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Complete orthodontic load systems on teeth in

a continuous full archwire: The role of
triangular loop position
Jie Chen,a Irina Bulucea,b Thomas R. Katona,c and Susan Ofnerd
Indianapolis, Ind, and Cupertino, Calif

Introduction: A novel approach to characterizing orthodontic spring-generated force and moment systems
has been developed. This method allows simultaneous measurement of all 6 force and moment components
acting on a tooth. Methods: A continuous full archwire space-closure technique was simulated, and the
complete force and moment systems acting on the teeth adjacent to the extraction space were measured.
Results and Conclusions: The data showed that, in addition to the intended forces and moments, there are
nontrivial activation-dependent interactions with the other load components, and these complex relation-
ships are affected by the position of the triangular loop. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2007;132:

rown and root positioning are essential for situations, archwires are secured firmly, not rigidly,
achieving esthetic, functional, and stable orth- with stainless steel or elastomeric ligature ties. This has
odontic results. The necessary tooth movement an effect on the generated load system.14 Furthermore,
and control are derived from the clinician’s ability to with few exceptions, previous studies focused primarily
manipulate the force-moment systems produced by on 2-dimensional (2D) (plane) segmental springs usu-
orthodontic appliances. However, the traction gener- ally located between 2 isolated teeth,1,2,4,15,16 But,
ated by actual clinical appliances has never been because clinical appliances are often attached to groups
quantified. Thus, in practice, control is achieved empir- of teeth via noncoplanar brackets, activation inevitably
ically and qualitatively. creates unintended and (most likely) undesirable load
Experimental1-8 and computational3,9-12 studies, in- components.
cluding finite element analyses,5,10 have demonstrated Our objectives were to demonstrate the instrument
that load control is affected by wire material or cross by quantifying the effects of triangular loop activation
section,4,7,8 loop shape and size,2,4,5,9-11 gable bends,1-3,8 and location on the generated load system. There are 4
interbracket positioning,3,6 and attachment/ligation important departures from typical studies: (1) rather
method.12,13 Unfortunately, the applicability of these than a 2D plane simulation, an actual 3-dimensional
studies is partly compromised. For example, in many (3D) clinical strap-up is simulated; (2) all 6 load
experimental3-5,8 and most analytical studies, rigid components (vs only 2 force components and 1 moment
attachments (clamping) are used. In contrast, in clinical component in plane simulations) are measured, (3)
simultaneously (vs independently); and (4) all previous
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University School of Engineering elements were incorporated into 1 experiment.
and Technology; Orthodontics, Indiana University School of Dentistry, India-
Private practice, Cupertino, Calif. MATERIAL AND METHODS
Associate professor, Orthodontics, Indiana University School of Dentistry;
Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University School of Engineering and Tech- For each tooth, the buccolingual, mesiodistal, and
nology, Indianapolis. occlusogingival axes were the local x, y, and z axes,
Biostatician II, Biostatistics, Indiana University School of Medicine, India- respectively (Table and Fig 1). Thus, the distal and mesial
Supported by NIH-R41 DE017025, Indiana University School of Dentistry brackets adjacent to the extraction space each has a unique
Student Research Fund, and the American Association of Orthodontists coordinate system aligned so that the x-axes (buccal) are
Foundation. perpendicular to the plane of their bracket bases, and the
Reprint requests to: Thomas R. Katona, Indiana University School of Dentistry,
Department of Oral Facial Development, 1121 West Michigan St., Indianap- z-axes are in the occlusal direction. Therefore, the paths of
olis, IN 46202-5186; e-mail, space closure are aligned with their respective ⫹y and ⫺y
Submitted, June 2006; revised and accepted, October 2006. axes, approximately 15° apart (only the z-axes of the 2
Copyright © 2007 by the American Association of Orthodontists. teeth are parallel).
doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2006.10.016 An instrument (Fig 2) based on a microscope frame
143.e2 Chen et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
August 2007

Table. Force and moment nomenclature (Fig 3) and

effect on crown movement (Fig 1)
Mx (second order)
⫹Mx Distal
⫺Mx Mesial
My (third order)
⫹My Buccal
⫺My Lingual
Mz (first order)
⫹Mz Distal crown out
⫺Mz Distal crown in

Fig 2. Instrument designed and built to simultaneously

measure all force and moment components acting on
tooth in a complete arch.

