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Some Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for

Synchronization of Second-Order
Interconnected Networks
Yuting Feng , Zhisheng Duan , Yuezu Lv , and Wei Ren , Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—This paper presents some necessary and sufficient and transportation network are typical complex networks,
conditions for the synchronization of second-order interconnected where the inner connections and the control imposed can affect
networks, where fixed inner-linked connections with information the whole function of the coupled network.
communication exist. First, a novel derivation of the condi-
tions for a second-order polynomial with complex coefficients To achieve consensus or synchronization of the complex
to be Hurwitz is provided. Based on this, a sufficient and network, a series of works has been investigated in the past
necessary condition is proposed for the synchronization of the few decades. Olfati-Saber and Murray [8] first solved the con-
coupled complex network. Next, the design method of the syn- sensus problem for first-order integrator dynamics based on
chronization protocol is constructively given, where the upper the algebraic graph theory. Ren and Beard [9] then extended
and lower bounds of the control gains are obtained through
the properties of the polynomial. In addition, we consider some the results in [8] and presented the directed spanning tree
special cases where the second-order model is a double inte- condition for the directed network. In recent years, litera-
grator, or general multiagent model without fixed interactions. ture related to consensus works on second-order dynamics
Finally, the simulation result is given to verify the theoretical systems has been widely studied [18]–[23], [25]–[27]. In [18],
analysis. the network is modeled as simple double integrators, where
Index Terms—Algebraic graph theory, distributed control, sufficient conditions are obtained to ensure consensus. Yu
interconnected networks, second-order synchronization. et al. [20] showed that both real and imaginary parts of the
eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix were crucial for achiev-
ing consensus. Reference [22] introduced the concept of the
I. I NTRODUCTION consentability for discrete multiagent systems with double
HE COMPLEX network is widespread in both nature integrators. The flocking problem with nonequal velocity and
T and human activities. Due to its theoretical impor-
tance and extensive applications in society, great efforts
position couplings of double integrators has been consid-
ered in [23] and [24], and the designated convergence rate
have been devoted to study the collective behaviors of com- was guaranteed. References [25] and [26] solved the second-
plex systems [1], [2]. Among these, consensus and syn- order consensus problem with heterogeneous unknown inertias
chronization are two fundamental problems. Many different and control gains by using the Lyapunov function method.
approaches for the consensus of multiagent system have been Huang et al. [27] established a novel protocol for the con-
proposed [8]–[11]. At the same time, a number of stud- sensus of the second-order multiagents systems with sampled
ies on synchronization of complex networks have attracted position data.
more and more attention [3]–[7]. For complex networks with Recently, some works about the synchronization of general
inner-linked connections, extra control can be implemented to second-order network have been popularly investigated, since
achieve certain complicated goals [12]–[17]. Examples of cou- the analysis of double integrators cannot meet the require-
pled network are common in the real world. The brain network ment of social applications. Synchronization of oscillators is
an example where more general dynamics must be taken into
Manuscript received December 28, 2017; revised April 2, 2018 and June consideration. Zhu et al. [28] have solved the problem of
23, 2018; accepted August 2, 2018. This work was supported in part by the general double-integrator synchronization problem with a
the National Key Research and Development Program of China under Grant
2017YFB1301001, and in part by the National Natural Science Foundation stable open-loop pole. Fruhnert and Corless [29] obtained a
of China under Grant U1713223, Grant 11332001, Grant 61673026, and sufficient condition on the synchronization of the second-order
Grant 61528301. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor Q. Liu. system, and the robustness over a variety of communication
(Corresponding author: Zhisheng Duan.)
Y. Feng, Z. Duan, and Y. Lv are with the State Key Laboratory for topologies has been considered. Hou et al. [30] studied the
Turbulence and Complex Systems, Department of Mechanics and Engineering conditions for general second-order systems with communi-
Science, College of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China cation delay. However, to the authors’ best knowledge, there
(e-mail: fengyuting@pku.edu.cn; duanzs@pku.edu.cn; yzlv@pku.edu.cn).
W. Ren is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has been no consideration for the synchronization problem of
University of California at Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521 USA (e-mail: second-order dynamics with inner connections between agents.
ren@ece.ucr.edu). Considering that the unified model for both multiagent
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. systems and complex networks has broad applications in the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCYB.2018.2864625 real world, there are many systems that can be treated as a
2168-2267 c 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


coupled network. Take the multirobot system, for example, [aij ] ∈ RN×N of a directed graph is defined by aii = 0 for
where a series of simple robots can accomplish complicated i = 1, 2, . . . , N and aij = 1 if (j, i) ∈ E. Its graph Laplacian

