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The Uttar Pradesh Prevention of Cow Slaughter Act, 1955

Act 1 of 1956

Beef, Goshala, Cow-slaughter

Amendment appended: 14 of 2002, 20 of 2020

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Legislative Research (PRS). The contents of this document have been obtained from sources
PRS believes to be reliable. These contents have not been independently verified, and PRS
makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In
some cases the Principal Act and/or Amendment Act may not be available. Principal Acts
may or may not include subsequent amendments. For authoritative text, please contact the
relevant state department concerned or refer to the latest government publication or the
gazette notification. Any person using this material should take their own professional and
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™jj *° ^° REGISTERED No. n «2I

3fRcl & <lo\W

£fee (Baxette of ^Jndia IRTTtTlTiT

HPT II—w* 3—s<ror«* (i)
PART II—Section 3—Sub -section (i)


tfo 2501 T$ fa*ft, ^«|K, f?TB»Tt 14, 1966/«HTSm 23, 18S8


f « ?TT*T * ftfW ^55 SOTT tf 3TT?ft $ t>H& fa *$ WWn ****!* * ¥<? H TWT in W$ I
Separate pacing Is given to this Part in order that it may b* filed
as a separate compilation,


New Delhi, the 14th December 1968
G.S.R. 1923.—In exercise of the powers conferred by section 2 of the Union
Territories (Laws) Act, 1950 (30 of 1950), the Central Government hereby extends
to the Union territory of Delhi the Uttar Pradesh Prevention of Cow Slaughter
Act, 1955 (Uttar Pradesh Act No. 1 of 1956), as in force in the State of Uttar
Pradesh on the date of this notification, subject to the following modiflcationfl,
namely: —
In the said Act,—
(1) for the words 1 "Uttar Pradesh" wherever they occur except In the long
title, preamb © and sub-section (1) of section 1. the word "Delhi" shall
be substituted;
(2) in section 2,—
(i) after clause (b), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:—
"(bb) "Delhi" means the Union territory ott Delhi;":
(ii) for clause (e), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:—
"(e) "State Government" means the Administrator of the Union terri-
tory of Delhi" appointed by the President under article 239 of the

(921 )


The Uttar Pradesh Prevention of Cow Slaughter Act, 1955. Uttar Pradesh Act No 1
of 1950) as Extended to the Union Territory of Delhi,

An Act to prohibit the slaughter of cow and its progeny in Uttar Pradesh.

proSyTultar S H S ? *° °Mblt ^ P I
™ l t
^ ^ ^ °f °°W and lts

It is hereby enacted in t h e Sixth Year of the Republic of India as follows:

m * 1 ' ^ ? ° r l t ? t l ^ e x t e n ^ ' a n d commenoement.--(l) This Act may be called the
Uttar Pradesh Prevention of Cow Slaughter Act, 1955.
(2) It extends to the whole of Delhi.
(3) It shall come Into force at once.
2. Definitions,—In this Act unless there is anything repugnant in the subject
or context—
(a) " b e e f means flesh of cow and of such bull or bullock, whose slaughter
Is prohibited under this Act, but does not include such flesh contained
in sealed containers and Imported into Delhi;
(b) "Cow" Includes a heifer or calf:
(bb) "Delhi" means the Union territory of Delhi;
(c) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act;
(ce) "competent authority" means the person or persons appointed In this
behalf by t h e State Government' by notification in the official Gazette
to exercise the powers and functions of a competent authority under
this Act_ or the Rules made thereunder for such area or areas and for
Such period as may be specified in the notification;
(d) "s'aughter" means killing bv any method whatsoever and includes maim-
ing and Inflicting of physical injury which In the ordinary course will
cause death;
(e) "State Government" means' the Administrator of Delhi appointed by
the President under article 239 of the Constitution; and
(f) "uneconomic cow" includes stray, unprotected, infirm, disable, diseased
or barren cow.
3. (1) Except as hereinafter provided no person shall slaughter or cause to be
slaughtered, or offer or cause to be offered for slaughter—
(a) a cow, or
(b) a bull or bullock, unless he has obtained in respect thereof a certificate
In writing, from the competent authority of the area in which the bull
or bullock is to be slaughtered, certifying that it is fit for slaughter,
In any place in Delhi; anything contained in any other law for the time being in
force or an usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding.
(2) No bull or bullock, in respect of which a certificate has been Issued under
sub-section f l ) ( b ) shall be slaughtered at any place other than the place indicated
In the certificate.
(3) A certificate under sub-section (1)(b") shall be Issued by the competent
authority, only after It has, for reasons to be recoh-ded In writing, certified that—
(a) the bull or bullock is over the age of fifteen years, or,
(b) in the case of a bull, it has become permanently unfit and unserviceable
for t h e purpose of breeding and, in the case of a bullock, it has b e -
come permanently unfit and unserviceable for t h e purposes of draught
and any kind of agricultural operation;
Provided that the permanent unfitness or unserviceability has not been caused
(4) The competent authority shall, befotfe issuing the certificate under sub-
section (3) or refusing to issue the same, record its order in writing.

