P3 Eng Reading 1

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Hong Kong Primary Three English Reading Comprehension Test

Duration: 120 minutes

Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer for each question. Mark your
answers on the answer sheet provided. There is only one correct answer for each question.

Passage 1

Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a young boy named Tim. Tim was friendly
and always had a smile on his face. He loved to play with his friends and help his family with
chores. One day, while playing near the forest, Tim found a small, abandoned kitten. He
decided to take the kitten home and named it Fluffy.

Tim took good care of Fluffy. He fed her, played with her, and made sure she was always
warm and comfortable. Soon, Fluffy grew into a strong, healthy cat. Fluffy and Tim became
inseparable, and everyone in the village loved them.

One day, a wealthy merchant came to the village. He saw Fluffy and was amazed by her
beauty. The merchant offered Tim a large sum of money for Fluffy, but Tim refused. He loved
Fluffy too much to give her away.

As the years passed, Tim and Fluffy grew older together. They shared many adventures and
always remained the best of friends.

1. What is the name of the boy in the story?

A. Tim
B. Fluffy
C. Merchant
D. Village

2. What did Tim find in the forest?

A. A small dog
B. A large sum of money
C. A wealthy merchant
D. A small, abandoned kitten

3. What did the wealthy merchant want to do with Fluffy?

A. Play with her
B. Buy her
C. Give her away
D. Feed her
Passage 2

In a land far away, there was a beautiful garden that was home to many different types of
flowers. The flowers came in all shapes, sizes, and colors, and they all got along well with
one another.

One day, a new flower was planted in the garden. This flower was different from the others. It
was tall, with bright red petals and a sweet fragrance. The other flowers admired the new
flower and welcomed it to the garden.

As the days passed, the new flower continued to grow. It soon became the tallest and most
beautiful flower in the garden. The other flowers began to feel envious of the new flower's
beauty and height.

One day, a wise old tree noticed the tension in the garden and decided to speak with the
flowers. The tree reminded the flowers that each one was unique and had its own beauty.
The flowers realized their mistake and apologized to the new flower. They all promised to
appreciate one another's beauty and live in harmony.

4. What was special about the new flower in the garden?

A. It was small and blue
B. It was tall with bright red petals
C. It had no fragrance
D. It was invisible

5. How did the other flowers feel about the new flower as time passed?
A. They were happy for it
B. They felt envious
C. They ignored it
D. They were scared of it

6. Who helped the flowers realize their mistake?

A. A wise old tree
B. A beautiful butterfly
C. A friendly gardener
D. The new flower
Passage 3

Sarah and her family lived in a cozy cottage by the sea. They loved spending time together,
especially on weekends when they could go to the beach. Sarah's favorite activity was
building sandcastles.

One sunny Saturday morning, Sarah and her family went to the beach. Sarah was excited to
build the biggest sandcastle she had ever made. She started by making a large mound of
sand and then carefully shaped it into a magnificent castle.

As Sarah worked on her sandcastle, she noticed a group of children nearby who were
struggling to build their own sandcastles. They looked sad and frustrated. Sarah decided to
help them.

She showed the children how to make a strong base for their sandcastles and shared her
secret for making perfectly shaped towers. The children were grateful for Sarah's help, and
soon, they had built their own beautiful sandcastles.

7. Where did Sarah and her family live?

A. In a cozy cottage by the sea
B. In a big city
C. On a mountain
D. In a desert

8. What was Sarah's favorite activity at the beach?

A. Swimming
B. Sunbathing
C. Building sandcastles
D. Playing beach volleyball

9. What did Sarah do when she saw the other children struggling?
A. She ignored them
B. She laughed at them
C. She helped them
D. She told her parents

10. What was Sarah's secret for making perfectly shaped towers?
A. Using a special tool
B. Adding water to the sand
C. Using a different type of sand
D. Mixing the sand with glue
Passage 4

Every year, the animals in the forest held a grand feast to celebrate the arrival of spring.
They would gather together, share delicious food, and enjoy each other's company. Each
animal was responsible for bringing a dish to the feast.

This year, Mr. Fox decided to make a sweet and tangy fruit salad. He spent all morning
gathering the freshest and juiciest fruits from the forest. As he was mixing the fruits together,
he realized that he was missing a key ingredient: honey.

Mr. Fox knew that the bees had a hive nearby, so he approached them to ask for some
honey. The bees agreed to give him some honey in exchange for a favor. They needed help
collecting nectar from a tall tree.

Mr. Fox agreed to the deal and climbed the tall tree to collect the nectar for the bees. In
return, the bees gave him some honey for his fruit salad. The feast was a great success, and
everyone enjoyed Mr. Fox's delicious fruit salad.

11. What was the purpose of the grand feast in the forest?
A. To celebrate a birthday
B. To say goodbye to winter
C. To welcome the arrival of spring
D. To honor the oldest animal in the forest

12. What dish did Mr. Fox decide to make for the feast?
A. A vegetable stew
B. A fruit salad
C. A large cake
D. A plate of sandwiches

13. What did Mr. Fox need from the bees?

A. Nectar
B. Honey
C. Pollen
D. Wax

14. What favor did the bees ask for in exchange for the honey?
A. Collecting nectar from a tall tree
B. Protecting their hive from predators
C. Planting more flowers in the forest
D. Teaching them how to make fruit salad
Passage 5

Tina was a young girl who loved to read. Her favorite books were about exciting adventures
in faraway lands. Every night, Tina would read a few chapters before going to bed.

One evening, as Tina was reading her latest book, she discovered a magical bookmark. The
bookmark had the power to transport the reader into the world of the book they were

Excited, Tina used the magical bookmark and found herself in the middle of a thrilling
adventure. She met brave knights, fought fearsome dragons, and discovered hidden

After many days, Tina decided it was time to return home. She used the magical bookmark
once again and was transported back to her bedroom. As much as she enjoyed her
adventure, Tina was happy to be home with her family.

15. What did Tina love to do?

A. Paint
B. Play sports
C. Read books
D. Cook

16. What did the magical bookmark do?

A. It made the books come to life
B. It transported the reader into the world of the book
C. It allowed the reader to read faster
D. It made the books glow in the dark

17. What did Tina do while she was in the world of the book?
A. She went to school
B. She became a famous singer
C. She met brave knights and fought dragons
D. She opened a library

18. How did Tina feel when she returned home?

A. Sad
B. Angry
C. Happy
D. Bored

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