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Waste Management 33 (2013) 2416–2424

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Optimising energy recovery and use of chemicals, resources and

materials in modern waste-to-energy plants
J. De Greef a, K. Villani a, J. Goethals a, H. Van Belle a, J. Van Caneghem b,c,⇑, C. Vandecasteele b
Keppel Seghers, Center of Excellence, Hoofd 1, B-2830 Willebroek, Belgium
University of Leuven, Department of Chemical Engineering, ProcESS (Process Engineering for Sustainable Systems) Division, Willem De Croylaan 46, 3001 Leuven, Belgium
Group T Leuven Engineering College, Association of the University of Leuven, Andreas Vesaliusstraat 13, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Due to ongoing developments in the EU waste policy, Waste-to-Energy (WtE) plants are to be optimized
Received 19 February 2013 beyond current acceptance levels. In this paper, a non-exhaustive overview of advanced technical
Accepted 28 May 2013 improvements is presented and illustrated with facts and figures from state-of-the-art combustion plants
Available online 27 June 2013
for municipal solid waste (MSW). Some of the data included originate from regular WtE plant operation –
before and after optimisation – as well as from defined plant-scale research. Aspects of energy efficiency
Keywords: and (re-)use of chemicals, resources and materials are discussed and support, in light of best available
techniques (BAT), the idea that WtE plant performance still can be improved significantly, without direct
need for expensive techniques, tools or re-design. In first instance, diagnostic skills and a thorough under-
Boiler corrosion standing of processes and operations allow for reclaiming the silent optimisation potential.
Solidification Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ery and energy production beyond current acceptance. In this pa-
per, experiences in the optimisation of state-of-the-art MSW
The thermal valorisation of municipal solid waste (MSW) is combustion are shared. Figures presented here originate either
subject to inherent limitations. Firstly, the physical appearance from WtE plant data logging or from dedicated plant-scale research
and the chemical composition of MSW impede a cost-effective initiatives. Such information appears to be lacking in scientific lit-
and high-grade recovery of the lower heating value (LHV) con- erature. A well-documented feedback from industrial WtE practice
tained by the waste. Secondly, strict regulations with regard to is however important for further technological development of
emissions and residue disposal tend to drive plant operators to- WtE because many plant-scale aspects cannot be studied in a lab-
wards steady operational margins. For example, pollution abate- oratory environment. On the other hand, a waste combustion
ment chemicals are often dosed in higher amounts than strictly plant’s operation is typically governed by economical drivers,
required, in order not to exceed the legal emission limit values which is often not in favour of steady conditions required for
(ELV). Finally, where net profit generation is statutory not required experimenting. Therefore it is not evident to perform WtE research
– i.e. when the treatment of MSW is directly undertaken by an offi- and dedicated process data analysis on the industrial scale.
cial authority or government Waste-to-Energy (WtE) plant opera- The following topics are discussed:
tion is merely optimised to remain within acceptable budget,
even if more advantageous operation is technically feasible. In  Impact of process stability on WtE plant performance.
the end, for a number of reasons, WtE plants are usually kept from  Consumption of NH3-based reagent for non-catalytic NOx
attaining high chemical and energetic efficiency levels. reduction.
In light of recent developments in the EU waste policy, it is ex-  Early-stage assessment of boiler corrosion through chemical
pected that an increased number of plant operators will optimise analysis of boiler ash.
their processes of waste combustion, flue gas cleaning, heat recov-  Increase of heat recovery at the low-temperature end of WtE
 Potential of residue recycling in dry lime (Ca(OH)2) based flue
⇑ Corresponding author at: University of Leuven, Department of Chemical gas scrubbing.
Engineering, ProcESS (Process Engineering for Sustainable Systems) Division,  Self-cementing behaviour of boiler/fly ash and APC residue in
Willem De Croylaan 46, 3001 Leuven, Belgium. Tel.: +32 16322353. solidification/stabilisation.
E-mail address: (J. Van Caneghem).

0956-053X/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. De Greef et al. / Waste Management 33 (2013) 2416–2424 2417

