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Killing Floor Complete Pack

Killing Floor is a Co-op Survival Horror FPS taking place in the devastated cities and countryside of England, after a series of cloning experiments for the military goes horribly wrong. You and your friends are members of the military, dropped into these locations with a simple mission: survive long enough to cleanse the area of the failed experiments. The only problem is, these experiments arent waiting to be taken out theyre coming for YOU!

Developer: Publisher: Released: Platform: Genre:

Tripwire Interactive Tripwire Interactive May 2009 Windows FPS (multiplayer)

This pack contains all necessary files and instructions needed for installing, updating and playing Killing Floor online. If you download all the files, you should have 5 folders and this PDF document.

1. Game contains:
Killing Floor.iso (843 MB). KF_Update_1000_to_1008.exe KF_Update_1008_to_1009.exe KF_Update_1009_to_1010.exe KF_Update_1010_to_1011.exe (776 MB); (319 MB); (84.4 MB); (167 MB).

2. Update contains:

3. Crack contains:
KF_revLoader_1009.exe (319 KB); KillingFloor-NoSteamFix_v1011.exe (5.24 MB). KF_MegaMapPack1_may29.exe (134 MB); KF_MegaMapPack2_june24.exe (365 MB); KF_MegaMapPack3_august24.exe (424 MB); KF_MegaMapPack4_sept10.exe (204 MB); KF_MegaMapPack5_november01.exe (342 MB). stats.bin (2.91 KB); Important.txt (815 bytes).

4. Maps contains:

5. Perks contains:

1) Installing the game
Use a disk image emulator, like Daemon Tools or Alcohol 120%, to mount Killing Floor.iso. If Autoplay is enabled, then the setup process should start automatically, else navigate to your virtual drive and and run setup.exe. The game will install just like any other program.

! Alternatively, you can use a file archiver, like 7-Zip or WinRAR, to extract Killing
Floor.iso to a location on your hard drive and run setup.exe from there.

! If you install all the files in this pack, the game will occupy over 6 GB of space on your
hard drive. Make sure you install the game on a partition with enough space.

! During installation, you will be given the option of placing a shortcut of the game
executable on your desktop. You can ignore this, as you will never start the game using the original executable.

2) Updating the game

After the installation process is finished, you can proceed with updating the game to the latest version. Install the updates in the following order: i) KF_Update_1000_to_1008.exe; ii) KF_Update_1008_to_1009.exe; iii) KF_Update_1009_to_1010.exe; iv) KF_Update_1010_to_1011.exe. All updates must be installed to your Killing Floor folder (e.g., if you installed Killing Floor to C:\Games\Killing Floor, then all updates must be installed to that location).

! If you accidentally install an update to a different location than your Killing Floor folder,
you can cut all the files of the update and paste them in your Killing Floor folder. Choose Yes or Yes to all when asked to overwrite files.

3) Installing the crack

After updating the game to the latest version, run KillingFloor-NoSteamFix_v1011.exe. The crack must be installed to your Killing Floor folder (e.g., if you installed Killing Floor to C:\Games\Killing Floor, then the crack must be installed to that location). After installing the crack, a text file will open, entitled rev.ini. Inside, you have to modify 2 lines, depending on what name you wish to use in-game:

SteamUser=ChangeNameHere PlayerName=ChangeNameHere
Modify ChangeNameHere to your desired in-game name, then make sure to save and close the text file.

! Another crack, KF_revLoader_1009.exe, is also included, for older versions of the game.

4) Installing maps
The game comes with several official maps, including: KF-Bedlam, KF-BioticsLab, KF-Farm, KF-Foundry, KF-Manor, KF-Offices, KF-Waterworks, KF-WestLondon and KF-Wyre. However, there are many user-made maps available for download. Included in this pack are several map packs, for easy installation. You should install them in the following order: i) KF_MegaMapPack1_may29.exe; ii) KF_MegaMapPack2_june24.exe; iii) KF_MegaMapPack3_august24.exe; iv) KF_MegaMapPack4_sept10.exe; v) KF_MegaMapPack5_november01.exe. All map packs must be installed to your Killing Floor folder (e.g., if you installed Killing Floor to C:\Games\Killing Floor, then all map packs must be installed to that location).

