee that he is Contracting-out as ULP
not a member of an LO; ● If the act of contracting out of a job,
2. Promise by employee that he will not join a work or service being performed by
union; and SEBA members will interfere with,
3. Promise by the employee that upon joining restrain, or coerce employees in the
an LO, he will quit his employment. exercise of their right to self-
organization that it will constitute ULP.
These constitutes ULP. Thus, stipulation is null
and void. Conditions for a valid outsourcing (ateneo BN)
1. Motivated by good faith; and
CONTRACTING OUT OF SERVICES AND 2. Must not have been resorted to
FUNCTIONS GENERAL RULE: circumvent the law or must not have
been the result of malicious or
GR: contracting out is not a ULP, but is covered arbitrary action (Manila Electric v.
by the employer’s management prerogative. Quisumbing)
XPN [Art. 259 (c)]:
1. contracted-out services or functions are Runaway Shop is ULP (ateneo BN)
performed by union members AND When an industrial plant is moved by its
2. contracting out will interfere with, restrain, owners from one location to another to escape
or coerce employees in the exercise of their union labor regulations or state laws or to
right to self-organization. discriminate against employees at the old
plant because of their union activities.
● Art. 259 (c) of the Labor Code Resorting to runaway shop is ULP.
Act of an employer in having work or certain
services or functions being performed by SEBA Where a plant removal is for business reasons
members contracted out is not per se ULP but the relocation is hastened by anti – union
● Considered as an exercise by motivation, the early removal is unfair labor
employers of its business judgment practice. It is immaterial that the relocation is
and inherent management rights and accompanied by a transfer of title to a new
prerogatives. employer who is an alter ego of the original
by threats of dismissal or demotion.
COMPANY UNIONISM - COMPANY (Philippine American Cigar & Cigarette Factory
DOMINATION OF UNION Workers Union v. Philippine American Cigar &
Cigarette Mfg.)
Article 259 (d) of the Labor Code
A labor union is company – dominated where
Company union means any labor organization it appears that key officials of the company
whose formation, function or administration have been forcing employees belonging to
has been assisted by any act defined as unfair rival labor union to join the former under pain
labor practice by this Code. [Art. 219(i)] (UP of dismissal should they refuse to do so; that
BOC) key officials of the company, as well as its
legal counsel, have attended the election of
ULP – to initiate, dominate, assist, or officers of the former union; that officers and
otherwise interfere with the formation or members of the rival union were dismissed
administration of any LO, including giving of allegedly pursuant to a retrenchment policy of
financial or other support to it or its organizers the company, after they had presented
or supporters. demands for the improvement of the working
conditions despite its alleged retrenchment
Formation, function, or administration has policy; and that, after dismissal of the
been assisted by any act of the employer. aforesaid officers of the rival labor union, the
company engages the services of new
Manifestations of Domination of a Labor laborers. (Oceanic Air Products, Inc. v. CIR)
Union (ateneo BN)
1. Initiation of company union idea. This may Prejudicial Question (chan)
further occur in three styles: ● General Rule: Pendency of ULP case
A. outright formation by the employer or filed against an LO participating in
his representatives certification election does not stay the
B. employee formation on outright holding thereof.
demand or influence by employer ● Exception: Pendency of a formal
C. managerially motivated formation by charge of company domination
employees against one of the unions which is
2. Financial support to the union. participating in the certification
By defraying the union expenses or paying the election is a PQ that bars the holding
attorney’s fees of the lawyer who drafted the thereof until its final resolution
constitution and by – laws of the union.
3. Employer encouragement and assistance. Suspension of CBA for a long period (chan)
Immediately granting the union exclusive ● CBA may be suspended for more than
recognition as a bargaining agent without usual 5- year lifetime thereof if
determining whether the union represents the warranted by circumstances.
majority of employees. ● During – parties may mutually agree
4. Supervisory assistance. that SEBA’s status shall continue to be
This takes the form of soliciting membership, recognized as such.
permitting union activities during working ● Not tantamount to making the SEBA
time or coercing employees to join the union company dominated.
terms and conditions of employment in order
to encourage or discourage membership in
1. Discrimination XPN: Union security clauses
● To discriminate in regard to wages,
hours of work and other terms and For claim to prosper, establish:
conditions of employment in order to 1. No reasonable distinction or classification
encourage or discourage membership that can be obtained between persons in
in any labor organization. same class; and
2. Persons belonging to the same class have
2. Union security clause not been treated alike.
● “Nothing in this Code or in any other
law shall stop the parties from Classification
requiring membership in a recognized ● Not ULP because it merely
CB agent as a condition for differentiates the employees in
employment, except those employees accordance with their respective jobs
who are already members of another and accords appropriate levels of pay
union at the time of the signing of CBA. or benefits due them by reason
3. Agency Fee
● “Employees of an appropriate There is discrimination only when one is
bargaining unit who are not members denied privileges which are granted to others
of the recognized CB agent may be under similar conditions and circumstances.
assessed a reasonable fee equivalent
to the dues and other fees paid by There can be no discrimination if the
members of the recognized CB agent, employees are not similarly situated. (Great
if such non-union members accept the Pacific Life Employees Union v. Great Pacific
benefits under the CBA, provided that Life Assurance Corporation)
the individual authorization required
under Art. 251 (o) shall not apply to the Discrimination in Bonus Allocation or Salary
non-members of the CB agent.” Adjustments (ateneo BN)

