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SCHOOL YEAR 2020 – 2021


Subject: English Class: 3rd BGU “A”
Teacher: Alejandra Duarte Date: 01 /06 / 2021
This is an essay to evaluate your knowledge and abilities. Work very attentively so you can perform it in the best way
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Happy writing.

1. TOPIC: College Admission Essay

TITLE: A bright future

One of the most important people and whom I admire a lot is my mother, since she has been a great
example to follow for me, she has shown me that the only way to become a prestigious person is by
studying and striving every day for fulfill my goals and dreams, I have witnessed every effort that my
mother has made for our family and that has motivated me a lot to want to be someone who contributes
something good to society and above all to be an example for my family.

In my point of view I think that standardized tests to a great extent do really reveal the knowledge of
each of us as students, since that is where they put all our knowledge to the test, therefore I do not think
that these tests cannot verify the knowledge acquired from a student, there is a great variety of people
who think that tests do not measure our knowledge but they do, or that is what I think, since when they
evaluate us as students we show whether or not we have learned Something in all these years of study,
and it is at that moment that we realize the importance we have given to the school and to our future.

One of the people I most admire is Oprah Winfrey, since she is a woman who despite being born in a
poor community and having suffered sexual abuse as a child, that did not prevent her from becoming a
successful woman, which today largely of her fortune goes to various charities, which I find incredible to
see how not only is she a successful woman, but she is also a woman with a big heart and kindness. This
has shown me that we can all overcome a losing streak or a dark start, go beyond our circumstances, and
achieve success.

What I could say from my experience in school is that as a student, one comes to love very much what
we consider our second family, which are our teachers and classmates, since we spend a lot of time
together and it is inevitable not to love those people who Before they were unknown and today, they
are considered my family. There are moments that we can never forget, be they good or bad, they also
teach us to fight for our dreams of becoming prestigious professionals, I learned that the most important
thing in the life of a teenager is study and family, since with both we can have a happy life. My time at
school made me change my way of thinking about life a lot, because that is when you realize how difficult
the world is outside of school and our home, the great responsibilities that we are going to face. have as
adults and the values that we must never forget to be honorable citizens.

In conclusion I think that we should not give up no matter how bad things have happened to us so to
speak, but on the contrary that should help us to be stronger and fight for our dreams, and be able to
achieve success and become people of prestige and with great values.

We must strive doubly to be able to achieve success, irresponsibility will only lead us to be people who
have nothing in life of which they can be proud, so we must bear in mind that responsibility and
commitment to ourselves is very important to have a bright future.

• Prestige: Good reputation or good opinion that a community forms about a person or a thing.
• Honorability: Quality of the person or thing that has a good opinion and deserves respect from
• Standards: Specifications about how a certain task or function should be developed and are
based on agreements between one or more entities or a certain group of people.
• Experience: Knowledge of something, or the ability to do so, that is acquired by having done,
lived, felt or suffered it one or more times.
• Inevitable: That cannot be avoided.



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