tasks with better robustness compared to the case of using a matrix L = [lij ] ∈ RN×N is defined such that lii = N j=1 aij
center robot only. Furthermore, multiple inner-linked simple and lij = −aij , i = j.
robots are cheaper than a single expensive powerful robot. In Throughout this paper, let IN be the N × N identity matri-
addition, multirobot systems are more fault-tolerant and more ces, and 1N ∈ RN and 0N ∈ RN denote the all-one column
flexible when there are some disturbances or attacks. vector and all-zero column vector, respectively. Re(c) and
Motivated by the above observations, this paper aims Im(c) are the real and imaginary parts of a complex number
to solve the synchronization problem of second-order c, respectively. |c| denotes its modulus.
interconnected networks. The main contributions of this paper Lemma 1 [9]: The Laplacian matrix has at least one zero
are listed as follows. eigenvalue and all other nonzero eigenvalues have positive
1) A novel unified framework for a coupled general second- real parts. Furthermore, zero is a simple eigenvalue of the
order network is established. We obtain a necessary Laplacian matrix if and only if the corresponding graph G has
and sufficient condition for the synchronization of the a directed spanning tree.
interconnected second-order dynamics. With the help of
geometric decomposition and polynomial properties, the B. Problem Formulation
synchronization problem can be transformed into the In this paper, we consider the following general second-
asymptotical stability problem. The reach of synchro- order model:
nization depends on both the real and imaginary part
of the eigenvalues of both inherent connections and the ẋi = vi
communication topology. This proposed model is more 
v̇i = a aij xj − xi + b aij vj − vi + ui (1)
meaningful in an engineering networked system since it
j=1 j=1
focuses on general second-order dynamics rather than
double integrators. where xi (t) ∈ the position state, vi (t) ∈ Rn is the veloc-
Rn is
2) A very important problem in the study of the second- ity state of the ith agent, and i = 1, 2, . . . , N. For inner-linked
order synchronization protocols is the characterization of topology G1 , aij is the (i, j)th entry of the corresponding adja-
all possible consensus gains. In this paper, all possible cency matrix A. Constants a, b, ∈ R are the coupling strengths
gains are described by two inequalities, and the spe- of the inherent connections, and ui is the control input. For
cific lower and upper bounds of the gains are obtained. notational simplicity, n = 1 is considered throughout this
Therefore, the proposed conditions can provide guidance paper, but all of the results obtained can be easily generalized
for how to choose the coupling gains. It is interesting to to the case n > 1 using the Kronecker product.
see that even two topologies do not have spanning trees, Definition 1: Second-order synchronization in the
and the synchronization can be still achieved sometimes. multiagent system (1) is said to be achieved if, for any
3) A more detailed analysis on the synchronization condi- initial condition
tion for the important special cases is discussed. Some lim xi (t) − xj (t) = 0, lim vi (t) − vj (t) = 0
important results in [20], [23], and [28]–[30] can be t→∞ t→∞

seen as special cases of this paper. In addition, when ∀i, j = 1, . . . , N.

the communication topology is undirected or has special The distributed control law used in this paper is proposed as
forms like all-to-all or star-shaped topology, the inequal- 
ities can be simplified accordingly. Furthermore, it can ui = k1 a ij xj − xi + k2 a ij vj − vi (2)
be seen whether the “positive” or “negative” roles of j=1 j=1
the inherent couplings on the control gains are revealed where k1 > 0 and k2 > 0 are gain coefficients to be designed.
under these cases. For communication topology G2 , a ij is the (i, j)th entry of the
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Some pre- corresponding adjacency matrix A . There are two different
liminaries and the model formulation are given in Section II. types of topologies in the proposed model. For the coupled
Section III presents the main results, in which some necessary complex network, topology G1 is given in advance, which
and sufficient conditions for the synchronization of the coupled represents the inner relationship between agents. Topology
second-order network are proved. The numerical examples are G2 denotes information exchange among the controllers. With
given for illustration in Section IV. Section V concludes this control involved, the synchronization problem and other com-
paper. plicated tasks like tracking or obstacle avoidance can be
II. P RELIMINARIES AND P ROBLEM S TATEMENT Then, the closed-loop system (1) and (2) can be equivalently
A. Graph Theory rewritten as follows:
Consider a directed graph G, where V = 1, 2, . . . , N and ẋi = vi
E ⊆ V × V denote the vertex set and edge set of G. If agent i 

can receive information from agent j, then an edge is denoted v̇i = −a lij xj − b lij vj − k1 lij xj − k2 lij vj (3)
by a pair of nodes (j, i) in G. The adjacency matrix A = j=1 j=1 j=1 j=1
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


