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VDI- Guidelines published January – March 2011

January: building physics, building services, trans- ing services and trades regarding safe,
VDI 3551: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) port and storage, installation. General plan- specified, demand-oriented and sustaina-
in building services ning of sanitary areas in buildings is not a ble operation. The guidelines describe the
The guideline provides guidance on how topic of this guideline. The equipment for prerequisites for fulfilling the operator’s
to interconnect individual devices and sys- various types of buildings is described in obligations, safe operation of installations,
tem components subject to the EMC Act in VDI 6000 Part 1 through Part 6. economic efficiency and environmental
such a way that the overall installation thus compatibility. Furthermore, they contain
formed does not cause any electromagnetic February: practical recommendations for operating
interference in devices/equipment/installa- VDI 2067/22: Economic efficiency of building and maintaining building-services installa-
tions/systems nearby, and that the function- installations; Energy effort of benefit transfer for tions. Installation owners and operators are
ing of the installation proper is not disturbed heating potable water obliged to operate installations in accord-
by interference from other devices. This guideline applies to all systems for ance with the acknowledged rules of tech-
heating potable water (see also DIN 1988) nology or state of the art, depending on the
VDI 4708/1: Pressure control, venting, deaera- in buildings. It is used to determine the object in question.
tion; Pressure control (Draft Guideline) energy, water and auxiliary energy effort
This guideline applies to the media circula- for the benefit transfer. VDI 6034: Cooling surfaces for rooms; Planning,
tion in heating systems where the interrup- installation and operation
tion of operation or of forced circulation is a The guideline covers the calculation of When it comes to the planning, construc-
regular occurrence (e.g. interruption of heat- the energy effort and the benefit transfer tion and operation of liquid-cooled room
ing in summer) during operation. It describes in systems for heating potable water. The cooling surfaces integrated into ceilings,
the dimensioning of pressure-maintenance calculation processes and reference val- walls and floors, or of systems with cooled
systems and the testing of such systems dur- ues contained in this guideline are used in massive building components, experts dif-
ing operation and maintenance. Pressure re- connection with VDI 2067 Part 12 for the fer about the proper procedures. It is not on-
lief and safety equipment are not the subject property-related calculation of the energy ly the cooling power output but also many
of this guideline. The guideline supplements expenditure for usage and benefit trans- other questions of detail that still want a
existing guidelines for the design, manufac- fer. In a cost calculation in accordance with harmonised procedure for planning and ex-
ture and testing of the pressure-mainte- VDI 2067 Part 1, the energy efforts for the ecution. For instance, how to deal with the
nance, deaeration and degassing systems (heat) thermal distribution and heat gen- result of a cooling-load calculation when
or their system components with respect to eration must be taken into account. using a room cooling surface? What is the
thermo-hydraulic integration into the fluid state of the art regarding the selection of
circulation in terms of recommendations VDI 2083/17: Cleanroom technology; materials? What special requirements are
and dimensioning guidelines. Compatibility with required cleanliness class and to be taken into account in dimensioning
surface cleanliness (Draft Guideline) the hydraulic system, the room tempera-
VDI BV/BS 6000/1.1: Provision and instal- The guideline deals with particulate and ture control and fire protection? This guide-
lation of sanitary facilities; Generic aspects and chemical (molecular) contaminations and line is intended to provide more clarity on
systems; Prefabricated sanitary modules (prefabri- electrostatic characteristics of materials all these issues and to close a gap, with the
cated sanitary rooms, installation systems) (Draft and the cleanability of surfaces. Biological aim of improving security in dimension-
Guideline) and radiological contaminations are not ing the systems, promoting fair competi-
The guideline applies to prefabricated san- a specific subject of this guideline. The tion, and creating more transparency for all
itary elements in new construction, in the guideline defines the cleanliness com- those involved in order processing.
remodeling of existing buildings, for perma- patibility and cleanroom compatibility for
nent sanitary facilities in mobile units such materials. Based on this, a classification is March:
as ships, trains and other means of transpor- made, and procedures are specified for VDI 2073/2: Hydraulic systems in building serv-
tation. It does not apply to sanitary contain- determining the suitability for the intend- ices; Hydraulic balancing (Draft Guideline)
ers installed in mobile buildings destined ed use in clean production areas. This guideline applies to the dimension-
for repeated installation and removal. The ing of new, and verification, by calcula-
guideline applies to wall modules, panels, VDI 3810/1: Operation and maintenance of tion, of existing, distribution systems for
prefabricated restrooms, installation sys- building installations; Fundamentals (Draft heating and chilling in HVAC installa-
tems, ready-made toilets. The guideline Guideline) tions; its particular aim is the reproduci-
states requirements to be met by archi- The series of guidelines VDI 3810 gives ble hydraulic balancing of an installation
tectural and structural conditions, stability, recommendations for the various build- as planned.

