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r' ~ I/KS

?"",., 30 mm_ per ·m depth +

. . =-----::
50 mm >=
(ao )( .
:: ·
. :::..:E•-11
111) (JfO\lld C I\ thickn ess or170 1111)I 4) 50 = 170 Ill Ill
_1.,C •
J11 1J11S
cuso, U
n -
I m, l''.., =15 m' t =0 . l 7 111
,,, 4
D :::15
= 0.27 nnd H "'_4_ = 23.5
rrinS to table 3, we have, by interpol t· t 0.17
~afe u 10n
for D ==0.27 and H =
23 5
F == t .
· of maximum
position · · tension ==O.o
KHo K -- o.43
0 43
4-1.72 ::: 2 28 1- · x 4 == 1.72 m from the base
or Pressure intensity at this level ::: ; th e top .
9810 2
-28 == 22367 n/ 111 2
Maximum hoop tension == 22367 12
.. rth stress in steel at 125 N!mm2 we h
,,1 , ave steel for hoop tension
==~ = 1074 mm 2
. Spacing of 12 mm bars ::: 113 x 1000
·· · · 1 · 1074 = l05 mm say 100 mm c/c
1 this rmg stee will be placed near both th f
_ e aces, the spacing on each side
. - 200 mm c/c
Let us provide 12 mm$ bars at 200 mm cent
Check for the tensile stress on thee u. res near both faces (1130 mm 2) ·
2 on the equivalent area) q ivalent area of concrete (tensile stress in concrete should not exceed
1.3fllmm .

Tensile stress - 134202 2 2

. (170xlOOO)+(l0.98 _ 1)ll 0 =0.75N/mm <l.3N/mm
Maximum bending moment ==Fw/J3::: 0 x _
Equating M.R. to B.M. .02 9810 x 43 - 12557 Nm
14.22 X 1000 cF ::: 12557 X 1000 d
But effective depth proVI'd ed == 170 - 25 - 6::: 139 mm :. == 94 mm
(overall depth-clear cover -1/2 dia. of 12 mm bar)

Steel requirement ::: A,1 = 12257 x lOOO = 676 mm2

. 113xl000
Spacmg of 12 mm bars = - - - - = 168 mm
Let us provide 12 mm bars at 160 mm clc

Distribution steel =~(l 70xl000) = 510 mm 2

100 ·

Spacing of 12 mm $ bars 113 x 1000

The bottom slab will be 150 mm thick with a top mesh and a bottom mesh of 10 mm$ bars@ 250 mm c/c.


The bending moments, and hoop tension and shear at base for the tank wall of circular tank may be determined by

using appropriate coefficients given by the I.S. Code. These coefficients depend not he ratio !!.:....
r,, 1-... Dt
Hoop tension per metre height =coefficient x(wH) N /m
B.M. per metre run = coefficient x wH3 Nmlm
The S.F. at the base of the wall= coefficient x wH2N.
;1•£:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- - Dllfr;tt D _

TA8LI '4 : Cyllndrtc•I T•nk (Fixed •t Base Free •t Top) Ca.tlfl.-•

-. .--:....-----,-----,
H O«fficieni -D- Coefficient H
01 I
0.4 +0.436 3 +0.262
0.8 +0.374 4 +0.236
1.2 + 0.339 5 + 0.213
1.6 + 0.337 6 +0.197
2.0 +0 ..299 8 + 0.174
Note. Positive sign indicates ~ward acting shear.
Design .16.8. Desi,gn a circular tank 12 m diameter and 4 metre high. The tank
the tank are restrained at the base. Use M 20 concrete, Fe 250 steel. rests on /ir 111
Solution. H= 4 metres, _D _= 12 metres _ ., 8 0
' ~11.d. t,,,
Thickness of wall. This 1s taken as the greater of the folloWing \)
(J) 150mm
(u) 30 mm per metre depth + 50 mm = (30 x 4) + 50 = 170 mm
Provide a thickness of I 70 mm
H2 4 x4
DI 12 x 0.17
Maximum coefficient for hoop tension for
=6, is 0.514 at 0.6 H depth
Maximum coefficient for hoop tension, for,
= 8, is 0.575 at 0.6 H depth.
:. Coefficient for hoop tension, for
H2 . I (0.575-0.514) -
=7.8 1s equa to O.514 + (1.8)
DI 2
= 0.514 + 0.055 = 0.569

Max. hoop tension =0.569 wH D = 0.569 x 98 IO x 4 x .!3. N = 133965 N


2 2
. 133965 2
Hoop steel per metre height = = I I 65 mm
1 15
. I 13 x 1000
Spacmg of 12 mm 4> bars = - - - - = 96 mm say 95 mm
I I 65
Provide 12 mm 4> bars@ 190 mm c/c near each face
. Vertical distribution steel= 0.3 x 170 x I 000 = 510 mm 2
, 50
1000 X
Spacmgof 8 mm 4> bars= · 98 mm
Provide 8 mm 4> @180 mm clc near each face.
Vertical distribution steel = 0.3 x 170 x·1000 = I 50 mm 2
_ 100
. 50 X J000
Spacmg of 8 mm 4> bars - - - - : 98 mm
Provide 8 mm bars @ 180 mm c I c near each face .
.- H2 .
Max. B.M. coefficient for - - = 7.8 is equal to
0 0187 0 0146
-[o.o187 - · ; · x I.8]:; -o.-oI so
Max. cantilever moment = 0.015 wH3 = 0.015 x 9810 x 4 3 Nm= 9417.6 Nm
Effective depth to the centre of 8 mm 4> vertical bars ·
= 170 - (25 + 12 + 4) = 129 mm
• "# ,,.,,..,,:;- ·~;, • f:. ~,, /:,_~· . .,,,,f -~