where L1 = [lij ] ∈ RN×N is the Laplacian matrix of graph G1 where θ1 and θ2 are row vectors with corresponding dimen-
and L2 = [lij ] ∈ RN×N is the Laplacian matrix of graph G2 . sions. L˜1 = L¯1 − 1N−1 θ1 and L˜2 = L¯2 − 1N−1 θ2 .
The main goal of this paper is to find a necessary and suffi- Let
cient condition for the synchronization of the coupled network.
To be specific, the difficulty lies in how to design the con- ξ = [x2 , . . . , xN ]T − x1 1N−1 , η = [v2 , . . . , vN ]T − v1 1N−1 .
trol gains k1 , k2 and the communication graph G2 to achieve Then, the synchronization problem is equivalent to ξ → 0 and
synchronization. η → 0.
Remark 1: The proposed model in this paper is different Since
from most existing literature. We introduce distributed con- ⎡ ⎤
trol, which is often utilized in the multiagent system into the ⎢ξ ⎥
complex network. If the inner connection gains a = b = 0, ⎢ ⎥= P 0 x . (7)
⎣ v1 ⎦ 0 P v
the model has been degenerated into a multiagent system, and
only control topology needs to be considered. If the control
gains k1 = k2 = 0, how to design or adjust the inner coupling With the linear transformation (6), the closed-loop
gains becomes the central issue. The former problem is stud- system (3) is transformed to
ied as the consensus problem of the multiagent system, while ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤
x˙1 0 1 0 0 x1
the latter problem is the synchronization problem of the com- ⎢ v˙1 ⎥ ⎢ 0 0 ∗ ∗ ⎥⎢ v1 ⎥
plex network. These two problems’ essential difference lies in ⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥.
⎣ ξ̇ ⎦ ⎣ 0 0 0 IN−1 ⎦⎣ ξ ⎦
the inner-linked topology being fixed while the communica- ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ η
η̇ 0 0 −aL1 − k1 L2 −bL1 − k2 L2
tion topology can be designed. The proposed unified model in
this paper is more general and has more applications.
Remark 2: Pinning control is utilized to solve the synchro- Define
nization of complex networks with inherent connections in  
0(N−1)×(N−1) IN−1
a lot of literature. It imposes controllers on only a fraction à = . (9)
−aL˜1 − k1 L˜2 −bL˜1 − k2 L˜2
of nodes and introduces the definition of a virtual leader. In
essence, the inner connection topology is transformed into the Denote λij , i = 1, 2, . . . , N, j = 1, 2 as eigenvalues of B. First,
leader–follower topology by adding some directed lines from some relationships between the eigenvalues of à and B are
the virtual leader. When the couplings of the network are weak, reviewed.
pinning control costs increase. Decentralized control is also Lemma 2: The synchronization of the general second-order
used in complex networks, but for those networks whose cou- dynamics (4) is achieved if and only if matrix B has only two
plings are strong already, decentralized control is redundant. zero eigenvalues and all other eigenvalues have negative real
Meanwhile, decentralized control indicates that actually there parts; i.e.,
is no control network. Therefore, distributed control has been
Re(λij ) < 0, i = 1, 2, . . . , N − 1; j = 1, 2. (10)
adopted in this paper to handle the synchronization problem
of the coupled network with inner connections. Proof: From (6)–(8), since λ(B) = {λ(Ã), 0, 0} by defining
λN1 = λN2 = 0, the convergence of system (4) is equal to the
III. N ECESSARY AND S UFFICIENT C ONDITIONS stability of matrix Ã, which means all eigenvalues of à have
OF THE S YNCHRONIZATION negative real parts, then the result holds.
Let x = [x1 , x2 , . . . , xN ]T and v = [v1 , v2 , . . . , vN ]T . Then, Remark 3: Lemma 2 gives a necessary and sufficient condi-
system (3) can be written in the matrix form as tion to ensure the synchronization of the coupled second-order
    system. However, it does not show any relationship between

(4) the eigenvalues of à and that of L1 and L2 . A natural question
v̇ v is: on what kind of communication graph can synchronization
where be reached? Furthermore, how can the inner couplings affect
  the choice of the control gains? The following results address
B= . (5) these issues.
−aL1 − k1 L2 −bL1 − k2 L2 Assumption 1: Suppose that Laplacian matrices L1 and L2
Set can be transformed to be upper triangular simultaneously by
    a same unitary matrix U.
1 0TN−1 l θ1
P= , L1 = 11 Remark 4: Generally, it is very difficult to verify
−1N−1 IN−1 ϑ1 L¯1
  Assumption 1 for two arbitrary Laplacian matrices L1 and L2
l θ2 corresponding to two arbitrary graphs G1 and G2 . However,
L2 = 11
ϑ2 L¯2 it should be noted that if the connection topology has some
where θ1 and θ2 are row vectors with corresponding dimen- special structures, Assumption 1 can be satisfied naturally. As
sions. Taking the transformation matrix P, then we have discussed in [23] and [24], if G1 belongs to the concatenated-
    directed-star topology, which means the Laplacian matrix of
−1 0 θ1 −1 0 θ2 G1 can be written as L1 = 1IN − 1, where  ∈ R1×N is
PL1 P = , PL2 P = (6)
0N−1 L˜1 0N−1 L˜2 the arbitrary non-negative row vector, then the topology of
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


