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Dream Job

When speaking of a dream job, it’s the dream of success, that is motivating me. The dream job is
more like a goal than the perfect job. Experience has learned me that there is no perfect job, but
you can find life lesson in a (new )job. My dream is to be a English teacher.

I picture myself in a school located in an urban setting, teaching a classroom of diverse yet alike
students. These students are impressionable yet vulnerable to their environment whether this
means at home, at school, or in their social environment.

Most of these students don’t speak English as their first language, and some come from low-
income households, that can limit their educational experiences outside of the classroom. And
yet, no matter what differences these students bring to the table, their positive energy that
embraces, respects, and promotes learning. This is the goal I am working towards; the goal of
inspiring our youth to become self-advocates for their learning.

I aspire to make a difference in others through education. I’m studying to be an English teacher
because I believe that children can achieve so much more if they learn early of their potential.

Every child deserves the best education available and I should strive to be the best educator
possible to provide that for them. When balancing academics, work, and my social life, it can get
challenging to keep going. But, with the future of children’s education in my hands, I always get
back on track.

Therefore my dream job is becoming a English teacher!

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