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The General Manager

Lahore, Pakistan

25th May 2023

Subject: Application for leaving office on time

Respected Sir,

This is Zaheer-ud-din-Gill, working as Graphics Designer LCM/BCF. I am a regular and punctual employee
of your organization. I always came and left the office on time. But it has become difficult for me to leave
the office after due time because I have to do my project works after office timing. Also, I’m the only
child left with my parents and my father’s leg is fractured so he can’t get up from bed and I have to
manage all the things. And as you also know my home is far away from the office, so it takes much time
to cover the distance.

I would like to ask your permission to allow me to leave the office sharp on time at 5:30pm, so I can work
easily for you and my seniors also wouldn’t irritate when I ask them for going home on time daily.

I pray and hope that you will accept my letter and permit me to leave office sharp on time. My daily work
would be completed on time, but if there would be any left, I will do it at home or if there is any
emergency task, I will complete that at office as well.
Thanking you

Yours faithfully

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