(5) The State Government may, at any time, for the purpose of satisfying it-
self as to the legality or propriety of the action call for and examine the record of
any case and m a y pass such orders thereon as it may deem fit.
(6) Subject to the provisions herein contained, any action taken u n d e r this sec-
tion. shall be final and conclusive and shall not be called in question.
4. Section 3 not to apply t o diseased, or under experimentation cows.—(1) Noth-
ing in "section 3 shall apply to the slaughter of a cow, bull or bullocTt—
(a) which Is suffering from any contagious or infectious disease notified as
such by the State Government; or
(b) which is subjected to experimentation ip the interest of medical and
public health research;
where the s aughtering Is done in accordance with the conditions and circumstances
to be prescribed.
(2) Where a cow or bullock is slaughtered for the reasons stated in clause (a)
of sub-section (l - ) the person who slaughters or causes* to be slaughtered such cow,
bull or bullock shall within twenty-four hours of the slaughter, lodge information
of the same at the nearest Police Station or before such officer or authority as may
be prescribed.
(3) The carcass off the cow, bull or bullock slaughtered under clause) (a) of sub-
section (1) shall be burled or disposed of in such manner as may be prescribed.
5. Prohibition on sale of beef.—Except as herein excepted and notwithstanding
anvthing contained in any other law for the time being in force, no person shall
sell or transport or offer for sale or transport or cause to be sold or transported
beef or bfeef-products in any form except for such medicinal purposes as may be
Exception.—A person may sell and serve or cause to be sold and served beef
or beef-products for consumption by a bona fide passenger in an air-craft or rail-
way train.
6. Establishment of Institutions.—There shall be established by the State Gov-
ernment or by any local authority, wherever so directed by the State Government,
institutions as may be necessary for taking care of uneconomic cows.
7. Levy of charges or fees,_The State Government or the local authority, as the
case may be. may l e w such charges or fees as may be prescribed for keeping un-
economic cows in the institutions.
8. Penalty.—(1) Whoever contravenes or attempts to contravene or abets t h e
contravention of the provisions of section 3 or 5 shall be guilty of an offence
r>unish.?ible with rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years
or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees or with both.
(2) Whoever fails to lodge the Information in t h e manner and within the time
stated in sub-section (2) of section 4 shall be guilty of an offence punishable with
simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine which
may extend to two hundred rupees or with both.
(3) In any trial for an offence punishable under sub-section (1) or sub-section
(2) the burden of proving that the slaughtered cow belonged to t h e clasg specified
in clause (a) of sub-section ( l ) of section 4 shall be on the accused.
9. Offences to be cognizable and non-bailable.—Notwithstanding anything con-
tained in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, an offence punishable unden sub-
section (1) of section 8 shall be cognizable and non-bailable.

10. Powr to make rules.—(11 The State Government may make rules for the
purpose of carrying into effect t h e provisions of this Act.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of foregoing powers, such rules may
provide for—
(a) the conditions and the circumstances under which cows, bulls or bullocks
are tol be slaughtered under sub-section (1) of section 4;
(aa) form of certificate, and the procedure for disposal of the applications
under section 3;

(b) the manner In which diseases shall be notified under sub-section (1) (a)
of! section 4;
(c) the manner in which the information shall be lodged under sub-section
(2) of section 4;
(d) the manner in which and conditions under which beef or beef-products:
are to be sold or sold or served under section 5:
(e) the matters relating to the establishment, maintenance, management,
supervision and control of institutions referred to in section 6;
(f) the duties ot£ any officer or authority having jurisdlctlcfa under this Act,
the procedure to be followed by such officer or authority; and
(g) the matters which are to be and may be prescrbied.
[No. F. 3/6/60-UTL-89J1
G.S.B. 1924.—In exercise of the powers conferred by section 16 of the Goa.
Daman and Dlu (Opinion Poll} Aet, 1966 (38 of 1966), the President, in consulta-
tion with the Chief Election Commissioner, hereby fixes the 16th day of January,
1967, as the date on which an opinion poll shall be taken in accordance with the
provisions of the said Act and the rules and orders_ made thereunder—
(a) in relation to Goa, and
(bj In relation to Daman and Diu.
[No. F. 10/52/66-SR-]
K. R. PRABHU, Jt. Secy.


'&-i 1-151 I •14-61'i-Teo7r0410 /770-


cri* r4hz #8 yi

tifebta WI Tiff RbT

ZWT ukftzrEMIT WU imam

q itge
Trffr—i, 'emus (T)
(.3cm wkwr 3rfe449)

AicIK, 31 atiritt, 2020

ITIT:14. 9, 1942 xico T1111

'dcc Irk3-r 111-14


1558/79-fa-1-20-1M 23-20
cr1'.9-1th, 31 3119?1, 2020

maTTRu 5T ffiN' S 39E67 200 534-# Os1L41c1 Tret-4-zr cri wayr
Pgrol .(T1tAT9.) q.s.14- , 2020 R'i'i*'i TTVJtFE 371117-1 14IIHflt TWRifrcTff t w it-91*
1#1 i414 Sr 3117 qg kicv1( Walt 31i4ffilfli d'Y11 20 3:1# 2020 SW:f
28 3ITIRTI, 2020 M-11 31-
=r-4-fpi-1Tar mar RT- 49-r 9k1 TWOM 1)11
4912t -5-fr 31trii- t

'dççj 3J /1)--T4 fqJUJ (i4Y1).97) Si, 2020

(kit-cN titszlf 20 3:19., 2020)

[61€1 kicth liaYf faTT# 41uSof gl7T triftd. FT]

1d7 71`4*/# c 4
kiccN 3[tt41. 7111-11. Thr4Ruf aarftziff, 1955 Tr 311 5

1-1-R7 4ruNiv4**4,6cm4 W f;,--AR.Icr aTIfpN o-mrr urrtir t
zr-g artrikzpi ‘3cc-r1 Ilt8T f41•021 (dtT9) 31M#TITE, 2020 9Trf aiW
co6r wrOrr crtvgiT

