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«На Урок» ПІБ:

Module 8 Full Blast Plus 5

1. I'm going to go ... from London to New York.

а) by train б) by plain

в) on plain г) in a car

2. We ... going to visit Canada.

а) am б) is

в) are г) isn't

3. Bill is going to camp. He shold buy a ...

а) fire б) tent

в) car г) cap

4. You ... make a fire close to the trees! It's dangerous.

а) mustn't б) must

в) are going to г) should

5. Find the odd word.

а) torch б) sleeping bag

в) tent г) museum

6. Find the odd word.

а) first-aid kit б) backpack

в) map г) rock climbing

7. It's not a water sport.

а) scuba diving б) water skiing

в) skiing г) surfing

8. Find the odd word.

а) corals б) fish

в) barracudas г) lions
9. Scuba diving is ... than swimming.

а) more expensive б) more popular

в) cheaper г) boringer

10. The capital city of Argentina is ... .

а) Buenos Aires б) Aconcagua

в) Patagonia

11. It's the most popular sport in Argentina.

а) football б) swimming

в) water skiing г) tango

12. Asado is ... .

а) fish б) barbecue

в) fruit г) soup

13. Find the odd word: 'A lot of animals like ... live in Argentina'

а) the puma б) the guanaco

в) the Magellanic penquin г) the panda bear

14. Argentina is the eight largerst country in ... .

а) the world б) South America

в) Asia г) Europa

15. The official language of Argettina is ... .

а) Spanish б) English

в) French г) Argentinian

16. The capital city of Ukraine is ... .

а) Kyiv б) Kharkiv

в) Odessa г) Lviv

17. The longest river of Ukraine is the ... .

а) Siverskyi Donets б) Dnieper

в) Dnister г) South Buh

18. Hello from Lviv. I ... perfect holiday here. You can see my photos.

а) am having б) have

в) had г) am going to have

19. I ... the Lviv Opera House yesterday.

а) visit б) visited

в) am visiting г) am going to visit

20. I ... souvenirs for my family tomorrow.

а) buy б) bought

в) am buying г) am going to buy

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