Fig 1. Local coordinate axes defined for 2 teeth in left

maxillary quadrant. Only z-direction (occlusal) is the

was designed and built to measure all 6 load compo-

nents (Fig 3) acting on the tooth of interest (TOI) in a
typodont (US patent 6,120,287). It consists of a load
cell attached to the frame, an x-y-z adjustment mecha-
nism (microscope stage), and a 3D coordinate measuring
system (not shown in Fig 2). The TOI was separated from
the typodont. Then, by using a full-arch impression to
align it to the original occlusion, the TOI was cemented to
the adapter. The state-of-the-art gamma load cell (ATI
Industrial Automation, Apex, NC) can simultaneously
measure, with minute deflections, 3 force (0-65 ⫾ 0.2 N) Fig 3. Spring dimensions and forces (Fx, Fy, Fz) and
and 3 moment (0-5 ⫾ 0.0009 Newton-meter [N-m]) moments (Mx, My, Mz) acting on bracket. Moment
components. By using the measuring system to determine directions (Table) given by right-hand rule convention.
the relative positions of the load cell and the TOI bracket,
the instrument was calibrated to report moment and force D85SDP-INU.1, Kilgore International, Coldwater,
values at the bracket. These readings were displayed Mich). The maxillary canines were removed to simu-
simultaneously on a computer with an ISA bus interface. late incisor segment closure. The typodont base was
For illustrative purposes, a clinical case was repli- fastened to the microscope stage, and the premolar
cated on the maxillary arch of a typodont (model (TOI) was attached to the load cell (Fig 2).
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Chen et al 143.e3
Volume 132, Number 2

occlusion, the premolar and its socket were reattached

with resin into their original positions in the typodont.
The lateral incisor’s socket was sawed off, and the
incisor assumed the role of the TOI. The sequence
described above was then repeated with a new set of 40
springs, 10 each in the P1, P2, P3, and P4 groups.
Statistical analysis
For each tooth type, an analysis of variance
(ANOVA) model with fixed effects for loop location,
activation distance, and the 2-way interaction was used
to model the absolute value of each force. A random
effect for each tooth was included in the model to allow
Fig 4. Four loop positions in 12.7-mm interbracket
distance. for the correlation induced by repeated sampling of the
same tooth. Residual plots were examined for violation
of model assumptions of normality and homogeneity of
Stainless steel triangular closing loops were fabri- variance. The Sidak adjustment was used for all pair-
cated from 0.016 ⫻ 0.022-in maxillary small size wise comparisons for each force/moment and each
preformed archwire (Ormco, Glendora, Calif). Dupli- interproximal surface to control type 1 statistical error
cating previous studies, loop geometry consisted of an (the probability of seeing a significant difference when,
equilateral triangle with 8-mm sides (Fig. 3).1 All in truth, there is no difference). To compare the
springs were preactivated with gable bends at the base magnitudes of forces/moments between premolars and
of the triangle. To minimize residual stresses, the incisors, an ANOVA model with terms for tooth type,
gables were overbent and then adjusted to the desired loop location, activation distance, the 2-way interac-
15°. The wires were inspected for unwanted third-order tions of these terms, and the 3-way interactions was
bends, and a template was used to assess symmetry. used to model the absolute value of force. Residual
With a modified protocol, the springs were heated to plots were examined to assess possible violation of
700°F for 10 minutes and then bench cooled.17 model assumptions. A Sidak adjustment was used to
The teeth were bonded with 0.018-in Ormco brack- control for type 1 error.
ets or banded with molar bands. To enable a passive
buccolingual fit of the wire into the brackets, composite RESULTS
offsets were built onto the buccal surface of teeth as The 6 force and moment components (Fig 3) as
needed. Elastomeric ties were used to hold the wire in functions of activation for the 4 families of loop
the brackets. Four loop locations in the 12.7-mm position (P1, P2, P3, and P4; Fig 4) were obtained for
interbracket distance were considered (Fig 4). the lateral incisor and the premolar, the teeth adjacent
Before engaging the wire, the instrument was ze- to the extraction space. In general, all 6 components
roed. Then, a P1 wire (Fig 4) was ligated into the arch changed with activation and loop location. The forces
with the loop legs separated by a 0.07-mm shim, and on the brackets in the buccolingual direction, Fx, are
both ends were cinched back 90° against the distal shown in Figure 5, A (positive Fx is in the buccal
molar tubes (Fig 2). Then, with the shim removed, a set direction). Similarly, the mesiodistal forces, Fy, are
of recordings, corresponding to zero activation, was shown in Figure 5, B. The positive and negative Fy force
taken. Force and moment recordings were then made at components on the premolar and lateral incisor, respec-
1.6 and 3.3 mm activations. Activation was accom- tively, move the teeth into the extraction space (Fig 1).
plished by removing the ties distal to the loop, short- Changes in the apical (⫺Fz, intrusive) and occlusal (⫹Fz,
ening the distal leg of the wire by pulling it back, and extrusive) forces are shown in Figure 5, C.
then placing appropriate spacers (1.6 or 3.3 mm) The concomitant moments about the buccolingual
between the cinch bend and the distal side of the tube. (Mx), mesiodistal (My), and occlusogingival (Mz)
New elastomeric ligature ties were placed, and the directions are shown in Figure 5, D-F, respectively.
forces and moments on the TOI were recorded. Nine The positive directions of Mx, My, and Mz correspond
additional P1 loops were then tested. Then, 10 springs to the buccal, mesial, and occlusal directions according
each in the P2, P3, and P4 groups were measured. Thus, to the right-hand rule convention.
a total of 40 springs was tested. The Figure 5 layout emphasizes the role of activa-
By using a full-arch impression of the original tion. To highlight the effects of loop location, the same
143.e4 Chen et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
August 2007

