HMT - ISA-2 and Make-Upsolutions - Scheme

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School of Mechanical Engineering

6th semester BE (Mechanical Engineering)

Time: 75 Minutes Heat and Mass Transfer (15EMEC305) Max. Marks :40
Note :Answer any two full Questions ISA-II (27 April 2023)
Use of Heat and mass transfer data Handbook is permitted
Answer any two full question
1a “Surface and fluid interaction in majority flows occurs through thin layer of fluid adjacent to
surface”. Justify through appropriate illustrations highlighting momentum and heat transfer.
If Cx =0.646 Rex-1/2 prove that average drag coefficient over a flow length ‘L’ is 2Cx at x=L 10

1b Explain the formation of boundary layer on a flat plate indicating the different regions.
Estimate free convection heat transfer coefficient for a horizontal fine wire of 2mm diameter
exposed to atmospheric air at 20oC, if wire surface is at 180oC. Also find maximum allowable 10
current intensity if the wire resistance is 8 ohm/m. Use the correlation NuD =1.15(RaD)1/8

2a Explain the importance of following dimensionless numbers in heat transfer studies- Re, Pr, Gr
and St. Water at 0.8 kg/s (Cp=4180 J/kg C) is heated from 20oC to 50oC using oil (Cp,oil= 2kJ/kg
C) at specified flow rate that drops its temperature from 80oC to 60oC. Estimate parallel-flow
heat exchanger area required for this arrangement that has U= 500W/m2oC.

2b A thin horizontal square plate of 20 cm sides insulated on one side and transfers heat on the
other side at a uniform temperature of 60oC while exposed to quite air at 20oC. Calculate total
heat transfer rate for the following cases* (i) heated surface upwards (ii) heated surface lower.
Nu=0.54(Gr Pr)0.25 for 2x104 < GrPr < 8x106
Case (i)
Nu=0.15(Gr Pr)0.333 for 8x106< GrPr < 1011
Case (ii) Nu=0.27(RaL)0.25 for 105< GrPr < 1011
*Use the correlations with ‘Gr’ calculated based on L=area/perimeter 10

3a Discuss the flow through circular pipe with reference to hydrodynamic/thermal entry lengths.
A stationary thin horizontal plate 60 cm long and 0.25 m wide, at 80o C has 20oC air flow at 0.35
m/s. How thick are hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layers at 25 cm from leading edge?
What drag force acts on plate for cx=0.646 Rex -0.5 when fluid properties correspond to film
temperature? Apply Reynolds Colburn analogy to obtain convection heat transfer rate. 10

3b Sketch temperature profile in case of parallel flow and counter flow heat exchangers.
Explain LMTD with respect to parallel flow heat exchanger?
Apply Buckingham’s π-theorem with reference to free convection heat transfer coefficient (h)
that has dependence h=f( L, ρ, µ, Cp, k, β, ∆T, g). Assess any two π-terms 10
School of Mechanical Engineering

6th semester BE (Mechanical Engineering)

Time: 75 Minutes Heat and Mass Transfer (15EMEC305) Max. Marks :40
Note :Answer any two full Questions ISA-II (27 April 2023)
Use of Heat and mass transfer data Handbook is permitted
Solutions and Scheme
1a Brief explanation on the statement: “Surface and fluid interaction in majority flows occurs
through thin layer of fluid adjacent to surface”.
Illustrations highlighting hydrodynamic (momentum) and thermal (heat) boundary layers.
Numerical Solution:
If Cx =0.646 Rex-1/2 prove that average drag coefficient over a flow length ‘L’ is 2Cx at x=L
1 1
Cm =
L0∫ C x dx ; C m = ∫ 0.646 Re -x1/2 dx ;
−1 / 2 −1 / 2 L
u∞ x 1
u x 1 (0.646)u∞ −1 / 2
But Re x = ; ∴ Cm = ∫ 0.646  ∞  dx = ∫x dx 4+6
γ L0  γ  L γ −1 / 2 0
−1 / 2 −1 / 2
∴ Cm =
1 (0.646)u ∞
L γ −1 / 2
[2 x ]
1/ 2 L
0 ∴ Cm =
1 (0.646)u ∞
L γ −1/ 2
1/ 2
−0 ]
[ ]
−1 / 2 −1 / 2 1 / 2
1 (0.646)u ∞ (2 L1 / 2 ) 2 (0.646)u ∞ L (0.646) −1 / 2
∴ Cm = = =2 = 2 0.646 Re L
L γ −1 / 2 L γ −1/ 2  u∞ L 
1/ 2