G2 can be arbitrary, with arbitrary edge weights. Moreover, and

although this assumption is strong in some sense, there are  
still so many open problems and challenges to be explored di = 2 b2 pi qi + bk2 (pi q̃i + qi p̃i ) + k22 p̃i q̃i − 4(aqi + k1 q̃i ).
under the assumption of upper triangular conditions, as can
be seen from [13], [14], [23], and [24]. From Lemma 3, the real parts of the eigenvalues in (14) are
In order to research the eigenvalues of matrix Ã, we   
  1 1
consider its characteristic equation, i.e., Re λij = − (bpi + k2 p̃i ) ± √ ci + ci + di
2 2
  2 2 2
λI2(N−1) − Ã i = 1, 2, . . . , N − 1, j = 1, 2.
 λI −IN−1 
=  ˜ N−1 ˜  By Lemma 2
aL1 + k1 L2 λIN−1 + bL1 + k2 L2 
˜ ˜
 I 0  1
 N−1 Re λij < 0 ⇔ − (bpi + k2 p̃i )
=  −aL˜1 −k1 L˜2  2
 λI −IN−1  ± √ ci + c2i + di2 < 0. (15)
×  ˜ N−1 ˜  2 2
aL1 + k1 L2 λIN−1 + bL˜1 + k2 L˜2 
= λ2 IN−1 + bL˜1 + k2 L˜2 λ + aL˜1 + k1 L˜2  √
Since (1/2 2)( ci + c2i + di2 ) > 0 always holds,
= U ∗ λ2 IN−1 + bL˜1 + k2 L˜2 λ + aL˜1 + k1 L˜2 |U| √ 
−(1/2)(bpi + k2 p̃i ) ± (1/2 2)( ci + c2i + di2 ) < 0 is equal

= λ + (bλi + k2 μi )λ + (aλi + k1 μi )  fi (λ) √
to −(1/2)(bpi +k2 p̃i )+(1/2 2)( ci + c2i + di2 ) < 0, which
i=1 i=1  
=0 (11) √
leads to (1/2 2)( ci + c2i + di2 ) < (1/2)(bpi + k2 p̃i ).
where λi and μi , i = 1, . . . , N − 1 are eigenvalues of matrices Therefore, bpi + k2 p̃i > 0 and 4(bpi + k2 p̃i )4 − 4(bpi +
L1 and L2 , respectively. The fifth equality is obtained since k2 p̃i )2 ci − di2 > 0 are required. With the expression of ci , di
U ∗ U = I, |U| = ±1. above, we have
Lemma 3 [23]: Consider a complex value a+di ∈ C, where  
a, d ∈ R, and d = 0. Its square roots are given by (aqi + k1 q̃i )2 − b2 pi qi + k22 p̃i q̃i + bk2 (pi q̃i + qi p̃i )
1  d × (aqi + k1 q̃i ) < (bpi + k2 p̃i )2 (api + k1 p̃i ).
±√ a+ a +d + 
2 2
√ i .
2 a + a2 + d2 Thus
Lemma 4: Equation (10) is equivalent to the following two  
inequalities: (aqi + k1 q̃i )2 − (bpi + k2 p̃i ) abq2i + (bk1 + ak2 )qi q̃i + k1 k2 q̃2i
< (bpi + k2 p̃i )2 (api + k1 p̃i ).
bpi + k2 p̃i > 0 (12)
(aqi + k1 q̃i )2 < (bpi + k2 p̃i ) After simple calculation, (15) holds if and only if (12) and (13)
× ab|λ2i | + k1 k2 |μ2i | + (bk1 + ak2 )(pi p̃i + qi q̃i ) (13) are true.
Remark 5: Lemma 4 provides conditions which are neces-
where λi = pi + qi i, μi = p̃i + q̃i i, and |λi |, |μi | are the sary and sufficient for the synchronization of the closed-loop
modules of λi and μi , respectively. network (3). It also reveals the relationship between the
Proof: According to (11), the 2(N−1), eigenvalues of matrix matrix à and the inner fixed matrix L1 and communica-
à are tion Laplacian matrix L2 . In order to further explore the
 lower and upper bounds of the control gains k1 and k2 ,
−(bλi + k2 μi ) ± (bλi + k2 μi )2 − 4(aλi + k1 μi ) a theorem is established to achieve synchronization, which
λij = reveals how the inherent network structure, communication
i = 1, 2, . . . , N − 1, j = 1, 2. (14) network, and the chosen coupling gains affect synchronization
Assume λi = pi + qi i, μi = p̃i + q̃i i, where pi , qi , p̃i , q̃i ∈ R Theorem 1: Suppose the communication graph G2 contains
and pi , p̃i ≥ 0. Denote a directed spanning tree, and Assumption 1 holds. Then,
second-order synchronization of networks (1) with the cooper-
(bλi + k2 μi )2 − 4(aλi + k1 μi ) = ci + di i ative protocol (2) can be achieved if and only if the following
where inequalities hold.
    For β ∗ ≥ 0, the coupling gains are chosen as
ci = b2 p2i − q2i + k22 p̃2i − q̃2i + 2bk2 (pi p̃i − qi q̃i )
k1 > 0, k2 > max r2 (i). (16)
− 4(api + k1 p̃i ) i=1,...,N−1
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


