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[AIRDATAMULTIMETER CERTIFICATE OF RECALIBRATION ‘customer 10021563 Sn wuawie Sntomer: cly__nocora nc ___ site"ca ‘ae RecoWwedWodel# Ann 8206 S——onvareaio Neco Seder #_—na30L39. Pow ‘Gane Ep —Colbraton Bue Daw: “span npn mr ee omni ne en te cere Re i a tegen Ny re ‘irc (Rts ary oe gory cvbraeg. tee eae Feiner, ens Haran he oo As Mins Frbaaits fie on fad Heer eked Sadar Cattvaton Tectia) 9 Cenause = Catton Approved by ‘ABSOLUTE PRESSURE TEST fH) sama ESTWETENTOUEUNCE-120%,hing. AoaeceneD Tram PECTED Non se 2 CED ens Neubien sieteeemee Sense tea tees powox Set Ph —_Sundard_Teitel ‘KOM __Sandad_Teutear_%600_Stado)_Tsttr_% 4 wa (dco [4 [a [yaa [143 [07 i za 128.201 28.5 |.35 | sea | any [or woo W400. Pod 122 40.27 | Yo, O1 Sage snow gna Sn eTown feted Test Tot Sees Sens 0505 Of Shortridge Instruments, Ine 7859 eax Neda Setes, Aa 85260 (acoso rae» Fax 480) 49-1267» ashi com AIRDATA MULTIMETER CERTIFICATE OF RECALIBRATION SN wai Order #_p220130 Low vetocrY cowrnaerio rm) TESTMETERTOLEHANGE 120447 FPA AGREGENED TesT Wren $¢¢ (ES) NOMA seein Wale Sie She wise Aeent Tes? Tes’) Vlegy Tan Sta SAL WIOET” Aeros Viewrems encanctss Abgen Teas Vetere Sn wens es Ysa? VolEQy Teme SkeSNeAMORO ean Tests VelEgvrare Si Sne Maas Tent? wo [oe8 To 2 joa [aod I mv) 500 S03 OL =1 Si Si _t et /ADW-#80¢, ADNE-0701870C and ADM 88078806 mods ar readin Aol Mode. ADKLEEAIBSOL models re readin Pt Tue Modo ‘TEMPERATURE TEST -ARDATA MUCTAMETER TESTMETER TOLERANCE =102°F ABSEEENEDTESTIMTON SPEC CYED NO NA Sao mosmwarsnan fefow ate atd.sSannesnee or Seen mosmmorsnat Qe Geb tas sanngeey arr ine wee Ss GR rey gr ner moamamcanse ‘Sta Gal maa Sarmmeanee wer tay “NeqmamisePon "Testi _oveene taser omens __onca 35.60 S.7 a £7 0 Se [Oo | aug = Ne e440 Se [Oo seg oO. “There were no aden oor dovations from the spciedcalbaon srocodure dring the eabation proces, ‘ny carton due date shown is specie bythe custome. ‘he enclosos ADM Calitvation Standards fr Pressure and Tomaratur fons iar an negra pt of hs alton end must man wth ‘3 Certeale of Calbrston. There may ba are than ano uch form ated tat porn shi clraon Ay atonalinfrmaton requis pertain hs caltation orto any rep peformod maybe nlued inher documentation apsteate, ‘hese dociments may ude ul not be odio an ArData Mutter Recalbtaton Notes om, analy & Ras Rood Neos aes Shortridge Instruments, Ine. 7655 East Rede Road Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 (490) 991-5744 = ‘TEMPROBE RECALIBRATION TEST REPORT Customer DZ ISL". "Mutimeter Sel Number HU S4U _ curtoner ugaber Metmlogia Sas oty Paocets OC sweCo overs 2250139 ‘As-Reosived Tost By: 10.6 =~ pate 1 |22)202%FinalTeSt By: © Prades _ate: anfoe/aaaa. ‘AeRecaived: Rh 5% Ambient Temperature: TZ. *F Barometric Pressure 2¥.20in Hg Fra Rh _2Q_% Aen Temperature]. 