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Art History
Spanish Colonial (1565 to 1896)

This is when the Spaniards gave a huge impact

on the Philippines. The Spanish viewed the
Philippines as a stepping-stone to the riches.
They soon accomplished the nominal conversion

of all people to Roman Catholicism from
coastal and lowland areas of Luzon, but the
Muslims of Mindanao and Sulu were never
completely downcast by Spanish control. The
Spanish ruled the first 100 years and had the
command of local languages were priests and
fiars had the most power to the colonial
American Colonial (1898 to 1940)

The American colonization started from 1898 to 1946, lasting 48 years.

During the colonization of America, the Americans brought their culture
with them from art to architecture to theater arts. Americans brought
with them the concept of modern and visual arts focusing on the natural
and romantic aspects of it. Furthermore the Americans brought their
architecture with them, particularly with city planning and structures,
featuring schools, apartments, city halls and the like. Another thing
America brought with them is theater arts, although at the beginning it
was limited due to the sedation law. One act plays or Drama Simbolico
that focused on themes of freedom are popularizedlike Tanikalang
Guintoand Kahapon, Ngayon at Bukas. It also included the rise of the first
English play, A Modern Filipina and more comedic plays called vaudeville
or bodabil.
Japanese Colonial (1941 to 1945)

In this era, the Philippines is in a state of

tragedy whereas suffering, and war are
inevitable. Artists are still allowed to make
artworks such as paintings and songs but these
things must undergo scrutiny from the
Japanese Government. Most of the themes of
the artworks’ are propaganda portraying
Japan to be a great one, and aesthetics about
war, destruction, and the normal lives of the
Post-war (1946 to 1969)

The Philippines gained independence from the

Japanese and Americans; it also flourished the
Philippine literature during this era. This era was
also known as the “Recovering Era”, this is where
Filipino literature was given a break and had the
time to transitioned from American style to modern
style. The post-war event had an impact to
influence new literary themes with its new
symbolism and communication modes. This was the
time that Filipinos learned to express themselves
more confidently and proudly.
Contemporary (1970-present)

Art of this century reflects the Philippines’ concoction

of Modern and Post-modern art which blends to the
society’s current issues and concepts. Contemporary
artists continue to morph and reframe notions of art
through a multifaceted range of experimental
mediums and practices used to express collaborative
and innovative works to the public.
During the pre-colonial era, Filipino people are During the colonial to present the Philippines went
not aware of art but rather they think of through a lot from the 333-year colonization of
those things as beauty such as the gold that Spain, which brought with them their Christian
they wear, and the bulul to praise the deities beliefs. After which the Philippines are colonized
or to please the Gods, and entertainment such by the Americans after the Spanish-American war,
as the rituals, dance, and epics which serves as the Americans brought with them modern art with
a binding instrument for the whole community romantic and abstract styles as well as
people. The geographical location and the architecture with city planning and finally
experiences of the Filipino influence the theme theater arts which included Drama Simbolico, plays
and context of the artwork. Visual art, that yearned for freedom. Japan on the other
weaving, wood carving, and metalwork are the hand is more restrictive with art, only featuring
most dominant works of art during this era. The government approved and propaganda. And
art from the south and the art from the north finally, the contemporary period in which includes
specifically CAR is different. The art in the modern and post-modern art, which reflected the
south is colorful because of the climate current society and situations of the time, art
whereas in the north are not because of the during this era are more expressive and
cold climate. experimental.

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