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Antonio Ferrara

The Maze

The Doll’s House

2 New endings

- Expansion -
The Maze
Tales of Evil In this adventure, you won’t be able to explore as a group. The
Pizza & Investigation gang will have to split up, taking turns
The Maze wandering into random rooms that they will visit and explore.
Once there is nothing left to do in that area, play will go to the
We found ourselves in front of the strange house that Old next player and so on, clockwise. Surely you’ve played Tales of
Jack from the Recovery Shop told us about. He claimed that Evil, so you know that it’s all very simple! But will you be able
the 4 Keys of Destiny were hidden there, and that nobody who to find the 4 Keys of Destiny and get out of the house before
had gone in would ever go back. It sounded like nonsense to it’s too late?
us, so we decided to prove that we could enter that house,
retrieve the 4 Keys of Destiny, and get back home. We didn’t Exploring the House
ask Old Jack what the keys were for, and I promised myself to The player who holds the Walkie-Talkie must start their turn by
ask once we got back. But this was going to be our strangest rolling 2 dice and referring to the numbers on them. They must
investigation ever. Something about that house just wasn’t… then choose one of those numbers to indicate a tile. The other
right, and it seemed that every time you went through a door, number will indicate which zone on that tile they must place
it went to a different place. It didn’t take long for the group their investigator in.
to get split up and lost in the ever-shifting maze of rooms.
Like the labyrinth of legend, it was going to take more than a Follow this simple pattern to figure out which tile the die roll
ball of string to get out of The Maze… corresponds to:

- Place the Events board on the table. Place the x token on 1 = Tile 7
number 2 and the c token on number 2 of their respective 2 = Tile 8
paths and the z token in the position indicated on the board. 3 = Tile 9
- Take Special cards 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 and equip each 4 = Tile 10
investigator with their own weapon. Set the others aside. Take 5 = Tile 11
Special cards 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 and equip each 6 = Tile 12
investigator with one of those cards. Set the others aside.
- Position tiles 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 as shown in the photo.

7 8 9

10 11 12
If the second number points to a zone that does not exist on that
- Place the investigators outside the game tiles. tile, that investigator is lost forever and can never play Tales of
- The Walkie-Talkie b will go to the player who has their next Evil again! Ehmmm… rest assured that I am kidding! Just place
birthday before the others, then read on. that investigator off to the side and draw an Event card instead.
The first player will have to roll 2 dice and refer to the numbers
on them. One of the numbers of their choice will indicate a tile, For example: The Brave who plays Peter rolls 2 dice and gets a 6
while the other will indicate which zone on the selected tile they and a 4. He could choose tile 12 or tile 10. Based on that choice,
will have to place their investigator in. If the number rolled is not the other number will determine which zone Peter moves to:
present on that tile, the investigator will lose the game forever either zone 6 of tile 10 or zone 4 of tile 12. If he rolled 6 and 6,
and will never be able to play Tales of Evil again... ehmmm… he would have to choose tile 12, but since there is no zone 6 on
rest assured I’m kidding! Just place that investigator beside the tile 12, he would have to remove Peter from the board and draw
tile and draw an Event card, after which the next player in turn an Event card.
order will begin to play by rolling the dice, and so on. However,
each player’s turn always ends with the end of the relevant After placing your investigator, find the paragraph below that
paragraph in which they find themselves. matches the tile and zone you are in (by referring to the bold
references—e.g., Tile 7 – Zone 1) and follow the instructions
Special Rules for The Maze as normal, including making any choices the paragraph asks
Compared to the traditional adventures of Tales of Evil, this you to make. When there is nothing left to do (at the end of
one is managed differently! You will no longer be able to simply the paragraph, for example), your turn ends and you pass the
choose your route through the house. Instead, the fickle hand of Walkie-Talkie to the next player, who starts their turn by rolling
fate will determine the course of your adventure… the dice.
Revisiting Rooms me. The bucket and rope were two steps away from me, and
If you find your investigator in a room that has already been I also noticed a lot of coins scattered everywhere. The scene
explored, you may decide to carry out the tests or ignore them. reminded me of the Goonies at the bottom of the wishing well.
To help you remember which zones have been explored, I 1 - Coins might be useful for buying equipment at Old Jack’s
recommend that you place a token in each area that you visit. shop. Go to 49.
2 - I inspected the place, ignoring the coins. Go to 89.
Mind Over Matter
This special rule is valid only for this adventure: When it is your
turn, you may spend a n token to choose which zone to place
6 - TILE 7 - ZONE 6
Such a logo had to hide something interesting. I was sure about
your investigator in without rolling the dice. This is especially that!
useful after you have explored most of the zones. Fusion: If you have the HeroQuest board game, take the knight’s
tomb and place it on the tomb represented on this tile, then go
Finding the Keys of Destiny to 59; otherwise go to 96.

7 - TILE 8 - ZONE 1
You will have to find all 4 Keys of Destiny (5678) and get out
of the labyrinth to prove your worth to Old Jack. If you can find
all 4 keys go to 106.
In this room there were some mannequins wearing hats. At first,
Objective: You will have to find the 4 Keys of Destiny (5678) I didn’t give them much notice, but when they started moving
and exit the labyrinth to prove your worth to Old Jack. If you can and coming towards me, I started to worry!
find all 4 keys you win the game. If you can find all 4 keys, go Fusion: You have to wear a hat. If you wear one, go to 50; if not,
go to 87.

8 - TILE 8 - ZONE 2
immediately to Epilogue (106) to see what happens!

All choices and fights (even if in a group) will only involve the
investigators who are in that particular room at the time the As soon as I set foot inside, something happened...
event or choice to be made occurs. You are just my friends… - v
Muahahah! I went away sure I hadn’t done anything useful.

9 - TILE 8 - ZONE 3
1 - TILE 7 - ZONE 1 When I entered the room, my attention was immediately drawn
to a large trunk.
I found myself in a strange corridor, with letters marked on the
stones. The place seemed like a trap to me, but I had to continue - If you have Special card 37, go to 51; otherwise, go to 70.
- The investigator will have to choose which stones to stand on 10 - TILE 8 - ZONE 4
as they make their way down the corridor. It was an empty room, so without wasting any time I turned to
1 - I positioned myself on stone D. Turn to 45. leave, when... v.
2 - TILE 7 - ZONE 2 Then door P suddenly popped open, so I headed for 13.

11 - TILE 8 - ZONE 5
It was a desolate place, with strange luminescent mushrooms
growing in the dirt. I was looking around when my attention was I had a feeling that maybe there might be something interesting
caught by a pickaxe. It was very heavy, but perhaps it would be here somewhere.
useful for bringing to light what the debris had covered. 1 - I checked the medicine cabinet. Go to 52.
1 - I picked up one of the glowing mushrooms. Go to 46. 2 - I checked a desk drawer. Go to 71.
2 - I started removing debris with the pickaxe. Go to 56. 3 - I checked the operating table. Turn to 83.
3 - TILE 7 - ZONE 3 4 - I checked a piece of furniture by the wall. Go to 88.

12 - TILE 8 - ZONE 6
The room was filled with sticky sewage that kept gushing from
some ravine. It was a small place, illuminated by the light of a boiler. I didn’t
1 - I tasted the slurry. Go to 47. think there could be anything useful, so I got ready to leave
2 - I lay down on a cot to rest a little. Go to 67. when...
3 - I took the opportunity to pee. Go to 86. Roll a die to see what happened:
4 - TILE 7 - ZONE 4 - 3 Draw 1 Trauma card.
- 4 Draw 2 Search card.
- 2 Draw 1 Event card.
The place was full of barrels, and some of them had labels stuck
to them. I decided to investigate. - 1 Advance the Panic token c one space.
1 - I opened the lid of a barrel where it was written: Badly aged I was about to leave when a door creaked open... I went through
wine. Go to 48. door R, into 15.
2 - I opened the lid of a barrel where it was written: Wine aged
well. Go to 58. 13 - TILE 8 - ZONE 7
3 - I opened the lid of a barrel where it was written: Living wine. As I entered, an inhuman heat hit me.
Go to 68. - If zone 6 of tile 8 has not yet been explored, you lose 1 q and
5 - TILE 7 - ZONE 5 1 w.
- y.
There seemed to be nothing useful here so I prepared to leave,
The place was damp and sticky, and as I looked around I noticed
it was illuminated by some luminescent mushrooms and the when... v.
light of the moon filtering through the opening of a well above
14 - TILE 8 - ZONE 8
It was an anonymous room, and I was looking around when... - If there is no o token in zone 4 or zone 6 of tile 9, go to 82.
- y.
There was really nothing more to do so I left.
23 - TILE 9 - ZONE 8
It was a strange and messy place, and my attention was drawn
15 - TILE 8 - ZONE 9 to an object that seemed out of context. It was a small toy
spaceship with a strange red symbol...
But where was I? It looked like the workshop of a nightmare Fusion: The Brave can examine the tile and try to remember if
craftsman. The thing that worried me most was the mannequins they have already seen that spaceship somewhere. They might
lying in the coffins. have seen her in a movie for example or who knows...
1 - I investigated. Go to 54. - When you think you have the right answer or even if you don’t
2 - I went away. Go to 64. have the answer, go to 74.

