Our Clothes - Worksheet 1

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Name: _____________________________

Class: ______________________________

English Worksheet (Thursday, 2 February 2023)

Unit 9 – Our Clothes

A. Listen and color the picture!

English Worksheet – Unit 9 “Our Clothes”

B. Complete the sentence according to the pictures!
Mira is wearing __________________, a
green ___________, a blue ____________,
blue _____________, and pink

T-shirt sunglasses shirt

shorts jeans shoes

Boby is wearing _____________, a black
_____________, a blue ____________, blue
____________, and black ___________.

jacket jeans T-shirt

shoes hat sunglasses

C. Answer these questions using “Yes, she has. or No, she hasn’t.”

8. Has she got a red handbag? ___________________________________

9. Has she got black shorts? ______________________________________

10. Has she got a yellow shirt? ____________________________________

English Worksheet – Unit 9 “Our Clothes”

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