2. °F Barometric Presse 38.39 in Hg TEMPERATURE TEST CF) TEMPROBE TOLERANGE= 203° F TeMPROBE HODEL NUMBER BOT AU? TeMPROBE In NYA Tests wih Customers Meter (Teste i-houte Tenpereturo Caltraon Standard C1 AWitin Speicaton Yes (Flo “eapenaruRe TESTA sees are een elena ro ore eee mater atser ‘Menorca? snr Temas outa Savon set GED 58 “enor Star ADs Muir SN M0196 —SeLPaNL SEF OSE 188 F ia rasa "AS REGENED TEST FNAL TEST Paint” | Unceranty [~Sucaaasr | Testor °F | ofiet °F | Stndard °F | TestmetersF | Ofeat"F sor | so | aso | as 2 6.0 | aso a [wr | owe [aco | 450 | 0 | as. 460 | 0 wore [oom Piggo [isha [ -1 [isso | 155.0 | 10 Procedure ued: Procedure for Calvan Recallraton of MulTemss andlor TemProbos SIP-CP14 Re 08 Dated 71/4. Therewere 0 addons fo or deitons fom he easton procode uring is caliation proces Calraton standart used by Shot tunes, nc fo recosble te NIST (atonal ns of Standards and Technsogy). Calbration is pevtored in accordance with ANSUNSL 25401, 80 17025 ML STO AS652A and manutocia’s pocfcatons, Caan acursy is entd wen meters are vse wih prop nctoning accessoes only. Thisrepe shallot be reproduced exceptin ul without the wren ‘spprvaiot Shor insrument, In. Resut lata ono the tam cabrtes. intaon onus: Seo Shortie srument, ie Instucten ‘anus forthe ure of AiData Matinee ‘The enclosed ADM or HOM Calbralon Sanda fom) ilar an intra! pat f tis calbaton and mst rain wh his Certate of Ccltraton, Any caltration due date down i pects by to custome. tteatontoproved or Z rae Cal_ Suey, ae 2/07/2023 Shortridge Instruments, Inc. 7855 East Redield Road Scottsdale, Aizona 85200 (480)981-8744 + Fax (480) 443-1267 » wv shorvige com ‘Shortridge Insruments, Ine. AiData Mulimeter Calibration Equipment Order Number Q2%O139 Serial Number: WALSUYR Test Type: Initial AS-Reveived Fina powman SAAT Heke FPA ye ain Caled haan Dum cxziza oe 80 ‘Komanessmtteans)Noostoe PPM ya an ated Aan Caen Dan 821 Dun DOS Sommnon Smarteneas NeostessPPN2 ety rnc natn Ciba by act Cater Da W022 Dun Dt O03 ouanes — SM-iaitt HoeeMoasPPM Mga tn Cola by ot Catton De Ya8z2 Di 89 Jounon — suetampe?vetencaa My Ow baton Carns fae Cabo Dae OH02 DoD 785 fonnn sniaseaiee!evettnat Pd Mody mention Caray An Clb Ow 080122 DD NZD ousies sy-icoiu2 seotmst rs? MGsby Onur ntien Creey Aah Cabri W962 OO NED Nousien sheen hem peu? My Oumar nutin Cabesy Aan Cabra 0Y2/22 Oy On BD fours stecouans —fesgtrsa Ms Caled Abe Calvan alte) Ome 11202 fnoveaes i aepiener een Paba Ms aera Ae, Me Catan Dn on2 m2 emoekoonsen ten AA, t4m teh fonddconeyBoskteasose) Rage OS0qus Reet 89) erty «003 houses saad cet Moy Dunas Catt Asn Coban amc o4aiz2 Ow Dn cz fcecte —sqeavantute teeta Pret My ew atin Carmaty Aen Clb 42022 DD ZS ween gqeceucust vont Pet Mg renin Caray Aa Calbon Oo 222 Dy De FEED Inovsone SN emaaatttaneue