16 - TILE 9 - ZONE 1 24 - TILE 10 - ZONE 1

I seemed to have fallen into the cartoon of Pinocchio, only There was a large spider peeking out of a hole in the floor. It was
Maestro Geppetto was missing or we would have completed truly disturbing, and I was convinced that it would attack me,
the picture. There was still a lot to look at, so I didn’t lose heart. but instead it spoke to me in a voice that seemed to come from
Roll a die and find out what happened: beyond the grave.
- 3 You injure yourself with a splinter of wood. You lose 1 q. “Don’t be afraid of me because I won’t eat you, but I have
- 4 You find something interesting. Draw 2 Search card y. something important to tell you.”
- 2 You see Something Creepy: Draw an Event card v. I moved as far away from that monster as possible.
- 1 Your head starts spinning like a whirlwind. Draw a Trauma - Take a h 3+ (w) test.
card. “Listen to me carefully because I will not repeat myself and
I soon realized that I would not find what I was looking for in what I have to say could save your life.”
that place and I walked away. I froze and it continued: “All the beds hide something, but only
17 - TILE 9 - ZONE 2 one hides what you are looking for.”
“What do you mean?” I stammered.
“There are five beds in this place, and you look for the star,
A bad place that could only hide something disturbing, I was
reasoning to myself, when... v. but don’t follow it and remember that the web lies, while the
I hurried away from that place. rabbit points to the right, but don’t trust the hero or even the

18 - TILE 9 - ZONE 3
lamp,” it said before retreating into the hole.
I was confused and bewildered and decided to leave that place
before the spider came back and thought about tasting me.
25 - TILE 10 - ZONE 2
There was an unbearable stench of rotting clothes, and I knew
immediately that I would not find anything useful in that place. I
got ready to leave, when... v.

19 - TILE 9 - ZONE 4
There were toys and stuffed animals everywhere. I was about to
look around when I saw a hairy hand retract under a bed and at
the same time my attention was caught by a glint under a nearby
The room was sparse, but what caught my attention was a kind cradle.
of hole in the floor with a ladder that seemed to descend directly - I searched under the bed, where I had seen the hand. Go to 62.
into the depths of the earth. - I searched under the cradle. Go to 84.

26 - TILE 10 - ZONE 3
1 - It took courage, but I went down into the hole. Go to 60.
2 - I immediately left that place. Go to 73.

20 - TILE 9 - ZONE 5 It was a modest room with some trophies on display.

- y.
The room was small, and a washing machine that spewed foam There didn’t seem to be anything interesting, and so I got ready
like a wounded creature did not bode well. I would have expected to leave, when... v.
27 - TILE 10 - ZONE 4
anything, but nothing happened instead.
- y.
I decided to continue through an ajar door.
When door P opens, go to 23. It was a large bedroom, but what surprised me were the cobwebs

21 - TILE 9 - ZONE 6
that seemed to be everywhere.
1 - I checked under the bed. Go to 63.
2 - I checked the closet. Go to 92.

28 - TILE 10 - ZONE 5
It was the room in front of the pool and my temptation was
immediately attracted to some lockers arranged along the wall.
Each of the lockers bore a tag.
1 - “I will reveal the way.” Go to 57. It was a small room, but there was everything a kid could dream
2 - “I will open the way for you.” Go to 72. of.
3 - “I will show you the way.” Go to 91. 1 - I inspected a toy that was there on the

22 - TILE 9 - ZONE 7
ground. Go to 42.
2 - I examined the computer. Go to 79.
3 - I checked the bed. Go to 93.
I found myself on the edge of a swimming pool filled with 4 - I looked the TV. Go to 102.

29 - TILE 10 - ZONE 6
brackish water and who knows what else...
- If there is a o token in zone 6 of tile 9, go to 61.
- If there is a o token in zone 4 of tile 9, go to 78.
- If the o token is present in both zone 4 and zone 6 of tile 9, Toilets were always creepy places. I don’t know why, but there
go to 99. was always an air of decay that enveloped you. These were
sensations, but they often turned into real nightmares. Still, - Place a k token between zone 6 and zone 7 of tile 11.
I looked everywhere, but there didn’t seem to be anything - Place your investigator in zone 7 of tile 11.
interesting, when... v. I cleaned up the debris and tried to understand what had caused

30 - TILE 10 - ZONE 7 the noise, when... v.

I started rummaging around, and at the bottom of a desk drawer
I found what I was looking for!
There were two beds in this room. I knew I had to check
everywhere, but I was always afraid to look under beds because - Take Special card 29.
often the worst nightmares were right under there... I had what I needed and decided to leave.
1 - I looked under the bed in the center of the room. Go to 43.
2 - I looked under the bed in the corner of the room. Go to 98. 38 - TILE 12 - ZONE 1
31 - TILE 11 - ZONE 1 The attic of memories.
The attic was full of forgotten items, and not all of them brought
back good memories, especially the Christmas tree in the corner
As soon as I entered the room, I began to look around and
accidentally bumped into a terrarium that fell and shattered wrapped in a sheet that reminded me of a body wrapped in a
into a thousand pieces. But that wasn’t the problem, the giant shroud.
colorful snake that came out was. Roll a die, and based on the result obtained find out what
Fusion: If there is an animal in the place where you are playing, happened. You can only roll the die twice and apply the effects,
the snake is distracted and goes away; otherwise the snake after which you will have to leave this room.
attacks! - 3 Draw 1 Trauma card.
If the snake attacks, take a f 3+ (w) test to avoid it and leave. - 4 Draw 2 Search cards.

32 - TILE 11 - ZONE 2
- 2 Draw 2 Event cards.
- 1 Take Special card 37.
It was a fairly nondescript room, and I was about to wade into
the mess, when... v.
39 - TILE 12 - ZONE 2
- y. There was a big hole in the floor, and for all I knew, it could
There was nothing else of interest, so I left. have gone deep into the earth. Obviously, I had no intention

33 - TILE 11 - ZONE 3
of approaching it, so I just searched around without ever
approaching the edge. But when the floor started shaking, I
realized that an unknown force wanted me to end up in that
The carpet in that corridor looked familiar, and hole!
the memories came alive in my mind... Fusion: Find a rope and place it on the table. Otherwise, the
- Take a g 3+ (w) test. investigator must take a f 4+ (w) test.
When I recovered from the vision, I hurried to Once the floor beneath my feet stopped shaking, my gaze fell on
get out of that place. something that had rolled close to me.
- Take Special card 39.

34 - TILE 11 - ZONE 4 40 - TILE 12 - ZONE 3

The room was revolting, with a sickening stench coming out
The moment I entered the room, deafening of the toilet. But what caught my attention was the large trunk.
music hammered my ears. - If you have Special card 37, go to 101; otherwise, go to 104.

41 - Tile 12 - ZONE 4
- Go to 80.

An attic full of horrors, but also of beautiful

things, and when I saw the turntable, I

35 - TILE 11 - ZONE 5
could not resist the temptation to put it into
- Go to 103.
The room was crammed with objects and looked like it had
just been turned upside down by a tornado, but I might find

42 - Oh my God!
something useful.
Roll a die, and based on the result find out what happened. You
can only roll the die twice and apply the effects, after which you
will have to leave this room. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was my favorite
- 3 Draw 1 Trauma card. toy! Memories began to surface and... Gain 1
- 4 Draw 2 Search cards. w.
- 2 Draw 1 Event card. 1 - I inspected the computer. Go to 79.
- 1 Take Special card 11. 2 - I checked the bed. Go to 93.

36 - TILE 11 - ZONE 6
3 - I looked the TV. Go to 102.
4 - I left. Your turn ends.
I found myself in a small room full of toys and immediately
started searching for something interesting, but there didn’t
43 - Check here!
seem to be anything useful and I felt very frustrated. I lowered myself under the bed, expecting the worst, and instead
- Take a h 3+ (w) test, then go to 81. found something...

