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1. There were two visitors to the house in Mr. Edward Murdstone: He was tall, black-
Blunderstone. (a) Who were they? (b) What haired, and had dark eyes. He was a
did they look like? gengleman very polite.

Miss Jane Murdstone: She was dressed all in

black and she had balck hair and eyes. She
carried a hard metal bag on chain.
1. Who were David's new friends? Ham, Mr Peggotty, Mrs Gummidge, and
What was unusual about their home? It was a boat.

2. What did you think about Mr and Miss In my opinion, I really hated them. I think the
Murdstone? are horrible people, since the beginning I
hated how they were because of the way
they treated David.
They were just intruders in his life.
1. David said that his life was very unhappy. Because he was never alone with his mother,
Why was that? peggotty had to stay in the kitchen always,
and Mr Murdstone talked about send David
away to study.

2. Why was David sent away to school? Murdstones thought that he did't know and
didn't learn anything at home, and because
one day David bit Edward
1. Why did David hate Mr Creakle's school? The Headmaster, Mr Cleakle, was very bad,
he caned David.

2. After the holiday, David was glad to go Because he was looking forward to seeing
back to the school. Why? Steertforth again.
1. After his mother's death, David's life Mr Murdstone sent David to work, so he
changed. How? started to work in a warehouse.

2. What did David decide to do? He decided to go there. His job was about to
fill bottles with wine, to put labels them and
to ships them.
1. How was David's life different now? He started to live with his aunt, Betsy, in
Dover and he started to study

2. Why did the Murdstone want David back? He was willing to take David back, he said
that he shall teach Davy to obey him.
1. David met one very pleasant person and Pleasant person: Mr Wickfield: He has white
one unpleasant one. Describe them. hair and a rather red, but handsome face. He
was smartly dressed and looked honest and

Unpleasant person: Uriah Heep: Uriah had a

very long and thin face. He was a young man,
had very short, red hair. He was dressed in
black and moved his body in a strange way.
1. Agnes said that Streerfoth was David's She thought that Steerforth just wanted to
bad angel. Why did she say that? waste too much money and he was wasting
his life, too.

2. Uriah Heep had plans. What were they? He wanted to become in the Wickfield’s
partner, and to be married with Agnes.
1. David was in love. How did he behave? In my opinion, I think that David behaved a
bit stranger.

2. Why did Ham call Steerforth 'a damned Because Steerforth had taken Emily on their
villain'? wedding day
1. How did Traddles get to know the Because he was staying in a small room in the
Micawbers? Micawbers’ house.

2. How was David going to help his aunt? He asked Mr Spenlow the one thousand
pounds that Miss Trowood had given him.
1. What advice did Agnes give David? She told him that he must write to Dora’s
aunt Lavinia. Ask her to visit to Dora
sometimes and tell Lavinia all the truth. Tell
how much he loved Dora.

2. Uriah Heep made a mistake. What was it? To say that he would be husband of Agnes.
1. Was David's marriage to Dora a happy At the beginning

2. Did they have any problems? Yes, they had

If they did, what were they? Their problems were about housekeeping:
Dora had never been a housekeeping, and
they were angry for their servant.
1. What news did Mr. Peggotty get about He knew that Steerforth had taken Emily to
little Emily? England, but then Emily returned to London.

2. How did he find her? Because she had new friends, they were
fishermen and Emily had written a letter in
which she wrote the address of where she

3. What were his plans for the future? To emigrate to Australia.

1. Who proved Heep's villainy? Mr. Micawber

2. How did he prove it and who helped him? Mr. Micawber had a paper in which he had a
text where had written about the frauds of
Uriah, and had taken his note book which
had all the proofs against Heep. His helpers
were David, Traddles and Miss Betsy.

3. Miss Trotwood gave Mr Micawber some She told hi that he must emigrate to Australia
advice. What was it? with Mr Peggotty and his family. There he
could have a turn up.
1. Who did Dora want to see? To Agnes
Why do you think she wanted to see her? She wanted to talked with her about David
and their future.

2. Why did Dora think that David would Because she wasn’t ready for being a good
have got tired of her? wife, and she was very young in everything.
1. Two of David's friends died in this Ham: He tried to save to another man in the
chapter. sea, but the waves carried him away from the
Who were they and how did the die? shore, and back again.

Steerforth: The wind had blown the house,

where Steerfoth was, into pieces.
CHAPTER 18 Mr Peggotty, Mrs Grummidge, Emily, The
Micawbers, and David
1. Who left England in this chapter?

2. Why did they leave? Mr Peggotty, his family and The Micawbers,
because they emigrated to Australia for a
better future.

David, because he decided to go abroad.

David and Agnes both had secrets. What Their secrets were that they were in love
were these secrets? with each other. Agnes had always loved
David, and now, David loved Agnes.
1. Why did David write 'now the bad times Because finally, his life was good. David and
are far away'? Agnes had been married for ten years, had
five children, Aunt Betsy was in good health
and so was his dear Peggotty. His books had
sold well and made him rich and famous.
They were all very well.<3

2. What news did Mr Peggotty bring from Mr. Peggotty was a sheep-farmer, Emily was
Australia? never married, Mrs Grummidge was cheerful
and always smiling, and Mr Micawber was a
sheep-farmer, too.
This is an amazing story about David´s life and about everything that he lived, the people who were
with him, and all his experiences and adventures. The story starts in Blunderstone, with David living
there with her mother Clara, and Peggotty. Over time, The Murdstones arrived in their lives, then
their lives changed for bad. Edward Murdstone, her new stepfather, was always frowning at him and
screaming at him. Edward and Jane Murdstone were always torturing him with their mistreatment.
Peggotty decided to take David to her house to meet her family in Yarmouth, there, he knew Mr.
Peggotty, Ham, Mrs. Grummidge, and Emily, David considered Emily as his first love. When he
returned to his house, her mother had a new son, and The Murdstones forced David to go far away
to study. David started studying at Salem House, in London, there the headmaster, Mr. Creakle,
punished him, Thomas Traddles, and sometimes James Steerforth, but over time, David’s mother and
brother died, and then, The Murdstones decided to send him to work in London with Edward’s friend
called Mr. Grinby, there, David was working in a warehouse. One day Mr. Micawber, a humble man
and his wife, Mrs. Micawber invited him to live with them. One day, he decided to look for his aunt
Betsy for help, so he traveled to Dover, where he found Janet, Betsy’s servant, who guided him into
her house. David began to live there and then, he started to study for being a lawyer in Dr. Strong’s
School, in Canterbury with Wickfield and his partner Uriah Heep, there David knew Agnes, who he
considered a sister. At that time, he knew to Mr. Spenlow in Norwood, in London, at the same time,
he knew Dora and fell in love with her, but it was a secret, so he visited her in Julia Mills’s house,
Dora’s friend, but they married and at last he could live together, and they had a servant, Mary Anne.
Over time, he saw his old friend Traddles and he was in love with Sophy. This is an overview of
general life but there were many moments more. As the death of Dora, the escape of Emily with
Streerfoth, Peggotty and Barkis’ wedding, Uriah Heep’s fraud into Mr. Wickfield, Ham and
Streerfoth’s death, Mr. Peggotty, Mrs. Grummidge and Emily’s emigration, and David and Agnes

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