per unit of NOx extra removed below 200 mg m3 and that therefore
2. Issues in waste-to-energy plants
SNCR is to be preferred if possible.
To date, a limited number of WtE-plants feature a high-dust SCR
2.1. Process stability
system upstream of the flue gas cleaning. Such system is com-
monly positioned in or right behind the boiler and is operated at
Maintaining process stability is a challenge for combustion of
higher temperature than a conventional SCR system. High-dust
household waste. Firstly, the average physical appearance and
SCR allows for a simpler and more compact NOx removal and is
chemical composition of MSW change throughout the year. For
energetically more advantageous compared to conventional SCR.
example, seasonal changes, and the occurrence of holiday periods
However, these plant references are all of recent date and typically
and weekends have a direct impact on both the amount and the
subsidised for purpose of research and development. First experi-
LHV of the waste as delivered to a WtE plant. Secondly, the inho-
ences (in e.g. Brescia WtE plant, Italy) confirm high rate of clogging
mogeneous nature of MSW at any time causes instant disturbances
and attrition of the catalytic units, as can be expected due to the
during the combustion process. As a result, the steam production
high dust load. Whereas catalysts in a conventional SCR system
baseline (i.e. the average steam flow) of a WtE boiler exhibits a
can be used for more than 10 years, in a high-dust SCR system, a
fluctuating pattern over the longer term, with (superposed)
partial catalyst replacement appears to be required already after
short-term fluctuations. Moreover, as for any other large industrial
2 years of operation. Hence, maintenance costs are significantly
system or process, the delaying behaviour of a boiler gives rise to
higher. Overall, high-dust SCR is still far from being a mainstream
intrinsic over- and undershoots on the steam curve. Whereas the
application in the WtE industry, and more time is required to eval-
latter is commonly tackled by means of conventional PID (Propor-
uate its techno-economical value waste combustion plants.
tional–Integral–Differential) control on the boiler as such, other
In new WtE plants a tendency exists to adopt conventional SCR
(waste-induced) effects are to be stabilised by the main control
as soon as emission values are significantly lower than 200 mg m3
system of the combustion. In this regard, it is worth referring to
are to be established. In existing WtE plants then again, SNCR sys-
a survey by El Asri and Baxter (2004), very concisely explaining
tems are often not well tuned to their technical capacity. To the
WtE plant control principles.
authors’ opinion, the intrinsic potential of SNCR technology for
For a WtE plant in operation, the variation in the steam flow
application in WtE is not yet clear. Conditions of injection, mixing,
from the boiler must be kept within a range acceptable for the
mass transfer (liquid–gas) as well as physical properties of the flue
steam turbine. The highest electricity output is obviously obtained
gas in the zone of NOx reduction are critical for the effectiveness of
when the steam production baseline is on average at the highest
the NH3-reagent. Case studies by Villani et al. (2012) indicate that
level allowed for by design. However, when short-term fluctua-
there is still major room for improvement of SNCR systems in WtE
tions are steadily beyond tolerance, the average steam production
(and hence the waste throughput) needs to be reduced to avoid
wear of the turbine. Good stability of the boiler steam produced
2.3. Corrosion assessment
(and so of the combustion process) is hence required to maximise
the annual waste throughput and energy production.
Corrosion of boiler superheaters is well-recognized and causes a
significant maintenance cost in existing WtE plants. The key ele-
2.2. Selective NonCatalytic Reduction (SNCR) ments in the corrosion are identified as chlorine and sulphur,
which are present in MSW in higher doses than in other solid fuels.
To date, WtE is already subjected to the lowest ELV amongst all Moreover, for MSW the Cl/S-ratio exceeds 2, i.e. the inverse of most
NOx emitting power industries within the EU (European parlia- fossil fuels for power plants (Born, 2005). Cl and S together repre-
ment and council, 2010). Nevertheless, the ELV of 200 mg m3,1 sent less than 1 wt% in MSW. Both elements form however highly
is currently under political pressure and in a number of EU countries volatile compounds and are to a large extent transferred into the
(e.g. Sweden, Austria, the Netherlands, Flanders/Belgium, Bavaria/ flue gas during combustion at a temperature typically above
Germany), more stringent emission limits are already applied. They 1000 °C, transfer coefficients for Cl and S being around 90% and
are either imposed explicitly by local law or established implicitly 80% respectively (Belevi, 2000). As a result, concentrations in the
(i.e. case-by-case) through environmental permitting or financial raw flue gas are typically 800–1200 mg m3 for HCl and 100–
incentives such as NOx tax/bonus policy. 300 mg m3 for SOx.
NOx, i.e. the sum of NO and NO2, is a by-product of combustion. About15% of the SOx is rapidly captured during early cool-down
In well-controlled combustion chambers, less NOx is formed, but in solid salt deposits (on fly ash particles and boiler walls in the
the formation of NOx cannot be totally avoided. It is therefore re- post-combustion zone). The chlorine however remains for a longer
quired to add an NH3-based reduction step to a MSW combustor time in the flue gas, either as gaseous Cl2/HCl or as Na/K-chlorides,
line in order to meet the daily ELV of 200 mg m3. Both Selective that deposit at temperatures lower than 700 °C. As the gaseous Cl2/
Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) as well as Selective Catalytic HCl arrives at the superheater section downstream, corrosion is
Reduction (SCR) are effective and chemically well-understood triggered if the flue gas temperature still exceeds 650 °C and if
techniques. Due to the presence of a catalyst, SCR allows for a high the superheater surface is at a contact temperature significantly
removal of NOx from the flue gas, even down to 30 mg m3. How- above 400 °C. If this situation persists for too long time, a liquid
ever, achieving such a low NOx emission is at the expense of a large phase containing alkaline Na/K-chlorides, will emerge on the cor-
investment cost (i.e. about tenfold of SNCR) and a high CO2 equiv- roding surface. Finally, SO2 3 =SO4
ions also dissolve from ash
alent contribution. The latter is due to the production and mainte- deposits and will act as electrolytic amplifiers, boosting up the
nance of the catalyst, the rather high minimum operation speed of corrosion by at least one order of magnitude. In general,
temperature (>180 °C) and the input (or deviation) of energy/fuel an oxidative chlorine-induced multiple reaction scheme is agreed
required. Given the overall limited energetic output of WtE plants upon, although a number of unknowns is still remaining. For more
(compared to power plants), it was concluded by Beckmann et al. details on chemistry and mass transfer limitations, the reader is re-
(2009) that conventional SCR requires disproportionate efforts ferred to e.g. Lee et al. (2007) and Horn et al. (2008).
On-line cleaning systems are helpful to restrict fouling on
m3’’ refers to 1 m3 at a temperature of 273.15 K, a pressure of 101.3 kPa, after superheater parts (in the convective boiler zone downstream),
correction for the water vapour content and with an O2 content of 11%. but also on membrane walls (in the radiative boiler zone
2418 J. De Greef et al. / Waste Management 33 (2013) 2416–2424

