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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science IV

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:
A) Identify the term metamorphosis.
B) Give the proper sequence of the butterfly’s life cycle.
C) Formulate own diagram of the butterfly life’s cycle.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Life Cycle of a Butterfly
Materials: Powerpoint Presentation, Diorama, Worksheet
III. Learning Experience

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Let us pray. Who would like to lead the
Me, ma’am!
Okay, Sundae lead the prayer.
2. Greetings
Good morning class!
Good morning Miss Rivera. Good morning
3. Checking of Attendance
Is there anybody absent today?
None ma’am.
4. Motivation
Today we will have a very exciting lesson.
But before that I would like you to first watch a
short video clip. Are you ready?
Yes ma’am.
Okay, let’s start!
B. Presentation
What is all about the video that you have
watched a while back, class?
Ma’am, it is all about butterfly.
Yes! That’s right. What else did you
notice about the butterfly?

That’s right! That is what we are going to The butterfly grows, ma’am.
tackle for today. It’s all about the Life Cycle of a
C. Discussion
Before we proceed to the Life Cycle of the
Butterfly. Let’s as first define what is

Metamorphosis is a biological process

which involves sudden and abrupt changes in the
body structure of the animal by cell growth and
differentiation. It is generally observed in
amphibians and insects.
Is a butterfly an amphibian or insect?

Correct! Since a butterfly is an insect, it also

undergoes the Metamorphosis.
There are four stages of Butterfly’s Life Cycle. An insect ma’am.

The First Stage: Egg

A butterfly starts life as a very small,
round, oval or cylindrical egg. Butterfly eggs are
usually laid on the leaves of plants. The egg
shape depends on the type of butterfly that laid
the egg.
A butterfly lays her eggs on a plant,

Why do you think butterfly lay her eggs on plant?

Yes, that’s right but the caterpillars will have

something to eat when they hatch.

The Second Stage: The Larva (Caterpillar)

When the egg hatches, the butterfly larvae
come out. The butterfly larva is also called the That is because it is the place where the
caterpillar. Caterpillars do not stay in this stage butterfly eats.
for very long and mostly, in this stage all they do
is eat.

The Third Stage: Pupa (Chrysalis)

As soon as a caterpillar is done growing
and they have reached their full length/weight,
they form themselves into a pupa, also known as
a chrysalis.
The caterpillar attaches itself upside down
to a twig and transforms into a chrysalis to
protect it while it turns into a butterfly.

The Fourth Stage: Adult Butterfly

Finally, when the caterpillar has done all
of its forming and changing inside the pupa, it
will come out as an adult butterfly. At this stage,
the butterfly has formed its wings.
When in the fourth and final stage of their
lives, when the butterfly hatches from its
chrysalis, it begins to finds its mate and find a
place to lay eggs. When a female lays their eggs
on some leaves, the cycle will start all over.
Did you get it, class?

That’s good! Before we end, I would like

to share to you four facts about butterflies:
1) Did you know that butterflies have taste
receptors on their feet?
2) Did you know that butterflies see a range
of ultraviolet colors, invisible to the
human eye?
3) Did you know that butterflies get
essential nutrients by drinking from mud
4) Did you know that butterflies are unable
to fly at temperatures below 55 degrees
Fahrenheit or12 degrees celcius? Yes ma’am.
D. Generalization
How many stages does the life cycle of a
butterfly had?

That’s right! Kindly name the four stages of

the butterfly’s life cycle?

Very good!
E. Application
Name the following stages of butterfly’s life
cycle by pasting their names appropriately in the
Four stages ma’am.

Egg, larva, pupa and adult butterfly ma’am.

IV. Evaluation
A) Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1) A butterfly has ______ stages.
a) 5 c) 4
b) 6 d) 3
2) It is the first stage of the butterfly’s life cycle.
a) egg c) larva
b) pupa d) adult butterfly
3) This is the third stage of butterfly’s life cycle. This happens when the caterpillar is done
growing and they have reached their full length/weight, they form themselves into a
a) egg c) larva
b) pupa d) adult butterfly
4) It is the last stage of butterfly’s life cycle wherein the butterfly is full-grown and is capable of
reproducing egg.
a) egg c) larva
b) pupa d) adult butterfly
5) This is the second stage of butterfly’s life cycle when the egg hatches.
a) egg c) larva
b) pupa d) adult butterfly
B) Draw and identify the four stages of Butterfly’s Life Cycle.

Life Cycle of
a Butterfly
V. Assignment
Color the following stages of butterfly’s life cycle then cut and paste them accordingly in a bond

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