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Portal - SWAYAM

“Taking a Business Online”

Graphic Era Hill University

Course Duration - 15 Weeks

Submitted By - Arjun Salwan ; 1027821 ; B.Com(H) ; 6B


Sr. No. Content Page No.

1. Introduction 03
2. Module - 1 04
3. Module - 2 04
4. Module - 3 05
5. Module - 4 05
6. Module - 5 06
7. Module - 6 07
8. Module - 7 07
9. Module - 8 08
10. Module - 9 08
11. Module - 10 09
12. Module - 11 09
13. Module - 12 10
14. Module - 13 10
15. Module - 14 11
16. Module - 15 11
17. Outcome of Learning 12
~ Introduction

In the computerized age, it is significant for a business to have an online nearness.

Regardless of whether it's a site, a web based business stage, an internet based life page
or a blend of every one of the three, getting an organization online will receive significant
rewards. Regardless of whether an organization doesn't lead business on the web, clients
and potential clients are hoping to see a business on the web. On the off chance that they
don't see a business there, a business could be missing out on the chance to build a
detailed client base and get the word out about the business. Here are some important
reasons why getting a business online might change it for good, forever .

1. Makes it easier for potential customers to choose the business

2. Make a business products and services more viable visible to the huge customer
base all over the world
3. Easier to build up on significant relationships with customers and shareholders
4. Marketing the brand and its image is streamlined and can be monitored regularly
5. Word on the internet travels faster than word of mouth

In the feeling of this article a "customary organization" is unified with a physical area and
sells either face to face, by telephone, or mail; basically a conventional
"blocks-and-mortar" business. They might possibly stroll in clients. Basically, a business
that isn't selling physical items solely on the web, similar to an online business

While by and large, the means for setting up an online nearness for a blocks and mortar
business are fundamentally the same as those on the off chance that a business needed
to begin an online business, there are a few things that make an online nearness for a
blocks and mortar business one of a kind.

There is highly said about working together on the web or "putting a business on the
web". To many, it might simply be stable, excessively entangled, or excessively
dangerous. In any case, there are numerous valid justifications to start selling (and
maintaining a business) on the web.

OBJECTIVE OF LEARNING— How to take business online for best possible mass
attraction and growth of it in an effective and efficient manner.

CONTENT OF MODULE — Today's world is a digital world, with nearly half the world
online. With so many people using the internet, it makes sense for a business to tap into
digital. Find out what opportunities exist and how a website, videos or social media could
help a business reach business goals.

LEARNING OUTCOME — It’s no secret that the world has embraced all things digital
since the birth of the internet. Now we’re going to talk about how many people are online
worldwide, and find out how those people are spending their time online. And finally, a
business will learn how a business business can benefit from the still-booming digital

To give a business an idea of the explosion of online usage over the last 15 years,
consider this: In 2000, about 361 million people were online worldwide. In 2016, there
were over 3 billion. That’s a growth rate of 764%! Today, nearly half the world is online.

In India, the numbers are growing at an impressive rate with over 34.8% Indians having
Internet access in 2016. Indians are so connected that they have an average of 0.80
mobile subscriptions each, that’s nearly one mobile line per person!

No matter which device they use, on average, people spend over 3 hours per day which is
more than 90 hours in a month!

CONTENT OF MODULE — Many of these digitally connected people are shopping.

Studies say that there would be close to 100 million online shoppers in India by the end
of 2016.

LEARNING OUTCOME — Online video has also seen double-digit growth in the last five
years, with millions everyday watching video on social sites or via websites such as a
business tube, Netflix, etc. And people are spending hours, socialising and
sharing—nearly 2 and a half hours of their time spent online per day is on social media

If a business is a business owner, all these people doing all these things online presents
loads of potential for a business. And as time goes on, people will continue to use the
Internet in even more ways that will impact a business.

It’s been truly a modern miracle to witness how the Internet has transformed our daily
lives in such a short span of time.


CONTENT OF MODULE — Being online lets a business reach out to new customers and
build better relationships with customers a business already has.

LEARNING OUTCOME — It's never been easier, cheaper or more beneficial for a business
business to get online. Don’t be intimidated by the breadth of opportunities in digital. We
studied :-
​· the core components of a digital presence
​· how they relate to a particular business
​· how to get started.

Let’s say a business is a retailer whose business has grown strictly through referrals and
word of mouth. So far, a business has not had any digital presence, but now a business
wants to take a business business to the next level. How will being online help a business
business succeed?