(2) w 14-91- 11 tT, 2020 tr Ar gall ipnir

204 RPH (Go-Vadh) 2020 data II

2 ‘3-11.1c1 3TRIMPT Ivl , 31 317RTI, 2020
‘iccH 2- \ick-k. TraT1 f44WITT 3TRTe471-9, 1955 1=-0 3Th4 3pf
ne4z111 titstIT 4)61 TRU t 4 URI 55 ti 311tI1T (5) T ITT4-4m, P4--11R5cr 31:ftIRT Eigif
3T1 1956 ThAr
E.TRT 5 -T
Thr9. .161 .3cIvi c116-1 aifiifkzm t 3TETT9. telt WRIT1t TIT
3TrRr-v- u41,1xilar gkr AtiffiT t iTzrfrr_Tff Olrre-v . wi Rzir ircrr
er, 461 W4 ill "c4leich, uP_Tr 1-046.-r t tiem i -ritr r*tr
aftfffzp t 31119. 3ITIR1ET artfem f4,41 arr, 74 dcb f Trt
the5 ulictr trItaA iiw t tli-Hcf TrralA S 6 a
gaft -fr-er Alico111* f-ir attrim A crs-wer 1-{R16,-r Simm
14e4)9 3TEN1ET cmk i*rm f# Tq are4vr N1f5in Trzrr t
f 3T.Rf.ft719 3417 3ITETTff -iz14-4.4- 5T‘Jer4t4,-r
*TIT' Tfr Trm aft uiTE citur rtr134--6A cm<4 clleir ZIT9, fer
vra-dA 3tF4-4ft41 gkr aitrau uPTT Accr R 1a4r arr I i:p4f4Tff
ffi-a-r Af7itz/grafr arrs-ovr 31t9trf utrr Pifki tWitcf
cfn wb-rr
arftrritiff 71T9. gkr 1-1Pc16-1 1-4) 71.14 MIT 4871 711
11-4-d-9. 3rft4N1 i<i aaraff arf4vgM fd,a- 7-r4-4
item ffi--
ar 9re7- /3rrg-4?r zwrftit aartiffr UP-IT f4i1Wr
tiewr cm al cr)*Ir
(9) 3tf44-gta- 9I44 UP-TT 31T 4I)ciW 5 3TtIT-TtfaT 117 v471 TI
TV *Tel t—crT '44 3Te 3PaTT TIT71 71T dciYf
NTT Po+). ‘3114 71 trgt lai
r 4 4 aft'
(ro) Aelt cfq caf, ft 3TRI1: 4711
1 EINT 3, 5 U21T 8 T. 31E11.9.
ct, 3ifiiMi tfr?4, \31-1431 Sti)uf cm<4 7IT 9-zrriT cmok, fk4)-
*rata- f4,4r .11at 411Hiti irr Trrzr 6
3iikerA-9. gkr Trzit t tan iincora ?Tr vreterv
9to ITft-4- 4 Tit t1lk,4 TT irThie 61-ir -gft wi R41
Tr4T aer -41410,4 4 -4-g ugETRorr 611 fi czar( A,
?TeTrfterlt,-tizrr 311:MIT reqf t in ir 3TENTET cnk 41J vim in
S 14>qf t, UW &Farr e5 t
(i1) 0161 wart ervir, c444 v4 , iccficinur t4ET 4 Tizr
aTlbffitrxr 3T2T41 iTRIFAM qi.I9I9C41 531 1-4sT * T Cu.4 TrIttrr
tiWir 1973 V9 -41 TI1TTM 5)1) I
E1TRT 5Rif . 3-T1F 31f4r479:1 t MT 5T T Limcf, cf URI WT
Giqiqr 7i91 aft, ararM :-
5 W-71 9) RA ITT71 711 'a*iE, ñcir Tf tin 7TftfitT eft
4fta cpwr t -3W1T .11cirr ticnov—r zreir dticizr
3171-147 cfr0-11, icIsq-rt ticheI9--1 cm4 7rt fd-,(11 craved 4
ITP4-4tA cbt-rr, .zAt vitcr-r ticotiv-r co.<4S Nrrazr t
4479- TA) 3rift wr el)4 ch ,1f, ci>0) cONI cil€,
3T‘ff ;T- tit tiict rico twer t afti
Titt,ijt aT-KA 4iiflI tai4- iPit, atti cfl-r ell tLle sit er
*Rpm t -41it-4ff Th,41

204 RPH (Go-Vadh) 2020 data II

‘tc-P1 AtiT 3171Th117ui tut , 31 311Wf, 2020 3

4-151 3ItfftZ1B Met qT7T 7 irILT4M

. P1-011.icf sIRT CIIIt WM, qr7T
NO, Rir

7T—(1) c1I Wt Hd M 6 g
7:Thifi, 1973
-rt 4141 Piiiicic4 S arti 1W7tr
wTr altreizmr zrr wcti 4-i
41 scr; atErTrg t3iiiFici f$Tft &tau $)-, 31PREIT S 51fl-1
ui4iMcf rrl Zff 371-E %mei $ 4-#.1Er ErT do, firr 4f ?th-zrr
7rtrrr, 74 da) ffS—

($) fig c.uicp 3Tfpirwl5 &tfirraTr wr rav

ctr4 TT 3F47T7 1451.-1 11 M-7 R4T Aid( t, atYT

(Tr) .161 fdxla ckt arPrt7-w, arr4-q-i 15T 'NW <MOE t

-€4111e14 I5T zrg qxctrer 1t Trg -Rxclitr cr)t)- hT 1.4k-vrcr
aflETH t f5 7-6 krt aTERR WE 5 t 31t7 TM-
aTERI-T cm•ir.arTrnra t

1t-TT7T (1) 34-9 A4-8.1c1 li51,1 fa? vII4 3:19* iks4-kT9, qu,4
41* arfoltovr. 041
urnTifrifi, 1973 it 3TETR Tht4-1-

atf0f4trii 97-44 31-049 arRiz cif Th-T Vefl

3&1711, Iiiti tficf 30r417i 444 14)ar t, rii iftr
9131 Vci t, qY)tf c1)4) ad 4timi *NC W4-1TT

5-10 $31 tIRT 8 7Q4T9 IRPIIIZIRSIcI slT71 Tur t 7rtift, EMT 8

3Tericr- TiVrIEN

8 (1)—W- c1 We 3, UHT 5 TfT UM 5T 31 \ieritfri
cnif Zit ctr<4 45T vzrrTr cmor t zrr \levitirr an4
gttrftdclflchl t it weR chki5Ifi, ar‘i - dh_44
0,11 arIT Ttr ww Trwt t, 3?r, atYT Trt-ir, argii
‘Prity4 OM 30 71 trm elP& ty4 er Ninth- t qu,s414
far,lt 317711T $r 4141 Oar