- - _,
TABLE 5: Cy/lndrlcal Tank (Fl ,. __ -· ---- --- -.- 7
H2 Coefficient at Point .
0.6H 0.7 H O.BH 0.9H :1
0.0H 0.1H 0.2H 0.3H 0.4H . 0.5H
+0.066 +0.049 +0.029 + 0.014 +0.004
+0.149 +0.134 +0.120 + 0.101 +0.082
0.4 +0.096 +0.063 +0.034 +0.010
+0.239 + 0.215 +0.190 +0.160 +'0.130
0.8 +0.263 +0.142 +0.099 +0.054 + 0.016
+0.254 +0.234 +0.209 +0.180
1.2 +0.283 +0.271 +0.134 +0.075 +0.023
+0.266 +0.250 +Q.226 +0.185
1.6 +0.265 +0.268 +0.268 + 0.172 +0.104 + 0.031
+0.285 +0.285 +0.274 +0.232
2.0 +0.234 +0.251 +0.273 +0.262 +0.157 +0.052
+0.322 +0.357 +0.362 +0.330
3.0 +0.134 +0.203 +0.267 +0.334 +0.210 +0.073
+0.403 + 0.429 + 0.409
+0.067 + 0.164 +0.256 +0.339 +0.398 +0.259 +0.092
4.0 +0.428 +OA77 +0.469
+0.025 · +0.137 +0.245 +0;346 + 0.447 +0.301 +0.112
5.0 +0.441 +0.504 +0.514
+0.018 +0.119 + 0.234 +0.344 +0.530 +0.381 J + 0 .151
6.0 +0.443 +0.534 +0.fj75
-0.011 + 0.104 +0.218 +0.335 +0.589 · +0.440 +0.179
-8Jl. + 0.437 +0.542 +0.608
+0.098 +0.208 +0.323 + 0.633 +0.494 +0.211
10.0 -0.011 +0.429 +0.543 +0.628
+0.097 +0.202 +0.312 +0.541 +0.24-1
12.0 -0.005 +0.420 +0.539 + 0.639 + 0.666
+0.098 +0.200 +0.306 + 0.641 . j + 0.687 1
+0.582 I +0.265 l
14.0 -0.002 + 0.413 I ·+o.531 I
+0.199 +0.304
I 10.u
16.0 I -v.uuv
0.000 I +0.099 I
. v---- ,coefficient for Bending Moment in the Wall
6 :: Cylindrical
Cylindrical Tank
Tank (Fixed
(Ftxed at
at Base
Base and
and Free
Free at
at Tt1p)
Tt1p~ ,coefficient for Bending Moment in the Wall l
Hi Coef(ic_ient at Point
0.BH 0.9H 1:oH
-Dt 0.5H 0.6H 0.7 H
I 0.3H 0.4H -0.1205
O.lH 0.2H -0.0302 -0.0529 -0.0816
+0.0007 -0.0042 -0.0150 -0:0465 -0.07'9 5
+ 0.0014 +0.0021 +0.0023 -0.0068 -0.0224
0.4 +0.0005 +0.0080 +0.0070 -0.0311 -0.0602
+0.0037 +0.0063 +0.0090 +0.0022 -0.0108
0.8 +0.0011 +0.0103 +0.0112 -0.0232 -0.0505
+0.0042 +0.0077 +0.0058 -O.Q051
1.2 + 0.0012 . +0.0107 · +0.0121 +0.0111 -0.0185 -0.0456
+0.0041 +0.0075 +0.0075 + 0.0021
1.6 +0.0011 +0.0115 -0.0.139 +0.03.33
+.0.0035 +0:0068 +0.0099 ,. +0:0120 +0.0077 +0.0012
2.0 + O'.J)OlO +0.0071 +0.0090 · "_+Q.0097 +0.0023 -0.0080 -0.0268
+0.0047 +0.0047 +0.0069
3.0 +0.0006 +0.0024 +0.0066 , ~+0:0077 -0.0028 -0.0058 -0.02.2"2.
+0.0015 +0.0028 ·+0~0059 +0.0059 -0.0187
4.0 ' +0.0003 +0.0029 ·+0.0046 +0.0029 -0.0041
+0.0008 +p.0016 +o·. 0046 +0.0051
5.0 +0.0002 ; +0.0019 +0.0032 +0.0029 -0.002-2 -0.0146
+0.0003 +0.0008 +0.0028 +0.0038 -0.01:22
6.0 ' +0.0001 +0.0008 . +0.0016 " +0.0028 -0.0012
+0.0001 +0.0002 +0.0019 +0.0029 -0.0104
8.0 0 +0.0004 +0.0007 +0.0026 -0.0005
, 0 +0.0001 +0,0073 +0.0023
10.0 ,
0 +0.0006 · +0.0003 +0.002-3 -0.0001 -0.0090
-0,0001 +0.0001 +0.0008 + 0.0019
12.0 0 0 +0.0001 +0.0019 -0.0001 - .0 .0079
0 ·O +0:0004 +0.0013
14.0 0 -0.0001 -0.0001
0 -0.0001
16.0 0
Note. Positive sign. indicates ~nsion nelU" the outer fac~- .
12 mnu@ _
190 mm c/c
s mm • O 120 mmc/c


a mm mm c/c
Near. Each Face

Fig. 36.10.

Fig. 36.10 shows the details of reinforcement.

Design 36.9. Design a circular tank 12 metre diameter and 4 metre high. The.tank rests·on fir
of the tank are restrained at the base. Use M 20 concrete and mild steel reinforcement. Adop·t sa'e ml ground. 'I'fi 1/;t
,, 8 res~n
= =
c 70 kglcm ; • t 1000 kg/cm
2 2 ·· ""s :
Solution. H= 4 metres, D = 12 metres
Thickness of wall. This is taken as the greater of the following :
(i) 15 cm
(u) 3 cm per metre depth + 5 cm = (3 x 4) + 5 = 17 cm
Provide a thickness of 17 cm
t =0.17 m

Max. coefficient for hoop tension for

. H2
. . Dt = 6 is 0.514 at 0.6 H depth
Max. coefficient for hoop tens10n for ·
Dt = 8 is 0.575 at 0.6 H depth is equal to
H2 .
Coefficient for hoop tension for _ -7 8 _ 0 514 (0.5 75 - 0.514)
Dt - . - . + l.8=0.514+0.055=0.569
. D .
Max. hoop tension =0.569 x wH -2 = o·569 x 1000 x.4 X-=13656kg
12 ,.
Hoop stee l per metre
· .
height = _13565 = 13 6 3
1000 · cm
Spacing of 12 mm~ bars = 1.13 x I00 = 8.3 cm
Provide 12 mm bars @16 cm cI c near each13.6
Vertical distribution steel = 0.3, x 17 x 100 - 51
100 - · cm 'i
Spacing of 8 mm bars = 0.5 x I00 = 9 8 cm
Provide 8 mm bars@JB 5.1 ·
cm c1c near face.
Max. B.M. coefficient.for H [ (0 .
Dt = 7.8 is equal to= 0.0187 - .OI87; 0.0146) 1.8] = --0.01S.O

• . 1ia
r' ('
' 'I ~"f-
~ rt,
- -rANKS
----- - - -. - - -
Max.irumn cn.n tilev
. -· - - -
---..;._------------==:::::=:m ·-
- 111

. ent ::: - 0 oir.:o -,1\/'tl\ 1.n cm,

• ,.1 IV/fl 1': - 0.0 l50 x 1000 X ;1 ~ ;1 100 "" - 9ovuv t<tJ
- -, 11 I
- Cm- ·- - - - - - - 12m~a - - - ~