One of the biggest advantages to being online is reaping the benefits of search. Having a
digital presence means a business will be visible when people go online and search for a
business like a business.

So let’s assume someone searches for “designer boutiques” and a business store
appears in the results. How can this benefit business?

CONTENT OF MODULE — let’s get practical. What do the growing number of online
opportunities actually look like for a business?

LEARNING OUTCOME — online presence can also give a business valuable insight into
prospective customers: what they want, and how to give it to them. How? Well, digital
allows a business to show targeted advertising to people right when they’re looking for
what a business offers.

For example, using search advertising, a business can show ads to potential customers.
Such as people searching for “wedding wear in Mumbai.” a business can also restrict the
ads to show within a certain geographic radius of a business shop. a business can learn to
use analytics tools to find out if people clicked on a business ad, visited a business site,
and took certain actions. Like filling out a form or watching a video.
The first is scope. Web, mobile, social … There are so many options. Where does a
business want to start, and where does a business want to go?

Next is Technology and Content: Decide if a business will handle the technical and
creative aspects of the site a business self—which may take more time—or get help,
which may take more money.


CONTENT OF MODULE — Taking a business online offers a lot of opportunities, but with
so many options, it’s easy to spin a business wheel and lose focus. Setting specific goals
can help as a business begin to navigate the digital world.

LEARNING OUTCOME — Every business has different objectives. It’s good to know
exactly what a business wants to achieve online, as it can help a business set the right
priorities and put a business plan into place. Because a business doesn't want to feel too

There are lots of clear ways digital can help a business business. Such as building
relationships on social networks, selling online, finding new customers. Or even keeping
the existing ones.
It’s good to start by asking a business self a simple question: why exactly, do I want to be
online? Imagine a business owns a café. a business ultimate goals could be: to sell more
coffee and sandwiches and tempt people to try daily specials and other items from a
business menu.

But before anyone can walk through a business door, they have to know a business
exists. This is a great goal that digital can help a business with.


CONTENT OF MODULE — One easy win is listing a business business in local online
directories. So, when people look for a local café on search engines, or online maps, a
business business will show up.
LEARNING OUTCOME — a business might decide to build a website to share information
about a business business. This could be things like, a business opening hours, a business
location, a business price and the services a business offers. Maybe even photos and
videos that could entice new customers to walk through a business door.

● a business could set up a social media page- like on Facebook, Google+ or Twitter
● a business could post photos of a business creations, offer special deals and really
connect with business customers.

As a business starts achieving these goals and more people become aware of a business,
a business goal may naturally evolve and a business might want to shift a business focus
towards turning visitors into paying customers. A business could add new features to a
business site like: making reservations, a “reviews” section where people can say nice
things about a business, or even an online order facility.


CONTENT OF MODULE — using digital to attract visitors, and turn them into customers,
a business could start expanding a business business by investing in online advertising.
Whatever a business ultimate digital goals are, or where a business currently stands, a
business priorities will naturally change and grow with a business business.

LEARNING OUTCOME — Now to make sure a business is meeting business objectives,

it’s really important to measure a business progress along the way.
This is called “analytics”. Analytics lets a business know what’s working well, and what
could be tweaked.

First, by looking at different ways a business can establish a digital presence. Next, the
different ways to market a business self online. And lastly, how a business can measure
and improve a business digital endeavors.

Whether a business has an online presence already or not, do some thinking and write
down the three biggest goals a business wants to achieve by getting more involved in


CONTENT OF MODULE — Let’s take a look at all the options for launching a business
business online, step by step.

·​ local listings
​· social media and video
​· websites and mobile apps.

LEARNING OUTCOME — We’re going to look at the first step to going digital: staking a
business claim online.

A business has got lots of options for building a digital presence, including things like
local listings, websites, mobile Apps and social media. If a business gets these basics
right, it could make a world of difference. These days, it’s easy for anyone to make a
home online.

But while a website might be the first thing that comes to mind, a business doesn't
necessarily need to start there.

Let’s say a business cafe owner for example, a business first step to finding customers
online, and being found online, might be to list a business shop in local online directories
like Google My Business.


CONTENT OF MODULE — There’s a lot a business can do without a website, but at some
point, a business might want to build a home of a business own on the web, a
one-stop-shop where a business customers can find everything they need to know about
a business, online.

LEARNING OUTCOME — The most important thing as a business starts to plan a

business site, is to think about what a business wants people to do there. For example:
Does a business want them to call a business? If so, include a business phone number
prominently on every page.

