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Hook: A tangled web of misunderstanding, miscommunication and conflict in relationships. This is

Shakespeare’s ‘Much Ado About Nothing.’

Outline the play and its themes. Use the prompt on the Assessment Notification as a guide.

In Much Ado About Nothing, Shakespeare weaves a complex web of relationships and
miscommunications, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts among the characters. However, amidst
these comedic misunderstandings, the play conveys valuable lessons about love, honour, reputation,
deception, and gender roles.

Today I will explore two of these lessons.


Lesson 1: Love conquers all.

One of the key lessons we learn from ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ is that love…………….…(insert your
idea)………………..…….. This is seen through the characters of Beatrice and Benedick.

Provide an example and supporting quote about how Beatrice and Benedick feel about love and marriage
at the beginning of the play. Explain the quote and why it is significant.

Provide a second example and supporting quote about how Beatrice and Benedick feel about love at the
end of the play. Explain the quote and why it is significant.

These two characters demonstrate the important lesson that true


Lesson 2: Reputation means everything.

A second key lesson we learn from ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ revolves around the fragile nature of
reputation. This is seen through the actions of several characters, most notably ………………………….

Provide an example and supporting quote relating to reputation and the characters involved. Explain the
quote and why it is significant.

Provide a second example and supporting quote relating to reputation and the characters involved.
Explain the quote and why it is significant.

Conclusion: We should embrace the teachings of Shakespeare, as through his writing he guides to a better
understanding of ourselves and our world.

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