Water Problems

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A circular well with a diameter of 2mts and depth of water 5mts needs to be
disinfected. The Horrock’s test done on the water sample gave blue color in 4th cup.
a) Calculate the dose of bleaching powder required for well disinfection.
b) Enumerate the steps of well disinfection

Solution: Diameter of the well = 2 m

Depth of water = 5 m
Horrocks Test revealed blue colour in 4th cup

Volume of water in well = π r2h

= 3.14x1x1x5
= 15.70 cum
1 cu.m = 1000 lts. of water
15.7 cu.m = 15700 lts.of water

Since 4th cup showed blue colour – 4x2 = 8

455 liters-----8 gms

15700 Liters----?
= ------------
= 276.04 gms of bleaching powder is required

b) Steps of well disinfection

1) Find out the volume of water
2) Find out the chlorine demand of H2O by Horrocks Test
3) Dissolve the required bleaching powder in H2O
4) Take the supernatant liquid & pour it in well
5) Keep contact period of 1 hr before H2O is drawn for use
6) Test by OTA Test for residual chlorine

2. Calculate the amount of bleaching powder required to chlorinate a swimming pool of

length 25 ft., breadth 10ft., depth 10ft, Horrock’s apparatus shows blue colour in 2 nd cup.
Solution: Volume of the swimming pool = 1x b x h
= 25 x 10 x 10
= 2500 cu.ft = 28.31 litres
1 cu.ft = 6.25 gallons
2500 cu.ft = 15625 gallons
Blue color in 2nd cup = 2 x 2 = 4 gm. Of bleaching powder

455 L – 100 gallons of water requires 4 gm of bleaching powder

15625 gallons requires ----------------= 625 gm of bleaching powder
3. Calculate the amount of bleaching powder required to chlorinate a well
measuring 15 ft. in diameter and 20 ft in depth. Horrock’s apparatus shows blue
colour in 4th cup.
Solution: Given data Diameter = 15ft. Therefore radius= 7.5 ft,
Depth (h) = 20 ft
Volume (v) = π r2 h where π = 3.14
= 3.14 x (7.5)2 x 20
= 3532.50 cubic ft
Note: 1 cu meter = 1000 lts. of water
1 cu ft = 6.25 gallong of water
100 gallons = 455 lts of water
1 ppm = 1 mg of bleaching powder

Therefore 1 cubic = 6.25 gallons of water

So 3532, 50 cubic ft = ?
= 6.25 x 3532.50
= 22078.125 gallons of water
Horrock’s apparatus = blue color- 4th cup
= 4 x 2 = 8 gms for 455 lts of water
Therefore 100 gallons= 8 gms of bleaching powder

So for 22078.125 gallons?

= 8 x 22078.125
= 1766.25
Therefore to disinfect 22078.125 gallons of water,
1766.25 gms of bleaching powder is required.

4. Dimensions of a well are diameter 2ft. depth 6 ft.. Calculate the amount of
bleaching powder required to disinfect the well. Horrock’s apparatus gives blue
colour in 3rd cup.
Given diameter = 2 ft. therefore radius = 1 ft
Depth = 6 ft
V = π r2 h
= 3.14 x 1x1x6
= 18.84 cu.ft.
1 cu.ft = 6.25 gallons
18.84 cu.ft = 117.75 gallons
Blue colour in 3rd cup = 3 x 2 = 6 gm
100 gallons of water requires 6 gm of belching powder
117.75 gallons requires how much?
= 117.75 x 6 = 7.065 gm of bleaching powder
5. Determine the quantity of bleaching powder with 25% available chlorine
required to chlorinate a well measuring 4 meters in length and 3 meters in breadth
with 6 meters of water in it. Horrocks test done on a sample of water shows blue
colour in the 3rd cup. Explain the practical procedure of disinfection of well.
Solution : Volume of water in the well is give by,
Volume (liters) = l x b x h x 1000
= 4 x 3 x 6 x 1000
= 72000 ltrs
Since Horrock’s apparatus shows blue colour in 3rd cup. 6gm of bleaching powder
is required to disinfect 455 ltrs of water.

for 72000 ltrs of water

72000 x 6
= 949.45 gm
 950 gm.
A good quality bleaching powder gives 33% of available Cl 2. The given bleaching
powder gives 25% of available Cl2.
950 gm x 1.32 (because 33/25)
= 1254gm of bleaching powder)

Procedure of disinfection :
I. Dissolving bleaching powder in water.
 The required amount of b.p. for disinfecting well is
placed in a bucket (Not more than 100 gm in one bucket).
 It should be made in to a thin paste.
 More water is added until the bucket is nearly 3/4 th
 The contents are stirred well and allowed to
sediment for 5 to 10 min when time settles down.
 The supernatant solution, which is Cl2 solution is
transferred to another bucket and the chalk or time is discarded.
 The bucket containing Cl2 solution is lowered into
the well some distance below water surface.
 The well water is agitated by moving the bucket
violently both vertically and horizontally.
 This should be done several times so that the Cl2
solution mixes intimately with water inside the well.
 Contact period of 1 hr is allowed before water is
drawn for use.