upstream). By maintaining an adequate heat exchange during early ple and clean operation. Moreover, lime is abundant and can be
cool-down of the flue gas, the heat load and the temperature on the sourced on a competitive market at reasonable cost. Also the resi-
superheaters downstream is limited and corrosion can be pre- dues (i.e. the mix of boiler/fly ash and lime reaction products) are,
vented. Also inconel-type protection materials are widely used after appropriate treatment, accepted on hazardous landfills
for curing and preventing boilers from corrosion. However, the throughout the EU and abroad. These advantages turn dry lime-
cost-effectiveness of such materials on superheater surfaces in par- based scrubbing into an overall attractive process.
ticular is disputed as the material composition was originally On the other hand, dry flue gas scrubbers in WtE plants exhibit
developed for protection of evaporator surfaces (at lower temper- slow reactions, as a low temperature has an adverse effect on reac-
ature). Furthermore, a single material is often applied in different tion and diffusion kinetics in a solid-gas system. In order to assure
boilers with rather variable success as the method or procedure compliance with imposed ELV’s, more Ca(OH)2 has therefore to be
of surface coating is critical (Herzog and Metschke, 2009). Hence, added per unit of time, in overdose to the amount stoichiometri-
new-to-build WtE boilers can benefit more from an evolved cally required. The stoichiometric ratio of lime dosing is typically
know-how in thermal and geometric design, allowing for adequate higher than e.g. for a semi–wet process involving a Ca(OH)2-
(residence) time, temperature (gradients) and turbulence of the suspension or for a dry NaHCO3-based scrubbing. The overdosing
flue gas in different zones of the boiler (the ‘3T-theory’) (Albert, can however be strongly reduced by (partially) recycling the
1999). In this way, an optimal distribution of oxygen and temper- residue retained in the bag filter, which still contains a significant
ature is established, promoting sulphatisation of Na/K in the flue portion of unspent Ca(OH)2. Allowing it to react is then mainly a
gas. Alkaline sulphates deposit already in early stage in the boiler, matter of increased (residence) time in the flue gas cleaning
at high temperature, and thereby reduce the load of (detrimental) system.
alkaline chlorides in the flue gas downstream. A technological boi- The chemistry of reactions of Ca(OH)2 with HCl, HF and SOx are
ler feature such as the Prism is proven supportive in this regard in general well identified. From a historical viewpoint, desulfuriza-
(Adams and Périlleux, 2005). tion of flue gas with lime(stone) at high temperature (>800 °C) has
For the purpose of early detection, analysis and prediction of been extensively studied for the needs of coal power industry. For
corrosion in WtE boilers, electro-chemical probes and sensors have dry lime-based flue gas scrubbing in WtE plants, however, the is-
been developed, e.g. the heat flux sensor (Beckmann et al., 2007), sue is rather to obtain dechlorination at low temperature
the Corrmorran probe (Waldmann et al., 2010) and the KEMCOP (<200 °C). As explained in Section 2.3, the conditions in MSW-
(Zhan et al., 2010). However, a first-principles diagnosis might be originating flue gas are complex and indeed largely differ from
sufficient as a start to avoid costly equipment. Knowing that fly those obtained with other fuels. Moreover, the effects of
ash particles are carried over from the combustion chamber and competition between pollutant molecules on the kinetics of
are further formed on their track through the boiler, the composi- Ca(OH)2 reactions and on and transport phenomena are not yet
tion of samples from consecutive ash sampling gates is a (partial) well understood. Industrial flue gas cleaning practice is therefore
reflection of the chemical events taking place. A comparison with still highly empirical, so that systems in WtE industry are often
samples from other plants (with a known history) then yields early not operated at their intrinsic optimum.
indications on the occurrence of corrosion.
2.6. Ash and residue treatment
2.4. Low-temperature heat recovery
Most of the boiler/fly ash and APC-residue of modern MSW
The thermal efficiency of a WtE plant can be improved, amongst combustors does not meet the Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC)
other things, by increasing the heat recovery from the flue gas. In for hazardous waste landfills set by the European directive 1999/
this regard, it is common practice to include external economizers 31/EC and pursuant council decision 2003/33/EC. Primarily, the
or tail-end heat exchangers near the lower temperature end of the leaching of chlorides (Cl), sulphates (SO24 ) and lead (Pb) is too
WtE process. Damage due to acid dew point corrosion is however high (Amutha Rani et al., 2008). Hence, boiler/fly ash and APC-res-
to be avoided when cooling down an unscrubbed flue gas. Hence, idue have to undergo a dedicated treatment before final disposal
in order to remove HCl and SOx (partially) before the flue gas on a hazardous waste landfill. Solidification and stabilisation (S/
touches the low-temperature heat recovery units, the configura- S) with Portland cement as a binder is worldwide the most used
tion of the flue gas cleaning mostly ends up being complex and treatment method (Quina et al., 2008; Chen et al., 2009). When
expensive. boiler/fly ash and/or APC-residue are mixed with Portland cement
Still, lower limit temperatures of about 125 °C and 180 °C are and water is added, a hydration process is promoted, which is ex-
often imposed for boiler design, respectively on (incoming) boiler tremely complex, particularly due to the heavy metals present, of
feed water (BFW) and (outgoing) flue gas. Both plant-scale re- which the fate and role in the different S/S steps in not yet fully
search and operational experiences in several WtE plants however understood (Chen et al., 2009).
indicate that dew point corrosion in MSW-originating flue gas is Advantages of using cement for the final treatment of a WtE’s
triggered only far below these temperatures (Villani and De Greef, solid residues are that solidification and stabilisation are combined
2010). Obviously, the more heat is recovered from the flue gas in in one step, and that the cost is relatively low. Disadvantages are
the main boiler, the more straightforward the flue gas cleaning sys- the increase of mass of the final product and the environmental
tem can be kept. In such cases, integrated rather than external impact of the production of cement (mainly in terms of energy
economizers cool the flue gas down to as low as 140 °C. use and CO2 emission). A large quantity of cement – typically
350 kg/t of residue – is to be added in order to comply with the
2.5. Lime and residue in flue gas cleaning leaching standards (Dermatas and Meng, 2003; Quina et al.,
2008; Chen et al., 2009; European Commission, 2010). However,
At temperatures below 160 °C, HCl and SOx can be well removed as boiler/fly ash and APC-residues basically consist of the same
from MSW-originating flue gas using dry Ca(OH)2-based scrubbers. chemical compounds as Portland cement, i.e. CaO (40–50%), SiO2
Due to the low operation temperature, this allows maximum heat (10–20%) and Al2O3 (5–10%), they might possess pozzolanic/ce-
recovery before flue gas scrubbing (as briefly discussed in Sec- ment like properties and so the question can be raised whether
tion 2.4). Dry Ca(OH)2 does not require any pre-handling on-site the addition of cement is strictly required for the S/S of these
(like e.g. preparing a lime milk) and hence offers the benefit of sim- residues.
J. De Greef et al. / Waste Management 33 (2013) 2416–2424 2419