Fig 5. Measured force and moment components acting on incisor and premolar with 4 families of
loop position: A, buccolingual (palatal) force component; B, mesiodistal force component;
C, intrusive-extrusive force; D, second-order moment; E, third-order moment; F, first-order
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Chen et al 143.e5
Volume 132, Number 2

data are graphed in Figure 6 as functions of loop incisor intrusion and premolar intrusion/extrusion; all
location with 3 families of activation. other intrusive/extrusive forces are either small or
Fy and Mx play the dominant roles in space closure relatively constant with respect to activation (Fig 5, C).
because they produce crown movement in the mesiodistal In contrast, the magnitudes and senses (extrusion vs
direction. For all loop locations, |Fy| (the magnitude of Fy) intrusion) of Fz are strikingly sensitive to loop location
on the incisor (solid symbols, Fig 5, B) is low (⬍1.0N; ⬃0 (Fig 6, C). With the exception of Mz on the incisor with
with the loop at P4) and relatively insensitive to activation P3 and P4, |Mz| does not change with activation (Fig 5, F).
and loop position (Fig 6, B). However, the force on the The largest effect of loop position is on the incisor Mz
premolar is about twice as high, and it increases with at maximum activation (Fig 6, F).
activation. The highest and lowest forces on the premolar
occur with the P2 spring and in the most anterior (P1) DISCUSSION
locations, respectively. Studies have traditionally looked at the force-moment
The most mesially located loop (P1) results in an |Mx| systems produced by various loop designs and the effects
that is about 3 times higher on the incisor than on the of appliance material, shape, and position. Those studies
premolar (Fig 6, D) (at 3.2 mm activation, P ⬍.0001). The generally modeled (experimentally, analytically, or nu-
most distally located loop (P4) shows the opposite. With merically) a loop acting in a plane consisting of 2 isolated
a centered loop, P3, the |Mx| on the 2 brackets are nearly teeth adjacent to an extraction space. This study is funda-
equal (at 0, 1.6, and 3.2 mm activation, P ⫽ .8538, .0121, mentally different in 2 ways: it is a highly statically
and ⬍.0001, respectively). Furthermore, with the spring at indeterminate system because the loop is part of a contin-
P4, Mx on the incisor changes very little with activation uous full archwire, and arch curvature introduces ex-
(Fig 6, D); it is similar for P1 on the premolar. All x-axis tremely complex 3D interactions. As a consequence, the
moments on the incisor and premolar are negative and results obtained with this model manifest in ways that
positive, respectively. challenge some accepted notions.
Relatively little attention has been focused on forces For example, the measured force-moment system
in the buccolingual direction, Fx. For all loop locations, experienced by the bracket is not the same as the
Fx exists on both teeth, and it is negative (palatally system generated by the spring per se. This is in
directed) except for location P4, which produces a small contrast to the aforementioned studies in which the
buccally directed force on the premolar (Figs 5, A, and 6, A). loop-generated system is identical to what is applied to
|Fx| on the lateral incisor is higher than on the premolar. the bracket. This critical distinction is due to the
(For P4, at each activation distance, P ⬍.0001. For P2, at archwire connection to the proximal tooth. That is, it is
0 activation, P ⫽ .0024; at 1.6 mm activation, P ⫽ .9999; impossible to separate the individual contributions (to
at 3.2 mm activation, P ⫽ .0138. For P3, the correspond- the measured force-moment system) of the spring on 1
ing P values are .0102, ⬍.0001, and ⬍.0001. P ⬍.0001 side of the bracket from that of the wire segment that
for all activations of P1.) The largest palatal force on the connects it to the adjacent tooth.
incisor corresponds to the most distal loop position, P4. For a specific tooth, the sole determinant of a
Placing the loop mesially reduces the palatal force on the particular translational and rotational movement direc-
incisor, but, even so, its magnitude remains about the tion is the force-moment system that acts on the tooth.
same as the closing force (Fy) on the premolar, and For convenience, that load system is generally defined
substantially higher than the closing force on the incisor relative to the tooth’s center of resistance. It does not
itself (Fig 5, B). (On the premolar, P ⫽ .9959, .9812, and matter how the load is applied to the crown as long
.0512 for activations 0, 1.6, and 3.2 mm, respectively. On as the equivalent force-moment system is produced
the incisor, the corresponding P values are .0003, ⬍.0001, at the center of resistance. It matters not whether the
and ⬍.0001.) tooth is free-standing or part of a segment; appliance
My has a more consistent pattern (Fig 5, E). On the design is irrelevant; treatment philosophy is imma-
incisor, |My| increases with activation, but loop loca- terial.
tion has little effect (Fig 6, E). On the premolar, |My| is Another distinction is that, in this model, space clo-
smaller, and activation has less influence, and there is a sure requires movement of the lateral incisor in its distal
direction reversal of the small magnitude My with P1. (⫺y) direction or movement of the premolar in its mesial
All moments on the incisor (⫹My) produce rotation (⫹y) direction (Fig 1). These paths are not coincident, and
tending to move the crown buccally or the root pala- there are out-of-plane forces and moments, so equilibrium
tally. The premolar experiences smaller and, except for principles do not require the spring-generated closing
the P1 loop, opposite rotations. forces on the 2 teeth to be the same magnitude. Further-
The only effects of activation are with P3 and P4 on more, even if the arch were straightened out into a plane
143.e6 Chen et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
August 2007