-8 ll1Jl1 • illJ 18 <::t11 cJ C

12 mm • ® i cm cl c


mm 20 cm e1 c
Near Each Face
Effective depth to the centre of V t ' Fig, 36,.U.
er ical 8 mm bars
== 17 (2 5
. - · + 1.2 + 0.4) == 12.9 cm
Vertical steel for B.M. = = ~ _
1000 x 0.8 4 x 12 _ - 8.8 cm 2
Spacing of 8 mm bars _ 0.5 x 100
. 8 mm at 4.5 cm c/c.
Provide -~ ·8 ==5 .6 cm c/c· A
Fig. 36.11 shows the details of rei·-"
When Reissuer's tables or Carpenter's t bl -
design of the tank can be made as follows . a es are not available, an approximate
It will be assum. ed that the cantilevering effect of th 11 ·11 b "
'ght xi t I
hei appro . ma e Yequa
1 to "
1 e wa wi e present 1or a
one- ourth of the height of the tank. This height shall be
taken for design purposes at least 1 metre (See Fig 36 12) Th - · t· · Fig. 36.12.
• h · . · · • e pressure vana ion is
given by t e pressure diagram ~BC with the ordinate BC representing the maximum
water pressure wH. Draw a horizontal line intersecting the pressure diagram at Data r - -
1 I

height of h = or 1 metre from the base whichever is greater. For the bottom h units_ : :
height the bottom wall will be_design ed au cantilever suejectelJQ,,a triaJ:W,!lar load I

giveitby the Area DBC of the pressure diagram. Hence the bottom h units heig_ht of the


wal(will be treatedJiSJLvertical:cantileve:r.-eanyiQg aloacl vacyi"ngfro~-;;o:at t~p

ofth~cantil~ er to '!!_Hat the bo~ om (see Fig. 36.13).Verticii1sfeeltoresis'ttliemaximum
btndmg be computed. ·~-. ·
-----rtienoop tension will be calculated at the level D.
. h oop tension
. per urut . h e1g
. ht at th·is 1evel - w (H -h) D - - Fig. 36.13.

Steel for this hoop tension~ computed and may be provided near both faces. The hoop steel may be provided
at a uniform spacing for a height h from the base. At high~ levels the s~~g of the hoop reinforcements ca.n be
proportionately increased. This is illustrated in the following_~ sign.
Design 36.10. A clarifier tank of diameter 35 m has walls 5.25 m tall above its base slab. Design the tank. Use M 25
concrete an.d Fe 415 steel

Solution. It will be assumed that.the walls cantilever up from the floor for the bottom H or 1 m whichever is
5 25
- .-•~ l n our ca&e the cant 1'lever·1·ng
. height
• will be ·4 = 1.3125 m from
· the base. Pressure intensity at 1.3125 m
a.hove the base
= p.= 9810 (5.25 - 1.3125) = 38626.9 N/m 2
~]iA[•[•... s[:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:_:_:,:,:,:,::::::::::::::::::-::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.:.:.1•[!11
~ -
,~s . • 551813
I for rmg te nsion = 47 99 J • o mlm
s,oe I I5 mm - lr~il_
. f2 2 mm~ bars= SBOxIO~
sp~c1nl! 0 4 799

= 79 say, 75 mm
"' @ 380
mm •
mm Cle
. • the reinforcement is provided near
5111C< • f !>~2
the foces, the spacing o the bars near each @ 180 mm c/c

iJDth ·II be JSO mm clc.

/lll" ~.'.steel provided per metre height
380 x lOOO
75 = 5067 mm 2
fhickness of wall. This shall !Se not less
the following :
tb0° (I/ 150 mm
(ii) 3om".' metre depth.+ ?0 mm = 30 x 5 + 50 = 200 mm Fig. 36.15.
(iii) Re~mrement to hm1t the tensile stress on the
equivalent concrete area to 1.2 Nmm2 .

1.2 = 551813
10001 +(1333-1)5067 ' :. t=397mm
p,.ovide a thickness of 400 mm
. t 'b .
D is • 03
n ution steel = _ ._ x 400 x I 000 - 1200 2
100 - mm
. 113 X 1000
. Spacing of 12 mm d1ameter bars=----= 94 mm
.. 1200 say 90 mm
. this steel is provided near both the face 6 th ·
suice e spacing of 22 mm diameter bars near each face will be 180 mm c I c.
oeslgn of the bottom 1.25 m cantilevering part'
Water pressure at the bottom = 9810 x 5 = 49050 NI t 2
Maximum cantilevering bending moment me re

=½ x 49050 xl.25 x 1.: 5

Nm= 12773 Nm
If 12 mm bars be provided at a cover of 25 mm, the effective depth available
= 400 - 25 - 22 :- 6 ';' 34 7 mm
A,1 - - - - - - m m 2 =378mm 2
115 x0.85 x347
Available vertical steel near water face as part of distribution steel

= 1200 =600mm2
The base slab may be made 250 mm thick. Nominal reinforcement of a top mesh and a bottom mesh of steel with
12mm @ 300 mm c I c may be provided.


Rectangular tanks are useful for small capacities. For large capacities circular tanks are preferred. Circular tanks,
byvirtue of their bsvtng ~e-lea-st-pe nme tetior-a gi.ven.capaci,ty~-q ~e minimum amount of materials. But often
this economy is overlooked, from ~h.e..Po~ t ~ view of the~co,stb: for.m...w.9_~ they reqajr!h. - - - - - - --
Tlie vertical walls of a rectangular tank ares\ibfected to bending in two directions. The walls are liable to be bent
as horizontal strips supported at the corners. They are also liable to be bent as vertical cantilevers, cantilevering for a

certain height from the base. It is difficult to exactly estim~ .Q. £or wh(! tjl__filg)lt_t~r-~ antilevering effect and
from what level onwards the st rips spa n horizontally. The following practice may be adopted in this regard. - - . --
--- - - - -----·------ -
Let the centre line dimensions of the tank be L x l where L is the
longer plan dimension and l is the shorter plan dimension. ·
If 1 is less than 2, the walls are designed as continuous horizontal
slabs and subjected to a water pressure of wh per unit area at depth h
ea .
from the water surface. One such continuous strip is shown in Fig. 36.16. !
The continuous strip of unit height, that is, 1 metre can be analysed
by momen~ distribution or any other method. Often the bending moments
are taken ·at the following values.
wh/ 2
B.M. at the centre of span = - -
Producing tension away from the water side. tm
wh/ 2
B.M. at the ends of the span = - -
. . . 12
Fig. 36.16. A continuous horizo ta •·
producmg tension near the water side. h units below the water
If the ratio 1, = 2 or greater than 2, the long walls are considered as vertical '· cantilevers, cantilevenn;<

whole height from the base. The short walls are considered as spanning between the long walls and with tnd.i'G.
A_ _ _ _
fixed. .
Cantileve1· effect of short wall. Though the short wall in principle spans
horizontally between the long walls, it is possible that the short wall may have a
cantilevering effect for a certain height from the base. It i§J!S.\l.~~ consider that for the
bottom 1 metre height t
ort wall will have a cantilevering effect. The water pressure
1gn, on the catilevering part, 1s given by fffie of the pressure diagram (See \
Fig. 36.16).
Pull in the long wall. Since the short wall spans between the long walls at
higher levels (i.e., above the level D), th~ ~ressure on the sfiQt.t_~ ~~ e
transferred to the supporting Ion w sion Suppose we co~I""i:fta om
1 metre of s or wa w1 act as a cantileV'er. Consider at a level of 1 metre from the base.
Pressure intensity at th~s level =3 (H - 1) N";;;i°etre.:.:_0 ~ ~rt
milh;panarag-b e on walls, th~ water pressure force will be w (H - 1) x 1 x 1. Fig, J6,J7, •
· ce t etre height of the long wall at a level of 1 metre a"6ove the base

will be w (H - l) / .
. i!
Pull the short wall. In fact, if the long walls will act actually as cantilevers cantilevering frothm ",~:;'
no part of the water pressure on the long wall can produce any tension in the short wall. But it is fo~nd_
water pressure acting on the long wall for a certain distance from the corners will produce a tension in
For design purpose this length is taken as 1 metre. (See Fig. 36.19).