For β ∗ < 0, if ∃ βi ≤ 0, the coupling gains are chosen as When Ai = 0, solving (21), where
−(2bpi p̃i α1i + b(pi q̃i + p̃i qi )α2i )
k1 > −β ∗ , k2 > max r2 (i) (17) r1,2 (i) =  
i=1,...,N−1 2 p̃i |μi |2 k1 + ap̃i (p̃i pi + q̃i qi )

if ∀ βi > 0, the coupling gains are chosen as (17) or |α2i | 4k1 p̃i |μi |2 + 4ap̃i (p̃i pi + q̃i qi ) + b2 (pi q̃i − p̃i qi )2
2 p̃i |μi |2 k1 + ap̃i (p̃i pi + q̃i qi )
∗ ∗ b2 (pi q̃i − p̃i qi )2
− β > k1 > max 0, −β − (23)
i=1,...,N−1 4p̃i |μi |2
max r1 (i) < k2 < max r2 (i) (18) are the two roots of the polynomial. To further simplify the
i=1,...,N−1 i=1,...,N−1 roots, we obtain
if ∃ βi → ∞, which indicates ∃ Ai = 0, the coupling gains bpi b(qi α2i + pi α1i )p̃i
r1,2 (i) = − −
can be chosen as 2p̃i 2(p̃i α1i + q̃i α2 )p̃i
4Ai + b2 (pi q̃i − p̃i qi )2
− β ∗ ≤ k1 ≤ −β ∗ ±|α2i |
⎧ 4A2i

⎪ k2 > max r2 (i) !

⎪ i=1,...,s
⎪ bpi α2i
⎨ max r1 (i) < k2 < max r2 (i) =− + βi ± + βi2 (24)
k2 = i=s+1,...,t i=s+1,...,t
pi p̃i Ai

⎪ −b(pi q̃i − p̃i qi )α2i k2 > −b2 pi q̃i α2i

⎪ where βi  [(b(pi q̃i − p̃i qi )α2i )/2Ai ].

