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MST 111

2 Types of Reasoning
Inductive Reasoning - is the process of reasoning that arrives at a general conclusion based
on the observation of specific examples.
Deductive Reasoning - is the process of reasoning that arrives at a conclusion based on
previously accepted general statements.

- A counterexample is one specific example that proves the conjecture false.

- A set is a collection of objects. In our study of sets, we’ll want to restrict our attention to
sets that are well-defined. A set is well-defined if for any given object, we can
objectively decide whether it is or is not in the set. Each object in a set is called an
element or a member of the set.

3 Common Ways to Designate a Set

1. List or Roster Method - The elements of the set are listed between braces, with commas
between the elements. The order in which we list elements isn’t important.
Natural Numbers - Sets are often labeled with capital letters. The Set of Natural Numbers
(Counting Numbers) is defined as N = {1, 2, 3, 4 …}. (When we are designating sets, the three
dots, or ellipsis, mean that the list of elements continues indefinitely in the same pattern.)
The Set of Even Natural Numbers is
E = {2, 4, 6, 8, …}
The Set of Odd Natural Numbers is
O = {1, 3, 5, 7, …}
Set Notation
- The symbol ∈ is used to show that an object is a member or element of a set. For
example, if A is the set of days of the week, we could write Monday ∈ A, and read this as
“Monday is an element of set A.” Likewise, we could write Friday ∈ A. When an object is
not a member of a set, we use the symbol ∉. Since “Icecreamday” is not a day of the
week, we can write Icecreamday ∉ A, and read this as “Icecreamday is not an element
of A.”
2. Descriptive Method
MST 111

Example: Describing a Set Using the Descriptive Method Use the descriptive method to
describe the set B containing 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 in two different ways.
All of the elements in the set are even natural numbers, and all are less than 14, so B is the set
of even natural numbers less than 14. There are plenty of other ways the set could be
described. Another is the set of natural numbers between 1 and 15 that are divisible by 2.
3. Set-Builder Notation
Set-builder notation uses a variable, braces, and a vertical bar | that is read as “such that.”
For example, the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} can be written in set-builder notation as
{ x | x ∈ N and x < 7 }
This is read as “the set of elements x such that x is a natural number and x is less than 7.” We
can use any letter or symbol for the variable, but it’s common to use x.
Variable - A variable is a symbol (usually a letter) that can represent different elements of a set.
Empty Set or Null Set - A set with no elements is called an empty set or null set. The symbols
used to represent the null set are { } or ∅.
Cardinal Number - The cardinal number of a set is the number of elements in the set. For a set
A the symbol for the cardinality is n(A), which is read as “n of A.” For example, the set R = {2, 4,
6, 8, 10} has a cardinal number of 5 since it has 5 elements. This could also be stated by saying
the cardinality of set R is 5.
Finite and Infinite Sets - A set is called finite if it has no elements, or has cardinality that is a
natural number. A set that is not finite is called an infinite set.
Equal and Equivalent Sets - Two sets A and B are equal (written A = B) if they have exactly
the same members or elements. Two finite sets A and B are said to be equivalent (written A B)
if they have the same number of elements: that is, n(A) = n(B).

Subsets and Set Operations

Universal Set
The universal set for a given situation, symbolized by U, is the set of all objects that are
reasonable to consider in that situation.
Once we define a universal set in a given setting, we are restricted to considering only elements
from that set. If U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, then the only elements we can use to define other
sets in this setting are the integers from 1 to 8.

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