 
 γ 
1b Brief explanation on boundary layer formation on a flat plate indicating: thickness, velocity
profile, laminar-transition-turbulent regions, Reynolds number...
Numerical solution:
d=2mm = 0.002m; Tfluid =20oC; Twall= 180oC ; R=8 ohm; L=1m
Tfilm=(180+20)/2 =100oC
Properties of air at 100oC: from Data hand book
KV=23.13x10-6 m2/s; Pr=0.688 ; k=0.0321 W/mK
g β D 3 ∆T 9.81× 0.00268 × 0.002 3 × 160
Nu D = 1.15(Ra D )1/8 ; GrD = = = 62.90 4+6
γ2 (23.13 × 10 −6 ) 2
hD 1.8417 × k
∴ Nu D = 1.15(62.90 × 0.688)1/8 = 1.8417 = ;∴ h = = 29.56W/m 2 o C
k D
Q = h × (πDL)(180 − 20) = 29.56 × (π × 0.02 × 1) × 160 = 29.71W
Q  29.71 
Q = I R = 29.71 ∴ I =
=  = 1.9271 Ampere
R  8 

2a Brief explanation on: Re= inertia force / viscous force ;

Pr= Mol. Diffusivity of momentum / Mol. Diffusivity of heat
Gr=(Buoyant force/ viscous force) x (Inertia force /viscous force)
St= Nu/ (Pr Re)=(Wall h.t. rate / heat transfer rate by convection) 4+6
School of Mechanical Engineering

Numerical solution :(Heat exchanger)

mc = 0.8 kg/s ; Cpc =4180 J/kg C; Tci =20oC Tco =50oC;

Cph= 2kJ/kg oC ; Thi=80oC; Tho =60oC; U=500W/m2oC

∆Ti − ∆To 60 − 10 50
LMTD = = = = 27.9 o C Parallel flow HE
In(∆Ti / ∆To ) In(60 / 10 ) 1.7917
Qc = mc C pc (Tco − Tci ) = 0.8 × 4180 × (50 − 20 ) = 100320 W = UA(LMTD)
Q 100320
∴A= = = 7.1913m 2
U × LMTD 500 × 27.9

2b Numerical solution: (square plate-free convection)

Square plate : Length=20 cm= 0.2 m; Ts=60oC; Tair =20oC
Tfilm=(60+20)/2 = 40oC; Area=0.04m2 ; Perimeter =4(0.2)= 0.8m
L for calculation of Gr = Area / Perimeter =0.05 m
Fluid properties of air at 40oC (from Data Hand book)
KV=16.96x10-6 m2/s; Pr=0.699 ; k=0.02756 W/mK
g β L3 ∆ T 9 .81 × 0 . 003194 × 0 .05 3 × 40
Gr L = = = 5 . 446 × 10 5

γ 2
(16 . 96 × 10 − 6 ) 2
Gr Pr = 3 . 80714 × 10 5
Case (i) Case (ii)
Nu=0.54(Gr Pr) : 2x104 < GrPr < 8x106 Nu=0.27(RaL) : 105< GrPr < 1011

Nu=0.15(Gr Pr)0.333 : 8x106< GrPr < 1011 5+5

Nu=0.54(Gr Pr)0.25 = 0.54 x (3.80714 x 105)0.25 Nu=0.27(RaL)0.25
=13.4135 =0.27(3.80714 x 105)0.25=6.706
13.4135 × k 6.706 × 0.02756
∴h = = 7.3935W/m 2 o C ∴h = = 3.6967 W/m 2 o C
L 0.05

Q=hA(Ts-Tair) =7.3935 x 0.04 x 40= 11.8296 W Q= 3.6967 x 0.04 x 40= 5.9148 W

3a Discussion on hydrodynamic/thermal entry lengths.