DISCRIMINATION There is unfair and unjust discrimination in

● Failure to treat all persons equally granting of salary adjustments where
when no reasonable distinction can be evidence shows that:
found between those favored and 1. The management paid the employees of the
those not favored. unionized branch;
● One is denied privileges which are 2. Where salary adjustments were granted to
granted to others under similar employees of one of its non – unionized
conditions and circumstances. branches although it was losing in its
operations; and
General Rule: it is ULP to discriminate in 3. The total salary adjustments given every ten
regard to wages, hours of work, and other of its unionized employees would not even
equal the salary adjustments given one imposes upon employees the obligation to
employee in the non – unionized branch. acquire or retain union membership as a
(Manila Hotel Company v. Pines Hotel condition affecting employment.
Employees Association (CUGCO) and CIR, G.R. - It is an indirect restriction on the right
No. L-30818, 1972) of an employee to self organization.
- It is a solemn pronouncement of a
Discrimination in Layoff or Dismissal (ateneo policy that while an employee is given
BN) the right to join a labor organization,
Even where business conditions justified a such right should only be asserted in a
layoff of employees, unfair labor practices in manner that will not spell the
the form of discriminatory dismissal were destruction of the same organization.
found where only unionists were permanently
dismissed while non – unionists were not. Just Cause
● Violation of a union security clause is
Test of Discrimination (ateneo BN) considered a just cause to terminate
To determine whether or not a discharge is employment.
discriminatory, it is necessary that the
underlying reason for the discharge be Grounds for termination due to violation of
established. union security clause
The fact that a lawful cause for discharge is ● Where termination is expressly
available is not a defense where the employee stipulated as the end-result of refusal
is actually discharged because of his union to join the SEBA, SEBA has to back up
activities. If the discharge is actually its recommendation to the employer
motivated by a lawful reason, the fact that the to terminate a member-employee’s
employee is engaged in union activities at the employment with just and valid
time will not lie against the employer and grounds.
prevent him from exercising his business
judgment to discharge an employee for cause. Discharge due to union activity, a question of
(NLRB v. Ace Comb Co. 342 F. 2 841, as cited fact (ateneo BN)
in Cainta Catholic School v. CCSU).
The question of whether an employee was
An inference that the discharge of an discharged because of his union activities is
employee was motivated by his union activity essentially a question of fact as to which the
must be based upon evidence, direct or findings of the court of Industrial Relations are
circumstantial, not upon mere suspicion. conclusive and binding if supported by
(NLRB v. South Rambler Co., 324 F 2d 447). substantial evidence considering the record as
a whole. (Philippine Metal Foundries, Inc., v.
Three common grounds usually invoked by
Union security is a generic term which is SEBA to justify termination of employment:
applied to and comprehends “closed shop,” 1. Refusal to become members of the SEBA
“union shop,” “maintenance of membership” of:
or any other form of agreement which
a. Employees who are neither Art. 259 (F) To dismiss, discharge or otherwise
members of SEBA nor any other prejudice or discriminate against an employee
union/s at the time of the signing of for having given or being about
the CBA; or to give testimony;
b. Future, newly-hired employees upon
their regularization Note: This is broader than the prohibition
2. Resignation by its existing members; under Art. 118 because Art. 259(f) covers
3. Expulsion on the following grounds: testimony under the whole Code, while Art.
a. Disloyalty to the SEBA; 118 only covers testimony under Book I: Pre-
b. Commission of any act/s inimical to Employment, Title II: Wages.
the interest of the SEBA; Note further: Includes not giving testimony
c. Refusal to pay union dues and other [Azucena]. (UP BOC)
d. Commission or conviction of a Note: This is the only ULP not directly related
felony, offense, or crime against any to the right to self – organization. The
union officer or member in relation to testimony or proceedings might involve
activities for and in behalf of the SEBA; wages, employee’s benefits, disciplinary rules,
e. Organizing and/or joining another or organizational rights, or anything covered by
labor organization claiming the Labor Code. What is chargeable as ULP is
jurisdiction similar to that of the SEBA the employer’s retaliatory act regardless of the
or affiliating with a labor federation subject of the employee’s complaint or
without its approval; testimony. (Ateneo BN)
f. Involvement in any violation of the
union security agreement or the Unfair labor practice refers to acts that violate
SEBA’s Constitution and By-Laws; or the workers’ right to organize. The prohibited
g. Participation in a ULP or any acts are related to workers' right to self-
derogatory act against the SEBA or any organization with the sole exception of Art.
of its officers or members [259 (f)].