3. Results and discussion steam flow of about 39.2 ± 1.7 Mg h1 and a calculated LHV of
9.6 ± 1.0 MJ kg1 (defined as l0 ± 1r0). Three months later, after a
3.1. Process stability PID-tuning of the combustion control system, data on the same
combustion parameters were logged again in the same plant
A typical example of a ten day’s operation in a WtE plant is (Fig. 1b). For an identical average throughput of waste
shown in Fig. 1a. Data curves of three selected parameters were ex- (12.6 ± 0.7 Mg h1) with similar physico-chemical properties
tracted from the plant’s data logging system: waste throughput (LHV 9.6 ± 0.5 MJ kg1), the overall stability of combustion had
(lower curve), primary combustion air (PA, middle curve) and clearly improved, resulting in a smoother feeding of the waste
steam flow (upper curve). The waste throughput curve represents and a lower consumption of PA (27100 m3 h1). Fluctuations in
the flow of waste fed into the combustor (Mg h1), in response to steam production were now also reduced, i.e. from
the combustion control system. The flow (Mg h1) of steam r0  l1
0 6 4:4% down to r  l1 6 3:0% after optimisation. This
(400 °C at 40 bar pressure) can be considered as a measure for in turn allowed for raising the steam production set point with
the thermal energy effectively generated from the waste, since 1.2 Mg h1 (increase of 1.4%), resulting in 3.0% surplus of energy
the temperature and the pressure of the steam are set values given produced, calculated as ðl  l0 Þ  l1
0 . Moreover, from the reduc-
a tight combustion control, with unaltered setpoint for steam pro- tion in PA (7.5%), a 20% saving of electric power on the side of
duction, at a particular waste throughput, the PA flow (m3 h1) the PA air fans can be estimated (for air fans: power is proportional
then is regulated in reaction to LHV changes of the incoming waste. to flow3).
Hence, fluctuations in the PA are a representative measure for (in-
stant) change of the calorific input of the combustor. As the effec-
3.2. SNCR
tive steam output is separately tracked, it can be considered a
function of two independent variables i.e. the throughput and
A situation with deficient use of ammonia reductant in the WtE
the LHV of the waste.
boiler is illustrated in Fig. 2 (left side). About 45 kg h1 of the agent
In the initial situation (Fig. 1a), the waste throughput was
was injected with only moderate success. Although the NOx emis-
12.6 ± 1.2 Mg h1 on average, with about 29200 m3 h1 of PA, a
sion was below the ELV of 200 mg m3, the slip of unconsumed