⎩ 2 p̃i
+b pi qi α2i − (α2i )2 , i = t + 1, . . . , N − 1 Case 1: When k1 > −β ∗ (β ∗ < 0), which indicates all
(19) Ai > 0 and
> 0. Noticing (12), we have k2 > −(bpi /p̃i ).
Thus, we obtain k2 > maxi=1,...,N−1 r2 (i). In this situation, k1
where β ∗  maxi=1,...,N−1 [(a(p̃i pi + q̃i qi ))/(|μi |2 )], β ∗  can be chosen as k1 > max{0, −β ∗ }.
mini=1,...,N−1 [(a(p̃i pi + q̃i qi ))/(|μi |2 )], Ai  p̃i |μi |2 k1 + Case 2: When k1 < −β ∗ (β ∗ < 0), which indicates all Ai <
ap̃i (p̃i pi + q̃i qi ), α2i  aqi + k1 q̃i . In case (19), Ai > 0, i = 0. Choose k1 > maxi=1,...,N−1 {0, −[(a(p̃i pi + q̃i qi ))/(|μi |2 )] −
1, . . . , s; Ai < 0, i = s + 1, . . . , t; Ai = 0, i = t + 1, . . . , N − 1. [(b2 (pi q̃i − p̃i qi )2 )/(4p̃i |μi |2 )]}. According to the properties of
βi and r1,2 (i) refer to (24). the polynomial, when all βi > 0, k2 can also be chosen as
Proof: First, the closed-loop synchronization of system (3) maxi=1,...,N−1 r1 (i) < k2 < maxi=1,...,N−1 r2 (i).
can be achieved if and only if (10) is satisfied. Then, based Case 3: When −β ∗ ≤ k1 ≤−β ∗ , Ai can be larger,
on Lemma 4, inequality (13) is a quadratic polynomial with smaller, or equal to zero. Assume that Ai > 0, i = 1, . . . , s;
respect to k2 as Ai < 0, i = s+1, . . . , t; Ai = 0, i = t+1, . . . , N−1. Therefore,
the coupling gain k2 can be chosen as the intersection
Ai k22 + Bi k2 + Ci > 0 (20) of the following three situations, k2 > maxi=1,...,s r2 (i),
where maxi=s+1,...,t r1 (i) < k2 < maxi=s+1,...,t r2 (i), (2bpi p̃i (api +
k1 p̃i )+b(pi q̃i + p̃i qi )α2i )k2 > −(b2 p2i (api +k1 p̃i )+b2 pi qi (aqi +
Ai = p̃2i (api + k1 p̃i ) + p̃i q̃i (aqi + k1 q̃i ) k1 q̃i ) − (aqi + k1 q̃i )2 ) for i = t + 1, . . . , N − 1.
= p̃i |μi |2 k1 + ap̃i (p̃i pi + q̃i qi ) Considering all of the above situations, we obtain the
different choices of the control gains with respect to
Bi = 2bpi p̃i (api + k1 p̃i ) + b(pi q̃i + p̃i qi )(aqi + k1 q̃i ) different parameters. To be specific, first, calculate the
Ci = b2 p2i (api + k1 p̃i ) + b2 pi qi (aqi + k1 q̃i ) − (aqi + k1 q̃i )2 . term β ∗ , if β ∗ ≥ 0, choose k1 > 0 and k2 >
maxi=1,...,N−1 r2 (i). Otherwise, calculate the term −β ∗ and
Set α1i  api + k1 p̃i and α2i  aqi + k1 q̃i . Then, (20) has the
mini=1,...,N−1 βi , if there exists βi ≤ 0, choose k1 >
following expression:
−β ∗ and k2 > maxi=1,...,N−1 r2 (i). If mini=1,...,N−1 βi >
0, then both k1 > −β ∗ , k2 > maxi=1,...,N−1 r2 (i) or
p̃2i α1i + p̃i q̃i α2i k22 + (2bpi p̃i α1i + b(pi q̃i + p̃i qi )α2i )k2
−β ∗ > k1 > maxi=1,...,N−1 {0, −[(a(p̃i pi + q̃i qi ))/(|μi |2 )] −
+ b2 p2i α1i + b2 pi qi α2i − α2i
> 0. (21) [(b2 (pi q̃i − p̃i qi )2 )/(4p̃i |μi |2 )]}, maxi=1,...,N−1 r1 (i) < k2 <
maxi=1,...,N−1 r2 (i) or case 3 (where Ai = 0 has been
Through some calculation, the discriminant of the polyno- considered) meet the requirement. Therefore, second-order
mial (20) is synchronization of the coupled system (1) with cooperative

= B2i − 4Ai Ci protocol (2) can be achieved if and only if (16)–(19) are
  satisfied. This completes the proof.
= α2i
4k1 p̃i |μi |2 + 4ap̃i (p̃i pi + q̃i qi ) + b2 (pi q̃i − p̃i qi )2 . Remark 6: It is notable that even if all Ai equal zero, which
(22) means that it is highly possible that β ∗ and β ∗ are equal to
zero, the coupling gains k1 and k2 can be chosen according
Since the communication graph G2 contains a directed span- to (19) as well. That is, k1 = 0, k2 satisfies the third inequality
ning tree, according to Lemma 1, p̃i > 0, i = 1, . . . , N − 1. in case 3 (where Ai = 0, i = 1, . . . , N − 1).
Let β ∗  maxi=1,...,N−1 [(a(p̃i pi + q̃i qi ))/(|μi |2 )], β ∗  Remark 7: Theorem 1 presents specific lower and upper
mini=1,...,N−1 [(a(p̃i pi + q̃i qi ))/(|μi |2 )]. bounds of the control gains on the basis of Lemma 4, and
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Corollary 2: Consider the general second-order multiagent


ẋi = vi , v̇i = −axi − bvi + ui . (27)

Then, the synchronization of (27) with cooperative protocol (2)

can be achieved if and only if the communication graph G2
contains a spanning tree and the following inequalities for k1
(a) (b) and k2 hold. For a > 0, the coupling gains satisfy
Fig. 1. Network topologies for example 1. (a) Inherent connections.  
(b) Communication graph. ap̃i
k1 > max 0, − 2
i=1,...,N−1 |μi |
⎛ ! ⎞
b (k q̃ )
k2 > max ⎝− + βi + + βi2 ⎠.
1 i
i=1,...,N−1 p̃i Ai

For a < 0, b/Ai ≤ 0, the coupling gains can be chosen

as (28) or

k1 = − max , 2bp̃ i (a + k1 p̃i ) + bk1 q̃2
i k2
i=1,...,N−1 |μ2 |
> − b2 (a + k1 p̃i ) − (k1 q̃i )2 . (29)