71 3TRff4119. atEtN arcRirr a $

Ers--47 aferftzut aitfti Idnfr arEffitT 3ff: 4141 t
2dI4 tEr grPg tg \Jact artffru vEr-eru c gud
14,4r arr

t1RT-5 T " eclti 3dtrzri Mee. 051 914 UtTT

QatlItt) Th6 -1 $ f# TrtNELaf Teri ri7 ‘316I arPrzsa
from cmir t anzar fanti). tl I clUIPCb w tNk-TIOow ref liqdrf
r fiai t,sr-witu f1i 7rtrrri
31-R45TRa t *5?-1 ThI

6-1er31WzriT met ErrTr 9 $ Terri ER Pi-iWeicr eTrTr t& t 707ft t1TRT 9 Th-T

41Z 11t lid

9-4U.g ArthRTF TtitUT, 1973 # 31—Fr 04 §e'4
siT7T 5W 74 STT7T Boer ZrfziRT (1) 3449- qus 4 37171V, 51211
3FATINerEf 0111

204 RPH (Go-Vadh) 2020 data II

4 'dl 1441 3MiTIMI1 ivi , 31 WIWI 2020

F4349 ath 7-0) \ict-pr SraT Iff—qT-T ThcilOT (tlY 1) 3ThiTiTt3T, Ii 41

arr-41= 2020 \ q91,(1 WziT AM( t I aiarreTr s1 ii

(2) 74 ffiTiT9 S t a'mnvr (i) 4 Thittz

aiarre-vr gkr 421r -1:r4-411* 34114
Tur crq cm4- vr met 1T c4 44161, TNT
TIVItRrff tei ,d6 gartit \i(sr-rtt M 349 cpci ?Tr
mei IT4 wirift Tfr arfttfkzm *,ww-44 tikcii-r
\94414,srq-m 41

3tti cbkul Ce-


\it-KV A-a-Tr 7Ftl

y 40-T ,n4 atR
TIRT art 4)-4-zr M qv mr f1 (1)4 s \iat(
Tra7T Ttr—q‘T fjcuj antTftzTri, 1955 (1/s4 ccf( ge-ta 3TRARTli titcLII 1 39 1956) 31tiffillft f$7:11
Trzrr ti toter S 4 •arkm Tistv41* Imuicr 4t sitH met Itgraur
chkul 1 3TRIT=4411 0T f1,41-cim-r w-
irmiafraft met yaw, aircr tr41-41 wcr
fM4i ticor 3rIR- Trrzr tat 31*-T' z:T 3ifatT LiPae-r met Rimieia inwr et!
Tfr Nitrftzpi S edTrm Trr4 ath TN4vrS S allv qv, 31-44 74 31M-414ff
1006.ich11‘31W 12IT &WM Ricg t .R4 0, 31-d74 TTM U24T inc1Y1 31* MR-4-0 ig ch
TT WT4;4 tt T fag 1l4x1 Si SF 14WI 5T, 7, 8 Than 9 iN it7t1W9 cp1 MT Yric.1
z11 /MI I

11* ,fl.-4 forr9T1E,sd i9 4ri 4-r 71--ofr Rfliii itt GbiPicIcb,? M

w-cf i*Tzif cpi4ciit a AirliaTimur 4, 3M: .1\3-4141c4 5 NI it-tm 11 2020 MA \it-kV
Atcat--4t1 Pcmui (iTOT9) 311Zll-a7T, 2020 IttceliNti 14. )zir /TM I

INzw awzra-zr Red-faiftm t y:wrftrff t


;Fig/ a

No. 1558(2) /LXXIX-V-1-20-1(ka) 23-20

Dated Lucicnow, August 31, 2020
IN pursuance of the provisions of clause (3) of Article 348 of the Constitution, the Governor is
pleased to order the publication of the following English translation of the Uttar Pradesh Go-Vadh Nivaran
(Sanshodhan) Adhiniyam, 2020 (Uttar Pradesh Adhiniyam SanIchya 20 of 2020) as passed by the Uttar
Pradesh Legislature and assented to by the Governor on August 28, 2020. The Pashudhan Anubbag-L is
administratively concerned with the said adhiniyam.

204 RPH (Go-Vadh) 2020 data I I

‘3vN TraTT 31711FT1Vui 411/431C, 31 311
1-R?1, 2020


ACT, 2020
(U. P. Act no. 20 of 2020)
[As passed by the Uttar Pradesh Legislature]


further to amend the Uttar Pradesh Prevention of Cow Slaughter Act, 1955,
IT IS HEREBY enacted in the Seventy First Year of the Republic of India as
follows :—
I. (1) This Act may be called the Uttar Pradesh Prevention of Cow Slaughter Short title and
(Amendment) Act, 2020.

(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from
June 11, 2020.

2. In section 5A of the Uttar Pradesh Cow Slaughter Prevention Act, 1955 Amendment of
section 5A of
here in after referred to as the principal Act, after sub-section 5 the following
U.P. Act No. I of
sub-sections shall be inserted, namely: 1956

Where the said conveyance has been confirmed to be related to beef

by the competent authority or authorized laboratory under this Act, the
driver, operator and owner related to transport, shall be charged with the
offence under this Act, unless it is not proved that the transport medium used
in crime, despite all its precautions and without its knowledge, has been used
by some other person for causing the offence.
The vehicle by which the beef or cow and its progeny is
transported in violation of the provisions of this Act and the relevant rules,
shall be confiscated and seized by the law enforcement officers. The
concerned District Magistrate/Commissioner of Police will do all
proceedings of confiscation and release, as the case may be.
The cow and its progeny or the beef transported by the seized
vehicle shall also be confiscated -and seized by the law enforcement officers.
The concerned District Magistrate/Commissioner will do all proceedings of
the confiscation and release, as the case may be.
The expenditure on the maintenance of the seized cows and its
progeny shall be recovered from the accused for a period of one year or till
the release of the cow and its progeny in favour of the owner thereof
whichever is earlier.
Where a person is prosecuted for committing, abetting, or
attempting to an offense under sections 3,5 and 8 of this Act and the beef or
cow-remains in the possession of accused has been proved by the prosecution
and transported things are confirmed to be beef by the competent authority or
authorized laboratory, then the court shall presume that such person has
committed such offence or attempt or abetment of such offence, as the case
may be, unless the contrary is proved.
Where the provisions of this Act or the related rules in context of
search, acquisition, disposal and seizure are silent, the relevant provisions of
the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 shall be effective thereto.