Long WIii Lon g WIii

Fig. 36,1.8, Fig. 36.:1 9 .

_ This ten~ion _is computed at a height of 1 metre above the base. _ _1 ".h,,.i/\
The tenet.on m the short wall at 1 metre above th e base :is th ere fore equa l to w (H - 1) x 1 per '! "'1 .:;,, i:,,·,,
. The short wall being subjected to moment nnd a pull , it should be desi g nec.1 fo r th e c-ornbined etfrct. 1
1~ g wall ia concerned , the steel for pull is horizontal bu t th e steel r e quire men t fo r th e hendi ng rnC1ii"' ;r :~ _ ,-
Tb. • however , th
t•1,11B Cll&e _ . 0 stee I requireme
· -nt ,"or eac h.- of t h e effects may be sep arate ly computC!d nn cl. r "'.-,,,,.!,'
·- "·
11i ;:<1'li
1 1
m -e ba_ae alab will b e 150 mm to 20·0 nim thick reinforced with a top n1esh o nd ii bottom mr,.,; h \'' t1
250- m centTce. · ·
, . rANKS .
[. .

. r,0 11
'fhe following approximate. method is adopte~~D PULL .
dins moment accompanied by a pull. F'
36 20
th e o.nulys1s of tank wall subjected
pull Tand a bending moment M. Let::·8 · shows a wall secti.on subjected to I
r 1111 ll~18 sion is induced on the right side of-the

t~ature of the bending moment be such
'11, .... tten- d. . th
~ , . ii•il e arrow in 1catmg . e type of moment M. Lett
sec ton (See Fi 36 20·
. g. • ). Note the direction
,.,, 0 al and opposite forces T be imai:ri d . he nature.of the bending moment.
f· ··of tbt tWO .,..
r, 1n th 'n.£
r J.,e the various forces may therefore be consid d e r~i orcements. The moments
' 1111d~ ft) and a pull T_ in the reinforcement. ere as equivalent to a resultant moment
(M The steel for this resultant bending mom t nd th
ulnted. Steel for the resultant B.M. en a e pull may now be separately
~ Ic T
= -;;-:;;:-;::::-:=--;M~--:-T:_:x~---- Fig. 36.20. Section subjected
Safe stress in steel x lever arm = A 811 to bending moment and pull.

Steel for pull = T

· . Safe st · = As,2
Total steel requirement =A =Ares!Am steel
sl Bil sl2
Design 36.12. An open square tank 6m x 6 x 3 d · . .
and Fe 1s steel. m m eep rests on firm ground. Design the tank. Use M 25 concrete
Thickness of wall. This may be taken not less than
(!) 150 mm
(ii) 30 mm per m depth + 50 mm = (30 x 3) + 50 = 140 mm
(iu) 60 mm per m length of the side = 60 x 6 = 360 mm
Provide a thickness of 360 mm
Effective span = 6 + 0.36 = 6.36 m
Consider a level 1 metre above the floor.
Water pressure intensity of this level =9810 x 2 = 19620 N / m2
19620 6 362
For a 1 m deep strip,B.M. at corner = ~ · = 66135 Nm
B.M. at midspan 19620 x 6.36
= - - - - - = 4 01 m
96 N
Pull in the wall per metre height at this level
= T = 19620 x6 58860 N
Design of corner section
Providing 16 mm~ bars at a cover of 25 mm
Effective depth available = d = 360 - 33 = 327 mm
Distance between centre of section and centre of steel

= x = d-!_ = 327-180 = 147mm

Effective B.M. at corners = M-Tx = 66135 x 1000-58860 x147 Nmm.
= 57482580Nmm
= 57482580 = 1347 mm2
Steel for B.M. 150 X 0.87 X 327

= 58860 = 392 mni2

Sreel for pull = Ast2 150
-A +A =1347+392=1739mm
Total steel required - st1 &'2

_ . _ 20lxl000 = 115 mm
Spacing of 16 mm bars - 1739
Design oI the mid span section
Bending.moment= 49601 Nm, Pull T= 5S8GO N
10' := M- ~ =49601 >< 1000-58860 x 147Nmm
Et\'«,tive bending moment • 40948580 Nmm . I

~ =74tmm ·

=A"• = 19()x0.89x327
= A,'2 190
Steel tot pull.
-A =A, + A,, = 741 + 310 = 1051 mm2
- ,1 • I 2
Total steel required
=201 x l000 =191 mm say 190 mm
Spacing of 16 bars 1051
Design ohhe ·bottom 1 metre height of wall
The will be designed as a cantilever Im high and subjected to a trianglilar load r .
x = 29430 Nim' at the bottom. · angu,g ton,
9810 Mwmum
3. .pressure force on this cantilevering part per m run · . - •t
. 1
=-(29430)xl = 14715 N ac tmgat-m3 abo vet. he base

B.M. at bottom =14715x-1 =4905 Nm

. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. ... . .. . --,
. .
. t ..
1 !

. . •E
... \
. ~@ 95 mmc/c ...
E o,

. .. ...@

. ..
•egE . .. ..,
e ... . L~ 10 mm+
.. E
.. ...E
@ 140 mm c/c
~o -- -------------------.B
i._ 0
. I

. '' .. 0EE I

... ...

. I


-· . I




,, . I

. .

. -- ----~ ·-. - -
I\ •

. . . . . . . . ..,c5,-----------:

. -- F

. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LJ .

Sections I plan
mml - 6m ' !

I .


- ~
eo .e
eo E gi
I \ I· I
. < l

. . . ' ' ·" :

Sectlona I Elevation ,'
Fig. 36,21,
• ; :r _
.• depth to centre of 10
8t1'etO' tl
·. .
mr1 .
hors :ii 860 - 2.i _ Hl !I e 314 mm

- ,------ IU

4f305 !( 1000 0
·1 '· ,. .1st.eel required All " ' - ·- - - 120 l 1•
\lettlCIU ,,
150 i-< Q,87,.;3 14 ,:, TY /I

_ 3% of gross area 0. 3 i
gut 0· == (360 x 1000) = 1080 mm
b = 79 x 1000 ,
Spocing of 10 mm ars . = 73 mm say 70 1nm
Provide 10 mm 41@ 140 mm cI c near each face. The vertical bars available near the water face are enough to resiat I,
·1 ver moment. 1,
' cantl e
uie B11se slab . . . . .
The base slab will be 250 mm thick with at top mesh and a buttom mesh of rein forcen;ient of 10 mm ~bars @
-mm~ · \
Design 36.13. An open square tank 5 m x 5 m x 8 m deep rests on firm ground. Design the tanli. Use M 20 concre'te
'ld steel reinforcement. ·
and ~olution. Thickness of wall. This will be not less than,
(i) 150mm .
(iL) 30 mm per metre depth+ 50 mm= (30 x 3) + 50 = 140 mm
(iii) 60 mm per metre length of side =60 x 5 =300 mm
Provide a thickness of 300 mm
Effective span of the slab =5 + 0.30 =5.30 metre
Consider a level 1 metre above the floor.
Water pressure intensity at this level
=9810 x 2 =19620 Nlmetre 2
Bending moment per metre height at this level at corners

