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Ini adalah 44 Soalan Interview lengkap mengikut susunan yang biasa saya / HR akan tanya dalam

satu interview. Biasa saya akan tanya kesemua soalan ni, ada 6 part kesemuanya.

PART 1: Kita akan mulakan dengan soalan basic

1) Tell me about yourself.
2) Why do you want this job?
3) What is your biggest strength?
4) What is your biggest weakness?
5) What skills do you have that differentiate you from other candidates?
6) What do you know about this company?
7) What are your salary expectations?

PART 2: Kemudian pasal pengalaman kerja

8) What duties did you perform at your previous job?
9) Why did you leave your previous job?
10) What kind of education do you have?
11) What training or credentials do you have that are relevant to this role?
12) Tell me about your proudest professional achievement.
13) Describe your ideal work environment.

PART 3: Dah habis tu, kita masuk ke pada Personality

14) Do you prefer working independently or with others?
15) Describe your communication style.
16) How would others describe your work ethic?
17) How do you manage stress on the job?
18) How important is feedback to your work performance?
19) Describe how you maintain a work-life balance.
20) How would you feel about working with someone with less experience than you?

PART 4: Kemudian kita masuk soalan susah sikit

21) If you were the CEO of this company, what changes would you make?
22) How do you think this industry will look in five years?
23) What is the most significant issue affecting our industry?
24) How do you stay aware of the industry's latest news?
25) If you were hiring someone for this role, what traits would you look for in a candidate?
26) What tools or technology are most important to this industry?

PART 5: Lepastu kita masuk soalan menjurus kepada pengai/behavior korang

27) Tell me about a time when you disagreed with your supervisor.
28) Give an example that demonstrates how you manage multiple responsibilities at once.
29) What do you do if the workday ends before you finish all your assigned tasks?
30) Describe a situation where you worked with a coworker whose personality differed from yours.
31) What would you do if a team member wasn't communicating with you?
32) Tell me about a time when you interacted with an angry client.
33) What do you do when a team member doesn't complete their assigned tasks?
34) What would you do if you noticed a mistake that no one else noticed?

PART 6: Habis je dari tu, kita masuk soalan paling ramai gagal.
35) Why should I hire you?
36) What is one thing about yourself that you don't want me to know?
37) If you could start your career over again, what would you do differently?
38) What does success mean to you?
39) What tasks do you not enjoy doing?
40) Tell me about a time when you made a mistake.
41) How do you manage conflict in the workplace?
42) What is one thing that you didn't like about your previous job?
43) Do you think you're overqualified for this position?
44) Where else are you interviewing?

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