Three (3) CBA-related ULPs (Article 259)
1. To violate the duty to bargain collectively as Collective bargaining does not end with the
prescribed in the Labor Code. execution of an agreement. Being a
2. To pay negotiation or attorney’s fees to the continuous process, the duty to bargain
union or its officers or agents as part of the necessarily imposes on the parties the
settlement of any issue in collective obligation to live up to the terms of such a
bargaining or any other dispute. collective bargaining agreement if entered
3. To violate a CB. into, it is undeniable that non-compliance
—------------------------------------------------------------------------------ therewith constitutes an unfair labor practice.
DISCRIMINATION FOR HAVING GIVEN OR Duty to bargain collectively (chan)
● Performance of a mutual obligation to certification election, and the clear
meet and convene promptly and choice is no union and no ad interim
expeditiously in good faith for the significant change has taken place in
purpose of negotiating an agreement the unit
with respect to terms and conditions of 6. Refusal to bargain because the other
employment (wages, hours of work), party is making unlawful bargaining
including proposals for adjusting any demands
grievances or questions arising under —------------------------------------------------------------------------------
such agreement and executing a ------
contract incorporating such. PAYMENT OF NEGOTIATION OR ATTORNEY’S
● Duty does not compel any party to FEES (UP BOC)
make any concession.
● Absence of an agreement or other Art 259(h) - To pay negotiation or attorney's
voluntary arrangement providing for a fees to the union or its officers or agents as
more expeditious manner of collective part of the settlement of any issue in collective
bargaining, it is the duty of the bargaining or any other dispute.
employer and representatives of
employees to bargain collectively. Sweetheart contracts are favorable both to the
union and the employer at the expense of the
ACTS DEEMED AS REFUSAL TO BARGAIN (UP employees. The settlement of bargaining
BOC) issues must be made by fair bargaining in
good faith, and not through the payment of
1. Refusal to bargain when there is an negotiation or attorney's fees which will
unresolved petition for union ultimately lead to sweetheart contracts.
cancellation —------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Employer’s suspension of operations -----
in order to forestall a demand for VIOLATION OF A COLLECTIVE BARGAINING
collective bargaining AGREEMENT - ART 259(i) (UP BOC)
3. Implied refusal
Flagrant and/or Malicious Refusal to Comply
ACTS NOT DEEMED REFUSAL TO BARGAIN: with Economic Provisions Required

1. Adoption of an adamant bargaining Art. 274. Jurisdiction of Voluntary Arbitrators.

position in good faith, particularly – Accordingly, violations of a Collective
where the company is operating at a Bargaining Agreement, except those which
loss are gross in character, shall no longer be
2. Refusal to bargain over demands for treated as unfair labor practice and shall be
commission of unfair labor practices resolved as grievances under the Collective
3. Refusal to bargain during period of Bargaining Agreement.
illegal strike
4. Not initiating the bargaining For purposes of this Art., gross violations of
5. Refusal to bargain where the union Collective Bargaining Agreement shall mean
demands for recognition and flagrant and/or malicious refusal to comply
bargaining within the year following a
with the economic provisions of such whole, raise a suspicion as to the motivation
agreement. for the employer's action, the failure of the
employer to ascribe a valid reason therefor
Violations of collective bargaining may justify an inference that his unexplained
agreements, except flagrant and/or malicious conduct in respect of the particular employee
refusal to comply with its economic provisions, or employees was inspired by the latter's
shall not be considered unfair labor practice union membership or activities.
and shall not be strikeable. [Book V, Rule XXII,