= 19620 x5.32 Nm =45927 Nm

, . 19621 X 5J 2
Bendmg moment at mid span - - - - N m = 34445 Nm
Pull in the wall per metre height at this level
1962 5
=T = 0x N =49050N
Design of the corner section. Providing a cover of 25 him and using 18 mm bars,
Effective depth =300- 34 =2661mm ·
Effective bending moment at corners
=M - Tx = 45927 x 1000 - 49050 (266 - 150) =40237200 Nmm
Since this bending moment produces tension near the water face the stresses and the design coefficients to be
adopted are,
t= 115 N/mm 2, c =7 N/mm 2, m =13.33, Q =1.333, a= 0.85d
4023 7200 . 2 2
Steel for bending moment = A stl = -- mm = 1548 mm
115 X 0.85 X 266
' 49050 2
Steel for pull =A 512 =--=427 mm
. 115
Total steel required = A,~·=A,11 + A112 = 1548 + 427 = 1975 mm 2
254 X 1000 -
Spacing of 18 mm bars = = 126 mm
Provide 18 mm~@ 120 mm c/c.
Design of the mid span section •/ ''.
Bending moment = 34445·Nm
, Pull = 49050 N ' ,-
Effective bending moment = M- Tx .
.·,.- =34445 x 1000- 49050 (266 - 150) = 28755200 Nm m
L Since this bending moment produce~ ~~nsio~ away from the water face, the stresses and fo e design coefficients to ·
adopted are , ·· · .
t == 125 Nimm. , c = 7 N /mm , M = i3.33 and a= 0.86 d
2 2 ·

- ....p -

_ _28155200 -= 1006 ,,,,,,


-Stee-1 for S.M. - ,411• • 125 x o.86 • 266

49050 ·,
2 111. 2 I

= = 125 =
Steel for pull = A ;.1 2 "" = 39 m
Total teel requir1!d A• A,, + A,. 1006 + 392 = 1398 mm 2
Prol)idc 18 OI '1O mm c/c.
. willot
This bethe bottom
d..igned wutre bei1ht
•• a1 cantilever or wall
1 m,tre high and subjected to a triangular load ran .
the calil...,r to 981 O x 3 = 29430 NI,.,,,.,
at the bottom-
:. MaxilDWD pressure force on the cantileverI (for ~ metre width) '·. I
IPng Ito~

,.,, ,•~
2 =l4115N acting at -metre
3 fr om the b ·,
, ase

B.M. for the cantilever

= 4905 Nm
14715 x-
Thi 3 I
s bending moment produces tension near the water face.


· @170mm
c/C ~~•"' ....@.)E

- 11

5m ----+---1

5m _
14------:::_S~ECTIONAL _ _ __:.____._

18 mm+ 18 mm .i, @ 170 mm c/c

@85 mmc/c
0 @ 160 mm c/c 10mmcj,@160mmc/c
18 mm• 3m

! j_

10 mm+""'
\Id< 200 mmc/c
.,.., centre of 10 mm. ,."' b ars = 300 -Fig, 36
Eu ~ f f ~ f u ~ ' .-2 •
25 - 18 - 5 = 252.
Steel l.or B,M. = Ji90.5000 mm
J 15 x0.85 x 252 =.192.mm2

But 0.8% of gross area = JO,?

00 "' 300 x I 00 = 900 mm 2
·. :,:N:::;KS:,_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....,_,_1.;.;.U
~ ~ TA
'. -r,ts~
'~ . _ _ 79><1000 '
vide 10 vertical bare@ 160 mm clc near each face. These vertical bars near tho w_a ter face are enough .
· antilever mo~ent.
10 rest:e slab, The base slab will be 250 mm thick with 8 top mesh and 8 bottom mesh of reinforcement 0£ 10 mm_bars

mm centres ..
0t Z
J)esign 36.14, An open sq1tare water tank 6 m x 6 m x 3 m deep rests on firm ground. Design the tank. Use M 20
t and Fe 415 steel.
c011 c~;iutton. Design of walls. Thickness of the wall shall not be less than
(t) 150 mm
(iJ) 30 mm per metre depth+ 50 mm= (30 x 3) + 50 = 140 mm
(iu) 60 mm per metre length of side =60 x 6 =360 mm
Let us provide an overall thickness of 400 mm.
Effective span of the wall slab =6 + 0.40 =6.40 m
Consider level 1 m above the floor. Water pressure intensity at this level
=9810 x 2 =19620 Nm 2
Bending moment per metre height at this level, at corners
=19620 x 6.42 =66970 Nm
Bending moment per metre height at this level, at mid span
= 19620 x 6.42 = 50227 Nm
Pull on the wall per metre height at this level
= 19620 x = 58860 N
oesign of the corner section
Providing a cover of 25 mm and using 16 mm diameter bars
Effective depth = 400 - 25 - 8 = 367 Nm
Resultant bending moment =M - Tx =66970 x 1000 - 58860 (367 - 200)
= 57140380 Nmm
Since this bending moment produces tension near the water face, the safe stresses and the design coefficients are

C = 7 N/mm 2 , t = 150 N/mm 2 , m = 13.33

Q = 1.171, a= 0.87d
57140380 =ll 93 mm 2
Steel for bending moment

. =58860 = 393 mm2

Steel for pull Asl2 150
Total steel required A51 =A511 + A612 = 11~3 + 393 = 1586 mm2
201 X 1000
Spacing of 16 mm bars = - - - - = 126 mm
Provide 16 bars@ 125 mm c/c.
Design of the mid span section
Bending moment = 50227 Nm
Pull T = 58800 N .
Resultant bending moment = M - Tx = 50227 x 1000- 58860 (367 - 200)
= 40397380 Nmm ,
Since this bending moment produces tension away from the water face, the safe stresses and the design coefficients
ate ~ '
c = 7 N/mm 2, t = :190 N/mm2
m = 13.33, Q = t.027, a= 0.89d
• I

ti 0

E : \
E ; I
0 ' I

10 mm~
@ 130 mm c/c
@-- - -

- - ---------~® I


© ______ _-----


16 16 mm 4>@240 mm c/c
10 130 mm c/c
@200 mm c/c


130 mm etc 10mm~@130mmc/c
10 mm mm_ctc

Fig. 36.23,

_ 40397380 = 650 mm 2
Steel for bending moment A11 -190 x 0.89 x 367
58800 2
Steel for pull A612 = = 3 Omm
Total steel required = A61 =_A.f/ 1 '!" A612 = 650 + 310 = 960 mm
z-ro):t ooo 209
Spacing of 16 mm, bars 960 · , =',, mm
Provi<k 16 ,mm , bars @ 200 mm cI c.
· 03 · ,
Vertical distribution steel = - x 400 x I 000 = I200 '!' m -
- · -· JOO -
Spacing of lQ mm di~meter vertical bars
79xl00 = 6.5mm
1200 ,
Provide 10 mf , vertical bats@ 130 mm clc nea,; each face. -
Design of thf bottom 1 metre high cantilevering part of the wall . . , nib'
This will be1d[igned as a catilever 1 metre high and subjected t0 a triangular load whose intens1tyvarie~ u
from zero at the to of the cantilever to 9810 x 3 = 29430 NI mm 2 at the bottom. · -
• Maximum dre sure force on the cantilever
I =_!_x 29430xl=l4715N
I 2 ,
Be,nding m\ ent for the cantilever j) ,
:r= ,,4905 Nm