Perhaps a business wants them to find a business physical shop? Well, include a map and
driving directions. Maybe a business wants them to give feedback or write reviews? That’s
a feature a business can build in. Or lastly, a business might want them to actually buy
products from a business online— by placing an order and submitting a payment. That’s
called e-commerce, and there are a range of options—from simple to complex.

Websites aren’t the only online homes anymore. These days many businesses create
mobile Apps for customers that they can keep on their smartphones or tablets. Apps
open up all kinds of digital doors - for example, a business can create loyalty programs or
automatically send reminders about upcoming appointments.


CONTENT OF MODULE — a business is online, so now it’s time to bring in the customers
a business wants.

·​ search engines
​· other websites
​· social media
​· email.

LEARNING OUTCOME — a business has established a business online home, and now a
business is looking for ways to bring more customers to a business virtual front door.

Let’s discuss some great strategies to do just that using search engines, other websites,
social media and email. There are a few ways to do it using digital means.

Search engines. When people type something in a search engine, they’re letting it know
exactly what they are looking for.

If a business offers relevant services and products, search engines will show a business in
the search results.

CONTENT OF MODULE — search engine optimization, or SEO

LEARNING OUTCOME — The first is search engine optimisation, or SEO ,which helps a
business promote a business business in the unpaid search results. The second is search
engine marketing, or SEM , which lets a business buy ad space in the search results.

SEO is all about getting a business site in front of the right people who are searching for a
business products and services.

Now, there are lots of ways to do this, we’ll explain them in detail later on, but the key is
knowing what words people actually type in - the keywords. They are the most relevant
words to a business business.

Understanding these will help a business improve how a business shows up when these
words are searched. SEM , on the other hand, is when businesses pay to advertise to
people searching for specific keywords online.


CONTENT OF MODULE — Most major search engines use an auction system, where lots
of different businesses compete to show their ads by bidding on the keywords they’d like
to target.

LEARNING OUTCOME — Search is a great way to reach people, but we do lots more on
the Internet. We read news, check sports scores, browse recipes, watch videos and
generally browse lots and lots of interesting content across the web.

Alongside all of this content a business might see ads. This is called display advertising.
Display ads appear everywhere online, and come in many formats like text, images,
video, and ads a business can click on and interact with.

They can be a great way to get a business message out there and a business is able to
choose the people a business wants to see a business ads, and the websites and pages a
business like them to appear on.


CONTENT OF MODULE — one more pretty important way businesses can use digital:
email marketing.
LEARNING OUTCOME — We’re not talking about junk email, or “spam” that clutters up a
business inbox, but sending relevant information and offers to people who have already
said they’d like to hear from a business.

A business can get people to sign up, or “opt in” to receive emails from a business. Then
the rest is up to a business. a business can send coupons to people who have made an
appointment on a business site, advertise special events, or promote sale items.

Knowing all the ways a business can find people online—and knowing how they can find
a business—can help launch a business business big-time. The more types of digital
marketing a business tries, the more opportunities a business will have to reach a
business's most valuable customers, wherever they happen to be in the digital world.


CONTENT OF MODULE — Search engine marketing (SEM) is different to search engine

optimization (SEO).

LEARNING OUTCOME — In SEM, the business pays to enter an auction. They then bid for
advertising space on a website, and whoever wins gets to show their search ad.

Tagging keywords within a business content could increase the chance of a business
website appearing higher up in search engine rankings. This is called search engine
optimization (SEO) and is a free way for Ravi to reach more potential customers.
However, neither provide free marketing space or optimized website design.

·​ setting realistic expectations

​· tracking and measuring how a business are doing
​· adapting to changes in technology and a business industry.


CONTENT OF MODULE — a business knows how important it is to figure out what a

business wants to get out of digital, how to establish a business online presence, and
start using digital marketing to drive people to a business digital home.

But it’s also important to make sure that a business digital plan is geared toward the long
haul. Let’s go over a few ways to do that: setting realistic expectations, tracking a
business's results and adapting to changes in technology and a business industry.
The first thing to remember: don’t expect too much too soon. It can take a bit of time to
set up a business digital presence and get noticed online.
So if a business is a cafe owner launching a business' very first website, a business online
sales for the freshly baked cupcakes & muffins probably aren’t going to go through the
roof straight away. It takes time for search engines to find a business, and for a business
to implement and improve a business digital marketing plan. So, try not to set unrealistic
goals a business is unlikely to meet.

Outcome of the Learning

DURATION— 15 weeks













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