Numerical solution:
L=0.6m ; W=0.25 m; Tw=80oC; Tair=20oC
Tfilm=50oC Fluid properties of air (from Data hand book)
KV=17.95x10-6 m2/s; density =1.093 kg/m3 ; Pr=0.698 ; k=0.02826 W/mK
u=0.35 m/s ; δ hx = 5 x Re −0.5
x ; δ Tx = δ hx × Pr −0.333

ux 0.35 × 0.25
Re x = = = 4874.65
γ 17.95 × 10 −6 3+7
(i) Velocity/Thermal BL thickness at x=25cm
δ hx = 5 x Re −x0.5 = 0.0179m ; δ Tx = 0.0179 × 0.698 −0.333 = 0.02017 m
(ii) Drag force on plate : FD = 0.5 × ρ × (WL) × u 2 × C m
Calculation of Cm: C m =2C x x=L = 2(0.646 Re −L0.5 ) ReL=(0.35x0.6)/17.95x10-6=11699.16
School of Mechanical Engineering

C m = 1.292 × (11699.16 −0.5 ) = 0.01194 ;

FD = 0.5 × 1.093 × (0.25 × 0.6) × 0.35 2 × 0.001194 = 1.1995 × 10 −4 N
Reynolds- Colburn Analogy
Nu 0.01194
St Pr 2/3 = C m / 2 ; St = ; ∴ St = = 0.007587
Re Pr 2 × (0.698) 2/3
Nu Nu
St = ; 0.007587 = ; ∴ Nu = 61.9556
Re Pr 11699.16 × (0.698)
hL Nu × k 61.9556 × 0.02826
Nu = ; ∴h = = = 2.9181 W / m 2 K
k L 0. 6
Q=hA(Tw-Tair)= 2.9181x(0.6x0.25)x60=26.2629 W

3b Temperature profile ( parallel flow and counter flow HEs)

LMTD w.r.t. parallel flow heat exchanger
Buckingham’s π-theorem with reference
h=f( L, ρ, µ, Cp, k, β, ∆T, g)
n=9; m=4 Number of Pi-terms =(n-m)= 5
No. of repeating variables = 4; No. of Non-repeating variables =5
Selecting the repeating variables as (L, µ, k, β ) and
[h, ρ , Cp, ∆T, g] as Non-repeating variables
The Pi-terms can be defined as follows
π 1 = [L ]a [µ ]b [k ]c [β ]d h ; π 1 = [L ]a [ML−1T −1 ] [MLT −3θ −1 ] [θ −1 ] [MT -3θ −1 ]
1 1 1 1 1
b1 c1 d1

π 2 = [L]a2 [ML−1T −1 ] [MLT −3θ −1 ] [θ −1 ] [ML-3 ]

π 2 = [L]a2 [µ ]b2 [k ]c2 [β ]d2 ρ
b2 c2 d2

π 3 = [L ]a3 [µ ]b3 [k ]c3 [β ]d3 C p π 3 = [L]a3 [ML−1T −1 ] [MLT −3θ −1 ] [θ −1 ] [L2 T -2θ −1 ]
b3 c3 d3

π 4 = [L ]a4 [µ ]b4 [k ]c4 [β ]d4 ∆T π 4 = [L ]a4 [ML−1T −1 ] [MLT −3θ −1 ] [θ −1 ] [θ −1 ]

b4 c4 d4

π 5 = [L]a5 [µ ]b5 [k ]c5 [β ]d5 g π 5 = [L ]a5 [ML−1T −1 ] [MLT −3θ −1 ] [θ −1 ] [LT -2 ]

b5 c5 d5


Any two Pi-terms

6th semester BE (Mechanical Engineering)