REHVA Journal – May 2011 105


“Hydraulic balance” as stipulated in stand- and water vapour content (x) in the form from 1991 to 2005, which corresponds to half
ards and ordinances is the generic term for a of t-x correlations. Initially, the data from of the current climate normal period.
requirement to be met in dimensioning and 1951 to 1970 served as the basis for West
adjusting of distribution systems, particu- Germany. When the standard was revised VDI 6028/6: Assessment criteria for Building
lar in hot-water heating systems. In a strict- in 2003, in cooperation with the DWD Services; Requirements profiles and valua-
er sense it means ensuring the intended (German Meteorological Service), the da- tion criteria for the building automation (Draft
distribution of flows to handover locations ta gathered at 15 stations between 1961 Guideline)
(space-heating surfaces, chilling surfaces, and 1990 were published. The concept for The guideline tries to offer a method al-
heat exchangers and similar) by selecting the compilation of the correlation tables lowing an objective and holistic evalu-
proper piping and calculating and adjusting of air temperature and water vapour con- ation of offers for building automation.
regulating resistances. In addition to ensur- tent in air, the so-called t-x correlations, so The guideline compiles technical specifi-
ing the indispensable function “distribution far consisted in using the respective hour- cations and profiles of requirements for
of intended flows”, it is a further aim to min- ly values measured over the 30 years of building automation. Based on these,
imise the expenditure in heating and cool- the currently completed climate normal evaluation criteria as per VDI 6028 Part 1
ing energy for handover, and the pumping period, i. e. presently from 1961 to 1990. are described. Lists allow to select those
energy required for water circulation. criteria for a building project which have
Since the end of the nineteen-eighties, the to be observed at a given time. These lists
VDI 4710/3: Meteorological data for the build- air temperature has kept rising. To give bet- can be supplemented by orderers’ speci-
ing services; t,x correlations from 1991 to 2005 for ter consideration to the obvious climate fications in all cases. The guideline is ad-
15 climatic zones in Germany change in the air-temperature regime when dressed to orderers, object and technical
Since 1979, it has been common practice, planning building services, the t-x correla- planners, executing companies, users and
particularly in DIN 4710, to compile the tions have been re-calculated, and published operators. This guideline is only valid in
basic data of outdoor-air temperature (t) in this VDI guideline, for the 15-year period conjunction with VDI 6028 Part 1.

New REHVA Guidebooks Both are available

from May 2011 at
Indoor Climate Quality Assessment or
through REHVA National
Evaluation of indoor thermal and indoor air quality Members
Editor: Stefano Paolo Corgnati
Co-Editor: Manuel Gameiro da Silva

THIS NEW REHVA Guidebook gives building professionals a useful support in the practical
measurements and monitoring of the indoor climate in buildings. It is evident that energy con-
sumption in a building is directly influenced by required and maintained indoor comfort level.
Wireless technologies for measurement and monitoring have allowed enlarging significantly
number of possible applications, especially in existing buildings. The Guidebook illustrates
with several cases the instrumentation for the monitoring and assessment of indoor climate.

Energy efficient heating and ventilation of large halls

Editor: Karel Kabele
Contributing Authors:
Karel Kabele, Ondrëj Hojer, Miroslav Kotrbatý, Klaus Sommer, Dusan Petras

THIS GUIDEBOOK IS focused on modern methods for design, control and operation of energy
efficient heating systems in large spaces and industrial halls. The book deals with indoor envi-
ronment and thermal comfort, light and dark gas radiant heaters, panel radiant heating, floor
heating and industrial air heating systems. Various heating systems are illustrated with case
studies. Design principles, methods and modeling tools are presented for various systems.

106 REHVA Journal – May 2011

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