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Managing aseptic
food packaging
The processing and packaging of liquid foods, such as milk and fruit juice,
requires the highest standards of hygiene and security. Sauro Riccetti looks
at the management of critical control points in aseptic food packaging.

ompetition within the food Packaging material can be (Figure 1). At the bath outfeed, a

C industry means that there

is very little room for error
when balancing production
costs with those of ensuring product
safety. As a result, the ability to
sterilised by a range of different
methods. Many aseptic packaging
systems use hydrogen peroxide
(H2O2) at concentrations varying
from 30 to 35%, followed by hot air
tion of milk
dry, hot air station produces air
knives, at temperatures of 100-
130°C, able to dry H2O2 residues
and improve PM sterilisation
eficiency. This depends on:
identify and manage CCPs (Critical (60–125°C) to increase the sterilising is often • Immersion time in the H2O2 bath
Control Points) has an important effect and to dry hydrogen peroxide caused by (normally a ixed parameter
role in developing a company’s residues from food contact surfaces. contamina- dependant on length of hydrogen
competitive advantage. Sterilisation performance increases tion of the peroxide bath, equipment speed
Bacterial contamination of milk with both peroxide concentration and equipment and volume of package);
is often caused by contamination temperature. Regulations require used to • Hydrogen peroxide temperature
of the equipment used to sterilise that the end food product must not and concentration (normally in the
sterilise the
the packaging. The condition of contain >0.5 ppm H2O2. Consequently concentration range 30-35% and
sterilisation systems for containers PM sterilisation systems must 60-80°C);
or packaging materials (PM) and also provide a drying circuit able • Hot air (to dry H2O2 residues on
sensors used to monitor critical to remove (mechanically and/or by PM) temperature and low.
parameters, such as temperature, heat) the H2O2 residues on surfaces
low rate, concentration and in contact with the food product. Critical Control Points
automation, is an important factor in Sterilisation eficiency should be In the sterilisation process above,
determining container sterilisation established in terms of numbers there are several critical components
effectiveness. of log cycle reductions of the most and parameters:
This article addresses the technical resistant microorganisms. • Packaging material guides
criticalities of aseptic packaging Packaging material is usually Drive rollers and guides direct PM
systems, i.e. the illing of a sterile sterilised either inside the illing through the H2O2 bath to avoid
container with a commercially sterile equipment or externally and then friction with metallic parts and
food product under aseptic conditions introduced aseptically into the contact with hot surfaces. Smooth
and the hermetic sealing of the aseptic zone of the iller. and constant low of packaging
container to prevent reinfection. The packaging material reel is material within these rollers is
guided into a hydrogen peroxide bath important to ensure sterilisation
Aseptic and ESL (Extended where it is sterilised by immersion and to avoid damage on internal
Shelf Life) illing equipment and external surfaces from
criticalities Dry hot air
scratches and pinches.
Figure 1: Packaging material sterilisation
The phases of aseptic processing and through hydrogen peroxide bath station • Hydrogen peroxide temperature,
packaging are: concentration, stability and
• Sterilisation (direct or indirect Packaging contact time
heating) of products before illing; Pre-set temperature of hydrogen
• Sterilisation of packaging peroxide is indirectly achieved
materials or containers; through heat generated and
• Aseptic illing: Water irradiated by an inner water
- sterilisation of the aseptic iller Packaging bath. H2O2 concentration can
before operation, material reel be monitored automatically or
- maintaining sterility during H2O2 H2O2 manually by measuring density
bath bath
production; variation.
• Package illing, forming, sealing • Hot air station to dry and sterilise
and cutting; packaging material
• Production of illed hermetic Air low and temperature are two
containers. critical parameters that control

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IN Pre-Formed Bottom H2O2 UV Lamp Hot Air Food Top

Container Sealing Spray Radiation Filling Sealing

Figure 3: Packaging material sterilisation process for pre-formed containers

PM sterilisation eficiency. The maintenance countermeasures concentration over time to determine