School of Mechanical Engineering

Time: 75 Minutes Heat and Mass Transfer (15EMEC305) Max. Marks :40
Note :Answer any two full Questions Make-up ISA-II (4 May 2023)
Use of Heat and mass transfer data Handbook is permitted
Answer any two full question
1a “Heat transfer coefficients for natural convection are lower compared to values in forced mode”
Justify the statement with illustrations on buoyancy effects during heat convection.
Ten kg of water at 80oC is mixed with another liquid (Cp =2.5 kJ/kgoC) at 40oC to attain
equilibrium temperature of 50oC for the mixture. Determine the mass of the liquid used in this
process, assuming a pure mixing without any chemical reaction happening.
What is critical Reynolds number for flow over a flat plate? What distance does the flow turn
turbulent in case of air motion over a flat plate at Tw =60oC and Tair=20oC?
1b Explain the term ‘local heat transfer coefficient’ for liquid flow over a flat plate.
An approximate velocity profile u(x,y) within boundary layer flow is given by
3 4
u ( x, y ) y  y   y  δ ( x) 5.85
=2 − 2  +  where = 1/ 2 10
u∞ δ ( x)  δ ( x)  δ ( x)  x Re x
Develop expression for local drag coefficient

2a Explain the process of heat exchanger fouling.

Estimate forced convection heat transfer coefficient for a horizontal fine wire of 4mm diameter
exposed to atmospheric air at 30oC, if wire surface is at 90oC. Also find maximum allowable 10
current intensity if the wire resistance is 10 ohm/m. Use correlation NuD =0.193 ReD0.618 Pr0.33
What is dimensional analysis? Explain the following terms- Nu, St, Ra
Water at 1.8 kg/s (Cp=4180 J/kg C) is heated from -20oC to 20oC using oil (Cp,oil= 2kJ/kg oC) at
specified flow rate that drops its temperature from 60oC to 40oC. Estimate counter-flow heat
exchanger area required for this arrangement that has U= 100W/m2oC. Compare the results if
parallel flow is adopted for the same heat transfer requirements.
3a The expression of thermal boundary layer in laminar region is given by
δ t ( x) 4.53
= 1/ 2 1/ 3 Estimate the thermal boundary layer thickness at L=0.8 m from leading edge
x Re x Pr
of a flat plate for air flow at 40oC with velocity of 0.8 m/s when the plate is maintained at
temperature of 60oC. what is the corresponding thermal boundary layer thickness? 10

3b Define the terms hydrodynamic/thermal entry lengths. Relate Prandtl number to these values
Horizontal plate 80 cm long and 0.35 m wide, at 60o C has 20oC air flow at 1.5 m/s. How thick
are hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layers at 40 cm from leading edge? What drag force
acts on first half the plate length for cx=0.646 Rex -0.5 when fluid properties correspond to film
temperature? Apply Reynolds Colburn analogy to obtain convection heat transfer rate in this 10
School of Mechanical Engineering

6th semester BE (Mechanical Engineering)

Time: 75 Minutes Heat and Mass Transfer (15EMEC305) Max. Marks :40
Note :Answer any two full Questions Make-up ISA-II (4 May 2023)
Use of Heat and mass transfer data Handbook is permitted
Scheme and Solutions
1a “Heat transfer coefficients for natural convection are lower compared to values in forced mode”
Brief explanation on the statement indicating buoyancy effects to be less dominant over forced
motion of fluid particles.
Numerical Solution (Mixing of fluids)
Cpw=4180 j/kgoC; mw =10 kg; Tiw = 80oC;
Cpf =2.5 kJ/kgoC=2500 J/kgoC; mf=? ; Tif= 40oC
Temperature of mixture= Tfm=50 C; Mass of mixture=10+mf
Initial state: Qiw=mwCpw Tiw ; Qif= mfCpf Tif ;
Qiw=10(4180)(80)=3344x10 J ; Qif= mf(2500)(40); Initial state heat = 3344x103 +100x103 mf
3 2+6
Final state: Qfw= mwCpw Tfm Final state heat = 2090x103 +125x103 mf +2
; Qff= mfCpf Tfm ;
Nett heat is constant: 3344x10 +100x10 mf = 2090x103 +125x103 mf
3 3

