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Giving Advice

Cambridge Dictionary
a suggestion about what someone should do.
The purposes of today's lesson:
During this meeting, you are expected to:
Learn new vocabularies and use them correctly.
Listen to the video to get some detailed information.
Correcly answer the questions in the exercise sections.
Be active and confident in the Presentation Time.
Highlights :
Here below are our activities today:
Vocabulary bank
Listening for Gist
Video Listening
Making Sentences
Presentation Time

Column A Column B
What is your advice….? You should……
1) To get the best score in Math a) Do vocal exercise regularly

2) To sing beautifully b) Drink a lot of water

3) Not to be punished c) Take medicine and get some rest

4) Not to get dehydrated d) Study hard and do various Math problems

5) To get well soon e) Obey the rules

6) Not to come late f) Do lots of practices

7) To be fluent in speaking English g) Wake up earlier

Suggest (menyarankan)
The doctor suggests me to consume more vitamin C.

Reasonable (masuk akal/ wajar)

It's expensive but reasonable because it's made of leather.

Had better (lebih baik [konteks saran])

You had better clean the mess now, or mom will be mad.

Reliable (dapat diandalkan)

My sister is realiable. She always helps me everytime I need her.
Appreciate (menghargai)
Thanks for your advice, mate. I really appreciate it.

Judge (menghakimi)
No one is allowed to judge other people's condition or choices.

Breaks down (rusak/mogok [mesin])

The bus breaks down in the middle of nowhere.

Point of View (Sudut pandang)

In my point of view, bringing phone to school should
be allowed.
A. Please answer the questions below correctly.
1.) What advice does Mindy ask from Tony?

2.) What are the characteristics of the car that Mindy wants at the first time?

3.) Why does Tony want Mindy to buy a small compact car?

4.) These following statements are TRUE about Mindy, except…

a. Mindy goes to the gym twice a week
b. Mindy drives to work every day
c. Mindy go shopping on the weekend

5.) Mindy doesn't like the advice from Tony (T/F)

Please make your own sentences by using these words:
(Suggest / Reasonable / Had better / Reliable / Appreciate / Judge / Breaks down / Point of view)
1. Who is the person that you usually ask for some advice? Why?

2. What things do you ask for advice on? Please explain.

3. What advice that you have heard/ you can share to be good at learning

4. What are the characteristics of a good adviser?

5. What advice would you give to someone who don't care about his/her

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