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Construct a survey instrument that can be used to describe the attributes of teachers at your school. Make sure that it

includes all levels of measurement.

The instrument should contain:

A. At least 10 questions and

B. All levels of measurement

Work should be word processed (MS word). Submit your work through our Google Classroom class.

Conflict Management Formative Questionnaire

Please CHECK ONE response that best describes you. Be honest, since the information will be used to help you become a less
conflict person. There are no right or wrong answers!

Not Very Like Me Very Like Me

1 2 3 4 5
1. I can think of several different ways to deal
with a disagreement.
2. I respond to different disagreement differently.
3. The ways I try to resolve conflict usually work
for me.
4. When someone is upset with me, I try to find
out why.
5. I try to find win-win solutions to disagreements.
6. When someone is upset with me, I try to find
out why.
7. Whe I disagree with someone, I defend my
Position but I don’t put the other person
down in the process.
8. I try to win every argument, even if I lose
friends over it.
9. When I’m mad at a colleague, I avoid talking
to him or her.
10. During a disagreement, I try to find a compromise.

Submitted by,

Razel Jane A. Guido

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