37 - TILE 11 - ZONE 7
- y.
1 - I looked under the bed in the corner of the room. Go to 98.
2 - I went away. Your turn ends.
It was really hard, but I made it!
44 - The Ravens! If you want to do another search, go back to 11 and choose
again; otherwise, your turn ends.
I had managed to escape from that abomination but, where was
I? 53 - Oh how nice!
- Place your investigator in zone 8 of tile 10. It might come in handy.
I was standing on a balcony and creepy crows began to scrutinize - Take Special card 9.
me with more and more interest... If you want to do another search, go back to 11 and choose
Fusion: If you or one of your friends at the table ate something again; otherwise your turn ends.
while you were playing, the crows will attack you and you will
have to take a h 4+ (q) test to try to avoid them and run away;
otherwise, the crows will ignore you and you may draw a Search
54 - A Shocking Discovery!
As I approached one of the coffins, the mannequin came to life
card y. and tried to grab me!
45 - It’s the right one! - Make a g 3+ (w) test before the dummy’s animating power
wears off.
The stone I was standing on dipped slightly and I heard a clang. I was taking a last look around, when I noticed an opening in
The first piece of the puzzle was complete! the wall.
1 - I moved to stone A. Go to 55. - Place a k token between zone 9 and zone 8 of tile 8.
2 - I moved to stone O. Go to 65. As you cross the passage, go to 14.

46 - The Mushroom! 55 - Here we go!

As soon as I picked it up, the mushroom lost its luminescence This stone was also the right one, and so I moved on.
and rotted in my hands, giving off a nauseating stench! 1 - I moved to stone G. Go to 75.
- Take a h 3+ (w) test before leaving this room. 2 - I moved to stone N. Go to 85.
47 - Are you crazy? 56 - The Shocking Discovery!
I stuck a finger in that revolting sewage and then tasted it. At The glowing mushrooms were just appendages of what
this moment, I cannot describe the sensation I felt, but it wasn’t emerged from the pile of debris! A giant mushroom with eyes
good and I remember vomiting out my soul! and a mouth started coming towards me!
- The investigator must take a g 3+ (q) test. Aberration: Demonic Fungus a 3 q 3.
When I recovered, I decided to leave that place. The mushroom attacks first, after which you will have to defend

48 - What a stink! and attack until the mushroom is destroyed or you lose a Status.
- If you have defeated the mushroom, turn to 66.
- If you passed out, turn to 76.
And it had aged really badly! A nauseating stench violated me
deeply and I had to force myself not to faint!
- The investigator must draw a Trauma card. 57 - Interesting!
I still had that stink in my nostrils when I left that place. In the locker was a note that read: “The key of 5 is at the bottom

49 - So Much Money! of the pool.”

- Take a h 3+ (w) test.
I looked around a little more and then headed for the pool.
Yes, a lot of cursed coins though! I did not have time to take
even one before a voice reached into my head: “You have stolen Go to 22.
the wishes of other people and for this you will be punished!”
- Draw 3 Trauma cards and resolve them before escaping the 58 - What a smell!
room. Sometimes, the most obvious choice is the right one. This one

50 - Camouflaged! had a pleasant and fruity smell.

- y.
1 - I tasted it. Go to 77.
As soon as I put on my hat and stood still, all the mannequins
stopped and some of them fell to the floor. 2 - Better not risk it. Go to 97.
- y.
The magic that animated them had run out and I took advantage 59 - The Revelation!
of it to get away from that place. The tomb in front of me seemed to come alive, becoming real,

51 - Yep! and a thousand visions projected me into fantastic adventures

lived in a world of magic that I would come to love so much in
a few years.
The key went into the keyhole without a problem, and when I
opened the lid of the trunk, my eyes did not believe what they - Take Special card 38 before leaving the room.
were looking at.
- Take Special card 10 before leaving the room. 60 - Strength and Courage!
52 - Ouch! I began to descend the ladder into the dark.
- Take a g 2+ (e) test.
After a few minutes, I reached the bottom and found a diving
Mi punsi con l’ago di una siringa e la mia mente vagò verso
I pricked myself with the needle of a syringe and my mind mask. I picked it up and hurried back up and out of that place.
wandered to distant universes... That syringe had a completely - Place a o token in zone 4 of tile 9.
rusty needle and could have passed on to me any kind of disease,
known or not... I was in a panic! 61 - Let’s see
- Make a g 3+ (w) test. Perhaps I had a vision, because now I understood what that
69 - Misstep!
sound of flowing water was. The pool was only half full, but
something told me that at the bottom of it I would find what I
was looking for. I was struck by an electric shock!
- Take a g 3+ (w) test and a h 3+ (w) test. - The investigator loses 2 q and 2 w.
Thanks to the shallow water, I was able to rummage easily, even I moved to stone T. Go to 95.

70 - Nothing to do
if it took me a while to find what I was looking for.
- Advance the c token one space.
- Take Special card 32.

62 - But what?
I tried in every way to open the trunk, but I couldn’t. Without the
key, I would never be able to find out what it contained.
- Place a o token in zone 3 of tile 8.
I lowered myself to the bed and when I reached out, something I was about to leave when... v.

71 - The drawer!
grabbed me!
- Take a g 3+ (w) test and a d 3+ (q) test.
I pulled hard and found the severed hand of a creature attached
to mine! I screamed at the top of my lungs before realizing it As soon as I opened it, I should have expected any kind of
was just a rubber hand. But there was something inside... abomination to come out, and...
- Take Special card 30. Roll a die:

63 - Surprise!
1 - 4 = Draw an Event card v.
5 - 6 = Draw a Search card y.
If you want to do another search, go back to 11 and choose
What I saw, I believe will remain etched in my mind forever... again; otherwise, your turn ends.

72 - Let’s hope so!

- Carry out a h 5 (w) test.
When I recovered, I was no longer myself. I dragged myself to
a door and walked away from that place, which I would never
forget. Footprints began to form on the floor as if an invisible man was
- I went through door Q. Go to 30. walking towards the pool. After a while, I heard a roar as if there

64 - Better to go away
was water running out and it disturbed me.
- Take a g 3+ (w) test.
- Place a o token in zone 6 of tile 9.
I didn’t trust those mannequins lying in those coffins, and so I I looked around a little more and then headed for the pool.
kept away, but I managed to recover something anyway. Go to 22.

73 - Coward!
- y.
I was taking a last look around when I noticed an opening in the
- Place a k token between zone 9 and zone 8 of tile 8. I was about to leave that place when an inhuman grunt came
As you cross the passage, go to 14. from the depths of the hole. I was terrified!

65 - Damn!
- Draw a Trauma card before leaving the room.

That stone was the wrong one, and I knew it as soon as I stepped
74 - ???
on it because it started shaking and then turned over, making Were you able to remember where you last
me fall. saw the toy spaceship?
- You lose 1 q and 1 w. - Scan this QR code to find out the answer.
I moved to stone A. Go to 55. If the answer you had in mind is correct, then

66 - Take That!
you gain 1 q and 1 w; otherwise, you lose 1
n. After that, your turn ends.
As it approached me, breathing out its spores, I placed the
pickaxe right in the center of its head and watched it collapse
and rot. It had been a tough fight, but luckily I had survived.
75 - Pain!
Spikes came out of the stone and by golly it hurt!
- Draw Special card 8 before leaving this room. - The investigator loses 1 q and 1 w.
67 - But what? I moved to stone N. Go to 85.

As soon as I lay down, I realized that something terrible was

about to happen, because I could no longer move! And then,
76 - Nothing to do
I was about to hit it with the pickaxe when it blew all its stench
out of the corner of my eye, I saw a thug walking into the room and spores into my face. I fainted, and when I woke up the
holding a large cleaver. mushroom was gone so I decided to leave the room.

77 - Good!
- The investigator must take a h 3+ (w) test before the vision
When I came out of the waking nightmare, I decided to leave
that place right away. It tasted so good, that I started drinking and then drinking and

68 - Is this a joke?
then I continued drinking until my head started spinning so hard
that I fell and threw the barrel behind me. I found myself, soaking
wet, sitting in a lake of wine, and something that was probably
And it really was alive, because a being made of wine jumped at the bottom of the smashed barrel caught my attention.
out and tried to drown me! - 2 y.
- Before leaving the room, the investigator must take a I staggered away.