-~ r ~N! S -~ . .
~ vecoverto 10 mm vertuml b11rs _
25 + 16 (> = 46 mm
Effective de1>th = d =- 400 - 40 ::: 854 mm .
l ..
r . t1·1· .. 490S lil l000
vertJcal steeI 1or can ever moment = -
.,,,, I06 111 111 2 )
· . . 150 x 0.8 7x354
l3ut available vertical st eel near the water face o.s pn tt of distribution t I·
1200 . )i
= = 600 mm 2 nppr oximntely. j'
Bose slab. The base slab will be 250 mm thick wi th a top mesh and o bottom mesh of reinforcement. of lOJnm. + I
~2oommc/c. I
1,ars 1iv
Design 36,15. An open tan.k 4 m x 8 m x 2.5 m deep rests on firm ground. Design the tank . Use M 200con.crett and
'Id st.eel reinforcem ent. .
11J' Solution. L = 4 m, l = 3 m · /
L 4
T =3
This is less than 2. ·
l{ence the walls will be designed as spanning horizontally.

oesign of the wall

Thickness of the wall shall not be .less than
(~ 150 mm .
(i~ 30 mm per metre depth + 50 m = (30 x 2.5) + 50 = 125 mm
(iu) 60 mm per metre length of the longer side
=60 x 4 =240 mm
Provide a thickness of 250 mm .
Effective span of the short wall = 3.25 m
Effective span of the long wall = 4.25 m
Consider a level 1 metre above the base slab.
Water pressure at this level = 9810 (2.5 - 1.0) = 14715 N lm 2

Design of the long wall

B.M. at this level per metre height of corners
4 25 2
=14715 x-·-·-Nm = 22149 Nm
14715 x3
Pull in the wall strip = T = 22073 N
Provide 12 mm bars at a clear cover of 25 mm
Effective cover = 25 + 6 = 31 mm
Effective depth = 250- 31 = 219 mm
Resultant bending moment = M - Tx
=22149000-22073 (219-125) Nmm = 20074138Nmm
• __20_0_7_4_13_8_ = 93 8 mm 2
SteelforB.M. =As,1 115x0.85x219
22073 2
Steel for pull =A s,2 = - - = 192 mm
A81 =A811 + A8 ., 2 =938 : _192 =1130 mm
Total steel
113 x I 000 l 00 / . '
Spacing of 12 mm bars = mm c c
14 71 5 X 4.2 52
B.M. at mid span = Nm =d 6612 Nm F
Pull · T=22073N
Resultant bending moment = M-Tx = 16612000.,.. 22073 (219-125) N mm
= 14537138 Nmm , . · I ,
_ _ 14537138 = 6lS mm'2.
Steel for J.M. - As,1 - 12$ x 0,86 x 2 19
. "'V<l
- - - - - - - - : - - ~a~iisjJTriA~ · · . -~
-- -- ~- '"'o~Cf r,i , ..
22073 =177mm 2 .. ··i:
steel. for pull --A ,,2-618
•125- 7 - 795 mm2
+ 17 - ' \f
Total steel ::: A,, -
113 x 10~= 142 mm
. ,.~12
Sptcirtl 01 m m bars =- . 795
. . . . arrangement
Let UB provide the followmg70 mm c/c
Steel at corners: 12 mm@~ 140 mm clc
Rtee.J at mid span : 12 mm "'
" ·DtsJgn of the short wall .l . f 1 m above the base slab.
st . at arne1ght o 2
· Consider a 1 mdeep rip x~Nm =12952Nm
B.M. at corne(;F 14715 12
14715x4 =294J0N
Pull in the wall np =T = ,3
st _ 29430 (219 ~125) Nmm
. ent =M-Tx- l 2952000
Resultant bending mom = 10185580 Nmm
10185580 =476mm 2
Steel for B.M. =A s,, = JI 5x0.85x219
Steel for pull =A s, 2 - 115 2
Total steel = A,, = A,n + A,,2 = 476 + 256 = 732 mm
_113x1000 =·154 mm c!csay150mm c/c
Spacing of 12 mm 4' bars - 73 2
25 2 N -9714 Nm
B.M.atmidspan =14715x 3. m-
- Pull = T= 29430 N
Resultant bending moment = M- Tx = 9714000- 29430 (219- 125) Nm
= 694 7580 Nmm
_ _ . 6947580 = mm2
Steel for B.M. -A s,1 ;,-125 x 0.86 x 219 296
29430 2
Steelforpull =As,2 =
125 =236mm
Total steel = A,1 = A,0 +A,12 = 296 + 236 = 532 mm 2
Minfmu~ steel required =03%of gross area= O.J x 1000 x 250 = 750 mm 2
· 113 X 1000
Spacingof12mm4,bars = =150mm clc
But steel at corner : 12 mm @ 150 mm ·
Hence Jet us provide·12 mm@ 150 mm c/c at'corner as well as at mid span.
·Design of the bottom 1 metre height of wall
Maximum pressure intensity at the bottom of the wall
= 9810 x 2.5 24525 N/m 2
MaXImumcanti ·1 1 ·1
ever moment =-x24525 x 1 x-Nm =4087.5 Nm
ProVJ'd'mg 10 mm vertical bars, 2 3
Effective cover = 25 + 12 + 5 = 42 mm
Effective depth = 250 - 42 = 208 mm
Steel for cantilever moment = 40875 x I OOO = 20 mm 2
115 x0.85 x208 2

Butmi~imum steel required = ,~!

,x 1000 x 259 = 750mm 2
, I '
f .~.-"Sf. I°'·-wATc~~,rn~·11rfi11s[:·..: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : \ ~ : : : : : : : : : ~ ,::}•I!•!
-~ I # \

. of l O 111m
Spacrog bnrs == -
79 1"-
I 000
- = 105 mm
•8 provide 10 nrm@200 mm clc near ~lich face. ·
~::: slab, This may be rnade 250 mm thick with O top mesh and n bottom mesh of reinfor~ment of lO mm t @
. o(l() mt» rfc. . '
. [)tlig,I 36.J 6. A reinforced concrete tank is 6 metres >c 3 metres with a maxin11a71. depth
. . 0 etrt.S of-water. The tank rests on ground. 150 mm x 150 mm ap/ays are provided al
· of 2-~. • of walls and base slab. Design the tanh. Use M 20 concrete and mild steel
th~ 1t. rcement.
5otution. L =6 metres, l =3 metres, =2
Since this rati? equa~s 2, the long walls will be designed as vertical ca.n tilevers and E

short wa 11 as spannmg honzontally between the long walls.