Fig. 2. Illustration of the gains k1 and k2 . For a < 0, b/Ai > 0, the coupling gains can be chosen as
(28) or (29) or
the design method is constructively given. Note that both the ap̃i ap̃i b2 q̃2i
− 2 > k1 > max 0, − 2 −
real and imaginary parts of the eigenvalues of two Laplacian |μi | i=1,...,N−1 |μi | 4p̃i |μi |2
matrices play important roles in achieving synchronization. ⎛ ! ⎞
It is noteworthy that the assumption that G2 has a spanning b (k q̃ )
max ⎝− + βi − + βi2 ⎠ < k2
1 i
tree sometimes can be released. While pi and p̃i are not equal i=1,...,N−1 p̃i Ai
to zero simultaneously, and the inner couplings a and b are ⎛ ! ⎞
greater than 0, synchronization can also be achieved under b (k q̃ )
< max ⎝− + βi + + βi2 ⎠
1 i
some situations, as illustrated by Example 1. i=1,...,N−1 p̃i Ai
Example 1: Consider system (3) with N = 4. Network
topologies are shown in Fig. 1. As Example 1 illustrated, L1
and L2 do not have spanning trees, while the union of them where Ai = p̃i (|μi |2 k1 + ap̃i ), βi = [(bk1 q̃2i )/2Ai ].
contains them. Synchronization can be achieved when a, b > 0 Proof: In this situation, we can assume that there is no
(see Fig. 2). However, on what conditions can the “spanning fixed interconnections between agents. The closed-loop system
tree” assumption be released and need further study in the of (2) and (27) can be rewritten in the matrix form as
future work.     
ẋ 0N×N IN x
Corollary 1: Consider the double-integrator system (1) = (31)
v̇ −aIN − k1 L2 −bIN − k2 L2 v
with a = b = 0, that is
which means pi = 1, qi = 0, i = 1, . . . , N. From Theorem 1,
ẋi = vi , v̇i = ui (25)
it is easy to have β ∗ = maxi=1,...,N−1 [(ap̃i )/(|μ2i |)], Ai =
then the synchronization is achieved with protocol (2) if and p̃i (|μi |2 k1 +ap̃i ), βi = [(bk1 q̃2i )/2Ai ]. Therefore, by solving the
only if the communication graph G2 has a spanning tree and inequalities (16)–(19), the necessary and sufficient conditions
the following inequalities for k1 and k2 hold: for synchronization are stated in (28) and (30).
Remark 8: Zhu et al. [28] presented the result of (27) for
k22 q̃2 the special case of b ≥ 0. Fruhnert and Corless [29] provided
> max  2 i 2  . (26) a similar conclusion with no restrictions on a and b, though
k1 i=1,...,N−1 q̃ + p̃ p̃i
i i
only the necessary condition was given. Hou et al. [30] solved
Proof: From Theorem 1 and a = b = 0, we have β ∗ = 0, the consensus problem of (27), and did not give lower or upper
βi = 0, i = 1, . . . , N − 1. Therefore, from (16), we obtain a bounds of the coupling gains k1 and k2 . In Corollary 2, both
necessary and sufficient condition, and the result is consistent necessary and sufficient conditions are given and the bounds
with [20]. of the gains are also obtained.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Corollary 3: Consider the double-integrator agents with

general nonequal velocity and position couplings

ẋi = vi , v̇i = −k1 lij xj − k2 lij vj . (32)
j=1 j=1

Both topologies G1 and G2 have directed spanning trees and

Assumption 1 holds. Then, a necessary and sufficient condition
for the convergency is (a) (b)
k22 q2i Fig. 3. Network topologies for simulation. (a) Inherent connections.
> . (33)
k1 p̃i (p̃i pi + q̃i qi ) (b) Communication graph.