Note: The list in Art. 259 is not exhaustive. Persons Criminally Liable In Case Of ULP bv LQ
Other acts which are analogous to those 1. Officers
enumerated can be ULPs. 2. Members of governing board
3. Representatives, agents, members of the
The alleged violation of the CBA, even labor organization who actually
assuming it was malicious and flagrant, is not participated, authorized, or ratified the
a violation of an economic provision, thus not ULP act.
an Unfair Labor Practice.
ULP Committed Bv Labor Organizations
Example: An employer cannot be considered
to have committed a gross and economic a. Restraint or Coercion
violation of the CBA when it, in good faith, b. Discrimination:
withheld union dues and death benefits from Encourage/Discourage Unionism
the union upon written request of the union c. Violation of Duty, or Refuse to Bargain
members in light of the conflict between the d. Illegal Exaction (Featherbedding)
members and the union officers and instead e. Asking or Accepting Negotiation and
deposited such amount to the DOLE. other Attorney's Fees
f. Violation of a Collective Bargaining
Motive, Conduct, Proof Agreement
To constitute ULP, the dismissals by the ER
need not be entirely motivated by union RESTRAINT OR COERCION
activities or affiliations. It is enough that
discrimination was a factor. Art. 260(a). Unfair Labor Practices of Labor
Organizations — To restrain or coerce
Note: The basic inspiration of the dismissals employees in the exercise of their right to self-
should concern the right to self-organization. organization. However, a labor organization
shall have the right to prescribe its own rules
Totality of Evidence with respect to the acquisition or retention of
Where the attendant circumstances, the membership;
history of the employer's past conduct and like
“Interfere” is not included in Art. 260 simply
considerations, coupled with an intimate
because any act of a labor organization
connection between the employer's action
amounts to interference to the right of self-
and the union affiliations or activities of the
organization [U.P. Law BOC 2020]
particular employee or employees, taken as a
Interference bv a Labor Organization is not EXN: Provisions of a valid union security clause
ULP and other company policies applicable to all
employees [UP BOC]
A labor organization can actually interfere with
employees' right to self-organization as long This pertains to the attempt of the labor
as it does not amount to restraint or coercion. organization to cause an employer to grant
Interfering in the exercise of right to organize advantages to:
is itself a function of self-organizing. (Azucena,
Vol. 2,2016, p. 368) 1. Members over non-members
2. Members in good standing over
NOTE: Under the first ULP committed by an suspended or expelled members;
employer, there is "IRC" - interference, 3. Members of the executive board over
restraint, or coercion. However, under the first more senior employees; or
ULP committed by a labor organization, the 4. Members of one union over members of
word "interference" is left out, leaving only another union. [UST GN]
"restraint or coercion". The omission is
Arbitrary use of Union Security Clause
deliberate. (Azucena, Vol. 2,2016, p. 368)
Unions are not entitled to arbitrarily exclude
Labor organization cannot coerce members to
qualified applicants for membership, and a closed-
participate in strike shop provision would not justify the employer in
discharging, or a union in insisting upon the
A labor organization violates the law when it discharge of an employee whom the union thus
restrains or coerces an employee in the refuses to admit to membership, without any
exercise of his right to refuse to participate in reasonable ground therefor. (Salunga v. CIR) [UST
or recognize a strike. [UST Golden Notes] GN]

DISCRIMINATION: ENCOURAGE/DISCOURAGE A union member may not be expelled from her

UNIONISM union, and consequently from her job, for personal
or impetuous reasons or for causes foreign to the
Art. 260(b). Unfair Labor Practices of Labor closed-shop agreement and in a manner
Organizations — To cause or attempt to cause characterized by arbitrariness and whimsicality.
an employer to discriminate against an (Manila Mandarin Employees Union v. NLRCG.R.
employee, including discrimination against an No. 76989 Sept. 29,1987) [UST GN]
employee with respect to whom membership
Not disloyalty to ask help from another union
in such organization has been denied; or
terminate an employee on any ground other The mere act of seeking help from another union
than the usual terms and conditions under cannot constitute disloyalty. It is an act of self-
which membership or continuation of preservation of workers who, driven to desperation,
membership is made available to other found shelter in another union who took the
members; cudgels for them. (Rance v. NI.RC, G.R. No. L-
68147,June 30, 1988) [UST GN]
It is a ULP for a labor organization to Violation of Duty, or Refuse to Bargain
cause an employer to discriminate against an
Art. 260(c) Unfair Labor Practices of Labor
employee. [UP BOC]
Organizations — To violate the duty, or refuse
to bargain collectively with the employer, Art. 260(e). Unfair Labor Practices of Labor
provided it is the representative of the Organizations — To ask for or accept
employees; negotiation or attorney's fees from employers
as part of the settlement of any issue in
It is the act of a union in refusing or violating its collective bargaining or any other dispute
duty to bargain collectively by entering
negotiations with a fixed purpose of not reaching Sweetheart Contract [UST GN]
an agreement or signing a contract. [UST GN]
It is when a labor organization asks for or
NOTE: It is intended to insure that unions approach accepts negotiations or attorney’s fees from
the bargaining table with the same attitude of Ers as part of the settlement of any issue in CB
willingness to agree as the law requires of
or any other dispute.
management. [UST GN]
The resulting CBA is considered as a
Illegal Exaction (Featherbedding)
“sweetheart contract” – a CBA that does not
Art. 260(d). Unfair Labor Practices of Labor substantially improve the employees’ wages
Organizations — To cause or attempt to cause and benefits and whose benefits are far below
an employer to pay or deliver or agree to pay than those provided by law. It is an incomplete
or deliver any money or other things of value, or inadequate CBA.
in the nature of an exaction, for services which
Violation of a Collective Bargaining Agreement
are not performed or not to be performed,
including the demand for fee for union Art. 260(f). Unfair Labor Practices of Labor
negotiations; Organizations — To violate a collective
bargaining agreement.
The practice of the labor organization to cause
or attempt to cause an employer to pay or Accepting for or accepting some “fee” from
deliver or agree to pay or deliver money or
the employer as part of CBA or dispute
other things of value, in the nature of an settlement. [UST GN]
exaction, for services which are not performed
or are not to be performed, including the
demand for a fee for union negotiations. [UP
BOC] Gross Violations of the CBA

