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1) Khula‘ Khurshid Bibi VS Mohammad Amin

PLD 1967 SC 97
Khula without the Consent of Husband

2) Abdul Waheed VS Asma Jehangir

PLD 2004 SC 219
Marriage without the Consent of Wali

3) Section 4 of the MFLO 1961

MST Farishta, PLD 1981 SC 120

4) Definition of Muslim Personal Law

PLD 1994 SC 607

5) Interpretation of the World Muslim Personal Law

PLD 1980 Peshawar 47
PLD 1981 SC 120
PLD 1991 FSC 35

6) Section 4 and 7 of MFLO 1961

Allah Rakha V SFederation of Pakistan PLD 2000 FSC 1

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