Pst MSD Omar nutes Cbeesby Aso Cabra 1262} Ove BED Sowasine shoes) tet Pru Mi Da nutes Ceres Aah Carton ak 1221 DvD ED Soabec sheerovnstatetwat Pe Mid Oa nturen Candy Aaok Cabo Oe V2 Ove Do ED oumsk smeatceotyNoostee PPM Miya aun Cubed Rao Exton Or o0e22 Owe RED foot SMatanoiss Het PY ‘Mbyte Catt AR. Catazn Cz? Ou AED fomeort sniatinate eaotaat Prt Maly raer raat Camis AoeR Coote Du csize Dn ut 6828 foweer® —Gnvsetose8 lot Put Mbsby eae haan Calton y At Chen ee ia? Ow DCE) foweeet Sr sbnusne nets PPus My Seamer haatie Cateye Cabanon tue Dk? Ow i OSD Ihovgone yeast} hewn Put MH Oumar haute Carty Aa Cbs tae TAUI22 Ow De 48 ‘owacrs —Swecoito etna Pre’ Mgdby Das tuts Caer Aero Clb Ov 90122 Dye MED owaioc smecovets tmertnol PP! Mid senen Cao Aa Cabetn Oui 030722 Oye XGA omeria. Sa-sSitse-1 Moet PO Miso Oeamranien Cabos Aen Cabatn Ot eREAz2 Ov Oe EEA) Gouatia Sa-pieaio NesoNs PPM MiG Oesrmaunae Catone Aro Caan Oa e482 Ow On ORE fowstceshiatunnie\ eweMant Pvt Mp Derr Cady ato Cabin C22 ow OED fewest Snaeeouac! | eteMaat PP MGsby Cremation Cats bon. Caton a: Yiniz2 Om Oat 48 ous SM shes ekeMaat PP MpSoyDrenar rast Caltrtty Ao. Cbtn ue tIz2 Dw Da 423 oustee sweets setae Put MgetyOuime atin Cates Ack Clb or T81I22 Du DON ED Nowsist sweeter? teeta Pt Mbt Orene natin Cay hanes Cabin Oo 22 Dw Da NZS fone Stcaunuss eit PPss MAGEE ear ntin Carey Aho Cabos TB0IA2 Ow Oh ND oneies Questa acetic PP MGSO) earns Ceraesy Aah Cbs akc DVIA2 Dwi 9A powarri Shared Homeeoe Fast Ms Caton Abe Calon Oa tm a 1202 fouarrn Shasrane! fae PMs Ms Clee ty eo hs Catena fon} Oma 2 ones Shainntean aoa PMs Ms Caley eo he Chlorate st mum 102 fowavet—shattageue Hack Paty Mig aes by abc ne Catena ortame mu 203 enean —Gnaoents Hele PLY pe Cay eke Catteni oare Oot ES evcemmeosuarcm@cnrl iu ie iPLi00 | Rabdncamay near ease) Rangan0ssrm Re cO%0) Urey «BOE Shortridge Instruments, Ine. 7055 East Recfed Road Seotsdale, Arizona 85260 (490) 291.5744 » Fax (480) 443-1257 + ww shortidge com ‘01 case Rov 7 02.2:22 so12 a003 Shortridge Instruments, ne. AirData Multimeter Calibration Equipment (Customer Order Number, Meter Sera Number, and Test Type are referenced on page 1 {LOW VELOCITY EQUIVALENT CONFIRATION STAROARDS MET Ss SACMESIND Meg AONATIC. Migs Caney Shc ne, cam UNE? Ove 23 {Marrone ssw Mand Meow ANAT MGs Cubist Shearer exe Oa 20429 Ow aed WG Tamie Save SALeD MogwAGNATC MgdECaberks ty Shearer, Gato On ones? Sue ots SMEAr Tamir Sings ted see AEMETIC— MgdACatmde Shmpetaname Cx wats? Oyo etd ‘wert Sanat SM MFHT AORTIC MYER Serene Caen ecole] Oumeae wert Sana SH HiT aad ADMATIE Mee Caaedy Shreya: CaO 2eeN? bur 89 ee Tr Sana SH MIAR2 ta ADHETIC.