1254x103 = 25x103 mf =50.16 kg

Brief explanation on Recr w.r.t transition flow over plant from laminar to turbulent state (5x105)
Properties of air at Tfilm =40oC; ϒ=16.96x10-6 m2/s
u × xcr u × xcr
Re cr = = 5 × 105 = ∴ xcr = 8.48 / u
γ 16.96 × 10 −6
1b Brief explanation on local drag coefficient
Explain the term ‘local heat transfer coefficient’ for liquid flow over a flat plate.
FD 1  ∂u(x, y)  1  ∂u(x, y) 
= ρ C x u ∞2 ; τ = µ  Equating ρ C x u ∞2 = µ  
A 2  ∂y  y=0 2  ∂y  y=0
2µ  ∂u(x, y)  2γ  ∂u(x, y) 
∴ Cx =  ∂y  = u 2  ∂y 
ρ u ∞2   y =0 ∞   y =0
2γ  ∂u(x, y)  ∂u(x, y)  2 2 1 3 2u∞ 2u∞ × Re1x/ 2
∴ Cx = ; = u − 3 y 2
+ 4 y = =
u ∞2  ∂y  y =0  δ ( x) δ 3 ( x) 

∂y  δ 4 ( x)  y =0 δ ( x ) 5.85 x
2γ 2u∞ × Re  2γ  2 × (u x × γ
1/ 2
1/ 2 1/ 2 −1 / 2
∴ Cx =  5.85 x  = u 
x ∞

u ∞2
  ∞  5.85 x 
2γ  2 
1/ 2
0.6837 0.6837
∴ C x = 1/ 2  1/ 2 
= 1/ 2 1/ 2 −1/ 2 =
u ∞  5.85 x  u ∞ x γ Re1x/ 2

2a Brief explanation on heat exchanger fouling (Rfi and Rfo) due to depositions on heat exchanger
walls leading to reduction in overall heat transfer coefficients. 3+7
School of Mechanical Engineering

Numerical Solution:( thin wire forced convection heat transfer)

Given data: D=4mm Tair =30oC; Twall = 90oC; NuD =0.193 ReD0.618 Pr0.33
Tfilm =60oC
Fluid properties at 60oC: KV=18.97x10-6 m2/s; Pr=0.696; k=0.02896 W/mK
uD u × 0.004
Re D = = = 210.859u
γ 18.97 × 10−6
NuD = 0.193 (210.859u ) 0.618 Pr 0.33 NuD = 0.193 (210.859u ) 0.618 Pr 0.33 = 4.6756u 0.618
hD Nu D k 4.6756 × u 0.618 × 0.02896
NuD = ; ∴h = = = 33.85u 0.618 W/m2oC
k D 0.004
Q=hA(Tw-Tair) =33.85u0.618x(3.141x0.004x1)(90-30) =25.5222 u0.618 W
Equating heat generation to heat loss
Q 25.5222u 0.618
Q=I2R I = = = 1.5975 × u 0.309
R 10
Taking u=1 m/s: ReD=210.859; NuD =4.6756 ; h=33.85 W/m2oC; Q=25.5222 W ; I=1.5975 A

2b Brief explanation on dimensional analysis: LMT….