204 RPH (Go-Vadh) 2020 data II

6 dtV 34 a YI 3riT1TR13T d, 31 3411-iT1, 2020

Insertion of 3. After section 5 A of the principal Act, the following section shall be
section 58
inserted, namely:-
5B. Whoever causes any physical injury to any cow or its progeny so as to
endanger the life thereof such as to mutilate its body or to transport it in any
situation whereby endangering the life thereof or with the intention of
endangering the life thereof does not provide with food or water shall be
punished with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than one year
and which may extend to seven years and with fine which shall not be less than
one Lakh rupees and which may extend to three Lakh rupees.
Insertion of 4. After section 7 of the principal Act, the following section shall be
section 7A
inserted, namely:-

7A. (1) Notwithstanding, anything contained in the Code of Criminal

Procedure, 1973, no person charged with a criminal offence under this Act or any rules
made there under, while in custody, shall be released on bail or on his own bond unless,-
the Special Public Prosecutor is given an opportunity to oppose the
application to such release and

where the Special Public Prosecutor opposes the application, the

court is convinced that there is a reasonable basis for believing that he is not
guilty of such an offence and that it is unlikely to commit any offence while on

The restrictions regarding grant of bail under sub-section (1) shall be

in addition to the restrictions under the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.
Under the provisions of this Act, every prosecutor of the State
Prosecution Service, who has been engaged in the prosecution work for seven
years, by whatever name it is known, shall be deemed to be a special public
Amendment 5. For section 8 of the principal Act, the following section shall be
of section 8
inserted, namely:-

8 (1) Whoever, contravenes or attempts to contravene or abets the

contravention of the provisions of section 3, section 5 or section 5A shall be
guilty of an offence punishable with rigorous imprisonment for a term which
shall not be less than three years and which may be extend to ten years and with
fine which shall not be less than three Lakh rupees and which may extend to
five Lakh rupees.

Whoever after conviction of an offence under this Act is again guilty of

an offence under this Act, shall be punished with double the punishment provided
for the said offence for the second conviction.

The names and the photograph of the pers

. on accused of the contravention
of the provision of section-5A shall be published at some prominent place in
locality where the accused ordinarily resides or to a public place, if he conceals
himself from the law enforcement officers.
Amendment of 6. For section 9 of the principal Act, the following section shall be substituted,
section 9
namely :-
9. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Criminal
Procedure, 1973, an offence punishable under section 5B and sub-section (1) of
section 8 shall be cognizable and non-bailable.

204 RPH (Go-Vadh) 2020 data II

‘irii 1l c1 3MMI1RTT +1•31d, 31 3171Wf 2020 7
Repeal and 7. (1) The Uttar Pradesh Prevention of Cow Slaughter U. P.
saving Ordinance
(Amendment) Ordinance, 2020 is hereby repealed.
no. 11 of 2020
(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action
taken under the provisions of the principal Act as amended by the
Ordinance referred to in sub-section (1) shall be deemed to have been
done or taken under the corresponding provisions of the principal Act
as amended by this Act as if the provisions of this Act were in force at
all material times.


The Uttar Pradesh Prevention of Cow Slaughter Act, 1955 (U. P. Act no. I of 1956) has
been enacted to prohibit and prevent the slaughter of cow and its progeny in the State of Uttar
Pradesh. Even after several amendments in the aforesaid Act, such laxity was maintained, due to
which this Act was not being implemented effectively as per the expectation of public sentiments
and complaints of illegal slaughter and illegal transport of cow and its progeny were being
received. The present provisions in the Act were proving to be weak and insufficient to stop such
illegal slaughter, illegal and irregular transport of cow and its progeny therefore it was decided to
amend section 5A, 7, 8 and 9 of the aforesaid Act to provide for stringent punishment for illegal
transport of cow and its progeny.

Since the State Legislature was not in session and immediate legislative action was
necessary to implement the aforesaid decision, the Uttar Pr;desh Prevention of Cow Slaughter
(Amendment) Ordinance, 2020 was promulgated by the Governor on June 11, 2020.
This Bill is introduced to replace the aforesaid Ordinance.

By order,
Pramukh Sachiv.


Itowinoto-wilo 204 'flof4-71—(f*)-2020—(590)-599 Ard-Zfr—(4)144-r(/a0 /3tfcWite) I

tOT€010410-701:110 162 'dID ffitlit-2020—(591)-300 ArdZit--(clal-LeiWer0/ gcbte)

204 RPH (Go-Vadh) 2020 data II

'&-i 1-151 I •14-61'i-Teo7r0410 /770-


cri* r4hz #8 yi

tifebta WI Tiff RbT

ZWT ukftzrEMIT WU imam

q itge
Trffr—i, 'emus (T)
(.3cm wkwr 3rfe449)

AicIK, 31 atiritt, 2020

ITIT:14. 9, 1942 xico T1111

'dcc Irk3-r 111-14


1558/79-fa-1-20-1M 23-20
cr1'.9-1th, 31 3119?1, 2020

maTTRu 5T ffiN' S 39E67 200 534-# Os1L41c1 Tret-4-zr cri wayr
Pgrol .(T1tAT9.) q.s.14- , 2020 R'i'i*'i TTVJtFE 371117-1 14IIHflt TWRifrcTff t w it-91*
1#1 i414 Sr 3117 qg kicv1( Walt 31i4ffilfli d'Y11 20 3:1# 2020 SW:f
28 3ITIRTI, 2020 M-11 31-
=r-4-fpi-1Tar mar RT- 49-r 9k1 TWOM 1)11
4912t -5-fr 31trii- t

'dççj 3J /1)--T4 fqJUJ (i4Y1).97) Si, 2020

(kit-cN titszlf 20 3:19., 2020)

[61€1 kicth liaYf faTT# 41uSof gl7T triftd. FT]