78 - At least this...
f 3 + (w) test to run away and a d (q) test to avoid falling
and hurting themselves.

The water was deep but I had that diving mask I found in that Aberration: Dummies a 3 q 3.
hole. The dummies attack first, after which you will have to defend
- Take a f 3+ (w) test and a d 3+ (q) test. and attack until the dummies are destroyed or you lose a Status.
Thanks to the mask, I was able to search easily, even if it took If you defeated the dummies, draw a Search y card before
me a while to find what I was looking for. leaving the room.
- Advance the c token one space.
- Take Special card 32. 88 - The Sweet Surprise
79 - How wonderful! When I opened the cabinet doors, I immediately noticed her.
- Take Special card 28.
I loved that game! - If you have Special card 37, you can open the box and go to
- Draw a Search card y. 53; otherwise, read on:
1 - I inspected a toy that was there on the If you want to do another search, go back to 11 and choose
ground. Go to 42. again; otherwise, your turn ends.
2 - I checked the bed. Go to 93.
3 - I looked the TV. Go to 102.
4 - I left. Your turn ends.
89 - Let’s look around
I started looking around and actually found some interesting
80 - Enough Music! things before I left that place.
- 2 y.
I finally managed to turn off the radio. - You can leave this room and end your turn, or you can also
- If you listened to the whole song, you gain 1 q and 1 w; collect the coins. In this case. go to 49.
otherwise, you lose 1 e.
I was exhausted, and there didn’t seem to be anything interesting
in that place besides the radio, so I decided to leave.
90 - Surprise?
This paragraph has no connection and if you are reading it, it
81 - What is happening? is only by chance or because you have started reading all the
paragraphs of this adventure. I am Antonio Ferrara, the author
I was about to leave when a noise caught my attention and I of this story, and since you are here I hope you are having fun
realized that someone was banging something on the other side and I want to reward you. You earn 1 q and 1 w. Hello to you
of the wall. and good luck!
- If you have Special card 38, go to 94; otherwise, go to 100.

82 - The pool of horror 91 - It Might Help Me!

In the locker there was a note that read: “To get the key to 5 you
The place was awful and the pool looked very deep, but I had should first visit the well”. Zone 4 of tile 9.
to try. That message probably meant something. I had to think, and I
Take a g 3+ (w) test, a h 3+ (w) test, a d 3+ (q) test, and was about to leave that place when... v.
a f 3+ (q ) test. I looked around a little more and then headed for the pool.
It wasn’t a walk in the park, but I found what I was looking for! Go to 22.
- Advance the c token one space.
- Take Special card 32. 92 - Mhmmm...
83 - What a scare! In the closet, I found something interesting.
- y.
As soon as I approached the arm of the manikin which was lying 1 - I checked under the bed. Go to 63.
on the operating table, it flopped over, dangling. It really game 2 - I went away, through door Q. Go to 30.
me a start!
- Take a g 3+ (e) test.
If you want to do another search, go back to 11 and choose
93 - Nooo!
As soon as I reached down to look under the bed, dozens of
again; otherwise, your turn ends. hands grabbed me and tried to drag me towards them!
84 - Mice! - Take a d 3+ (q) test to resist and a h 3+ (w) test to stay
As soon as I ducked under the crib, two giant mice with 1 - I inspected a toy that was there on the ground. Go to 42.
iridescent bloodshot eyes popped up in my face! 2 - I checked the computer. Go to 79.
- Take a g 3+ (e) test. 3 - I looked the TV. Go to 102.
I was so scared that I left that place without wasting any time. 4 - I left. Your turn ends.
85 - Perfect! 94 - By the Power of...
The stone was the right one, but I had to go on. I used the sword to demolish the wall and found myself in
1 - I moved to stone T. Go to 95. another room.
2 - Move me to stone R. Go to 69. - Place a k token between zone 6 and zone 7 of tile 11.
86 - Huh? - Place your investigator in zone 7 of tile 11.
I felt ashamed for using a legendary sword for such a menial
task, but I had to figure out what was producing that, and I soon
I was about to approach that filthy latrine when... v.
After that, I decided to leave that place. did!... v.

87 - Let’s fight!
I started rummaging around, and at the bottom of a desk drawer
I found what I was looking for!
- Take Special card 29.
The mannequins attacked me without any mercy! I had what I needed and decided to leave.
95 - Exactly! 104 - I could do it...
Finally, I moved to stone “E” and something unexpected I had to understand what was in that trunk, but it wasn’t going
happened: One of the stones moved to reveal a small niche, and to be easy to open it.
inside I found something... - If you want to open the chest, you will have to take a d 4+
- Take Special card 33. (q) test. Alternatively, you can leave it alone and walk away.

96 - Nothing, in fact - If you make the check to open the chest go to 101; otherwise,
your turn ends.
No fantastic adventures experienced in the world of magic.
- Draw a v card before leaving the room. 105 – Don’t try...
97 - No, thanks! Why are you reading this paragraph? Why is it the last one?
Well, cheating will cost you: You immediately lose 1 q and 1
I was about to leave when a hand came out of the barrel and
grabbed me!
- The investigator must take a d 2+ (e) test to avoid being 106 - Epilogue
pulled into the barrel! When I found the last key, I communicated it to my friends via
I somehow managed to free myself and hurried out of that place. the Walkie-Talkie. We had done it, and we could finally prove

98 - But it can’t be! our worth to Old Jack. We got on our bikes and headed for the
Recovery Shop.
“Hey, we have the keys!” I yelled as I walked into the shop.
I lowered myself under the bed, expecting the worst, and instead
realized I had been optimistic. “Damn! But how did you do it?”
A gnome, or something like that, jumped on my face and bit my Ray cleared his throat with a fake cough, “Everyday stuff for
nose! Pizza & Investigation.”
- Take a f 4+ (q) test to escape. Go to 44. “A cake-walk,” Daphne lied. “

99 - I Can Do It!
“I’m hungry!” Tommy said.
Leila was silent while Mike got straight to the point: “Hey, so
what? What do you need these keys for? “
The water in the pool was shallow, and on top of that I had a “Give them to me, you brats!” growled Old Jack.
diving mask, so I immediately found what I was looking for, I backed away as he reached over the counter to grab me,
although I had to be careful not to slip to the muddy bottom. “They’re mine! Only mine!”
- Take a f 3+ (q) test. We began to fidget nervously. Old Jack no longer seemed to be
- You may move the c token one space in either direction you himself... “Give me the keys!” he ordered in a voice that seemed
like. to come from beyond the grave!
- Take Special card 32.

100 - With my bare hands?

“Come and get them!” Ray said, shouldering his baseball bat.
“I will annihilate you!” roared Old Jack, his eyes rolling back
into his head until only the whites could be seen.
I had to find a way to create an opening in that wall, and I Now one thing was certain: This was not Old Jack, but some
couldn’t see anything in the room that would help, so I had to sinister demonic imitation of him. We had to take it down, ASAP!
rely on my most basic tools. “Wake up, brat! Hey, I’m talking to you!”
- Take a d 4+ (q) test and a h 4+ (w) test if you want to When I recovered, I found myself lying on the floor of the
knock down the wall. Then move to 37. Recovery Shop, with Old Jack’s face peering at me closely. “You
If you don’t feel like it, leave the room and your turn is over. can’t sleep here!” he said.
101 - What a stink! His breath of fried onions nearly made me throw up, and when
I looked around I realized I was alone. “Where are my friends?”
As soon as I opened the trunk, I was hit by a fetid gust, as if a “What friends? When I arrived, you were here on the ground
corpse were buried there. snoring,” Old Jack replied. “Now run along, I have no time to
- Take a h 3+ (w) test. waste!”
- Take Special card 35. I got up from the floor and looked around again before leaving.