6. A sample of water when analysed, shows that the coliform count is 15 per
100 ml. Traces of Nitrites and Chlorides in excess of the normal are
found. Comment on the quality of water and give your opinion with
reasons whether it is fit or unfit for drinking.
Solution :
Coliforms are foreign to potable water and hence their presence in water is looked
upon as evidence of fecal contamination. Immediate investigative action must be taken if
coliforms are detected in drinking water.
Normal range of coliform – 0/100ml of water.
Nitrites and chlorides :
Nitrates originate from decomposing organic matter indicating recent pollution.
Excess of nitrates result in Methaemoglobinemia. Nitrates are converted into nitrites
which indicates past contamination.
Normal range : Nitrates – 3 mg / lit, Nitrites – 50 mg/lit.
Chlorides result from organic pollution and salts. If there is sudden increase in
chlorides, pollution of water should be suspected.
Normal range : 100-300 mg/ltr
 the given water sample is polluted probably with sewage and not fit for
7. The 3rd cup in the Horrock’s outfit gives a definite blue colour when the
indicator is added. Calculate the quantity of bleaching powder required
to disinfect a well 6 mtr in diameter with 3 mtr of water in it. Explain the
procedure of disinfection of well.
Solution : Volume of water in well =  r2 h x 1000

= 3.14 x (d) x h x 1000


= 3.14 x 9 x 3 x 1000
= 84780 litres of water
In Horrock’s outfit 3rd cup shows blue colour.
 6 gm of bleaching powder is required to disinfect 455 ltr of water.
 for 84780 ltrs of water  84780 x 6
= 1117.97 gm
 1118 gm
8. Determine the quantity of bleaching powder with 20% available Cl 2
required to chlorinate a rectangular well measuring 4 mtr in length, 2
mts in breadth with 8 mts of water. Horrocks test shows blue colour in
the 4th cup. Explain the practical procedure if disinfection of the well.
Solution :
Volume of water = l x b x h x 1000
= 4 x 2 x 8 x 1000
= 64000 ltr
Horrock’s app. Shows blue colour in 4th cup.
 8 gm of bleaching powder required to disinfect 455 ltr of water.
 6400 ltr of water require  64000 x 8
= 1125.227
 1125 gm.
A good quality bleaching powder gives 33% of available Cl2. The given sample of
b.p. gives 20% of available Cl2.
1125 x 1.65 =1856.25 gm
 1856 gm of b.p. is required to disinfect the well.
9. Determine the quantity of b.p. required to disinfect a well 3 mtr in diameter with
5 mtrs of water in it given that the 4th cup in Horrocks test gives a definite blue
Solution :
Volume of water is well =  r2 h x 1000
 x d2 x h x 1000
= 3.14 x 9 x 5 x 1000
= 35325 ltr
Horrock’s app. Shows blue colour in 4th cup.
8 gm of b.p. required to disinfect 455 ltr of water.
 to disinfect 35325 ltr of water

35325 x 8
= 621.09
621 gm of bp required to disinfect the well.
10. A rectangular well measuring 2m x 3m x 9 with 7m of water is to be disinfected.
Horrock’ test done on a sample of water shows blue colouration in 4 th, 5th, 6th
cups. Calculate the amount of bleaching powder required to chlorinate the water
in the well and explain the practical procedure of disinfection.
Solution :
Volume of water = l x b x h x 1000
= 2 x 3 x 7 x 1000
= 42000 lts
Horrock’s apparatus shows blue colour in first in 4th cup.
8 gm of b.p. required to disinfect 455 ltr of water.
 for 42000 ltr of water

42000 x 8
= 738.46 gm
 738 gm of bp required to disinfect the well.
11. A rectangular well measuring 2m x 3m with 9 mtr of water is to be disinfected.
Horrock’s test done on a sample of water shows blue colour in the 3 rd cup.
Calculate the amount of bp required to chlorinate the water.
Volume of water = l x b x h x 1000
= 2 x 3 x 9 x 1000
= 54000 lts
Horrock’s test shows blue colour in first in 3rd cup.
6 gm of b.p. required to disinfect 455 ltr of water.
 for 54000 ltr of water

54000 x 6
= 712.08
 712 gm of bp required to disinfect the well.
12. Determine the quantity of bp with 25% available Cl 2 required to chlorinate a
well 5mtr in diameter and 6mtr of water. Horrocks test done on a sample of
water shows blue colour is 5th and 6th cup. Explain the practical procedure of
disinfection of well.
Solution :
Volume of water in well =  r2 h X 1000

= 3.14 x 25 x 6 x 1000
= 117750 ltr 4
Horrock’s app. shows blue colour in 5th cup.
10 gm of b.p. required to disinfect 455 ltr of water.
 for 17750 ltr of water

117750 x 5
= 1293.95 gm
1293 x 1.32 = 1708 gm

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