1d7 71`4*/# c 4
kiccN 3[tt41. 7111-11. Thr4Ruf aarftziff, 1955 Tr 311 5

1-1-R7 4ruNiv4**4,6cm4 W f;,--AR.Icr aTIfpN o-mrr urrtir t
zr-g artrikzpi ‘3cc-r1 Ilt8T f41•021 (dtT9) 31M#TITE, 2020 9Trf aiW
co6r wrOrr crtvgiT

(2) w 14-91- 11 tT, 2020 tr Ar gall ipnir

204 RPH (Go-Vadh) 2020 data II

2 ‘3-11.1c1 3TRIMPT Ivl , 31 317RTI, 2020
‘iccH 2- \ick-k. TraT1 f44WITT 3TRTe471-9, 1955 1=-0 3Th4 3pf
ne4z111 titstIT 4)61 TRU t 4 URI 55 ti 311tI1T (5) T ITT4-4m, P4--11R5cr 31:ftIRT Eigif
3T1 1956 ThAr
E.TRT 5 -T
Thr9. .161 .3cIvi c116-1 aifiifkzm t 3TETT9. telt WRIT1t TIT
3TrRr-v- u41,1xilar gkr AtiffiT t iTzrfrr_Tff Olrre-v . wi Rzir ircrr
er, 461 W4 ill "c4leich, uP_Tr 1-046.-r t tiem i -ritr r*tr
aftfffzp t 31119. 3ITIR1ET artfem f4,41 arr, 74 dcb f Trt
the5 ulictr trItaA iiw t tli-Hcf TrralA S 6 a
gaft -fr-er Alico111* f-ir attrim A crs-wer 1-{R16,-r Simm
14e4)9 3TEN1ET cmk i*rm f# Tq are4vr N1f5in Trzrr t
f 3T.Rf.ft719 3417 3ITETTff -iz14-4.4- 5T‘Jer4t4,-r
*TIT' Tfr Trm aft uiTE citur rtr134--6A cm<4 clleir ZIT9, fer
vra-dA 3tF4-4ft41 gkr aitrau uPTT Accr R 1a4r arr I i:p4f4Tff
ffi-a-r Af7itz/grafr arrs-ovr 31t9trf utrr Pifki tWitcf
cfn wb-rr
arftrritiff 71T9. gkr 1-1Pc16-1 1-4) 71.14 MIT 4871 711
11-4-d-9. 3rft4N1 i<i aaraff arf4vgM fd,a- 7-r4-4
item ffi--
ar 9re7- /3rrg-4?r zwrftit aartiffr UP-IT f4i1Wr
tiewr cm al cr)*Ir
(9) 3tf44-gta- 9I44 UP-TT 31T 4I)ciW 5 3TtIT-TtfaT 117 v471 TI
TV *Tel t—crT '44 3Te 3PaTT TIT71 71T dciYf
NTT Po+). ‘3114 71 trgt lai
r 4 4 aft'
(ro) Aelt cfq caf, ft 3TRI1: 4711
1 EINT 3, 5 U21T 8 T. 31E11.9.
ct, 3ifiiMi tfr?4, \31-1431 Sti)uf cm<4 7IT 9-zrriT cmok, fk4)-
*rata- f4,4r .11at 411Hiti irr Trrzr 6
3iikerA-9. gkr Trzit t tan iincora ?Tr vreterv
9to ITft-4- 4 Tit t1lk,4 TT irThie 61-ir -gft wi R41
Tr4T aer -41410,4 4 -4-g ugETRorr 611 fi czar( A,
?TeTrfterlt,-tizrr 311:MIT reqf t in ir 3TENTET cnk 41J vim in
S 14>qf t, UW &Farr e5 t
(i1) 0161 wart ervir, c444 v4 , iccficinur t4ET 4 Tizr
aTlbffitrxr 3T2T41 iTRIFAM qi.I9I9C41 531 1-4sT * T Cu.4 TrIttrr
tiWir 1973 V9 -41 TI1TTM 5)1) I
E1TRT 5Rif . 3-T1F 31f4r479:1 t MT 5T T Limcf, cf URI WT
Giqiqr 7i91 aft, ararM :-
5 W-71 9) RA ITT71 711 'a*iE, ñcir Tf tin 7TftfitT eft
4fta cpwr t -3W1T .11cirr ticnov—r zreir dticizr
3171-147 cfr0-11, icIsq-rt ticheI9--1 cm4 7rt fd-,(11 craved 4
ITP4-4tA cbt-rr, .zAt vitcr-r ticotiv-r co.<4S Nrrazr t
4479- TA) 3rift wr el)4 ch ,1f, ci>0) cONI cil€,
3T‘ff ;T- tit tiict rico twer t afti
Titt,ijt aT-KA 4iiflI tai4- iPit, atti cfl-r ell tLle sit er
*Rpm t -41it-4ff Th,41

204 RPH (Go-Vadh) 2020 data II

‘tc-P1 AtiT 3171Th117ui tut , 31 311Wf, 2020 3

4-151 3ItfftZ1B Met qT7T 7 irILT4M

. P1-011.icf sIRT CIIIt WM, qr7T
NO, Rir

7T—(1) c1I Wt Hd M 6 g
7:Thifi, 1973
-rt 4141 Piiiicic4 S arti 1W7tr
wTr altreizmr zrr wcti 4-i
41 scr; atErTrg t3iiiFici f$Tft &tau $)-, 31PREIT S 51fl-1
ui4iMcf rrl Zff 371-E %mei $ 4-#.1Er ErT do, firr 4f ?th-zrr
7rtrrr, 74 da) ffS—

($) fig c.uicp 3Tfpirwl5 &tfirraTr wr rav

ctr4 TT 3F47T7 1451.-1 11 M-7 R4T Aid( t, atYT

(Tr) .161 fdxla ckt arPrt7-w, arr4-q-i 15T 'NW <MOE t

-€4111e14 I5T zrg qxctrer 1t Trg -Rxclitr cr)t)- hT 1.4k-vrcr
aflETH t f5 7-6 krt aTERR WE 5 t 31t7 TM-
aTERI-T cm•ir.arTrnra t

