Building Your CEO Mindset

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CEO Mindset
In order to have a successful business, you need to have a rock solid mindset. If
you run your company like a CEO, then you'll get paid like a CEO. If you run your
company like a hobby, then you'll get paid like it's a hobby. Make sense?

Part 1: CEO Characteristics

Make a list of 10-15 characteristics that a CEO must have. Circle the ones that
you currently possess and box in the ones that you want to work on and have in
the future.

CEO Mindset
What you tell yourself on a daily basis is what you actually believe and become. If
you tell yourself things such as, "I don't think this is going to work" or "Nobody's
going to like what I have to offer", then guess what? Those things will come true!
We need to start off on a strong foot and start developing new powerful
statements that you can repeat to yourself on a daily basis and post around you.

Part 2: CEO Mindset Affirmations

Write down your own 6 powerful affirmations below. These should be statements
that inspire you and that you genuinely want to become. I've also attached 6
examples for you to reference and these are a combination of ones that I've
created and ones that my clients have created.







CEO Mindset
CEO Mindset Affirmations - Examples

1. I am in control of my life and my destiny.

2. Money flows to me easily and I have more than what I need.

3. I have the power to change my life to what I want it to be.

4. I'm radiant with confidence, passion and positivity.

5. I choose to take intentional action in order to grow and become successful.

6. I will not let fear get in the way of me building my dreams.

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