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Name: _________________________________________ Date: ______

Teacher: Mahendra Surya, S.Pd.
Discovery of Cells

1. What did Hooke see when he looked at cork under the microscope? __________
2. What did Leeuwenhoek call the living things he saw in pond water? __________
3. Schwann and Schleiden suggested that cells were the _________
4. What did Virchow propose? __________
5. According to the Cell Theory, all organisms are made of __________
All of life __________ of an organism occurs within cells.
All cells come from __________ cells.

6. Cells with different functions have different __________.

7. Why do pollen grains have spikes? __________
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

8. What types of cells do not have a nucleus? __________

9. What types of organisms are eukaryotes? __________
10. Label the bacteria.
1) __________
2) __________
3) __________
4) __________
5) __________
6) __________

11. An __________ is a structure within the cytoplasm that

performs a specific job.

12. Examine Figure 2.5 showing a eukaryote cell. Answer true or false to each
of the statements about this image:
____ Chromatin is found within the nucleus
____ More than one mitochondrion is shown in the cell.
____ A centrosome consists of three centrioles.
____ The largest structure shown in the cell is the peroxisome.
____ Rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes.
Basic Parts of a Cell

13. The plasma membrane is made of a thin coat of __________

14. What part of the cell makes proteins? __________
15. What contains the genetic instructions to make proteins? __________
16. What structure inside the nucleus makes ribosomes? __________
17. What organelles are attached to rough endoplasmic reticulum? __________
18. What is the job of the smoother ER? __________
19. What organelle modifies, sorts, and packages substances? __________
20. What are the basic tools (structures) for transport and storage? __________
21. What kinds of vesicles contain powerful enzymes to break down substances? __________
22. What vesicles produce hydrogen peroxide as they break down toxins? __________
23. What type of cells have very large vacuoles? __________
24. What organelles are important for cell division? __________

25. Match the parts of the cell

____ Nucleus

____ Golgi Apparatus

____ Rough ER

____ Cell Membrane

____ Mitochondria
Plant Cells

1. How do plants make their own food? _________

2. What is the purpose of the cell wall? _________
3. What is the main role of the central vacuole? _________

4. Examine figure 2.8 to answer true or false to the following statements:

____ The cell wall is outside the plasma membrane.
____ Plant cells have mitochondria.
____ The nucleus is larger than the central vacuole.
____ Plant cells do not have peroxisomes.

5. Match the plastid with its function:

____ Store pigments that give orange and yellow colors a. leucoplasts
____ Located in roots; storage b. chloroplasts
____ Organelle of photosynthesis c. chromoplasts

6. Chloroplasts need what two things from the environment to make food? _________
7. What is the fluid within the chloroplast called? _________
8. What is the site of photosynthesis within the chloroplast? _________
9. Thylakoids are arranged in stacks called _________
10. Label the plant cell. (It is not exactly the same as Fig 2.8.)

____ Mitochondria
____ Chromosomes
____ Nucleus
____ Vacuole
____ Cytoplasm
____ Cell Wall
____ Cell Membrane
____ Chloroplast
____ Golgi Apparatus
____ Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

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