! After installing all the map packs, you will have several maps more than once (different
versions of the same map). If you wish to get rid of the outdated versions of these maps, navigate to your Killing Floor folder, and from there go into Maps (e.g., C:\Games\Killing Floor\Maps). Then, either run EPC-OldMapRemover.bat and OldMapRemover2.bat or manually remove the maps you dont need.

Start the game by running Play.exe from your Killing Floor folder (e.g., C:\Games\Killing Floor\Play.exe). When running the game for the first time, it will take awhile to start (the game creates several files in the System folder). After the intro movies end playing, you will be presented with an EULA (End User License Agreement), which you have to accept to be able to play the game. Youll then see the main menu:

! While you can play solo, the game is focused on

multiplayer squad matches.

Go to Settings to change the game options according to your hardware and preferences. If you click on Profile and Achievements, you will get the following error:

Do not worry, this is normal. Close the game and then open it again, click on Profile and Achievements and everything will work fine, youll be able to choose your character and your perk.

After following the instructions above, you are ready for solo play. For multiplayer, you will have to use additional programs.

To play with other people over the Internet, you will need to use a VPN (virtual private network) program. For example, you can use Hamachi, Remobo or Leaf Networks. All these programs work almost the same: you create an account, download a client and log-in using your credentials. Then, you either create a virtual network and invite others, or you join an existing virtual network. After youre done configuring the VPN program, start the game using Play.exe. You then have two options:

1) Host a game server

From the main menu, click on Host Game. Youll get the following warning message:

If you have a firewall installed or are using a router, youll need to open the ports mentioned to play the game with other people over the Internet, please check your firewall and / or router documentation on how to do that.

Go over all the tabs and options and configure the server. Then, start the game server by clicking on LISTEN. After the game starts, find out your virtual IP, allocated by your VPN program. Send your virtual IP to the members of the virtual network that want to join your game.

2) Join a game

Youll need the virtual IP of the person hosting the game. At the main menu, open the game console by hitting ~ on your keyboard, and type:

Where is the virtual IP of the game host. Then, hit Enter on your keyboard and you should connect to the game host. Youll then be able to play the game together.

Although there are many VPN programs available, I recommend using Garena, for several reasons: easy to use, supports alot of games, has room and private chat, has a buddy system and best of all, lets you see games, instead of having to open the console and typing in the IP of the host. Download Garena from the official page to your hard drive. Install the program using Garena_setup.exe (6.52 MB), then start Garena. You will see the Login window. Click the Register button, complete the form and click on Submit. After creating an account, you will be able to login. Enter your credentials at the Garena Login form and click on the Login button.

! From time to time, Garena will inform you that updates are available for the program. You
have to install all updates to be able to use Garena. Youll then see the main program window. Click on the down arrow to the left until you get to Killing Floor, then click on the games icon.

! The position of the game icon will change, as new games are constantly added to Garena.
You will be able to pick from different rooms across the world. To join a room, double click its name. You will then see the room chat, which can be used for finding players. Click on the Settings button below the room chat, then under the Game Settings tab, expand the LAN Games list by clicking on the + sign. From there, click on Killing Floor. Click on the

Browse button under the Executable Settings field, then navigate to your Killing Floor folder and select Play.exe (e.g., C:\Games\Killing Floor\Play.exe).

Then click on the OK button. To start the game, click on the Start Game button below the room chat. You will get the following warning message:

Do not worry, this is normal. Just click the OK button to start the game. From the main menu, go to Multiplayer. Click on the LAN tab and you will be able to see the games hosted by other people in the same room youve previously joined. If you wish to join a game, double click the game name or click it once and then click the JOIN button. If you wish to host a game, from the main menu go to Host Game, configure the server and click on the LISTEN button. After the game starts, other people from the same room will be able to see and join your game.

! Sometimes when starting the game, youll get an error message informing you that no
video card was found. Ignore the warning, close it and start the game again, it will work.