. sign of long wall
l)e These are desi~ed as_ vertical cantilevers. Since splays are provided it is en~ugh if the
cnntilevering effect 1s co~sidered above the top of the splay, i.e., the effective height of the

tilevering long wall wj.ll be
2.50- 0.15 = 2.35 metre
Maximum bending moment ner metre width of the long wall
9810 x 235 3 Fig. 36.24.
-= Nm =21219Nm
This bending moment produces tension near the water face.
Adopting c = 7 Nlmm , t = 100 N/mm 2 and m = 13.33 and equating the moment of
··tance to the bending moment, we have
1333 bcfl = 1.333 x 1000d = 21219 x 1000 :. d = 127 mm .
· With a clear cover ,of 25 mm and providing 16 mm $ bars the overall depth required
127 + 8 + 25 160 mm =
10 mm~ @320 mm c/c

[l ~--PL
u 1
: u
200 mm r:Jc 100 mm r:Jc E

... E

E 10 mm mm c/c
... 0

16 mm@400 mm de

Sectional plan 1m ab011e base slab : E

©-·-· ... ·---~~ 1 10 mm mm c/c

16 mm mm r:Jc i
10 mm c/c 1o mm di@ 320 mm c/ c i
@--· ·-.- ·- ·- - ·-•- ·- ·- ·-
-• --
160 mm c/c ,
·----- - --- - ·- ·- - - -·- ----

16 mmo@iOO m~ c/c

\ ,F
Sectional plan just abCMI the base slab

Fig. 36.25.
___________ Pro-vide • t.hif'k ~ _ of JOO mm d ·. ·h -'\ - 33-= 127 mm
·- w 11 I trooth-.:e e pt - UY
:. A~ . -e - . '2 I 2 19 )( !!~- :=i I 709 mm 2
J\. =<~ 0.8-' X 127 _
201 ,d 000 ,,.. I 17 .ray 190 mm c I c .
-Spaoiq o.f 10 mm bare =
1709 ·
ure on ~e short walJ wilJ b~ tr9:.~~Uerred to the 1 ·
Pull o.a the loq ••ll· The wat:er P ~ b for the bottom 1 metre of its height, the pu)J t ong WalJ _
1M $bott wwU will't'l" from tbo baee e .a - t.h haunch tanafel"t na~-
· - -. l I l o metre above e . e{}' 1 .,. .
dl• U aLCJ be cil.lcu)at-,-. at• eve• on h . ht 8 t the above level ' 1i;·.-, '
:. Pu.11 in the long waJI pe r metre eig ..
9810(2.35-l)x 3 =19865N
= 2

. -~=173mmi
Steel required for this pulJ - 1 15
.- 0.3 J60xl000=480'mm
But 0.-3% of gross area - 100 x
. · _ 79 x I 000 = I 64 mm say 160 mm
.-. Spacmg of IO mm bars - 4 so
$ban th.ill steel i.s provided near both the faces, the spacing of the 10 mm (j> bars will be 320 mm cI c
Dealgn of short walls. Consider a level one metre above the top of the haunch.
'\ ,,
r.e,1, e'lr.,,
The pressure intensity at this level ··
= 9810 (2.35-1) Nlmetre 2 = 13243.5 N/metre 2 •

EB'ective span of the horizontally spanning slab .· ,

= 3 + 0.16 = 3.16 metre
Corner section. B.M. at corner, section (i.e., ends)
, 2 2 ·
=pl =13243.5x3.16 Nm=ll()-20Nm
. 12 12 ,
Water pr~ure per metre height at this level, for one metre length of the long wall will be transferred to th
wall. eit
Tension transferred per metre height of short wall
. = 13243.5 x 1 = 13243.5 N
Resultant bending moment =M- Tx = 11020 x 1000 - 13243.5 (127 - 80) Nmm ·
= 10397560 Nmm
This bending moment produces tension near the water face.
. 10397560 2
J:lence steel for bendmg = A stl = - - - - - - = 83 8 mm
I 15 x 0.85 x 127 .
Steel for pull =As,2 = =I 16mm 2 ,
:, Total steel required = A 6 , = 838 + 116 = 954 mm2
Prouuu 16 bars @200 mm clc.
Mid •·p an tension. Bending moment at mid span
_ p/ 2 13243.5 X 3.J 6 2
-~= Nm =5510Nm
Pull ;: 13243.5 N · · .
.. = =
Resultant B.M, M- Tx 5510 x 1000 - 13243.5 (127 - 80) N
· · = 4887550 Nmm mm
This ~endmg moment p,roduces tension away from the water face
I •

Steel for B.M. =A.,, = 4887550 _ 2

125x0.8($xl27 -J 6 0f11m

Steel for pull = A.,, 2 = 13243 ·5 = 110·. 2

125 · mm
Total st~eJ required = A + A == 860.·
/ 111 st2 +110=470mm2
Spa.cing of lO m?f 201 x 1000
, I 470 _-4Z8m.m
<' •'

t ;-.c,-;_1==:.:_-_-_-_-_- e_rn_ ______, 1-

16 mm mm c/c

160 mm
3m---l f-


Fig. 36.26.

It is convenient to provide 16 mm bars @ 400'mm cl c which is just double the spacing of the bars provided near
the corners.
Design of the bottom one metre caiitilevering part of the short wall
Maximum bending moment for cantilevering effect
9810 1 \
=--x 2.35 x 1 x -Nm = 3842.25 Nm
2 3
Effective depth to the centre of 10 mm~ vertical bars
= 160 - 25 - 16 - 5 = 114 mm
= 3842.25x1000 = 345 mm 2
Ast 115x0.85x114
3 2
But 0.3% gross area = ~~ x 160 x 1000 = 480 mm
79x1000 ,
SpacingoflOmm~bars = . =164mm sayl60mm etc.
480 .
If the steel be provided near both the faces, the spacing \Yill be at 320 mm c I c. But the requirement for cantilevering
effect itself is 409 mm 2. We will provide spacing of 320 mm c I c ~way from the water face and a spar:ing of 160 nuri. cl
cnear the water fac;e. Of these yerticaI bars near the water face alternate bars will be curtailed at a hei~ht of one metre
above the ha,un'.ch. Figs. 36.25 and 36i26 show the details_ of re~nforcement.
Base.slab. The base slab 111ay be made 250 mm thick with a top mesh and a bottom mesh of r einforcment with
l0mm mm clc. ' ·
Design 36.-17. A reinforced concrete tanh. is 6 m x 3 m with a maximum depth ,of 2.5 m of wattr. The tank rests on·
gro'4nd. l50 mm x 150 mnispl~ys are provided at the junction of walls and base slab. Design lite ta,ik. Use M 20confrete
Q.. .J ' \ ' .
·~ Fe 415 reinforcement. 1

- Solution. L =6 metres, l =3 metres ·

:t, .