Fig. 1. Process data from a WtE combustor: waste throughput (lower curves, ton h1), primary air (PA) flow (middle curves, 103 N m3 h1) and steam production (upper
curves, ton h1). For a similar waste input as before (a), the steam setpoint could be increased by 1.4% after an optimisation of combustion control (b).
2420 J. De Greef et al. / Waste Management 33 (2013) 2416–2424

ammonia at the stack was on average above 10 mg m3. The ammo- results of all ash samples, expressed in wt% on dry basis, are pre-
nia was injected with two lances only at one side of the first empty sented in Fig. 3 (a: first plant; b: second plant). In the second plant
boiler pass (in the post-combustion zone). When the ammonia fewer samples could be collected, due to less sampling ports being
dosage was diminished, the NOx emission almost immediately in- available or accessible. The results in the graphs shown in Fig. 3 are
creased. Despite the relatively small size of the boiler (27 MWth), it however aligned according to similarity in sampling location (x-
was clear that the coverage of the boiler’s cross-section obtained axis).
by the SNCR was sub-optimal. It appears that the chemical composition of ash samples for
Two injection lances were added on the opposite wall at the similar positions strongly differs between the two boilers. The first
same height to achieve a better distribution of the ammonia, and boiler (a) is designed and maintained such that heat exchange pat-
the SNCR system was tuned to the new situation. It can be seen terns and temperature profiles are established as was expected by
from Fig. 2 (right side) that finally the ammonia slip was reduced design. Hence, a conventional pattern in ash composition is ob-
to well below 10 mg m3. To obtain a similar NOx emission tained including 50–75% Si-, Ca-, Mg- and Al-oxides for all samples.
(180 mg m3), the ammonia consumption was now 20% less. The collection of chlorides and sulphates is about similar along the
Clearly, the distribution (and the uptake) of ammonia in the flue entire length of the boiler (610%), with exception of the third
gas had been limiting the chemical efficiency of the SNCR. superheater (‘‘EVA1 + SH3’’) position, where this concentration in-
creases to 25%. Since this is the hottest boiler part, some fouling
3.3. Corrosion assessment commonly occurs by desublimation of elements from the flue gas
directly onto the superheater surface. The slightly higher content
Two horizontal-type boilers in different WtE plants are com- of Na, K, chloride and sulphate at the position of ‘‘EVA1 + SH3’’
pared. In both installations, mixed MSW is combusted with LHV’s can then be explained by bits of the fouling, removed from the
of about 9.5 MJ kg1 and 7.5 MJ kg1, respectively. The waste input superheater surface by the cleaning system, that are collected to-
of both plants is nevertheless considered comparable for the actual gether with boiler ash particles, dropping out from the flue gas
purpose, as no significant difference appears in the composition of stream. A value of 25% for the sum of chloride and sulphate is a
the inorganic fraction of the waste (figures not included here). Me- rather high value already, but is perhaps due to little reserve in
tal elements and chlorine in the flue gas originate predominantly thermal design of the boiler. In this plant, it has been noticed that
from the inorganic fraction in the waste (Niessen, 1995). The dif- the flue gas temperature indeed locally approaches 650 °C, i.e.
ference in LHV is due to a larger fraction of organic waste and inert about the upper limit for a corrosion-free operation. Nevertheless,
materials in the MSW fed to the second boiler. While the high a common distribution of the temperature and chemical elements
water content in organic waste causes an evaporation enthalpy is still obtained throughout the boiler and no major corrosion
loss during combustion, the inert materials obviously release nei- occurs.
ther heat nor chemical elements. Notwithstanding the resulting In the second boiler (b) on the contrary, the overall amount of
difference in (adiabatic) furnace temperature between the two inorganic oxides is very low, i.e. on average <50%. At ‘‘top pass
plants (1150 °C and 1000 °C, respectively), volatilisation tempera- 1’’, the deposit on the boiler walls contains little Na and K
tures are exceeded for all considered chemical elements, such that (<10%), whereas in the superheater zone these elements are found
partitioning equilibriums can be regarded well established in both in very high amounts (up to more than 80%). It indicates an ineffec-
cases. tive sulphatisation of alkalines (explained in Section 2.3): too little
All ash ports below the vertical and horizontal passes were in the post-combustion zone and too much downstream. Nonethe-
sampled on the two different WtE-boilers. The chemical analysis less, given the relatively high organic fraction in the waste, sulphur