1t-TT7T (1) 34-9 A4-8.1c1 li51,1 fa? vII4 3:19* iks4-kT9, qu,4
41* arfoltovr. 041
urnTifrifi, 1973 it 3TETR Tht4-1-

atf0f4trii 97-44 31-049 arRiz cif Th-T Vefl

3&1711, Iiiti tficf 30r417i 444 14)ar t, rii iftr
9131 Vci t, qY)tf c1)4) ad 4timi *NC W4-1TT

5-10 $31 tIRT 8 7Q4T9 IRPIIIZIRSIcI slT71 Tur t 7rtift, EMT 8

3Tericr- TiVrIEN

8 (1)—W- c1 We 3, UHT 5 TfT UM 5T 31 \ieritfri
cnif Zit ctr<4 45T vzrrTr cmor t zrr \levitirr an4
gttrftdclflchl t it weR chki5Ifi, ar‘i - dh_44
0,11 arIT Ttr ww Trwt t, 3?r, atYT Trt-ir, argii
‘Prity4 OM 30 71 trm elP& ty4 er Ninth- t qu,s414
far,lt 317711T $r 4141 Oar

71 3TRff4119. atEtN arcRirr a $

Ers--47 aferftzut aitfti Idnfr arEffitT 3ff: 4141 t
2dI4 tEr grPg tg \Jact artffru vEr-eru c gud
14,4r arr

t1RT-5 T " eclti 3dtrzri Mee. 051 914 UtTT

QatlItt) Th6 -1 $ f# TrtNELaf Teri ri7 ‘316I arPrzsa
from cmir t anzar fanti). tl I clUIPCb w tNk-TIOow ref liqdrf
r fiai t,sr-witu f1i 7rtrrri
31-R45TRa t *5?-1 ThI

6-1er31WzriT met ErrTr 9 $ Terri ER Pi-iWeicr eTrTr t& t 707ft t1TRT 9 Th-T

41Z 11t lid

9-4U.g ArthRTF TtitUT, 1973 # 31—Fr 04 §e'4
siT7T 5W 74 STT7T Boer ZrfziRT (1) 3449- qus 4 37171V, 51211
3FATINerEf 0111

204 RPH (Go-Vadh) 2020 data II

4 'dl 1441 3MiTIMI1 ivi , 31 WIWI 2020

F4349 ath 7-0) \ict-pr SraT Iff—qT-T ThcilOT (tlY 1) 3ThiTiTt3T, Ii 41

arr-41= 2020 \ q91,(1 WziT AM( t I aiarreTr s1 ii

(2) 74 ffiTiT9 S t a'mnvr (i) 4 Thittz

aiarre-vr gkr 421r -1:r4-411* 34114
Tur crq cm4- vr met 1T c4 44161, TNT
TIVItRrff tei ,d6 gartit \i(sr-rtt M 349 cpci ?Tr
mei IT4 wirift Tfr arfttfkzm *,ww-44 tikcii-r
\94414,srq-m 41

3tti cbkul Ce-


\it-KV A-a-Tr 7Ftl

y 40-T ,n4 atR
TIRT art 4)-4-zr M qv mr f1 (1)4 s \iat(
Tra7T Ttr—q‘T fjcuj antTftzTri, 1955 (1/s4 ccf( ge-ta 3TRARTli titcLII 1 39 1956) 31tiffillft f$7:11
Trzrr ti toter S 4 •arkm Tistv41* Imuicr 4t sitH met Itgraur
chkul 1 3TRIT=4411 0T f1,41-cim-r w-
irmiafraft met yaw, aircr tr41-41 wcr
fM4i ticor 3rIR- Trrzr tat 31*-T' z:T 3ifatT LiPae-r met Rimieia inwr et!
Tfr Nitrftzpi S edTrm Trr4 ath TN4vrS S allv qv, 31-44 74 31M-414ff
1006.ich11‘31W 12IT &WM Ricg t .R4 0, 31-d74 TTM U24T inc1Y1 31* MR-4-0 ig ch
TT WT4;4 tt T fag 1l4x1 Si SF 14WI 5T, 7, 8 Than 9 iN it7t1W9 cp1 MT Yric.1
z11 /MI I

11* ,fl.-4 forr9T1E,sd i9 4ri 4-r 71--ofr Rfliii itt GbiPicIcb,? M

w-cf i*Tzif cpi4ciit a AirliaTimur 4, 3M: .1\3-4141c4 5 NI it-tm 11 2020 MA \it-kV
Atcat--4t1 Pcmui (iTOT9) 311Zll-a7T, 2020 IttceliNti 14. )zir /TM I

INzw awzra-zr Red-faiftm t y:wrftrff t


;Fig/ a

No. 1558(2) /LXXIX-V-1-20-1(ka) 23-20

Dated Lucicnow, August 31, 2020
IN pursuance of the provisions of clause (3) of Article 348 of the Constitution, the Governor is
pleased to order the publication of the following English translation of the Uttar Pradesh Go-Vadh Nivaran
(Sanshodhan) Adhiniyam, 2020 (Uttar Pradesh Adhiniyam SanIchya 20 of 2020) as passed by the Uttar
Pradesh Legislature and assented to by the Governor on August 28, 2020. The Pashudhan Anubbag-L is
administratively concerned with the said adhiniyam.

204 RPH (Go-Vadh) 2020 data I I

‘3vN TraTT 31711FT1Vui 411/431C, 31 311
1-R?1, 2020


ACT, 2020
(U. P. Act no. 20 of 2020)
[As passed by the Uttar Pradesh Legislature]


further to amend the Uttar Pradesh Prevention of Cow Slaughter Act, 1955,
IT IS HEREBY enacted in the Seventy First Year of the Republic of India as
follows :—
I. (1) This Act may be called the Uttar Pradesh Prevention of Cow Slaughter Short title and
(Amendment) Act, 2020.

(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from
June 11, 2020.