Featherbedding refers to an employee practice Art. 274. Jurisdiction of Voluntary Arbitrators.

which creates or spreads employment by – Accordingly, violations of a Collective
unnecessarily maintaining or increasing the Bargaining Agreement, except those which
number of employees used, or the amount of time are gross in character, shall no longer be
consumed, to work on a particular job. [UST GN] treated as unfair labor practice and shall be
resolved as grievances under the Collective
The practices are found to be economically
wasteful and without any legitimate employee
Bargaining Agreement.
justification. [UST GN]
For purposes of this Art., gross violations of
Asking or Accepting Negotiation and other Collective Bargaining Agreement shall mean
Attorney's Fees flagrant and/or malicious refusal to comply
with the economic provisions of such An order directing the employer to withdraw all
agreement. [UP BOC] recognition from the dominated labor union
and to disestablish the same. [UST GN]
It is the flagrant and/or malicious refusal by a
party to comply with the economic provisions ULP case is not subject to compromise
of the CBA. [UST GN]
In view of the public interest involved, they are
NOTE: If the violation of the CBA is not gross, it not subject to compromise (E. G. Gochangco
is not ULP but a mere grievance. [UST GN] Workers Union v. NLRC). However, in the case
of Reformist Union of R. B. Liner, Inc. v NLRC,
Reliefs available in ULP cases the court approved a compromise agreement
finally settling an illegal strike case. The
1. Cease and Desist Order agreement was voluntarily entered into and
2. Affirmative Order represents a reasonable settlement, thus it
3. Order to Bargain; or Mandated CBA binds the parties. [UST GN]
4. Disestablishment of the Company-

Cease and Desist Order It is defined as making exaggerated or

unreasonable proposals. Demands which the
A prohibitive order requiring a person found to Er has no capacity to give. [UST GN]
be committing ULP to cease and desist from
such ULP and take affirmative action as will Whether or not the union is engaged in blue-
effectuate the policies of the law including (but sky bargaining is determined by the evidence
not limited to) reinstatement with or without presented by the union as to its economic
back pay and including rights of employees demands. Thus, if the union requires
prior to dismissal, including seniority. [UST GN] exaggerated or unreasonable economic
demands, then it is guilty of ULP (Standard
Affirmative Order Chartered Bank v. Confessor, G.R. No.
114974, June 16, 2004). [UST GN]
An order directing either the reinstatement of
the discharged employee without prejudice to SURFACE BARGAINING
their rights or, if new laborers have been hired,
the dismissal of the hired laborers to make It is the act of “going through the motions of
room for the returning employee. [UST GN] negotiating” without any legal intent to reach
an agreement (Standard Chartered Bank v.
Order to Bargain Confessor, G.R. No. 114974, June 16, 2004).
An order to compel the respondent to bargain
with the bargaining agent. It can also be an A concrete example is the withholding of the
imposition of a collective bargaining contract Er of the audited financial statement
upon an employer who refuses to bargain with requested by the union. [UST GN]
the union of its employees which is known as
“mandated CBA” [UST GN] Surface bargaining is a question of intent of
the party concerned and usually such intent
Disestablishment can only be inferred from the totality of the
challenged party’s conduct both at and away
from the bargaining table. [UST GN]

Impasse In Bargaining

1. Where the subject of a dispute is a

mandatory bargaining subject, either
party may bargain to an impasse as
long as he bargains in good faith.
2. Where the subject is non-mandatory, a
party may not insist in bargaining to
the point of impasse. His instance may
be construed as evasion of duty to
bargain. [UST GN]


It is synonymous with impasse or a standstill

which presupposes reasonable effort at good
faith bargaining but despite noble intentions
does not conclude an agreement between the
parties. [UST GN]

Occurrence Of Deadlock In Collective


A deadlock arises when there is an impasse

which presupposes reasonable effort at good
faith in bargaining which, despite noble
intentions, does not conclude in agreement
between the parties. [UST GN]

Remedies In Case Of Deadlock

The parties, during renegotiation, may:

1. Call upon the NCMB to intervene for

the purpose of conducting conciliation
or preventive mediation;
2. Refer the matter for voluntary
arbitration or compulsory arbitration;
3. Declare a strike or lockout upon
compliance with the legal
requirements(this remedy is a remedy
of last resort) [UST GN]
ULP in COLLECTIVE BARGAINING in the appropriate bargaining unit, even if they
are not all members of the union. (UP BOC)
BARGAIN (ART. 259 [G]) The duty to bargain extends beyond the period
of contract negotiations, and applies to labor-
Both employers and labor organizations can management relations during the term of the
commit acts of unfair labor practices in agreement.
collective bargaining. However, the labor
organization must be the representative of the Since a collective bargaining agreement does
employees before any act it does may be not define all the rights and obligations of the
considered as a violation of the duty to bargain employer and his employees, negotiation of
collectively. (Labor Code, Art. 259[g] and grievances is part and parcel of the bargaining
260[c]) (Ateneo BN) process

Four Forms of Unfair Labor Practice in An Employer cannot bargain directly with
Bargaining (Ateneo BN) employees and the employer cannot ignore
the bargaining agent and bargain directly with
1. Failure or Refusal to Meet and Convene individual employees. (Ateneo BN)
2. Evading the Mandatory Subjects of Refusal to make counter-proposals – Effect is
Bargaining that CBA will be imposed on the union
3. Bad Faith in Bargaining - A company’s refusal to make counter-
4. Gross Violation of the CBA proposal if considered in relation to
the entire bargaining process, may
indicate bad faith and this is especially
true where the Union’s request for a
FAILURE OR REFUSAL TO MEET AND CONVENE counter proposal is left unanswered.
(Kiok Loy v. NLRC, G.R. No. L-54334,
An employer is guilty of an unfair labor
1986; Divine Word University of
practice in refusing to bargain with the
Tacloban v. Secretary of Labor, G.R.
representative of a majority of his employees.
No. 91915, 1992)
It is essential that the employer and the
The failure of the employer to submit its
employees should both act in good faith.
counter-proposals to the demands of the
Collective bargaining is not merely going
bargaining union does not, by itself, constitute
through the motions of negotiating a CBA. A
refusal to bargain. However, it is different if the
party must not have a predetermined resolve
employer refuses to submit an answer or reply
not to budge from an initial position.
to the written bargaining proposals of the
Where an employer did not even bother to certified bargaining union. (Chan)
submit an answer to the bargaining proposals
A party to a fully-concluded CBA may be
of the union, there is a clear evasion of the
compelled to sign it, especially if said refusal
duty to bargain collectively. (Chan)
to sign is the only remaining hitch to its being
In addition, he must recognize the union as the implemented. Such refusal is considered an
bargaining representative of all the employees unfair labor practice. (Chan)
A local union which is not independently Acts Not Deemed Refusal to Bargain (Azucena
registered cannot exercise the rights and Labor Code, Vol. 2, p. 365)
privileges granted by law to legitimate labor
organizations. The employer cannot be faulted 1. Adoption of an adamant bargaining position
for refusing to negotiate with the unregistered in good faith, particularly when the company is
chapter. (Abaria, et al v. Metro Cebu operating at a loss;
Community Hospital, G.R. No. 154113, 2011)
2. Refusal to bargain over demands for
Note: Holding meetings that result in commission of ULP;
deadlocks, if done in good faith, does not
3. Refusal to bargain during period of illegal
result in ULP. The purpose of collective strike;
bargaining is the reaching of an agreement
resulting in a contract binding on the parties 4. Refusal to bargain where there is no request
but the failure to reach an agreement after for bargaining;
negotiations have continued for a reasonable
period does not establish a lack of good faith. 5. Union seeks recognition for an
(Union of Filipro Employees v. Nestle, G.R. Nos. inappropriately large unit
158930-31, 2008) (Ateneo BN).