! Sometimes when starting the game, you wont be able to see any games and if you try
hosting one, nobody will see it or be able to join it. Close the game and start it again, it will work.

! Sometimes when joining a game, you will be forced to download new files, usually maps
and textures. The file transfer will be very slow, no matter the speed of your Internet

connection or that of the person hosting the game. Its better to download the map from other sources. If you are certain that you have the map already or if youre forced to download a file that does not look like a map, interrupt the download. It means that your game version is different than that of the game host.

Performance and fixes:

There are several things you can do to make Killing Floor run better. Besides upgrading your hardware, lowering the game settings and defragmenting your hard drive, you can also modify the file used to store the games configuration, KillingFloor.ini, located in the System folder of your Killing Floor folder (e.g., C:\Games\Killing Floor\System).

! Before making any changes, make a backup of your KillingFloor.ini file.

1) To decrease load times
Open KillingFloor.ini with any text editor and look for the following lines:

[Engine.GameEngine] CacheSizeMegs=32
Modify the second line according to the RAM installed on your PC: i) for 256 MB or less, leave it unchanged; ii) for 512 MB, change it to CacheSizeMegs=64 iii) iv) Then, look for for 768 MB, change it to

CacheSizeMegs=128 for 1 GB or more, change it to CacheSizeMegs=256

[ALAudio.ALAudioSubsystem], then below that find the line UsePrecache=True and modify it to read as UsePrecache=False
Look for

[Engine.LevelInfo], then below that find the line bNeverPrecache=false and modify it to read as bNeverPrecache=True
Look for

[Engine.NullRenderDevice], then below that find the line UsePrecaching=True and modify it to read as UsePrecaching=False
Look for

[D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice], then below that find the line UsePrecaching=True and modify it to read as UsePrecaching=False

Look for

[D3D9Drv.D3D9RenderDevice], then below that find the line UsePrecaching=True and modify it to read as UsePrecaching=False
Look for

[OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice], then below that find the line UsePrecaching=True and modify it to read as UsePrecaching=False
Look for

[PixoDrv.PixoRenderDevice], then below that find the line UsePrecaching=True and modify it to read as UsePrecaching=False

2) To change to DirectX 8 mode

Open KillingFloor.ini with any text editor and look for the following lines:

[Engine.Engine] RenderDevice=D3D9Drv.D3D9RenderDevice ;RenderDevice=D3DDrv.D3DrenderDevice

Modify those lines to read as:

[Engine.Engine] ;RenderDevice=D3D9Drv.D3D9RenderDevice RenderDevice=D3DDrv.D3DrenderDevice

3) Not able to acces games

If youve opened the necessary ports but are still not able to join games (or others arent able to join your game), open KillingFloor.ini with any text editor and look for the following line:

Modify the line to read as:


There are several sites you can visit to get info about the game, updates, maps or cracks.
First of all, you can visit the official game page to read about the latest news and updates. You can check the official forum for news and announcements, game strategies and tactics, game support, and final or beta versions of maps (no registration needed). You can visit the Garena Killing Floor forum section for updates, map packs, cracks and game support (no registration needed). You can visit the EPCGaming Killing Floor forum section for game news, updates, map packs and cracks (no registration needed). You can also visit the Steam Killing Floor forum section and the official Killing Floor wiki for game news, info, strategies and tips.

! When downloading new updates for the game, make sure they are working. If you see no
confirmation of the updates working, or even worse, see people complaining about the updates not working, do not waste your time downloading and installing them. If you have enough space on your hard drive, make a backup (safety copy) of your entire Killing Floor folder, then download and install the updates. If you find out they arent working, just revert to your Killing Floor backup.

Thank Alex Quick, the Killing Floor mod developer and Tripwire Interactive for the game (so BUY the game if you enjoy playing it). Thank GTI for their repacked no steam version of Killing Floor. Thank revCrew of the CS.RIN.RU forum for the REVOLUTiON Loader. Thank satannuts of the Garena and EPCGaming forums for the game updates, map packs and cracks. Thank liam_88 of the Garena forum for the game updates, map packs and cracks.

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