Fig 6. Measured force and moment components acting on incisor and premolar with 3 families of
activation: A, buccolingual (palatal) force component; B, mesiodistal force component; C, intrusive-
extrusive force; D, second-order moment; E, third-order moment; F, first-order moment.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Chen et al 143.e7
Volume 132, Number 2

to resemble previous models, the 2 teeth would still not Other factors were fixed. For example, different
experience the same closing forces because of the above- results would have been obtained if the loop had
mentioned load sharing with their respective neighbors. In been placed in an arch, or in an arch location with a
addition, in plane problems, the closing force, Fy, domi- different curvature—ie, with a different angle be-
nates, and the buccolingual force, Fx, is zero. This is in tween the y-axes (Fig 1). Although triangular and
contrast to our measurements—the buccolingual forces T-loops are generally considered interchangeable, it
(Figs 5, A, and 6, A) can exceed the closing force is unlikely that the 2 springs would have similar 3D
magnitudes (Figs 5, B, and 6, B). characteristics. These are obvious questions for fur-
Further examination of the results shows important ther investigations.
contradictions to traditional views on loop mechanics.
Activation used to increase the closing force (⫹Fy) on CONCLUSIONS
the premolar (open symbols in Fig 5, B) also changes, The complete load system acting on a single orth-
to various degrees, the other load components on that odontic bracket can be measured simultaneously by
tooth and on the incisor (Fig 5). The closing force using the newly developed technology. The instrument
(⫺Fy) on the incisor (solid symbols in Fig 5, B) also enables improved verisimilitude with measurements
increases, but not at the same expected rate as on the under simulated clinical settings.
premolar. It is the concomitant palatal-directed force on Our results contradict several important notions
the incisor (⫺Fx, Fig 5, A) that increases the most with about spring mechanics because previous studies were
activation. based primarily on plane models with 1 tooth on either
Three dimensionality and connections to proximal side of an extraction space. Although these 2D models
teeth wreak similar havoc on the measured moments. are statically indeterminate, they lack the additional
For example, in the centered loop position (P3) at indeterminacy due to connections to adjacent teeth.
placement (zero activation), |Mx| on the 2 teeth (solid Furthermore, arch curvature introduces tremendously
squares for the incisor, open squares for the premolar, confounding 3D effects.
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