Proof: The closed-loop system of (32) and (2) can be

rewritten in the matrix form as
ẋ 0N×N IN x
= . (34)
v̇ −k1 L1 −k2 L2 v
From Theorem 1, by simple calculation, one has Ai =
k1 p̃i (p̃i pi + q̃i qi ), βi = 0, β ∗ = [(k1 (p̃i pi + q̃i qi ))/(|μi |2 )].
By solving the inequalities (16)–(19), the necessary and suf-
ficient conditions for consensus of (32) are stated in (33). We
note that this model has been studied in [23], and the result
in Corollary 3 is consistent with it.
In the following, some theorems conclude for the special
cases with two topologies.
Theorem 2: For system (3) with L1 and L2 in Theorem 1,
Fig. 4. States of the network when k1 = 1 and k2 = 3.5.
assume G1 and G2 are both undirected and connected. To
ensure synchronization, a sufficient and necessity condition
on the gains is
& ' & ' N), qi = 0, i = 1, . . . , N−1. By choosing an undirected com-
api bpi munication graph, it is easy to have q̃i = 0, i = 1, . . . , N. The
k1 > max 0, − , k2 > max 0, − . (35)
i=1,...,N−1 p̃i i=1,...,N−1 p̃i result is obvious.
Proof: Two topologies are undirected and connected, that is,
the Laplacian matrices L1 and L2 are symmetric, which means IV. S IMULATION
the eigenvalues of them are all real, then qi = q̃i = 0, i = Considering the network (3) with N = 4, the structures are
1, . . . , N−1. According to Theorem 1, Ai = p̃i (|μi |2 k1 +ap̃i pi ), shown in Fig. 3.
α2i = βi = 0, β ∗ = maxi=1,...,N−1 (api /p̃i ). Thereafter, (35) is The corresponding two Laplacian matrices are
given to ensure synchronization. ⎛ ⎞
Remark 9: It is notable that when a and b are greater than 0, 1 0 0 −1
⎜ −1 1 0 0 ⎟
control gains k1 and k2 only need to be larger than 0, and the L1 = ⎜
⎝ 0

synchronization is achieved naturally. In this case, the inner −1 1 0 ⎠
couplings play positive roles. While a and b are less than 0, 0 0 −1 1
⎛ ⎞
k1 and k2 must be greater than certain positive numbers which 0 0 0 0
means the inherent couplings play negative roles. ⎜ −1 1 0 0 ⎟
L2 = ⎜
⎝ −1 0 1 0 ⎠.

Theorem 3: For system (3) with L1 and L2 in Theorem 1,
assume G1 is a directed star topology (or all-to-all topology). −1 0 0 1
Then, the communication graph can be chosen as an undi-
The eigenvalues of Laplacian matrices L1 and L2 are
rected graph, and satisfying L1 and L2 can be upper triangular
{λ1 , λ2 , λ3 } = {1 ± i, 2}, λ4 = 0, and {μ1 , μ2 , μ3 } = {1},
simultaneously. The synchronization can be obtained if and
μ4 = 0, respectively. It is easy to verify that they can simulta-
only if the following inequalities hold:
& ' ( & ') neously be upper triangular. Without loss of generality, assume
a Na p1 = p2 = 1, p3 = 2; q1 = 1, q2 = −1, q3 = 0; and
k1 > max 0, − , or k1 > max 0, −
i=1,...,N−1 p̃i i=1,...,N−1 p̃i p̃1 = p̃2 = p̃3 = 1, q̃1 = q̃2 = q̃3 = 0. Next, four different
& ' ( & ') choices of inner connections are discussed.
b Nb
k2 > max 0, − or k2 > max 0, − . Case 1: Let a = 2, b = 1. Applying Theorem 1, we have
i=1,...,N−1 p̃i i=1,...,N−1 p̃i
(36) k1 > 0, k2 > 0. In this situation, the inner couplings have
positive effects.
Proof: When G1 is a star-shaped topology (all-to-all topol- Case 2: Let a = 2, b = −1. Through√ simple calculation, we
ogy), the eigenvalues of its Laplacian matrix are pi = 1 (pi = have k1 > 0, k2 > max{2, 1 + [(2( k1 + 3 + 1))/(k1 + 2)]}.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 9. vi of the network when k1 = 5 and k2 = 1.5.

have a more strict requirement in this case, since the inner

coupling gains play a relative negative role here.
Case 4: Let a = −2, b = 1. In this situation, by sim-

States of the network when k1 = 1 and k2 = 2.5.

√ calculation, one has k1 > 4, k2 > max{0, −1 + [(2(1 +
Fig. 5. k1 − 1))/(k1 √
− 2)]}. In detail, when 4 < k1 < 8, k2 >
−1 + [(2(1 + k1 − 1))/(k1 − 2)], while choosing k1 > 8,
k2 > 0 is enough. As shown in Figs. 7–9, the synchronization
conditions of state vi are described.

In this paper, synchronization of second-order
interconnected networks has been studied. By means of
the polynomial properties, necessary and sufficient conditions
associated with the inherent connections, coupling gains,
and the eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrices have been
established to achieve synchronization. Besides, lower and
upper bounds of the gains are obtained which implies that
all of the possible synchronization gains can be described.
Fig. 6. States of the network when k1 = 8 and k2 = 2.5. In addition, detailed discussions on the special models and
special topologies are proposed, as well as the explicit
conditions for synchronization. In future works, we will take
into account other issues such as time delays, together with
the considered unified model.

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[30] W. Hou, M. Fu, H. Zhang, and Z. Wu, “Consensus conditions for Award in 2008. He is currently an Associate Editor of Automatica, Systems
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