Fig. 2. Impact of SNCR remediation: ammonia slip (lower curve, right Y-axis) and consumption (middle curve, right Y-axis) for a similar NOx emission (upper curve, left X-
axis). The difference was established by adding two injection lances. While the unreacted ammonia is now reduced to about 5 mg m3, the overall consumption of ammonia is
20% less.
J. De Greef et al. / Waste Management 33 (2013) 2416–2424 2421

100% 100%

80% 80%

60% 60%


(a) (b)





























SiO2 CaO MgO Al2O3 TiO2 Cr2O3 Fe2O3 MnO P2O5 Na2O SiO2 CaO MgO Al2O3 TiO2 Cr2O3 Fe2O3 MnO P2O5 Na2O
K2O SO3 CuO NiO V2O5 PbO ZnO Cl Sr+Ba K2O SO3 CuO NiO V2O5 PbO ZnO Cl Sr+Ba

Fig. 3. Chemical composition of boiler ash sampled in two different WtE plants (a and b). The sampling position is indicated on the horizontal axis. (‘‘Pass 1’’, ‘‘Pass 2’’ and
‘‘Pass 3’’ are vertical boiler passes; ‘‘SH’’ = superheater; ‘‘EVA’’ = evaporator; ‘‘ECO’’ = economiser).

should be sufficiently available in the flue gas (Niessen, 1995), and 107%
is therefore not considered the limiting factor for sulphatisation. 106%
At the time of sampling, the flue gas around the superheaters 105%
104% A
was however found to have a temperature of 650–700 °C, whereas Relative 103%
in the lab a sintering temperature below 600 °C was measured for Electrical 102%
the corresponding ash samples (‘‘Pass 3’’, ‘‘EVA2 + SH3’’ and Efficiency 101%
‘‘SH2’’). It is known that fly ash particles with a relative composi-
tion as in Fig. 3b are still sticky under these temperature conditions 98%
and thus contribute to a rapid build-up of fouling on the super- 97%
heater tubes. Severe corrosion was indeed also reported after some 96%
time. It became clear that a combination of inadequate thermal de- 135


sign and insufficient boiler cleaning obstructed the heat exchange 115 FG temp

BFW temp (°C) 105
between flue gas and water/steam in the boiler. (°C)

Fig. 4. Relative (gross) electricity yield for different combinations of boiler feed
3.4. Low-temperature heat recovery
water and flue gas temperatures at the exit of a WtE boiler. A strong reduction of
the design flue gas temperature (A) requires an (economical) correction in feed
Simulations were made with CycleTempoÒ modeling software water temperature (B). Nevertheless, a significant efficiency gain of >4% can be
(developed by TU Delft, the Netherlands) on a simple Rankine cycle obtained by adapting the outlet temperature conditions.
containing boiler, turbine, condenser, condensate preheating and
de-aerators as main parts. Input parameters for the thermody-
A downward correction in BFW temperature (movement direction
namic model were taken from heat and mass balance calculations
‘‘B’’ in Fig. 4) is necessary to restore a reasonable economiser size.
for a steam boiler (52 bar, 400 °C superheating) fired with waste of
Although a part of the (theoretical) gain has to be given up, a sig-
13 MJ kg1. The exercise was repeated several times combining dif-
nificant gain in the order of 5.5% (125 °C BFW) and 4% (105 °C
ferent boiler feed water (BFW) inlet and flue gas outlet tempera-
BFW) is still possible when extending the lower temperature sec-
tures. To establish a clear comparison, all steam is converted into
tion of the boiler. This result illustrates that a compact boiler, fea-
electricity such that the electricity output at the turbine is a
turing reduced design temperatures for the outgoing flue gas as
straightforward indicator for the steam flow produced by the boi-
well as the incoming boiler feed water, can be an energetically
ler. In Fig. 4 the electricity yield is presented on a comparative
interesting option for WtE plants.
scale. Other process and steam cycle parameters were kept identi-
cal for the different cases.
The reference case (100%) is a typical combination of tempera- 3.5. Lime and residue in flue gas cleaning
tures one would encounter in older WtE-plants with a semi-dry
flue gas cleaning (210 °C FG vs. 135 °C BFW). When lowering the The flue gas cleaning system of Grundon’s medical waste incin-
flue gas temperature (movement direction ‘‘A’’ in Fig. 4) to a typical erator in Lakeside (UK), where a test campaign was performed,
combination for a bicarbonate system (at 175 °C), a relative in- consists of two consecutive stages (Fig. 5). Each stage comprises
crease of electrical efficiency of more than 3% can be achieved. A a tower with venturi section and a fabric filter unit. Hydrated lime
dry lime-based system (at 145 °C) even allows for 6% of efficiency is injected at the bottom of the tower, which acts as an entrained
increase. This is however a theoretical result, since a DT of 10 °C plug flow reactor. Reacted lime and fly ash particles are then
between boiler feed water and flue gas would require an unaccept- trapped on filter bags and regularly purged off as residue. This
ably expensive boiler design with a very large economiser section. mixture is collected in the buffer under the bag filter and then
2422 J. De Greef et al. / Waste Management 33 (2013) 2416–2424

