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Table A-1: U-Values of Building Envelope Components as Required by TJRBEEDS (W/mK) TJRBEEDS-97 TJRBEEDS-04 Shape coefficient 0.30<Shape Buildings with 5 or Buildings with 4 or <= 0.30 coefficient <=0.35 more stories fewer stories Roof 0.80 0.60 0.50 0.40 Exterior wall 1.16 0.82 0.60 0.45 Un-heated stairwell Partition wall 1.70 1.70 1.50 1.50 Apartment entry door 1.70 1.70 1.50 1.50 Window 4.00 4.00 2.70 2.50 Balcony door Glazed portion 4.00 4.00 2.70 2.70 Non-glazed portion 1.70 1.70 1.50 1.50 Building entry door Glazed portion NA NA 4.00 4.00 Non-glazed portion 1.70 1.70 1.50 1.50 Exposed floor 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 (to outside air) Basement ceiling floor 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 Ground NA NA Perimeter 0.52 0.52 Non-perimeter 0.30 0.30 Sources: Liu (2006); Tianjin Residential Building Energy-Efficient Design Standards, 1997 and 2004 Table A-2. Assumptions on intervention of buildings envelope performance enhancement with U-value in parentheses BEE Scenario Roof Exterior wall Window exposed floor Air tightness (V/hr) 0.6

Base case

(without thermal insulation)

-100mm steel reinforced concrete floor -20 mm cement mortar -4mm water proof -4m joint mortar - 40mm stone concrete (2.0) + 50mm EPS (0.59)

Simpleglazed with steel frame (6.4) Concrete floor: 100 mm -20mm of interior finish 20mm exterior plaster -mortar190mm concrete block -90mm decorative brick



( 1.6) + 40mm EPS

Doubleglazed in northern, Eastern and Western faade, simpleglazed in south faade

50mm EPS panel


TJ- 2004

+80mm EPS

(0.67) +60mm EPS

(4.7 ;2.7) Double glazed with PVC frame

(0,7) 0.5 +20mm EPS panel and 35mm XPS panel plus finish (0,52) 0.45 +20mm EPS panel and 35mm XPS panel plus finish

(0.42) TJ-CAN (3500 +90mm HDD) EPS

(0.51) +80mm EPS




+80mm EPS

+70 mm EPS


(0.44) +220mm XPS (0.12)

(0.43) +210mm EPS

(2.7) 6 Low-E+12 air filling + 6 transparent , ratio of window to wall is 25% (2.9) 6+ 12mm argon filling +6 , PVC 25% of window surface (2.6) 6mm Low-E with argon filling

(0,52) 0.35 +20mm EPS panel and 35mm XPS panel plus finish (0,52) 0.3 +20mm EPS panel and 35mm XPS panel plus finish 0,52

(0.17) Note: U-value of PVC window frames: 2.7 W/m K U-value of metal window frames: 5.3 W/m K Building envelope integrity U-value


Table A-3 Energy conversion efficiency * in different supply systems considered in the model capacity Plant thermal efficiency Electric efficiency Distribution networks efficiency Heat to power ratio




District coal fired boiler District coalfired CHP District gasfired CHP Municipal gasfired plant Household gas boiler

20 t /h 20t/h + 2000KWe 11 t/h + 4000 KWe 3 116 MWth

60% 50% 51% 40% 88% 15% 30% 33%

90% 90% 90% 85% 100% 3.3 1.7 1.2

* All efficiency numeraires refer to the average operation efficiency instead of rated efficiency which may vary depending on the load factor and actual operation condition. Table A-4 Costs in different heat supply systems Capital cost O&M cost

Supply option District coal fired boiler District coal-fired CHP District gas-fired CHP Municipal gas-fired plant Household gas boiler

Yuan/KWth 450


yuan/MJ (heat) 0.0035 0.0056 0.007 0.00675 16 yuan/KW/an

Yuan/KWh (electricity)

8500 5000 4500 600

0.05 0.042 0.0536

Note: Heating supply system capital costs and O&M cost in the thermal power plants is estimated based on Liu(2006) in which a dozen of both public and private heat supply utility companies have been interviewed; Ye et al., (2001); Cummins(2004); CNMEDI (2006).

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