—-MYWE Candy Sere tants Gatto WW?? Dobe tern Sanat SM MEDS eel ADRATIE Mp clit Sut ture he lb eaban? bn oust ‘eRe Vass W350 eg 1oocn gn Rano 6) Unease «20m on IO SimduorSW 240 MusRTOORNED WnebyGoesReee Ctl ET Late Cates ckma20 sue ene ID SaworSH 20 Mes ADO05:0 NSbyGmeReeanen Cans fT Ltt ‘eome as ID Sma S28 WeasiRD-ooec0 Myst om Rowen Cone fT Lat ‘we nase TO Souti S28 essDox0850 MNglyGxme Rear Cte OT att ‘cow uct ID Shuste Sm 27 Mase Doron pd One ewsee bya Diba oe TO Shwe SM 2 eos TDNOSO0 My Gre Reuse Cabana team eo toon oye TOS SM 28 Meow TD CORO? my Cl ase Cab ya CGinotorctectnase fat tant [rDsmunerSne 314 toga conse pty Goa eee ‘rosmuawShe St tnd 0mm tye Coe Renner rOSmasersne3i8 tesa RT IOS tet Gu Rsnes Pet enor 225% te Fame osoaterst 108 Fer 6012 Um 329m Tors 4 SNORE SAAB HOKSC. My Hat re Cali Fke Calton ke? cue m4 Terese #25Na6:Tiomier SHAILO? Mo WOUSENG. py Het ce Cleaner Do oe? Dara eat ‘here ESSN 780m SNOTE Mba OUD My Het cee: Caeand Puke Cater Dor een? Desa act ‘ems #880 HTNOTEME SHEN. HOLTO Mp at eae Catt y Fe Catan Dah? tet net ‘mom’ Behera SM Az? tual SSE Cay Pe natn ba 094 Det nan ane feorapemaneg Oat age Fe Ronn 901 F CombresUmayat at 80 Toop Tree Suns 01% Medd OME MRE Clay Shtinenmen he. Glin fambm2 oa ae ae one Isr Sanas NNO: bd ACM McCay Shana horeet me Slbaibam mite fant aca ime feamay 008 peas ess et 200 F Caray 962 F ‘nis fr must ain wth he Carat of Catraon corresponding ta the Customer Order Number and ME referenced on page 1 Shortridge Instruments, Inc. 7855 East Redfield Road Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 (480) 99°-8744 + Fax (480) 443-1267 » wer Shortridge Insruments, Inc. ArData Mutimeter Calipration Equipment onder Number: AZZOABE__ Seria Number MAL BHNG Test Type lal GEREEHBT> na rowan SALAH! veboMtPPA2 gy Chen dain Cie ly toh Cater Damon? Danae RD Gousscn —suarauces —SemtMoatPPM3—Mgy Ceans at Clrancby eet Catan Dan 821 Dubay a2 fou asen —eh-seaeint nett PP? Moy ur naats Caray fot Cbain ew: O90122 Dy eA78 out Santa | eum Phu? Mgsty woe tion Cataasy At Chane 322 Ow De 2 owen Swemaass) fatwamat Pha Mosby retin Catry Ahk Clb OO0I22 DD NEED fowstinn stecenuuer! et P42 Mey our ate Carty Ao Clbn Ow 080122 Dodie NZS wenn ccausc.2 tne Pre? Mit Omnis Csnsy Aa Clb um O92022 Dy 3 fhovaves Shenango Pr? My renin Caray hat Cabin Oo 012722 Dye 3 bowaien Shanes owehbgPs2 Ms Caeser Catbaanowe trae! Om 12 bowazen —Shecimume? ama Pasa Me caesar Dream ma fRamouncamcan en AA, 14m fon fonddonney Bek OSSD) Range 690908 arse «0038 tonne Rowdnonrey Seskttoees int) ange Oana ory “203 ows SNatnAoUd Heese PLY Misty Dearne Catan by AR Cate ue entz2__ On Ou 0423 onion Shatrasaut Huet PPY —gety Drea Cal Dy AR. Cee usc? Dw O42 onset skates Nowelaen PMG1 ety Drer are Cami Ar Caan oun? bao fcnseans Snv-eroten! ota Pt —-MGCby Dr rater Calta AcoR Coron OTD) Dn Da 22 Wocty rene vases Clay Arco Cabrera 2421 Dn Dan 9022 Moity erates Cala ok Detar me AMostyoree aes Cstmctyhrceh Cnn nine Dub cazd powass Steerer Milby