Grade 10 Comparison Essay Practice

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Page 1 Name_______________________

Grade 10 Comparison Essay Practice

January 13th 2021

You will have a total of 50 minutes to answer ONE of the following questions. (15 Marks)

1. Compare and contrast the roles of both Russia and Canada regarding allied victory in
World War II.

2. Compare and contrast causes of World War I with the causes of World War II.

Do not forget to indicate which question you are answering.

Your first task is to make a list of the similarities and differences between your

Similarities Differences

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Once you have listed similarities and differences, decide whether the similarities on the whole
outweigh the differences or vice versa. Create a thesis statement that reflects their relative
weights. A more complex thesis will usually include both similarities and differences.


Now that we have a thesis we will be utilizing the integrated structure method of comparative
essay writing. This will require you to pick three topics that you would like to cover in your
body paragraphs. you will need to discuss both the similarities and differences of these topics
in each body paragraph.

Topic 1

Similarities Differences

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Topic 2

Similarities Differences

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Topic 3

Similarities Differences

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Introduction Paragraph
Brevity is a crucial skill when performing well on essay tests. I would like you to have the
ability to write your introduction paragraphs as quickly as possible. Try to include no more
than one sentence in the following boxes.

Hook statement/ Intro


State your thesis

List the proof you'll be


Conclusion sentence.

Body Paragraph 1
There will be no such sentence limitation for your body paragraphs. Though brevity is still
crucially important. do not waste your time with flowery language or repeating yourself.
simply say what you need to say as quickly as possible. Make sure that you were including
discussion of both of your Wars/Authoritarians. (You may change the order of your similarities
and differences based on your thesis)

Intro sentence

Topic 1
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Topic 1


Body Paragraph 2
Intro sentence

Topic 1

Topic 1


Body Paragraph 3
Intro sentence

Topic 1

Topic 1


Conclusion Paragraph
This should look extremely similar to your introductory paragraph. The only difference being
your introductory and your conclusion sentence.

Intro sentence

State your thesis

List the proof you'll be


Conclusion sentence/
Exit Statement.

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