102 - I can’t believe it! ! Where had the Keys of Destiny gone? And above all, where were
my friends? I realized that the story would not end there. Indeed,
now I would have to find out who had taken the keys and what
I loved that movie!
I didn’t notice how much time had passed had happened to my friends.
while I was mesmerized by the screen. I returned to the Recovery Shop that night, accompanied by a
- Advance the c token one space. cold moon that peeked down from above like the eye of a dead
1 - I inspected a toy that was there on the man. I made sure I was alone before I went around to the back,
ground. Go to 42. and with the help of a screwdriver I was able to force the door.
2 - I looked the computer. Go to 79. Inside, it was pitch dark and you couldn’t see anything, so I
3 - I checked the bed. Go to 93. decided to turn on my flashlight and what I found in front of my
4 - I left. Your turn ends. eyes I will never forget! It was a kind of miniature model of a

103 - The infernal disc?

house. It looked just like one of those crumbling old houses on
Main Street I walked past every day. It was a beautiful model.
I noticed a switch nearby, and when I pressed it, a thousand
I was terrified, and had to appeal to all my courage not to pass lights lit up all over the house. The effect was amazing, and I
out. stood there staring at it for who knows how long. Suddenly, I
If you’ve listened to the record, draw a Trauma card. saw something moving inside. At first, it looked like a mouse,
I was about to leave, when... v. then an insect, but when I managed to focus on what I was
actually looking at, my head swirled.
They were my miniature friends trapped inside the house!
“Guys!” I called, but my voice probably reached their little ears
like the crash of thunder.
They started waving and I walked over, not believing what I was
looking at!
“Help us,” I could hear their faint voices. “Help us!” they
squeaked again.
I stood there with wide eyes. My friends had been shrunken
down and placed in a miniature house and were trapped like
bugs! It was too much for me, and my head started spinning
more and more until I passed out.
When I woke up, I was in the atrium of the house where I had
seen my shrunken friends before passing out.
“Peter are you here now? Are you with us?”
I jumped to my feet, “Yea, but… what’s going on?”
“It happens that we are trapped in the hands of the Demon
Puppet-Mistress,” Daphne said. “I am sure that when she
gets tired of playing with us she will crush us like ants.”
“How is this possible?”
They told me that they woke up, just like me, inside that
miniature house. Later on, the gigantic and immense Demon
Puppet-Mistress—compared to their proportions, had told
them that the Keys of Destiny served precisely that purpose.
That is, to give her the power to shrink things and people to her
liking. This meant that we had gone straight from the frying pan
into the embers and that if we didn’t get a move on, it wouldn’t
take her much time to annihilate us…

The Doll’s House
Tales of Evil
with two fingers. She waved him, holding him by the collar of
his shirt, dangling him over our heads.
“Leave me alone, you old witch!” he yelled as he squirmed.
The Doll’s House In her other hand, she had a clear glass jar. She set it down in
the center of the room and dropped Old Jack into it, after which
Objective: Return to Normal she closed the jar with a metal lid.
Old Jack rushed to the edge of the jar and started pounding on
- Place the Events board with the x token on number 1 and it with his fists, shouting deaf sentences muffled by the glass.
the c token on number 1 of their respective paths and the z We rushed to his aid, but our weapons seemed unable to make
token on the indicated position on the board. a dent in the giant jar.
- Take the Special cards 15-16-17-18-19-20-21 and equip each “You have one hour, after which the air in the jar will run out and
investigator with their own weapon and put the others aside. your friend will die,” said the Puppeteer, closing the roof of the
Now take the Special cards 22-23-24-25-26-27 and equip dollhouse over our heads. “So hurry up if you want to save his
each investigator with one of these cards. At the end of this life, too,” she sneered.
operation, the other cards are put aside. We were shocked. Old Jack kept squirming like a big trapped
- Position tile 1. insect. Meanwhile, Ray was revived but looked somewhat
- Place the investigators in zone 1. The Walkie-Talkie b will go battered.
to the player whose birthday is the next to come. - Use a device, for example a clock, to count down 60 minutes.
If the 60 minutes pass and you still haven’t managed to reach

your goal, your adventure will be considered a failure.
Go to 47.
We found ourselves in the large hall of what looked like a doll’s
house. Getting out of the labyrinth and finding the four Keys of
2 - It was better not to look!
Destiny hadn’t been easy at all, but the situation we ended up in - v
was even more absurd and grotesque. We were trapped and had 1 - When door N opens, go to 12.
no idea how we could get out of it. 2 - When door I opens, go to 55.
3 - When door M opens, go to .

3 - Help!
We were looking around when the floor under our feet started
shaking and some of us fell over. I was able to see with my own
eyes the ceiling of the hall rise, and when I saw the Puppeteer’s
huge face I almost wet myself. We all fell into some sort of pool and floated in that putrid
“Good morning little ones!” she thundered with a grin painted water.
on her face. “Guys,” Mike said as he came out of the water, “somewhere
We were dumbfounded, and our ability to rationalize was razed there should be a mechanism to let the water flow out.”
to the ground by that vision. “And what’s the use?” Ray asked.
“Good,” she continued. “I could kill you here quickly and with “Once I saw one of these dollhouses in operation, and the guy
little effort, but what fun would that be?” she said, showing us a at the store was showing just how to empty the pool.”
puppet that was our size. “Okay, let’s do it,” said Leila, “at the bottom there might be
We knew that animated being, for we had already faced it several one of the keys we’re looking for.”
times during our adventures, and we believed that she wanted “Yes,” Daphne said, “knowing that wicked hag, it’s likely she
to unleash it against us. left it at the bottom of the pool.”
Instead, she began to tighten her grip tighter and tighter and - Each investigator must make a h 2+ (w) test.
squeeze it so tight that we heard a creak of wood and a mournful When all seemed lost, something caught our attention: It was a
crackle from the puppet, which shattered in her hand. The plastic lever that protruded from the wall.
unfortunate thing tried to squirm and somehow free itself, but - Each investigator must make a d 3+ (q) test.
it was crumpled up like a miserable sheet of paper. The wicked We hung on the lever with all our strength, and I think some
Puppeteer continued to handle and crumple it until she opened of us even got hurt, but the “clack” of the mechanism when it
her hand, and suddenly we were rained on by the shreds of what started working rewarded us.
remained of the now-lifeless puppet. The pool water drained away in seconds and it was Mike who
“Have you seen how easy it is?” she said, visibly amused. “I jumped into the empty pool and came back to us, victorious!
told you I could squash you like bugs, but that wouldn’t be fun.” - Take Special card 32
“What do you want?” I yelled at her. “Hurray!” we shouted in unison.
“I hid the four Keys of Destiny in this beautiful miniature house. - If you have recovered all the keys (7 5 6 8) go to 41;
If you find them, the spell will vanish and you will return to your otherwise, go to 19.
real size. If not, you will end up like the puppet. Funny, isn’t it?”
“You are crazy!” yelled Ray.
She reached out, loaded her index finger into the crook of her
4 - The spider!
Some of us tripped, and the big hairy spider crawled out of a
thumb as if she were about to throw a ball, and snapped her hole in the floor.
finger. Ray was hit by the nail, which catapulted him to the back - Spider: a 2 q 5
wall of the room. The spider scores 2 3. Each investigator must defend and then
“You’re still alive?” she said, amused. attack. This continues until the creature is defeated or one of the
Trembling and worried about the fate of our friend, we investigators is stunned.
approached his lifeless form. He had passed out, but luckily he If one of the investigators loses a Status, go to 6. If the spider
was still breathing. is defeated, go to 11.
“Warning: It’s a time challenge... muahahaha... and to make it
more fun, here’s an incentive.”
Suddenly we saw her gigantic hand reach out, holding Old Jack
5 - That damned corridor!
We were in that place again, and this time we couldn’t stay
12 - The basement!
there. So we decided to go through it quickly.
- Upon opening door I, go to 55.

6 - But what? As we entered, the roof above our heads lifted up and the
Puppeteer’s demonic face appeared.
The giant hand of the Puppeteer swooped over our heads and “Hello little ones, how are you?” she said while lighting a match.
we barely had time to burrow into the corners of the room We knew immediately what was going to happen and tried to
before the ferocious and insatiable creature crushed the spider. spread out in the cramped space before she dropped the red-hot
“So useless,” said the Puppeteer, walking away. match on top of it our heads!
A shapeless pulp was all that remained of the spider and we - Each investigator must make a f 3+ (q) test or get burned.
were horrified, but still alive. We hurried to make a decision “Now let’s see if you can survive,” she said as she replaced the
because we didn’t want to end up like the spider: roof. The gigantic match was consumed in the center of the
1 - When door A opens, go to 56. room, but when it went out it got even worse for us, as it gave
2 - Upon opening door I, go to 8. off a blanket of dense and unbreathable smoke!
7 - Help! - Each investigator must make a h 3+ (w) test or suffocate.
We catapulted ourselves out of there through door G: go to 23.
As we were preparing to open the door...
The investigator with the Walkie-Talkie b must roll a d 3+ (q)
13 - Why are you reading here?
In short, you really have a habit of reading unrelated paragraphs
__________ almost got smashed! too, right? No paragraph leads to this one, but since you’re here
“Bad choice,” said the Puppeteer, closing the door. now and reading, I want to take you to a nice place if you want.
We had to carry on! - If you want to follow this paragraph entry, go to 48.

