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What is a data packet?

- A data packet is a way to transmit data in intervals. Each
packet contains 64kib of data and transmits it over the
network through several pathways. The process in
which the packet is being transmitted is called packet

Packet is made of 3 sections: -Header


Header: This contains the IP address of the destination i.e.

Where the packet will go to and the IP address of the
originator i.e., where the packet comes from. The Packet
Header also contains the packet number which is essential
for ordering the packets back when received on the other

Payload: This contains the data of the packet that is 64KiB.

Trailer: The trailer is made of 2 sections. The first is the

footer that contains information indicating the end of a
packet. The second is data for any error checking.
Packet Switching
-Process in which each packet is sent individually through
several pathways over the network from one device to

Router- A device that controls which pathway will be used to

transmit each packet.

Packet Switching Diagram:

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