-___:. . -::-__;;.-::====================O~E~St!!61t OF
••• ,. 1 ••

- l
2 .
IIEfllfO~t:Eo co"ctt,,
•, f:,
-1 =3° · . rtical cantilevers and
_._ th long wal Is w1·u be designed
II as ve
• ratio eq1.1nl1 2 e tween Jong wa s. . ers Since splays are
- : - ,pann;ng hori,ontally ~• ·gned •• vertical cantdev 1, the effective

ahori·" -; lonlf walJ. These ~re red above the top of the sp 1a , . ·•
:eoantileveringetTect1scon~llebe 2.50- 0.15 = 2.35 metres.
tbe cantilevering Jong wall tre width of the Jong wall
belf t . bending moment per me s' .
. : Manmum : wH' 9810><2.3 Nm
=--= 6
. ion near the water face. 2
This bending moment produces ten: = 7 N/mm2, t = 150 Nlmm .'
Adopting m = 13.33 d' moment we have,
. t ofresistance to the maxi ·mum hen
. . dmg= 135 mm 'say 14 o mm .
Equatmg the momen 1171 x 1000 d2 = 21219 x 100?, · · b the overall depth required
Of 25. mm and. proVI'di ng 16 mm diameter ar8 , '
With a clear cover _ = + 8 + 25 = 173 mm
Hence let us provide 180 mm overaJl
:. Actual effective depth 180- 33 = 14 7
2 I219 x I 000 mm 2 = J I 06 ,nm 2
. Ast
:. Spacing of 16 mm diameter bars

201 xlOOO mm =l 8 1 mm say

180mm c/c
1106 l ·
e short wall will be transferred to the ong wall as tension.Si
•1 Pullwall
short on the
willlong wall. from
cantilever The water sla 1 or e one metre of its height, the pull transferred to~,1o~
the base ~
.'.;~iislJll also be calculated at a level, one metre above the haunch. -
:. Pull on the long wall per metre height at the above level

9810(235-l)xJ N=l9865N

:. Steel required for this pull =19865 =lJ 2 m,,;2

But O.J0/4 of gross area
= OJ x I 80 x I 000 mm 2 = 540 mm 2
79 X )000
:. SpacingofIOmmdiameterbars = mm =146mm say 140mm c/c
Sine, the steel is prouided near both faces
{<JCI!. the spacing of the 10 mm diameter bars will be at 280 mm clc nror e,,J
Design or short walle. Consider• level one metre above the.tqp of the haunch.
'l'he pressure intensity at this level = 9810 (2.35 -1) N / m 2 = 13243.5 N / m2
Effective span of horizontally spanning slab

Corner section. i,e., ends)
.B.M. at corner section=(clear span+ thickness of wall= 3 + 0.18 m == 3.18 m
_ Pl 13243.5 x 3.18 2 ·
\\ •"'r preuure per m,tre height at this level on one 12
Nm=l1160Nm . .
:. Tension traneferred per m,tre height of short w~t• · · twal
length of the long wall will be transferred to ,hor '
:. ~sultant b nc1· _ = 13243.5 x 1 = 13243.5 N
• mg mo10e1.1t= M - T • =1Jl600oo - 13243.5 (147 - 90)
= 10405121 Nmm 1
E ,o"'"' •Q:l8o ITllll ao
-- ,e - r?= - .._,__.

111 11111'1 • Cl 1110 trnn e1 0
mm~ 17 a-n rlc 10mm ,o :zeo mm el c; . -0
- llm
14. ; i}10 mm Qleo !Tim c/c

16 mm mm 010, - -e
i . -10 mm@32Ql)r:Jc


"b F
SectiOl\al plan 1m above billUlab
E 1_E rnm @3:l cm cJo
10 mm mm c/c
_..-10 mm ~300 mm tJc

u \710 mm mm tJc
~< IO mm mm Cle



Sectional plan abCN9 base slab

Fig. 36.28.
This bending moment produces tension near the water face. Hence steel for bending moment
A = 10405121 2 _ 2
sn 150x0.87xl47 mm - 542 mm
Ste,elforpull .4 -
132435 -89 2
·~ - 1S0 - mm
:. Total steel per metre height = SJ2 + 89 = 631 mm2
:. Spacing of 16 mm diameter bais
- - - - = 318 = say 300 mm c/c
Mid span section. Bending moment at mid span
M = pl2 =13243.5 x 3.182 Nm =5580 Nm ·'
24 24
Pull = T= 13243.5 N
Resultant bending moment =M-Tx
= 5580000-13243.5 (14 7 - 90) Nmm = 4825120 N-
:. Steel for bending moment =, = ,4825120 . mm2 =194 mm2
A.n 190x0.89x147

Steel for pull l 90 =70mm2

=As,2 = 13243.S
:. Total steel required per metre height
· :. •
' ··
= 194 + 70 = 264 mm2 very small.
Provide 16 bars @300 mm c/c.
Design for the botto~ one metre cantilevering effect of the sh.o ~ wall
Maximum bending moment for the cantilevering effect
x 2.35 x l x!.Nm =·3842,Nm
·2 3 .'
Effective depth to the centre of 10 mm diasnete~ vertical bars ·L . . .
· = 180 - 2... -16 - 5 Nm = l'.34 mm
984 I

3842000 mm 2 =220mm 2
A,, = I 50 X 0.87 XI 34 .
OJ 80 XI 000 m rn 2 = 540 mm. 2
But 0.3% of gross area -,oo

Spacing of 10 mm diameter bars

79 x 1000 mm= 146 mm say 140 mm c/c
= 540 . ill be at 280 mm clc. But the requirern ent of~ :
If the steel be proVIded near both faces the spacmg w
. . '11,J
itse If is only 220 mm•. d 250 mm thick with a top mesh and a bottom mesh of re1nforcelll•nt of l•o
The base slab may be ma e . . .
@ 200 mm clc. OVERHEAD TANKS .
(Ta nk S SI·tuated. above ground level)


The design of such a tank consists of .
(i) Design of vertical walls, and

(ii) Design ofba~e slab. d they are designed as in the cas~ of tanks on ground 1.,,, !
So far alsbtheThverbtical
Bases a . e ases a w,. . wla
.blls ~lrlebceodnec:{gnn:d
. as a one-way or a U\'.o-way slab
. depending on the lengtb,·
plan dimension L and the shorter d1mens1on l.
If L
I = 2 or greater than 2; the slab is designed as a one-way slab.

Jf L < 2 the slab will be designed as a two-way slab. . _ I

wiJie designing tlie bBse ·slab, the·effeci of a possible transference of tension due to the pressure on u,,~
walls should also be included. . ·

' L =2
Base slab as a one-way slab. As stated earlier this case will arise when/
Long ------ --- --- . ...--~
or greater than 2. This slab will be spanning along the shorter dimension. l. 'MIii
The bending moments are to be compu~ecI. at the end and at mid span.
At ends the bending moment will bi, a hOgging' moment caused by water pressure

on the long wall. This, hogging

· moment will be w H 3. for a strip of unit width. Fig. 36.29. ,
Th' h
18 . b d' 6 '
equal o f -.oggmg en mg moment Will be a maximum when the full. This will also be accompanied by!
wH '

The b~nding moment at mid span will consist of th . . . ,. . ,'

and a hoggmg moment due to water pressure th .de sagging moment due to weight of water and weight ofh~ j
the depth of water is h is given by on e e walls. The net sagging bending moment per metre wid '

where M =!!!£-~
6 +wd.-
For Mto be a maximum Wd = wt. of the slab pe/metre2
, I
dM w/2 3 h2
dh ·------==O
8 6 '.,
h2 =!:_ ,I
4 h ==-.
') \ I

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