gas phase obtained by evaporation (Figure 2). the quality of product supplied. An
of a solution of H2O2 heated with To carry out this activity effectively, optical device, such as an absolute
hot air, has wide application in the team involved has to identify and
The latest encoder, can measure the movement
sterilisation. Other criticalities deine all: equipment of packaging material through the
may be introduced by burnt PM • critical control parameters uses an H2O2 bath, which is affected by bath
and polyethylene residues that can (normally concentration, automatic length and equipment speed.
produce scratches on PM that may temperature, pressure) system, If packaging material is sterilised
contact the food product. • critical control processes (used to such as an by a spray system combined with
Maintenance, calibration and control critical parameters); infrared UV light, contact time and radiation
cleaning of drive rollers, guides, • critical control devices (critical spectro- exposure should be monitored.
thermoregulators and mechanical components or parts used to meter, to Contact temperatures higher than
components avoids biological control the processes that need to provide 65°C are normally controlled by a
hazards caused by poor PM be regularly inspected). thermocouple. The systems used to
sterilisation and scratches on PM. control process parameters must
Hydrogen peroxide in-line be examined to identify criticalities
HACCP The quality of the chemical used is measure- for maintenance or monitoring
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control normally controlled by the supplier, ment of procedures.
Points (HACCP) methodology but periodical, parallel quality hydrogen
requires all critical machine parts control must be carried out by the peroxide...’ Pre-formed containers
and components affecting food user to ensure the conformity of the Pre-formed containers require an
product safety, to be identiied product to the declared standards alternative sterilisation approach
together with the associated and speciications. These can (Figure 3). The bottom of the
risks for different failure modes. be carried out by the equipment container is irst sealed and then a
HACCP identiies and assesses operator or laboratory staff. The user spray nozzle injects a 2% solution of
speciic hazards, estimates risks should monitor the stability of H2O2 H2O2 into the package. UV radiation
and establishes control measures to avoid variation of concentration is used next to reduce microbial
that emphasise product safety over time. The latest equipment contamination inside the package
through problem prevention and uses an automatic system, such as followed by blowing hot air inside
control, rather than reliance on an infrared spectrometer, to provide prior to product illing. After inal top
end-product testing and traditional continuous, in-line measurement sealing, the container is conveyed
inspection methods. Machine parts of H2O2 over a wide range of to the outfeed and to downstream
or components, which could cause concentrations and pH values equipment.
biological, chemical or physical with high precision and accuracy Critical control points in this
hazards, are examined to devise (error <1%). Automatic control process are:
critical control limits and preventive systems are able to track changes in • H2O2 spray (H2O2 concentration, air
pressure for spraying sterilisation
solution and microiltration of
Sterilisation pressurised air).
• UV lamp radiation (UV lamp power
supply, feedback signal from UV
light radiated into the package)
H2O2 H2O2 Contact Contact
Contact Time • Hot air to dry and sterilise the
Stability Concentration Temperature
package (Sterile air pressure/low
and temperature)
35% 30 to 50% Dip-In >6 sec. >65°C • Filling station (a smooth illing
is mandatory to avoid product
Infrared Infrared Conductivity
Spectrometer Spectrometer Probe
Encoder Thermocouple residues on the top seal).
• Package sealing (performance
of heating bars, ultrasonic or
induction heating elements used
Control Point Control Parameter Control Process Control Device for sealing).
Figure 2: Analysis of a Critical Control Point
Criticalities depend on: package 21

Critical Identify speciic Control Critical limits Monitoring procedures Corrective Veriication Record(s)
Control potential measures for each CCP action(s)
Points hazards*
CCPs What Frequency Who
H2O2 (B) Vegetative Infrared See operator Calibration Once a year Tech. Depart. (1) Calibrate H2O2 density Production
conc pathogens spectrometer manual the probes variations & calibration
(2) Replace the records
device Instrument
H2O2 (B) Vegetative Manual >30% H2O2 Once per Machine (1) Add H2O2 H2O2 Production
conc pathogens veriication <50% conc production operator (2) Add de- variations of records
shift ionised water concentrations
(3) Replace
H2O2 in bath
UV light (B) Vegetative Fibre-optic See tech. UV light power Once every Tech. Depart. (1) Calibrate UV light power Production
irradiation pathogens spectrometer Manual and frequency three months the probes and frequency records
(2) Replace the variations
Table 1: Hazard analysis summary * Biological (B), Chemical (C) or Physical (P)

position and stability, pressure of minimum H2O2 concentration to product safety. While the use of an
sealing jaws, heat generation and avoid biological hazard must be automatic device with an alarm
transfer to the package sealing area. deined; a maximum concentration enables a drastic reduction in the
For each
Mechanical wear, adjustment and threshold must also be determined Risk Priority Number (RPN) from
calibration of physical parameters
parameter, to avoid the risk of explosion due 81 to 9, the manual control of H2O2
can be achieved by a reliable control to contact with metal fragments or concentration by the equipment
maintenance design programme. methods impurities. operator is a risk with an RPN four
Table 1 shows the hazard analysis must be times higher.
summary table of two critical control identiied Failure Mode Efect Hazard
parameters: H2O2 concentration and Analysis Conclusion
(automatic and manual) and UV light appropriate Table 2 shows the application of The use of the hazard analysis
irradiation. For each parameter, maintenance Failure Mode Effect and Hazard summary table together with
control methods must be identiied activities Analysis (FMEHA) technique to the FMEHA technique enables
and appropriate maintenance designed.’ identifying the H2O2 concentration identiication of CCP, measurement
activities designed. For critical affecting the CCP PM sterilisation. of criticalities and comparison of the
production practices that are directly FMEHA integrates Failure Mode risk of each CCP, control parameter,
linked to biological, chemical, Effect Analysis (FMEA) and HACCP process and part. This provides
and physical hazards, potential principles and is a useful tool to a comprehensive view of all the
deviations need to be identiied measure the criticalities associated interrelated critical elements for
together with critical limits. A with equipment reliability and food effective management of CCP.

Part or process name: Design/manufacturing resp.:

Series No./Dev.Step: Engineering release date:
Part/Process Hazards: Critical Potential Potential Severity Potential Occurrence Current Existing Frequency
CCP biological, limits & failure effects of causes of controls monitoring
operational chemical or deviations mode failure(s) failure procedures
practice physical for each
Infrared Biol See No PM 9 Probes 3 Yearly PM 300 hours
spectrometer technical Wrong sterilisation fault calibration check list
manual position wrong
Manual Biol >30% Wrong No PM 9 Operator 3 Daily Daily Every
veriication <50% measure sterilisation mistake procedures check production
H2O2 conc lists shift

Other areas involved: Suppliers & plants afected:

Prepared by: FMEHA date:
Detection Risk Priority Recommended Area individual Actions Severity Occurrence Detection Risk Priority
Number action(s) responsibility & taken Number
completion date
3 81 Automatic Technical Install automatic 9 1 1 9
monitoring dept monitoring
with alarm system
3 81 Operator training Training centre Regular training 9 2 2 36

Table 2: FMEHA technique applied to PM sterilisation

Article available online at:

Dr Sauro Riccetti is adjunct professor at the University of Bologna, Italy. He gained wide experience at Tetra Pak Italy
in training, maintenance and process engineering in the food sector. Email:

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