Brief explanation on : Nu=hL /k ; St= Nu/Re Pr; Ra= Gr Pr
Numerical Solution: (Shell and tube HE)
mw=1.8 kg/s; Cpw=4180 J/kg C ; Tci = -20oC Tco = 20oC
moil=? ; Cp, oil=2000 J/kg C ; Thi = 60oC Tco = 40oC; U= 100W/m2oC.
Assuming water to contain anti-freezing additive to retain its liquid state at sub-zero temperature
Qc = mc C pc (Tco − Tci ) = 1.8 × 4180 × (20 − (−20) ) = 300960 W
Counter flow arrangement:
ΔTi =Thi -Tco =60-20= 40oC ; ΔTo =Tho -Tci =40-(-20)= 60oC
(LMTD)CF= (ΔTi- ΔTo) / Ln(ΔTi / ΔTo )= 49.32oC
Q 300960
Q = UA( LMTD )CF ∴ A = = = 61.021m 2
U(LMTD)CF 100 × 49.32
Parallel flow arrangement:
ΔTi =Thi -Tci =60-(-20)= 80oC ; ΔTo =Tho -Tco =40-(20)= 20oC
(LMTD)PF= (ΔTi- ΔTo) / Ln(ΔTi / ΔTo )= 43.28oC 2+3
Q 300960 +5
Q = UA( LMTD )CF ∴ A = = = 69.53m 2
U(LMTD)CF 100 × 43.28
PF HE requires higher heat transfer area by 13.94%

Numerical solution: (Boundary layer formation)
School of Mechanical Engineering

Given: Tair = 40oC; Tw =60oC; Tfilm =50oC

Properties of air at 50oC: KV=17.95x10-6 m2/s; Pr=0.698 ; 4+6
δ ( x) 4.53 ux 0.8 × 0.8
x=0.8 m; u=0.8 m/s ; t = 1/ 2 1/ 3 Re x = = = 35654.59
x Re x Pr γ 17.95 × 10 −6
4.53 x 4.53 × 0.8
∴δ t ( x) = = = 0.02163m
1/ 2
Re x Pr 1/ 3
35654.590.5 × 0.6981/ 3
∴δ t ( x) = δ h ( x) Pr −0.333 ∴δ h ( x) = δ t ( x) Pr 0.333 = 0.02163 × 0.6980.333 = 0.0191m

3b Brief explanation on hydrodynamic entry length(Le) and Thermal entry length (Lt)
Le =0.04D ReD ; Lt= 0.04DReD Pr Therefore Pr= Lt/ Le
Numerical solution :
Given : L=0.8 m ; W=0.35 m ; Tw =60oC; Tair= 20oC ; u=1.5 m/s ;
x= 0.4 m ; Tfilm=40oC
Properties of air : KV=16.96 x 10-6m2/s ; Pr=0.699; ρ=1.128 kg/m3; k=0.02756 W/mK
Re0.4=(0.4x1.5)/ 16.96 x 10-6 =0.3537x105
δ h ( x) = 5 x Re −x 0.5 ; δ T ( x) = δ h ( x) Pr −0.333
δ h ( x) = 5(0.4)(0.3537 × 105 ) -0.5 = 0.0106m ; δ T ( x) = 0.0106(0.699) −0.333 = 0.01197 m
Drag force calculation:1st half of plate length Lcal=L/2 =0.4 Re0.4=0.3537x105
cx=0.646 Rex -0.5 CfL =2 Cx at x=L ; C fL = 1.292 Re −L0.5 = 0.006869
FD = 0.5 × ρ × (0.4 × 0.35) × u 2 × C fL = 0.5 × 1.128 × (0.4 × 0.35) × 1.52 × 0.006869 = 0.001220 N
Reynolds Colburn Analogy to obtain Q: 3+3+4
Nu 0.006869
St Pr 2/3 = Cm / 2 ; St = ; ∴ St = = 0.004359
Re Pr 2 × (0.699) 2/3
Nu Nu
St = ; 0.004359 = ; ∴ Nu = 107.77
Re Pr 35370 × (0.699)
hL Nu × k 107.77 × 0.02756
Nu = ; ∴h = = = 7.4253 W / m 2 K
k L 0.4
Q=hA(Tw-Tair)= 7.4253x(0.4x0.35)x40=41.5816 W

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