14 - Where do you think you’re going?

1 - When door F opens, go to 44.
2 - If you try to break through door N, choose one of the inve-
stigators using the m. tokens. The investigator drawn must A giant finger poked through the door.
attempt a d 2+ (q) test, then turn to 17.

8 - The kitchen
- Each investigator must roll 1 die, and whoever gets the lowest
number is wounded by the Puppeteer’s claws and loses 1 q.
We felt like we would never get out of there.
At first glance, everything seemed fake, and in reality it was. We 1 - When door A opens, go to 56.
were trying to figure out what to do when the ceiling rose up 2 - When door I opens, go to number 8.
above our heads and we saw the Puppeteer’s face. 3 - When door L opens, go to 31.

15 - But, what?!?!
“What are you doing? Don’t you know it’s tea time?”
The shadow of a giant cup loomed over us, and when we
realized what she was going to do we tried to scatter as quickly - Draw an Event card v, then return to 46.

16 - We hope it helps
as possible.
Hot tea flooded us like a lava waterfall, while the Puppeteer
- Each Investigator must make a g 3+ (q) test or get burned. - Draw a Search card, then return to 46.
“Muahahah!” the Puppeteer’s laugh froze our blood. Some of us
had suffered very painful burns. 17 - The underground room
“See you later, my little ones,” she said as she repositioned the There was a pervasive smell of plastic and mold in that place, as
ceiling above our heads. if that room had never been opened.
We had to hurry! We had to look for something somehow, but it was pitch black
- H = 6 and absolutely nothing could be seen.
If you have the Key of Diamonds (6), you can open door H; - l
otherwise, you can only make the following choices: As we were probing our surroundings, the roof of the room was
1 - When door M opens, go to 22. lifted up and we noticed with horror the Puppeteer’s gigantic
2 - When door G opens, go to 49. face, looking down upon us.

9 - Are you joking? “I thought you needed some glimmer of light in here,” she said,
tilting her candle towards us. We tried in every way to disappear
into the corners of the room, but a cascade of incandescent wax
- Draw a Trauma card, then return to 46.

10 - In a corner…
began to fall on us.
- Each investigator must carry out a f 3+ test. Whoever
passes the test is safe, whoever fails the test must carry out a
If you are reading this paragraph, it means that you have peeked g 3+ (q) test in order not to get burnt by the hot wax.
into history. No other paragraphs are related to this one, but “Oh how careless...” she said. “I didn’t do it on purpose,” she
since you’ve searched so hard, you can randomly draw an claimed, blowing out the candle before disappearing.
Equipment card. Now go back to where you left off, but if you “Let’s look for something useful right away,” Mike said, “before
forgot it, the game is lost... Muahahaha…

11 - Take that!
she comes back!”
- Each investigator must carry out a h 3+ test. Whoever
succeeds can draw 1 Search card.
__________ hit the spider so hard that it fell into the hole it had In the corner of the room, a glitter caught my attention...
come out of. Now it would think twice before attacking us again! - Take Special card 33.
We rushed to make a decision and get out of that room: - If you have recovered all the keys (7 5 6 8), go to 41;
1 - When door A opens, go to 56. otherwise, when door N opens, go to 54.
2 - Upon opening door I, go to 8.

18 - But what’s really going on?
hurt, but the “clack” of the mechanism when it started working
rewarded us.
When I put my hand in the toilet, something filthy grabbed me! The water drained in seconds and Mike was the first to leap into
- The investigator must make a d 3+ (q) test before they can the now-empty pool and come back to us, victorious!
break free! - Take Special card 32.
- Using the match markers m, select an investigator who will “Hurray!” we shouted in unison.
make one of the following choices: - If you have recovered all the keys (7 5 6 8), go to 41;
otherwise, go to 19.
24 - The dining room
1 - I slipped my hands into the filthy sewage of the sink; Go to 29
2 - I inspected the creepy shower compartment; Go to 60.

19 - Let’s continue! Posizionate la Tile 6 e fate collimare le porte A-B e H-C.

- Position tile 6 and fit the doors A – B and H – C together.
We cleaned up as best we could and got ready to continue our
search. Reluctantly, we left Old Jack, and opening the door we found
1 - When door G opens, go to 50. ourselves in a large dining room. We looked around, trying to
2 - Upon opening door O, go to 28. see some imminent danger, but everything we perceived was
3 - Picking door H, go to 30. pure evil. The crockery, the period furniture, even the wallpaper

20 - Ahhh!
on the walls were all arranged as if in a film set that had been
abandoned for years, soaked in dust and stuck in a temporal
repetition that was always the same. We tried very carefully to
I put my hands in something, and I was stuck! understand what they were made of, but they seemed to us to
- The investigator must roll a g 2+ (q) test. Then return to 63. be of a very strange material somewhere between plastic and
21 - TV papier-mâché. We were about to figure out what to do when...v
- y
- Position tile 2 and line up doors A – B and H – C. 1 - When door A opens, go to 56.
In the dim light of the room, a plastic TV was broadcasting 2 - When door I opens, go to 8.
something. But how was that possible? 3 - When door L opens, go to 31.
- Each investigator must make a h 3+ (w) test.
1 - Our attention was drawn to the creaking of a door: When
door D opens, go to 36.
25 - The suspense!
We rushed into the room, convinced that we would end up
2 - We made our way to the door from which an inviting scent running straight into the clutches of the Puppeteer, but instead
emanated: Upon opening door L, go to 34. we all fell to the floor, tripping over some junk.
22 - The warehouse - Each investigator must make a f 2+ (q) test to avoid hurting
themselves by stumbling.
It was a damp and narrow place. We were about to look for There were quite a few things in that place.
something useful when... v - Each investigator may draw 1 Search card.
- y   - Draw Special card 31.
If you have Special card 37, you can open door N and go to 17; There was even a map on which a place was indicated as a point
otherwise make a choice or try to break down the door. of interest.
1 - When door F opens, go to 44. - Place a o token in zone 3 of tile 1.
2 - Upon opening door E, go to 7. “I don’t trust it at all,” Tommy said. “It’s definitely a trap.”
3 - If you try to break through door N, choose one of the “Could be,” I replied. “But do we have a choice?”
investigators using the m counters. The investigator drawn “In my opinion, this indication could be true. In short, can it not
must attempt a d 2+ (q) test, then turn to 17. be so low?” Ray said.
23 - Get out of here! We all looked at him, dumbfounded.
- E = i
- F = i
By the time we left the room, some of us had been engulfed
in flames. We catapulted ourselves into a swimming pool in We were about to go back when one of the walls of the room
desperation. collapsed and the giant hand of the Puppeteer appeared inside
- Place the investigators in zone 7 of tile 9. and tried to grab us!
We remained afloat in that putrid water, which seemed like a - Each investigator must make a f 3+ (q) test to escape the
godsend to us given that a few minutes before we had risked deadly claws.
being roasted. - Each investigator must also make a g 3+ (e) test to counter
“Guys,” Mike said as he came out of the water, “somewhere their terror before the Puppeteer leaves.
there should be a mechanism for the water to drain.” - Place a k token between zone 8 and zone 7 of tile 9.
“And what’s the use?” Ray said. - We carefully ducked through the new passage; go to 3.
“Once I saw one of these dollhouses in operation and the guy at
the store was showing just how to empty the pool.” 26 - The closet
“Okay, let’s do it,” said Leila, “at the bottom there might be one It was a room full of junk, and we decided to look for something
of the keys we’re looking for.” useful, but it was dark and we had to grope around.
“Yes,” Daphne agreed. “Knowing that psychopath, chances are - l
she left it at the bottom of this pool.” If you have Special card 39, go to 65; otherwise, read on.
- Each investigator must make a h 2+ (w) test. In that narrow place, we could see absolutely nothing. Then
When all seemed lost. something caught our attention: It was a suddenly, something in the shadows attacked us!
plastic lever that protruded from the wall. - Each investigator must make a g 3+ (w) test.
- Each investigator must make a d 3+ (q) test. We could not understand what was attacking us with such force.
We literally hung on the lever and I think some of us even got Little beings made of shadows started biting us everywhere!
- Each investigator must make a h 3+ (q) test.
We were enveloped in a huge commotion. Then, a faint light
came on in a corner, and we were finally able to look at each
32 - Let’s move!
“Come on guys!” Daphne said.
other. We were stunned: We couldn’t understand what had - We rushed to door I; go to 55.
happened to us—If we had really been ensnared by those filthy
creatures made of nothing or if it had been pure suggestion.
I passed out for a few minutes, and when I recovered, I had
33 - Still in the hallway…
A sinister creak announced the opening of door L. We looked at
something in my hands. each other warily. We were intimidated, but also curious...
- Take Special card 37. - When door L opens, go to 35.