re-injected as recyclate in the tower reactor. The flow of recyclate

can be adapted; a purged amount is permanently removed from
the system as residue for disposal.
For modest pollutant levels, the double-staged plant configura-
tion allows for operation on the second stage while experiments
are done on the first stage, without the risk of exceeding the ELV’s.
Inlet values of HCl and SOx are measured upstream of the first stage
and emissions are monitored with an accredited continuous emis-
sion monitoring system (CEMS) at the stack. For the purpose of the
test, a portable CEMS was temporarily installed between the two
stages of the system, in order to observe the first stage only. Sam-
ples were also taken regularly from the recyclate buffer and sent to
a lab for chemical analysis (Fig. 6).
Within the scope of this paper only the study of recyclate buffer
capacity is highlighted, although different features of the system
were studied. The curves in Fig. 7 below are produced from inlet
and outlet emission values for HCl and SOx of the first stage. The
removal percentage plotted, is calculated as the concentration dif- Fig. 6. Content of unreacted lime (Ca(OH)2), Cl and S in samples of the recycled
ference (out minus in), divided by the inlet concentration, at a gi-
ven time. Before the test, it was ensured that the buffer was
replenished (dosing of fresh Ca(OH)2 at stoichiometric ratio of
2.5 for about one day). For the test itself, the supply of fresh lime
was ceased and the recycling was set to full speed, leaving the 98%
recyclate buffer saturating for 9 h. During this period, no excep- 96%
tional inlet pollutant values occurred, i.e. the inlet concentrations
varied within a range (defined as l ± 1r) of 997 ± 365 mg m3 for
HCl and 204 ± 120 mg m3 for SOx. The test was repeated two days 92%

later, with slightly different inlet conditions: 1080 ± 470 mg m3 for 90%
HCl and 270 ± 156 mg m3 for SOx. In between both tests, fresh lime
was added with a stoichiometric ratio of about 1. Hence, the recyc-
late buffer was not replenished and kept (on average) in a condi- 86%
tion where it was left at the end of the first test. The second test 84%
was therefore considered as the continuation of the first, with re-
82% HCl
gard to unreacted Ca(OH)2 content of the recyclate. Intermediate
residue analysis justified this approach (Fig. 6). 80%
0:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00
Starting with a fresh buffer (test 1), analysis of Fig. 7 shows that
the removal of HCl remains almost at maximum (99–97%), while
SOx removal drops from 95% down to about 80%, i.e. only 1.4% loss Buffer Test 1 Buffer Test 2

in removal per hour. When starting off with the non-replenished

buffer (test 2), the removal of both HCl and SOx decreases much 100%
more rapidly, as expected. At the end of the second test, the re- 90%
moval of SOx had dropped to about 15%. The SOx emission at the
stack never exceeded the ELV of 50 mg/m3, because SOx was fur- 80%
ther removed in the second stage of the system. 70%

3.6. Ash and residue treatment 50%

Boiler ash and (CaO-based) APC residue were sampled from a
MSW-fired WtE plant, where S/S is currently accomplished on-site 30%
Ca(OH)2 Activated
Carbon 10% SO2
0:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00
Flue Gas hours
Buffer Test 1 Buffer Test 2

Fig. 7. Potential of a residue buffer in a dry Ca(OH)2-based flue gas cleaning system.
Fresh lime supply to the system was stopped and only residue was internally
recycled for up to 9 h. The removal efficiency of HCl remains high (90%). The
Recycling Recycling removal efficiency of SOx drops more rapidly, but still ends up at 30% after a long
Flue Gas & Buffer & Buffer depletion.

Fig. 5. A double-staged, dry Ca(OH)2-based flue gas cleaning system (Grundon’s

medical waste incinerator, Lakeside, UK). Due to back-up capacity in the second
by use of cement. I.e. per Mg of blend (30 wt% boiler ash + 70 wt%
stage, experiments could be performed to map the system behaviour of an APC residue) 350 kg of cement is dry mixed and after the addition
industrial-scale flue gas cleaning unit including residue recycling. of water, a granular, solidified and stabilised product is obtained,
J. De Greef et al. / Waste Management 33 (2013) 2416–2424 2423

Table 1
Average leaching of heavy metals from boiler ash, APC residue and their S/S mixtures (mg kgDM1).