Economic Exigencies do not justify refusal to
An employer's refusal to negotiate a
Section 158(d) of 29 USCS [Article 252 of the
mandatory subject of bargaining is an unfair
Labor Code] expressly provides that the duty to
labor practice although the employer has
bargain collectively "does not compel either
every desire to reach agreement earnestly and
party to agree to a proposal or require the
in all good faith gains to that end.
making of a concession."
On the other hand, an employer's duty to
An employer has been held not guilty of a
bargain is limited to the mandatory bargaining
refusal to bargain by adamantly rejecting the
subjects; as to other matters, he is free to
union's economic demands where he is
bargain or not to bargain.
operating at a loss, on a low profit margin, or
in a depressed industry, as long as he The following are examples of matters
continues to negotiate. But financial hardship considered as mandatory subjects of
constitutes no excuse for refusing to bargain bargaining (Azucena Labor Code, Vol. 2, pp.
collectively. And, the NLRB has held that an 370-371):
employer is guilty of a refusal to bargain when
he refuses even to discuss a union's economic 1. Wages and other types of
demands on the ground that in his very serious compensation, including merit
financial condition it would be impractical to Increases;
negotiate or that he is financially unable to 2. Working hours and working days,
accept a contract negotiated by the union with including work shifts;
the employers' association of which he is a 3. Vacations and holidays;
member. (Azucena Labor Code, Vol. 2, p. 364) 4. Bonuses;
5. Pensions and retirement plans
6. Seniority; based entirely upon a consideration of the
7. Transfer; negotiations as a whole.
8. Lay-offs;
9. Employee workloads; A fair criterion of good faith in collective
10. Work rules and regulations; bargaining requires that the parties involved
11. Rent of company houses; deal with each other with open and fair mind
12. Union security arrangements. and sincerely endeavor to overcome obstacles
or difficulties existing between them to the
end that employment relations may be
established and obstruction to the free flow of
Where the subject of the dispute is a commerce prevented.
mandatory bargaining subject, either party
may bargain to an impasse as long as he An employer’s steadfast insistence to exclude
bargains in good faith. a particular substantive provision from the
union’s proposal is no different from a
Where the subject is non-mandatory, a party bargaining representative's perseverance to
may not insist on bargaining to the point of include one that they deem of absolute
impasse. His insistence may be construed as necessity. (Union of Filipro Employees v.
evasion of the duty to bargain. (Ateneo BN) Nestle-Philippines, G.R. Nos. 158930-31,



Good faith or bad faith is an inference to be 1. Any legal duty [on the employer] to initiate
drawn from the facts. contract negotiation [Kiok Loy v. NLRC, G.R.
No. L-54334 (1986)]
There is no per se test of good faith in
bargaining. The test of good-faith bargaining is 2. The obligation to reach an agreement:
While the law makes it an obligation for the
not the effect of an employer’s or a union's
actions individually but rather it is the impact employer and the employees to bargain
of all such occasions or actions, considered as collectively with each other, such compulsion
a whole, and the inferences fairly drawn does not include the commitment to
therefrom. (The Hong Kong and Shanghai precipitately accept or agree to the proposals
of the other.
Banking Corporation Employees Union v.
NLRC, G.R. 125038, 1997). (Ateneo BN) All it contemplates is that both parties should
approach the negotiation with an open mind
[T]he failure to reach an agreement after
negotiations continued for a reasonable and make reasonable effort to reach a
period does not establish a lack of good faith. common ground of agreement. [Union of
Filipro Employees v. Nestle, G.R. Nos. 158930-
A finding of good faith in bargaining cannot be 31 (2008)]
based upon whether a particular provision of a
Evading the Mandatory Subjects of Bargaining
contract seems reasonable or unreasonable to
the NLRB, or whether the NLRB thinks the The refusal to negotiate a mandatory subject
provision should be agreed to, but it must be of bargaining is an unfair labor practice,
although either party has every desire to reach
agreement and earnestly and in all good faith A company's refusal to make counter-
bargains to that end. proposal, if considered in relation to the entire
bargaining process, may indicate bad faith
However, the duty to bargain does not obligate and this is especially true where the Union's
the parties to make concessions or yield a request for a counter-proposal is left
position fairly held. [Azucena] unanswered." Considering the facts of that
The duty to bargain is limited to mandatory case, the Court concluded that the company
was "unwilling to negotiate and reach an
bargaining subjects; as to other matters, he is
free to bargain or not to bargain. agreement with the Union." (Kiok Loy v. NLRC,
G.R. 54334, 1986). (Ateneo BN)
Over mandatory subjects, a party may insist on
bargaining, even to the point of deadlock,and
his insistence will not be construed as OTHER EXAMPLES OF BAD FAITH
bargaining in bad faith. BARGAINING:
Over a non-mandatory subject, on the other 1. Surface Bargaining: defined as “going
hand, a party may not insist on bargaining to through the motions of negotiating”
the point of impasse, otherwise his insistence without any legal intent to reach an
can be construed as bargaining in bad faith agreement. (UP BOC)
(Ateneo BN)
A sophisticated pretense in the form of
apparent bargaining does not satisfy
the statutory duty to bargain.
Bargaining in Bad Faith Must Occur While
Bargaining is in Process The duty is not discharged by merely
- With the execution of the CBA, bad meeting together or simply
faith can no longer be imputed upon manifesting a willingness to talk. An
employer’s proposals which could not
any of the parties thereto. All
provisions in the CBA are supposed to be offered with any reasonable
have been jointly and voluntarily expectation that they would be
incorporated therein by the parties. accepted by the union constitute
- This is not a case where private surface bargaining. (Standard
Chartered Bank Employees Union
respondent exhibited an indifferent
attitude towards collective bargaining (NUBE) v. Confessor, G.R. No 114974,
2004) (Ateneo BN)
because the negotiations were not the
unilateral activity of petitioner union. Part of good-faith bargaining, and a
- The CBA is proof enough that method to expedite the process, is
private respondent exerted supplying of information to the other
“reasonable effort of good party, as required by law.
faith bargaining.” (Samahan
Ng Manggagawa sa Top Form An employer is under a duty, upon
Manufacturing-United Workers request of the bargaining
of the Philippines v. NLRC, G.R. representative,
No. 13856, 1998)
to provide information relevant to the or leave it” stand. (NLRB v.
issues at the bargaining table. Refusal General Election Co., 418 F. 2d
to provide relevant information after 736 (1970) (Ateneo BN)
the same has been requested
constitutes per se violation of the duty Part of good-faith bargaining, and a
to bargain. method to expedite the process, is
supplying information to the other
party, as required by law.