34 - The dining room

We decided to get out of that place, through door M; go to 32.

27 - Help! As we entered, we realized that the entire floor was covered in a

As we approached the door, two gigantic fingers shot out of the fine cobweb. We barely had time to look up before a huge spider
opening and grabbed our friend! started waving its legs, trying to grab us with its claws.
The investigator with the Walkie-Talkie b must roll a g 3+ (e) - Each investigator must make a f 2+ test.
test. If even one investigator fails the check, go to 4. Otherwise, make
__________ almost got pulverized! a choice:
“But how tender you are!” the Demon Puppet-Mistress said. 1 - We ran for door A; go to 56.
“But it’s not yet the time to crush you, I just wanted to make 2 - We dove for door I; go to 8.

35 - Here it is!
sure of your fragility,” she said, closing the door.
We were terrified!
- When door N opens, go to 38.

28 - The bare room

It shone at the bottom of the stairway so brightly, I recognized
it immediately.
- Take Special card 30.
When we entered this room, we didn’t notice anything in It was the Key of Hearts!
particular. - If you have recovered all the keys (7 5 6 8), go to 41.
- y Otherwise, keep reading.
Then, something on the wall caught our attention: “Let’s continue,” suggested Mike. When door D opens, go to 63.

36 - The Chasm
“Guys there’s a hole in the wall,” Ray said.
“Let me see,” said Leila. “Actually there is, and...”
Leila stuck a finger in the opening and moved what felt like a
painting to her touch. “Guys, back here is the corridor from We reached the edge of the doorway, and one more step would
before.” have made us fall into the void, off the table which the entire
“Let’s push it down!” Ray proposed. dollhouse was probably placed on.
- Each investigator must help bring down the wall by making a “Guys, we can’t go through here,” I announced, but the house
d 2+ (q) test. started shaking and the roof of the room was lifted up.
- Place a k token between zone 4 of tile 9 and zone 1 of tile 5. “Hello little ones! Come on, a leap into the void won’t hurt you
We crossed through the new passage; go to 5. so much,” said the Puppeteer before starting to blow on all of

29 - Help!
us to push us into the abyss outside the door! We were hit by a
fetid blizzard that would leave us no escape.
- Each investigator must make a d 3+ (q) test.
- The slimy liquid came to life, attacking the Investigator. When the Puppeteer stopped blowing, she closed the roof of the
- The Investigator must make a f 3+ (w) test before they can room and we could feel the heavy footsteps of her walking away
break free! from us. We had resisted with all our strength, and in doing so,
- Using the Match tokens m, select an investigator who will no one had ended up in the abyss. However, some of us were
make one of the following choices. more unlucky and sustained some injuries. Once again, we had
1 - I searched deeply in the toilet bowl; Go to 18. tested how far the cruelty of that being could go, but we were
2 - I inspected the creepy shower compartment; Go to 60.

30 - It’s sufficating in here!

still alive.
We followed the inviting smell through door L; go to 34.
As we opened the door, we were engulfed in thick, acrid smoke
and nearly passed out.
37 - Are we safe?
“Well, you managed to elude me, but it won’t last long...
- Fusion: All the Braves must continue playing for the next two Muahahahah...”
rounds with their heads down on the table to try to avoid the We agreed that we should hurry, because if the Puppeteer
toxic smoke. Anyone who doesn’t do so immediately loses wanted to, she could have crushed us like gnats. Fortunately,
1 q and 1 w. her sadistic amusement guaranteed us a feeble salvation, and
We could never have made it through there without help. this glimmer of hope gave us the strength to fight. However,
1 - When door G opens, go to 50. time was not on our side, as I was sure that once she tired of her
2 - Upon opening door O, go to 28.

31 - TV
own game, she would destroy us like rats in a cage.
We continued to the door at the end of the room: Upon opening
door A, go to 39.
In the dim light of the room, a TV was broadcasting something.
But how was it possible?
- Each investigator must make a h 3+ (w) test.
38 - The tiny room
We could barely fit in that place so we decided to continue on.
Our attention was drawn to the creaking of a door: When door The door in front of us creaked.
D opens, go to 36. 1 - “Let’s check it out,” said Daphne. When door P opens, go
to 25.
2 - “No, not this time,” said Leila. Upon opening door M, go to 62. 46 - Let’s see what we can find…
39 - The Left Corridor - Each investigator rolls a die, and based on the result will see
what they can find in the room:
- Position tile 5 and fit the doors A – F and H – G together. - 1 – go to 15.
I didn’t like that place at all, and we were about to decide what - 2 – go to 9.
to do when... v - 3 – go to 16.
- y - 4 – go to 61.
- E = i After all Investigators have rolled, continue through door A; go
- A = i to 45.
- B = i
1 - When we open door N, go to 12.
2 - When we open door I, go to 55.
47 - Minutes Count
We absolutely didn’t know what to do or where to go, so we
3 - When we open door M, go to 26. looked around, dejected and bewildered.
40 - There’s something here… Seeing a dollhouse from the inside when you are the “doll” had
changed our perspective on things. The objects that surrounded
- Draw a Search card, then return to 63. us were covered with a thick layer of dust, which contributed

41 - The revelation! to making everything very disturbing. In that place, everything

became a grim representation of real life. We looked deeper and
noticed some doors. We got closer, but we quickly realized that
The whole house began to shake as if rocked by a strong
earthquake, then the roof above our heads came off and we some of them were only painted and would never open. We
were hit by a blinding light! went around, still trying to find a way out. We finally noticed
A few steps away from us, we glimpsed the dollhouse where that some doors had a real handle and that we could open them.
we had lived our worst nightmare and we realized we were back We decided to vote to decide which way to go.
to normal. Even Old Jack was lying a few feet away from us, 1 - If you choose door A, go to 24.
muttering confused nonsense. We were safe, but for how long? 2 - If it’s door H, go to 21.
In my hand, I found the four Keys of Destiny and I immediately 3 - Upon choosing door E, go to 14.
understood that it wasn’t over yet. The Puppeteer’s dark magic
would haunt us forever until we were able to destroy her. Now it 48 - Good boy!
was time to rest and recover, but each of us was certain that we Now you are here in this new paragraph and I can give you
would have to face her again. The end… for now… something...

42 - Back in the hallway… - Draw a Search Card.

Do you want to continue? Then go to 64.
1 - When door N opens, go to 12.
2 - When door M opens, go to 26. 49 - What the?
3 - If you want to look for something useful, go to 2. As soon as we opened the door, we found ourselves in front of

43 - It’s time to say goodbye! the gigantic eye of the Puppeteer!

“You can’t go through here, little ones!” she said as she poked
a couple of fingers through the opening.
Well, you have followed me through this journey and now thanks
to my gifts you and your Friends are stronger than before, but Whoever has the Walkie-Talkie b must roll 5 dice and lose 1 q
there is a problem… Only you and your Friends know which for each 2 result obtained.
Paragraph you were on before running off the road... I’m just We quivered in fear! Our friend looked like they were hit by a
a poor Paragraph with no connection to the main story and runaway train. The dollhouse probably ended in that direction.
therefore... Either remember the Paragraph you were in before and it would have been better to find an alternative route.
this pleasant digression, or the game is lost... Eheheheh... G=i
Goodbye, My Friend! It was nice! - When door M opens, go to 22.