Boiler ash APC-residue S/S water onlya S/S cementb WAC haz. wastec WAC non-haz. wastec
pH 12.8 12.6 11.6 12.8 – –
SO2 25,354 26,013 2,307 257 50,000 20,000
As 0.86 3.85 1.1 0.86 25 2
Ba 7.0 85 10 7.7 300 100
Cd 0.07 0.09 0.04 0.02 5 1
Cr 17 5.0 5.0 3.6 70 10
Mo 5.4 3.5 <5 <5 30 10
Ni 0.51 1.6 0.33 0.44 40 10
Pb 366 1,465 2.2 14.5 50 10
Sb 0.05 0.10 0.28 <0.01 5 0.7
Se 3.42 0.47 1.1 0.68 7 0.5
Zn 59 101 30 23 200 50
Average values of all different boiler ash/APC-residue mixtures tested.
30% boiler ash-70% APC residue mixture on-site stabilised with cement.
Waste acceptance criteria for hazardous and non-hazardous waste landfills set by European Council Decision 2003/33/EC.

which is landfilled. It was interesting to explore whether boiler ash pH of the leachate decreased to below 12.5 and hence the leaching
and APC-residue can be sufficiently stabilised without the use of of Pb to below 50 mg kgDM1 when the samples were left to cure
cement. for 12 more days (Table S2 in supplementary material). This is
The boiler ash and APC residue samples were mixed in varying due to the natural carbonatation i.e. reaction of the basic compo-
proportions (0/100, 10/90, . . ., 90/10, 100/0). To 20 g of each mix- nents in the hardened samples e.g. CaO with CO2 from the air. Ta-
ture ultra pure water was added until a sticky paste was obtained. ble 1 also shows that for the other heavy metals leaching from the
The amounts of water added ranged from 4.5 ml for the mixtures samples S/S by adding only water is in the same order of magni-
containing at least 70% boiler ash to 8.5 ml for the pure APC-resi- tude than from the sample stabilised with cement. For sulphates,
due sample. The samples were then left to cure for one month. the leaching was about 10 times higher for the samples S/S by add-
To simulate (worse case) environmental conditions in the landfill, ing only water than for the cement-stabilised sample, but re-
the cured solidified monolithic samples were ground with a pestle mained well below the WAC for non hazardous waste landfills
in a mortar until granules were smaller than 4 mm. Leaching of These results indicate that S/S of boiler ash and APC-residue, by
heavy metals and anions was determined in one step leaching adding water only, is a valid, yet ecologic and economic alternative
tests: 100 ml of ultra pure water was mixed with10 g of sample for conventional cement based S/S.
and shaken for 24 h. The leachate was filtered using a 0.45 lm
membrane filter and, if necessary, diluted with ultra pure water 4. Conclusions
before analysis. For heavy metals ICP-MS (Thermo-Elemental X-
series) was used, for anions ion chromatography (DIONEX IC Since its introduction, waste combustion has developed from
2000). For comparison untreated boiler ash and APC residue and poorly designed incineration to a thermal treatment technology
a sample of a (30% boiler ash 70% APC residue) mixture on-site sta- meeting high technical, sanitary and environmental standards.
bilised with cement were submitted to the same leaching test. The Furthermore, modern WtE has proven to be the only reliable and
results in Table 1 show that untreated boiler ash and APC residue cost-effective technique up to now for thermal treatment of large
exceed the WAC for hazardous waste landfills for Pb and cannot amounts of mixed MSW. Therefore it has become an indispensable
be landfilled as such. The leaching of Zn and SO2 4 is high, but below part of sustainable waste management in many developed
the EU WAC limits for hazardous waste landfills. The leaching of Cr, countries.
Ni, As, Se, Mo, Cd, Sb and Ba is well below the EU WAC limits. The However, due to a number of (non-technical) reasons, opera-
leachate pH is high as explained by the presence of Ca, Mg, K and tional and design practice in WtE is not everywhere at optimum
Na oxides. Whereas for the untreated ash and residue samples the yet. Based on selected experiences in the optimisation of combus-
measured Pb concentrations exceed the legal limits, Table 1 shows tion, energy recovery and production, pollutant abatement and
that they can be reduced well below the WAC for hazardous waste residue treatment, it was illustrated that results can be obtained
landfills and even below the WAC for non hazardous waste land- with the existing technology, beyond what is generally considered
fills by S/S with water only. Also the average leaching concentra- achievable. In was also demonstrated that a basic diagnostic ap-
tions of other regulated heavy metals and SO2 4 can be brought proach, involving the required knowledge, can also lead to a thor-
below the WAC for non-hazardous waste landfills, with exception ough understanding of a process or a problem, so that expensive
of Se. Table 1 gives the average leaching values for the different tools and techniques can be avoided where possible.
boiler ash APC residue mixtures. Table S1 in the supplementary
material gives the results for the individual mixtures, showing that
Appendix A. Supplementary material
Pb leaching highly depends on the pH. Table S1 (supplementary
material) shows that Pb leaching only exceeds the WAC (50 mg/
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
kgDM), when the leachate pH is 12.5 or higher. In the cement stabi-
the online version, at
lized boiler ash/APC mixture, the leaching of Pb remains below the
50 mg kgDM1 limit, although the pH of the leachate was 12.8 (Ta-
ble 1). Obviously, due to the presence of cement in the mixture,
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