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19 Sept, 2022 Diana Dinu


One of the most

All of these disorders can appear or can occur in

children or adolescents for many reasons, including

things for
social networking, the big problem for many

adolescents. The excessive use of social networks is


everyone should

not normal and can cause a lot of damage in

be mental

adolescents, as people comment and express their

opinions freely and often some comments or posts

Even if many

people think or

can affect adolescents. "Many people don't seem to

know that behind a screen there is a person with

don't believe in
these problems,
many doctors claim that they could be
That is why many psychologists recommend the

even worse than many chronic physical parents "checking" the apps they use or the people

illnesses. they talk to, but without violating their privacy.

These mental problems, unfortunately,
Another of the many reasons why they often have

are also suffered by children and

anxiety, or are constantly stressed, is because of

adolescents. Often families miss some

family pressure or the pressure of studies. "It is

warning or sign of this, not all children

important not to overstep limits and not to be too

transmit these symptoms in the same

demanding on them," say many psychiatrists.
way. There are more and more videos of mothers

“The important thing is to be able to

explaining the consequences of bullying and

detect it early and to seek help, because

childhood depression. A sad example of this is a

every day, children and adolescents are

news item that came out a few months ago, "A 12

becoming more and more affected”,

year old boy victim of bullying commits suicide in

explains a psychologist. Utah". The boy's name was Drake Hardman and

But, the question here is, how can we

after many months of bullying and a lot of anxiety,

prevent mental illness like depression,

he took his own life. This horrible new is shocking

anxiety, etc? the United States.

So, the answer to how we can avoid these illnesses

and their consequences is by understanding, asking

for help, and listening to the person.

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