44 - Nooo! 50 - But…
As soon as we opened the door, the Puppeteer’s claws began As soon as we opened the door, we were faced with a gigantic
to cleave the air! mouth that tried to suck us into its infernal vortex!
- The Investigator with the Walkie-Talkie b must roll a f 3+ - Each investigator must make a d 3+ (e) test.
(q) test. Thankfully, none of us ended up in her terrible jaws. However,
__________ almost got disemboweled! the enormous eye of the Puppeteer appeared at the door:
“You can’t go through here,” said the Puppeteer, closing the “What a pity, I really wanted to have a snack with one of you...
door. Eheheh...”
We had to carry on. Mike ran to the door and closed it. “Guys, obviously, I think we
1 - Upon opening door E, go to 7. should find an alternative route.”
2 - If you try to break through door N, choose one of the 1 - Upon opening door O, go to 28.
investigators using the m tokens. The investigator drawn 2 - Picking door H, go to 30.
must make a d 2+ (q) test. Then go to 17.
51 - The end?
45 - Back to the dining room “Well, who knows if they will survive... Muahahahaha!”
exclaimed the Puppeteer, closing the roof of the room.
We had to explore the parts of the house we hadn’t been to yet,
so we decided to continue on to the west wing. __________ was broken, and we all rushed to their aid.
- Upon opening door I, go to 8. - c + 1.
We agreed that we should hurry: The Puppeteer could have they will have to draw lots using the match m tokens. The one
wiped us out like gnats in the blink of an eye! who got caught (or the one drawing the shortest match) will
We continued to a door at the other end of the room: Upon come out really badly from the Puppeteer’s grasp and lose 3 q.
opening door A, go to 39. After that, go to 51.
52 - Here is your gift! - If no one fails the test, go to 37.
57 - Interesting…
- Take Special card 39, then go to 43.

53 - Trapped! - Draw Special card 35, then return to 63.

58 - What the???
As soon as we entered, a chill ran down our spines: There had
been a veritable slaughter of dolls and puppets here. It almost We were deciding what to do next when the Puppeteer’s gigantic
seemed like a mischievous little girl had fun dismembering them face popped up over our heads. We were immediately held in a
on purpose. Suddenly, the ceiling of the room lifted up and we ravenous grip! That despicable being grabbed us all in one hand
saw the gigantic face of the Puppeteer emerge above our heads. and held us wrapped up like we were candy... When she opened
“Good,” she said rubbing her hands together. “You’ve come to her hand, we were catapulted to the floor of the hall.
just the right place!” - Place the investigators in zone 1 of tile 1.
We stood dumbfounded, immobilized by terror as she continued: - Each investigator must make a d 3+ (q) test.
“Now let’s play a game! I’ll close my eyes and put my hand in We were confused and in pain, but still alive.
the room and if I manage to catch one of you, I’ll kill them, what “I thought you could use a hand,” laughed the Puppeteer before
do you think? Funny right?” she finished as her giant hand fell leaving.
upon us. Old Jack was still there, crouched in a corner of the jar, weakened
- Each investigator must make a g 3+ (w) test to survive the by lack of oxygen. We had to hurry! We couldn’t let him die like
terror. this. We had to explore all the rooms in the house and find the
- Each investigator must also make a f 3+ test in order not other keys.
to get caught. If there are several investigators who fail this 1 - “Guys, let’s have a look around, maybe we can find something
check, they will have to draw lots using the m match tokens. useful!” proposed Leila. Go to 46.
- The one who got caught (or the one drawing the shortest 2 - We decided to continue through door A; Go to 45.
match) will come out really badly from the Puppeteer’s grasp
and lose 3 q; after that, go to 51.
- If no one fails the test, go to 37.
59 - The laundry
54 - No way
- If you haven’t done it yet: position tile 9 and line up doors
H – C and A – B.
We found ourselves in the umpteenth false scenario of that
The Puppeteer was squeezing us like lemons, and I was house. We looked around warily when... v
convinced that sooner or later she would get tired of her new From behind a door came a strange noise, like a cat scratching
toys and she would destroy us. We decided to continue towards at a wooden surface.
the north wing since we now had the key to continue! 1 - “Let’s find out what it is,” proposed Ray. So we opened door
- Upon opening door H, go to 59. D; go to 27.
55 - The dilapidated bathroom! 2 - “I think it would be better not to elaborate,” said Mike. We
took door N instead; go to 38.
It was a filthy place full of sewage everywhere, but then we knew
we’d have to look everywhere to find the keys.
- Using the match tokens m, select an investigator who will
60 - Oh, what a bummer!
I slipped my fingers into a tuft of hair sticking out of the hole in
make one of the following choices. the shower drain...
1 - I slipped my hands into the filthy sewage of the sink; Go to 29. - The investigator must roll a h 3+ (w) test.
2 - I searched deeply in the toilet bowl; Go to 18. I was about to faint from horror when my fingers felt something
3 - I inspected the creepy shower compartment; Go to 60. solid...
56 - Trapped! - Take Special card 29.
That was it! One of the Keys of Destiny!
- If you have recovered all the keys (7 5 6 8), go to 41;
As soon as we entered, we were invaded by a chilling vision of
death: there had been a veritable slaughter of dolls and puppets otherwise, continue reading.
here. It almost seemed like a mischievous little girl had fun We had what we needed here, so we decided to leave through
dismembering them on purpose. Suddenly, the ceiling of the door I; go to 33.
room rose above our heads again, and the gigantic face of the
Puppeteer loomed above us. 
- I = i
61 - Look what I found!
- Draw an Search card, then return to 46.
“Fine, fine,” she said rubbing her hands together. “You’ve come
to just the right place!”
We stood dumbfounded, immobilized by terror as she continued:
62 - Ahhh!
The Puppeteer’s gigantic finger slid through the door and started
“Now let’s play a game! I’ll close my eyes and put my hand in moving from side to side, trying to grab some of us!
the room and if I manage to catch one of you I’ll kill them. What - Each investigator must make a g 3+ (e) test.
do you think? Funny right?” as her gigantic hand fell upon us. “Boys!” yelled Leila, pointing to a door, “Hurry, this way!”
- Each investigator must make a g 3+ (w) test to survive the - When door P opens, go to 25.

63 - The basement
- Each investigator must also make a d 3+ test to not get
caught. If there are several investigators who fail this check,
It was a cramped space with a strange ceiling. I was sure we
were near the central hall of the house, but at first glance, that
place seemed to have no way out.
“Let’s look for something useful,” proposed Leila.
- Each investigator rolls a die, and based on the result finds
something in the room.
- 1 – go to 40.
- 2 – go to 66.
- 3 – go to 20.
- 4 – go to 57.
After all investigators have made their rolls, go to 58.

64 - Optimal!
Since you have been very good at following my advice, now turn
to 52 for an extraordinary reward. Don’t be afraid, this is not a

65 - Finally, a light!
With the flashlight, we managed to illuminate our environment
and found something useful.
- Each investigator may draw 1 Search card.
- Take Special card 37.
We decided to get out of there, heading through door M; go to 32.
66 - But…
- Draw a Trauma card, then return to 63.

38 blind date
Written by: Antonio Ferrara
You love
And how
much do you
love me?

Fight! Do you
think of me?

Take how much
do you think
this! about me?

ah ah

Each child
what?! rolls a die:
1 - 4 = Lose
1 Candy.
5 - 6 = take
What 1 Candy.
have you




Each child

rolls a
die and
rolls the
1 - 2 = Lose 1 Status.
loses 1
3 - 6 = You are safe!

gasp c

Each Child rolls a die and

whoever rolls the lowest
number loses 1 Status.

sbam sdonk sbam

Each Child rolls a die:

1 - 3 = Lose 1 Status.
4 - 6 =- You are safe!

Go back
to hell! Maybe I died
and ended up
in hell…

s ba m


39 Short Circuit
Written by: Antonio Ferrara

Each Child roll a die:

1 - 3 = Lose 1 Candy.
4 - 6 = Take 1 Candy.

1 - 3 = jennifer
scratch you!
Lose 1 Status.
4 - 6 = You
manage not to
get caught.

a s



1 - 3 = Lose 1 Status.
4 - 6 = Don’t be

The Boogeyman is coming!


1 - 3 = Lose 1
Status. Try again,
then continue…
4 - 6 = Drop the
lamp. Take 1 Candy.

Each child rolls a die

and whoever rolls
the lowest number
gets paranoid and
loses 1 Status.
seems worried
about what the
Spencer will
say when they

Boogeyman is
electrocuted, but
before disappearing
he strikes a deep
sense of terror in
you. Each child must
roll 1 Die.



1 - 4 = Lose
1 Status.
5 - 6 = You
are safe.

A story of
Antonio Ferrara

Art by
Davide Corsi
Elisa di Virgilio

Layout by
Sara Staffelli

Translation by
William Niebling


Not suitable for children under 36 months, contains small

parts which, if swallowed, could cause choking. Please
keep this information for future reference.

Edited by Escape Studios by Antonio Ferrara.

Via Poli 72 Portici (NA) 80055. All rights reserved.
Any reproduction and translation, even partial, if
not authorized is strictly prohibited. -
Designed in Italy - Made in China

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