2. Blue Sky Bargaining: defined as An employer is under a duty, upon

"unrealistic and unreasonable request of the bargaining
demands in negotiations by either or representative, to provide information
both labor and management, where relevant to the issues at the bargaining
neither concedes anything and table. Refusal to provide relevant
demands the impossible." It actually is information after the same has been
not collective bargaining at all. requested constitutes per se violation
(UPBOC) of the duty to bargain. (Azucena Labor
Code, Vol. 2, pp. 388-389)
The making of exaggerated or
unreasonable proposals in collective 4. Individual Bargaining: To negotiate or
bargaining. (Standard Chartered Bank attempt to negotiate with individual
Employees Union (NUBE) v. Confessor, workers rather than with the certified
G.R. No. 114974, 2004) (Ateneo BN) bargaining agent is an unfair labor
practice. (Chan)

That constitutes interference because

3. Boulwarism – A take-it-or-leave-it the company is still under obligation to
approach in negotiation constitutes bargain with the union as the
bad faith. "Although the law cannot bargaining representative.
open a man's mind, it can at least
compel him to conduct himself as if he Individual bargaining contemplates a
were trying to persuade and were situation where the employer bargains
willing to be persuaded. with the union through the employees
instead of the employees through the
Occurs when: union. (UP BOC)
1. When the employer directly Respondent union in Philippine
bargains with the employee Diamond Hotel and Resort, Inc.
disregarding the union; [Manila Diamond Hotel] v. Manila
2. The aim was to deal with the Diamond Hotel Employees Union,
insists that it could validly bargain in
union through the employees,
rather than with the behalf of “its members” only. The
employees through the union; Supreme Court, however, ruled that
the same would only “fragment the
3. Employer submits its employees” of petitioner.
proposals and adopts a “take it
What the respondent union will be 2. The violation pertains to the economic
achieving is to divide the employees, provisions of the CBA (Silva v. NLRC, G.R. No.
more particularly, the rank-and-file 110226, 1997)
employees of petitioner hotel. The
other workers who are not members Gross: Refers to a flagrant and/or malicious
are at a serious disadvantage, refusal by a party to comply with the
because if the same shall be allowed, [economic provisions] (FASAP v. PAL, G.R. No.
employees who are non- union 178083, 2008).
members will be economically
impaired and will not be able to Total Disregard of CBA Constitutes ULP
negotiate their terms and conditions of Reference to the economic provisions of the
work, thus defeating the very essence
CBA is not a necessary element of ULP where
and reason of collective bargaining the employer in effect totally disregarded the
which is an effective safeguard against CBA. (Employees’ Union of Bayer v. Bayer Phil.,
the evil schemes of employers in G.R. No. 162943, 2010)
terms and conditions of work. (Chan)
An employer should not be allowed to rescind
Petitioner‟s refusal to bargain then unilaterally its CBA with the duly certified
with respondent cannot be considered
bargaining agent it had previously contracted
an unfair labor practice to justify the with, and decide to bargain with a different
staging of the strike
group if there is no legitimate reason for doing
so and without first following the proper
procedure. (Employees’ Union of Bayer v.
GROSS VIOLATION OF THE CBA Bayer Phil., G.R. No. 162943, 2010) (Ateneo
At this stage, the negotiations are over; the
document has been signed; sealed, and
delivered. Implementation should follow.

But at this stage the collective bargaining

process is not yet over, and the duty to bargain
is still operative because such duty further
requires faithful adherence to the contractual

Violation of the contract amounts to ULP, if the

violation is "gross." This form of ULP is taken
up in Article 261.

ULP exists in this form when the complaint

shows prima facie the concurrence of two

1. There is a gross violation of the CBA; and

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