Owe aes Canty Ao Calbasn Dw O90122 Dos CUz8 bosaors am enous Mody me ntin Caley ao Cabos Dac oab122 DoD 23 howanrs Sh evienoe atoms — Ms Oem nutes Cobre Aan Cbs 82822 Ove CTD bowaur —ancazinins meebo Pak My Ona natn Candy Rao Cabrero 092022 Oye ZA Sowacs —Sqczinoa ect Pt Mii Dnt Cae Aato Carter Oo 0820%2 Ope es honor. Sh sbi} Hewlett eats pdr Deserngore Catt bow Cabetendae 072 clade CO Tominsk —Simadsiso Hosea Pos doy Dear rauoes Casey aoe bn Oa O82 Own NIA fons. snesanwaass Hewett outs gd DsrnaaresCaltrdypbook Catone 90722 Chote 2 omar Snaesuee | HoueMase PY Mgeby Denna Cad byAOR, Cabana 2 ae at BED owstant SHUesonot1 enettat Pst tty rates Cait keh. Catan nt oie? an Da Seed houeioe SHE ISLSN | etd PPA —-Mgsty errs Caltby Abert Cann x YUYIz2 Dw Out 04223 fowsioe SW aonstsn neMaat PPL —-MbsbyDror hasten Cats by Abwren. Castine W122 Dw Dut 48 owarec Shena4sns tous Put Mgsby Creme raatis Caltrans yeh Cootsn oe Y1i22 Da a e428 howatss Sheetousng fioumat Prat Mgsby ame Paate Cats Aceh Caen ur 0722 Oo un 278 joMatsn —Seestousio* asenad Pet Molly eso on Cataay At Caan ae Cin2 Dw Da 2 pomaies —Swetaasns | akeuusdPPu* — Mgtby Oem aston Caley Aah Cbs us C022 Dy Di 23 powaira —Sheeswabn Hose Ps GB Carat y anon, tnt oan} Dun 0822 dowair —Suaiaumc) ont Pb MBS Cassy rao, Ct 60881 Ere 080 owes Shae Homi PMs Mp Cleraed by act he ‘ito onus! buco oe owe, Shanon Hecho als Mps Caley et ne CCutotonOwe e7er2 Ouse ee oa Shao Hose oats MSCs ace ne one oa roe owe SNeauaiete Heelan PMT Mp Claes See ne ten oats? Scat a0 Shortridge Instruments, Ine. 7255 East Radfeld Road Scotsdae, Arizona 85260 (480) 991-6744 » Fax (80) 443-1267 » wo ‘Shortridge Instruments, In. ‘AirData Mutimeter Calibration Equipment Customer Order Number, Motor Serial Number, and Test Type are referenced on page 4 LOW VELOCITY EQUVALEN CONFRUATION STANDAROS ‘eat et Ss ‘etn Yana hse 9 WO anasey sy 2 195 981 ps8 catty Sate ani we ‘p18 Se ane ty Cate See one ta cabs sae ane free on Renton 8 Tero ne Sindee GNSS MalADU'D My Cay Soe oes Mp8 cat Shay net Tslconed net tenn Tan wy: 0047 7 Geno evanse py cro ence Spy Gene ete Spey cnc ire Moy Grn Rentne psy casa aes Ips Soma eseee Binge waa Ha ate We ata Te cea cen a nin ae ‘ya sate Caray Fae Caen oc a3e22 tao See Clery Cabana DN tay ot Soe Calas Fasano Oh Bt aya Soe Calas Asa Enon D8 ey 2560 "hs fom mus rerain whe Create of Caliaton coresponing tothe Custer Onder Number and Meter Sev Nurber rofrenced on page 1 Shortridge Instruments, Inc 7885 East Rodfeld Road Scottsdale, Aizona 85260 (480) 96-874 + Fax (480) 443-1267 + wn shoridge com AIRDATA MULTIMETER CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION - AIR FLOW Customer I0:_021563, SIN_ usu CCustomer:_INGOBAR METROLOGTA Sas __ciy_nogona State-_co Model #_apxc8700__ Onder #7230139. This instrument has been calibrate