2. In section 5A of the Uttar Pradesh Cow Slaughter Prevention Act, 1955 Amendment of
section 5A of
here in after referred to as the principal Act, after sub-section 5 the following
U.P. Act No. I of
sub-sections shall be inserted, namely: 1956

Where the said conveyance has been confirmed to be related to beef

by the competent authority or authorized laboratory under this Act, the
driver, operator and owner related to transport, shall be charged with the
offence under this Act, unless it is not proved that the transport medium used
in crime, despite all its precautions and without its knowledge, has been used
by some other person for causing the offence.
The vehicle by which the beef or cow and its progeny is
transported in violation of the provisions of this Act and the relevant rules,
shall be confiscated and seized by the law enforcement officers. The
concerned District Magistrate/Commissioner of Police will do all
proceedings of confiscation and release, as the case may be.
The cow and its progeny or the beef transported by the seized
vehicle shall also be confiscated -and seized by the law enforcement officers.
The concerned District Magistrate/Commissioner will do all proceedings of
the confiscation and release, as the case may be.
The expenditure on the maintenance of the seized cows and its
progeny shall be recovered from the accused for a period of one year or till
the release of the cow and its progeny in favour of the owner thereof
whichever is earlier.
Where a person is prosecuted for committing, abetting, or
attempting to an offense under sections 3,5 and 8 of this Act and the beef or
cow-remains in the possession of accused has been proved by the prosecution
and transported things are confirmed to be beef by the competent authority or
authorized laboratory, then the court shall presume that such person has
committed such offence or attempt or abetment of such offence, as the case
may be, unless the contrary is proved.
Where the provisions of this Act or the related rules in context of
search, acquisition, disposal and seizure are silent, the relevant provisions of
the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 shall be effective thereto.

204 RPH (Go-Vadh) 2020 data II

6 dtV 34 a YI 3riT1TR13T d, 31 3411-iT1, 2020

Insertion of 3. After section 5 A of the principal Act, the following section shall be
section 58
inserted, namely:-
5B. Whoever causes any physical injury to any cow or its progeny so as to
endanger the life thereof such as to mutilate its body or to transport it in any
situation whereby endangering the life thereof or with the intention of
endangering the life thereof does not provide with food or water shall be
punished with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than one year
and which may extend to seven years and with fine which shall not be less than
one Lakh rupees and which may extend to three Lakh rupees.
Insertion of 4. After section 7 of the principal Act, the following section shall be
section 7A
inserted, namely:-

7A. (1) Notwithstanding, anything contained in the Code of Criminal

Procedure, 1973, no person charged with a criminal offence under this Act or any rules
made there under, while in custody, shall be released on bail or on his own bond unless,-
the Special Public Prosecutor is given an opportunity to oppose the
application to such release and

where the Special Public Prosecutor opposes the application, the

court is convinced that there is a reasonable basis for believing that he is not
guilty of such an offence and that it is unlikely to commit any offence while on

The restrictions regarding grant of bail under sub-section (1) shall be

in addition to the restrictions under the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.
Under the provisions of this Act, every prosecutor of the State
Prosecution Service, who has been engaged in the prosecution work for seven
years, by whatever name it is known, shall be deemed to be a special public
Amendment 5. For section 8 of the principal Act, the following section shall be
of section 8
inserted, namely:-

8 (1) Whoever, contravenes or attempts to contravene or abets the

contravention of the provisions of section 3, section 5 or section 5A shall be
guilty of an offence punishable with rigorous imprisonment for a term which
shall not be less than three years and which may be extend to ten years and with
fine which shall not be less than three Lakh rupees and which may extend to
five Lakh rupees.

Whoever after conviction of an offence under this Act is again guilty of

an offence under this Act, shall be punished with double the punishment provided
for the said offence for the second conviction.

The names and the photograph of the pers

. on accused of the contravention
of the provision of section-5A shall be published at some prominent place in
locality where the accused ordinarily resides or to a public place, if he conceals
himself from the law enforcement officers.
Amendment of 6. For section 9 of the principal Act, the following section shall be substituted,
section 9
namely :-
9. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Criminal
Procedure, 1973, an offence punishable under section 5B and sub-section (1) of
section 8 shall be cognizable and non-bailable.

204 RPH (Go-Vadh) 2020 data II

‘irii 1l c1 3MMI1RTT +1•31d, 31 3171Wf 2020 7
Repeal and 7. (1) The Uttar Pradesh Prevention of Cow Slaughter U. P.
saving Ordinance
(Amendment) Ordinance, 2020 is hereby repealed.
no. 11 of 2020
(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action
taken under the provisions of the principal Act as amended by the
Ordinance referred to in sub-section (1) shall be deemed to have been
done or taken under the corresponding provisions of the principal Act
as amended by this Act as if the provisions of this Act were in force at
all material times.


The Uttar Pradesh Prevention of Cow Slaughter Act, 1955 (U. P. Act no. I of 1956) has
been enacted to prohibit and prevent the slaughter of cow and its progeny in the State of Uttar
Pradesh. Even after several amendments in the aforesaid Act, such laxity was maintained, due to
which this Act was not being implemented effectively as per the expectation of public sentiments
and complaints of illegal slaughter and illegal transport of cow and its progeny were being
received. The present provisions in the Act were proving to be weak and insufficient to stop such
illegal slaughter, illegal and irregular transport of cow and its progeny therefore it was decided to
amend section 5A, 7, 8 and 9 of the aforesaid Act to provide for stringent punishment for illegal
transport of cow and its progeny.

Since the State Legislature was not in session and immediate legislative action was
necessary to implement the aforesaid decision, the Uttar Pr;desh Prevention of Cow Slaughter
(Amendment) Ordinance, 2020 was promulgated by the Governor on June 11, 2020.
This Bill is introduced to replace the aforesaid Ordinance.

By order,
Pramukh Sachiv.


Itowinoto-wilo 204 'flof4-71—(f*)-2020—(590)-599 Ard-Zfr—(4)144-r(/a0 /3tfcWite) I

tOT€010410-701:110 162 'dID ffitlit-2020—(591)-300 ArdZit--(clal-LeiWer0/ gcbte)

204 RPH (Go-Vadh) 2020 data II

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