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Marcelino Fule Memorial College

Alaminos, Laguna


A value is a universal value if it has the same value or worth for all, or almost all, people. Spheres of human value
encompass morality, aesthetic preference, human traits Endeavor, and social order.

Universal- refers to the set of all things created and what is common to all mankind.

Values- Refers to our core beliefs or desires, the things we value the most. Our values shape our attitudes and
determines how we will behave in certain situations.

The Danger that the cultural relativism present led thinkers such as ethics expert Dr. James Rachels to reject cultural
relativism because it is implausible. The empirical basis of cultural relativism is that cultures are dramatically different
in their views of what is right or wrong. However, when it comes to important moral issues, there are values that are
universal. (Rachels, 2004)

The three (3) Universal Values shared by all cultures are:

 Caring for the young

 Murder is wrong.
 Tell the truth.

The theoretical point is that "there are some moral rules that all societies will have in common because
those rules are necessary for society to survive" (Rachel, 2004). Imagine if human beings do not care for the
young. Homo sapiens will eventually be an extinct species. In the same manner, we will eventually be wiped
out too if people were free to kill other people. Moreover, what kind society will it be if everyone's statement
presumes that it is lie? What reason do you have to pay attention to anyone? If lying is our way of life, how
can you believe what your teacher is teaching? What is the use of teacher in the first place? What is the use
of talking to each other at all?

Schwartz Concept of Universal Value

 Schwartz defined value as the conception of desirables.

that influences the way people select action and evaluate events.

 According to his study, there are 56 specific universal values and 10 types of universal values.

Types of Universal Value

1. Power- social power and prestige, control or dominance over people and resources.
2. Achievement- personal success through demonstrating competence according to social standard.
3. Hedonism- pleasure or sensuous gratification of oneself
4. Stimulation- excitement, novelty, and challenge in life
5. Self-Direction- independent thought and action-choosing creating and exploring.

6. Universalism- understanding, appreciation, tolerance, and protection for the welfare of all people for nature.
7. Benevolence- preservation and enhancement of the welfare of people with whom one is frequent personnel
8. Tradition- respect, commitment acceptance of the customs and ideas that traditional culture or religions
9. Conformity-is the restraint of actions and impulses that may upset or hurt the group or society and that
violate the social rules and social expectations.
10. Security-are self-protective values. People seek to avoid conflict (conformity) and to maintain the current
order (tradition, security) or actively to control threat(power). Values on the right (hedonism, stimulation, self-
direction, universalism, benevolence) express anxiety-free motivations.

The claim for Universal Values can be understood in two different ways:

 First, it could be that something has Universal Value when everybody finds it VALUABLE.
 Second, something could have Universal Value could when all people have reason to believe it has value.

Example of universal

 PEACE- freedom from disturbance.

 DEMOCRACY- control of an organization or group by most of its members.
 EQUALITY- the right of different groups of people to receive the same treatment.
 TOLERANCE- the ability or willingness tolerate something.
 FREEDOM- the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
 RULE OF LAW- the restriction of the arbitrary exercise of power by subordinating it to well-defined and
established laws.
 SOLIDARITY- a feeling of unity between people who have same interests.
 CONTENTMENT- the state of being happy and satisfied.
 HUMAN DIGNITY- the right of the person to be valued and respect.
 HUMAN RIGHTS- freedom from unlawful imprisonment, torture, and execution.
 LOVE- deep care or concern for others.
 CO-EXISTENCE- the state or fact of living or existing at the same time or in the same place.
 TRUTH- the quality or state of being true.
 JUSTICE- the morally fair and right state of everything.

Ethical Values Vs. Non-Ethical Values

Ethical Values

Directly relate to our beliefs concerning our moral duty as opposed to what is correct, effective, or desirable. These
are the values that drive our principles.

Non-Ethical Values

Are concerned with things that we like or find personally satisfying and/or important, with no regard to the moral

The five core human values

 Right conduct
 Peace
 Truth
 Love
 Non-violence

 It contains values like accuracy, fairness, honesty, justice, quest for knowledge, determination.
 Learning to speak the truth is the first and vital step towards formation of a strong character.
 Lies often cause confusion in mind of the speaker and listener and it leads to anti-social behaviors.
 A person who speaks truth finds his way to goal of life with more peace of mind.
 It can help you find answer to the most important questions prompted to the mankind: Who I am? What is
the purpose of my life? And How I can make best out of this life?


 Right conduct is living in moral and ethical way in the absolute sense rather than by the standard of any
particular Time or society.
 Contains values like self-help skills, social skills, ethical skills, and ownership.
 Right conduct plays important role to build your personality and the confidence.
 Right conduct is closely associated to wisdom and compassion.
 People who act according to "Dharma" are likely to attain enlightenment and feel satisfied in all situations of


 Love is not emotion that can be affected by the subconscious mind rather, it is a spontaneous, pure reaction
that comes from heart.
 The power of love makes people wish happiness for others and take pleasure in well-being of others.
 Love is an unconditional positive regard for the good for another.
 It flows irrespective of situations and conditions.
 Love is the prime element for the existence of nature.


 We smile when we are happy.

 But what is the definition of happiness foy you? Some may try to find happiness in money, few others may
run behind relations and the materialistic world.
 But the true source of happiness is the peace and satisfaction in our mind.
 When the inner agitations stop, we are left feeling peaceful.
 Having peace within you can help you assure peace in your family, surroundings and in the entire
 It can help you achieve calmness, self-esteem, and freedom anxiety.


 When you start following the former values in life the conscious mind stays keenly aware, love keeps on
flowing, your actions are thoughtful and there is peace in your mind, the life can be lived without harming
 The highest achievement of human life is to assure harmony in nature, not hurting others by thoughts, word,
 Contains values like psychological (compassion, consideration, morality, forgiveness etc.) and social
(brotherhood, equality, perseverance, respect for others, environment awareness etc.)

Why there are universal values?

There are Universal Values because it requires us to recognize the human characteristics, both good and
bad, that we have in common with all our fellow human beings, and to show the same respect for human
dignity and sensitivity in people of other communities that we expect them to show for ours.

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