using Caliration Standards which ar traceable o NIST (National Insitute of Standards and Technology. Test sceuracy rato is 21 airflow calibration. Qualiy Assurance Program and calibration procedutes meet the requirements for ANSINGSL 2540-1, ISD 17025, MIL-STD 486628 and manufacturers speciation Caltrain accuracy i cariied when meter ae used bya propery tained technician using propery funcboning accessories onl Trine moternas been calratod fos ar ew using Shortage Inruments, In. In-house Calbraton Standard FlewHood Assembly SIN H1264 with Shordge Instument, in Invouse lawHood Gra Adsomly SINIHI2B4-A theca flow readings may No be incleatve ofthe readings obtained wih lose wallmantanad Fowhood Asami. This por shal nt be reprosiced, except n fl hou he writen approval of Shortage Insvumens, Inc. Rsuts eat only tthe em calrated. Procedure used: Procedure oc Ar Flow Caliration of AxData Mutbmeterson a FowHood SIPCP1S Revision: O& Dato: 07/3114 "There were no adeltons to or devatons from the calbraton procedure uring this caloraion process. Ary calbraton due date Shown s species bythe customer Limitations on use: See Shortidge Intoments, Inc. Inston Manuals forthe use of ArOata Mutimetrs and Flowers. AIR FLOW TEST (cfm) ‘TEST METER TOLERANCE: # 3.0% of reading # 7 chm CCabraon Equant: Fowtced Stand Carson Transtr Standard ArDeta Mlimater Model ADN-870, Sei Number MGGD89 oc M9543. ‘SndrtoscodCabraton cana SN 740 calbatodaeeoyetem. Marutochuredby Sroridgeerument, ie. Sytom Caltrain Date 8/2 (arzia00r. Sytem Catan Due Oats: 0/2029, Flu lood Sind Calera onster Standard host unser edel ADM 70, Sra Nonbar e420 anatitees2 and Fowtond Caltration Stand SIN 740} carat ae meyetom. Maufactued by Showlagerstanen ‘System Caltrain Date 0428.04262022, Syston Calibration Ove Date 042028. Raled accuracy oaytam it 15% oeadin 5c. Resolute: 0.1 cm, Uncertainty ofsystem ina tated at oacn SetPoint, Aspects {inoetandes ae express in expanded tans (wis the caleised incetainy) Al readings ae compensated othe deal fects of Saromatic pressure ard tompo'atre AIR FLOW TEST CONDITIONS Foutiod Sina CaltratonTrnstr Standard Aaa Wtinear used fa flow carson: Moeas2 7) MOSES] Mo0O8S CME6420 ET Test performed using Custome”s:Flow-ocd Assembly © Shoridge Instruments, nc: In House FlowHood Assembly () Relative Humid; —_ 2 Ambient Temperature: _Z# + F Barometric Pressure: 2G 8 ing Caloration Technician): LK —@£@ Calibration Dste_2¢/oz/z023 Calibration Approved by: Tie Cal_ Supe vawe_oZ/o 7/2023 owroxSetPoint J _Unceaiy [Transfer Stanardcim | Test Meter im Diference 10 <50% 106 0 E 500 <15% 523 527 7 +1000, 16% 032 1E39 7] 1500 <1.25% 1537 1955 43 2000 125% 7998 2247 We Shortridge Instruments, Ine. (4oo/ er sres'» Foe (480) 4431257 + ww shoreagecom

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