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1 Warm up

Put these words into two groups. Explain why the words go together.

comedy fast thriller actor hero junk sea healthy

• group 1: all words have to do with cinema. -nouns-

• group 2: all words have to do with food -adjetives-

Think of more examples for each group.

2 Listening

Listen to two friends, Elsa and Josh, speaking. Decide if these sentences are true or false.

1. Josh liked the movie. F

2. Josh likes an actor in the movie. T
3. Someone in the theater answered their phone during the movie. T
4. Josh isn’t hungry. T
5. Elsa doesn’t like healthy food. F
6. They decide to have seafood. T

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Choose the best word to complete the sentences. Listen again to check.

Elsa: Did you like the movie, Josh?

Josh: No, I didn’t.

Elsa: Neither 1 did / do I. It was too long and pretty boring.

Josh: Yes, I agree. But I like the actor who played the hero.

Elsa: Me 2 also / too. He’s really great!

Josh: Yes, he’s an amazing actor. I like all the movies he’s in.

Elsa: So 3 did / do I, especially the comedies.

Josh: Yes! But it wasn’t funny when that guy answered his phone during the movie.
Elsa: No, it wasn’t.
Josh: It was very rude. I really didn’t like it.

Elsa: Neither 4 did / was I.

Josh: Do you want to get some food? I’m really hungry.

Elsa: So 5 am / do I! Where should we go?

Josh: Hmmm. Well, I don’t like fast food.
Elsa: I / Me neither. I like healthy food.
Josh: Okay, so let’s go to that new seafood restaurant.
Elsa: Good idea, let’s go.

Read the dialogue out loud in pairs.

3 Language point

We use these expressions to say that we have something in common with another person. This means
we have the same opinions, interests, or experiences. me too y so do i es igual
neither did i y me neither

1. Josh: But I like the actor who played the hero. / Elsa: Me too.
2. Josh: I like all the movies he’s in. / Elsa: So do I, especially the comedies.
3. Josh: I’m really hungry. / Elsa: So am I! Where should we go?
4. Josh: I didn’t like the movie. / Elsa: Neither did I.
5. Josh: I really didn’t like it when that man answered his phone. / Elsa: Neither did I.
6. Josh: Well, I don’t like fast food. / Elsa: Me neither.

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Choose the best option:

1. The expressions in sentences 1-3 show agreement with a positive / negative statement.
2. The expressions in sentences 4-6 show agreement with a positive / negative statement.
3. Expressions with the word me have / don’t have a verb.
4. We use the auxiliary verbs "do"/"did" to agree with positive and negative statements. Which
sentences use these forms?
5. We do / don’t repeat the main verb when we agree or disagree.
6. When we agree with statements that use a "be" verb, we keep this verb. Which sentence uses
this form?
7. When we agree or disagree, the tense of the "be" and "do" verbs is the same as / different from
the first statement.

We can respond in the same ways when there are other auxiliary verbs in the first sentence.

• I can dance. / So can I.

• I won’t go to the party. / Neither will I.

We can also talk about things that other people have in common.

• John has been to New York. / So has Harry.

Look at these sentences and answer the question.

• I like that actor. / Sorry, but I don’t.

• I’m very busy today. / I’m not.
• She’s been to Paris. / I haven’t.

How are these sentences different from sentences 1-6?

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4 Practice

Complete the answers with the correct words to agree and disagree.

sentence agree disagree

I like tennis. I
I. 2

I’m late for work. Me

3 not.

I don’t have a cat. Me I

5 6
. .

Priya plays the violin. Alice

Alice. 8

David isn’t going to the office Julia

Julia. 10
today. .

Benito’s sleepy. Takeshi

Takeshi. 12

I can drive. I
I. 14

I’ve been out all weekend. I

I. 16

He’s already seen that movie. She She

17 18
. .

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5 Speaking

Work in A/B pairs. You are going to talk to your partner to find things in common. First, work alone
and complete the sentences with your own ideas. Be ready to give reasons or examples for your

Then have a conversation with your partner, like the example.

A: I like chocolate.

B: So do I. But I don’t like white chocolate.

A: Me neither. It’s too sweet.

• Snacks and junk food: I like ...................., but I don’t like ....................
• Fast food: I usually go to ...................., but I sometimes get food from ....................
• Healthy food: My favorite healthy food is .................... I sometimes have ....................
• Hot drinks: I always have ...................., but I don’t usually/never have ....................
• Types of movies: I prefer ...................., but I don’t enjoy ....................
• Actors: An actor I really like is .................... I don’t like ......................
• Sports: I like to go/play/do ...................., but I like to watch .....................
• Colors: My favorite color is ...................., but I don’t like ....................
• Pets: I prefer .................... I’ve never had a ....................
• Vacations: I like going to .................... I’ve never been to ...................., but I want to go there.
• Your own ideas

1. How many things do you have in common?

2. What’s the most surprising thing you have in common?
3. What did you disagree about the most strongly?

6 Extra practice/homework

Match the sentences with the answers.

a 1. I didn’t go shopping. a. Andrew will.

2. I’m not tired. b. I am.

d 3. My sister hasn’t done her c. I have.

f 4. I’m going out tonight. d. Neither did I.

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e 5. Charlie doesn’t want e. Neither does James.

6. Hamish likes to go to f. So am I.
7. Sam won’t enjoy this g. So does Hannah.
h 8. I should watch more h. So should I.
movies in English.

Which answers show disagreement?

7 Optional extension

What are these different types of seafood called? Match the words and pictures.

crab lobster mussels octopus oysters scallops

shrimp or prawn squid

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Work in pairs.

1. Which types of seafood are popular in your country? i think shrimp are famous
2. Which do you like?
3. What opinions about seafood do you and your partner have in common?

he doesn't like them and I do

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