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A compilation of notes as transcribed by

At the end of the unit, the students are able to:
1. Define leadership and contrast leadership
and management.
2. Summarize the conclusions of trait theories
of leadership.
3. Identify the central tenets and main
limitations of behavioral theories.
4. Assess contingency theories of leadership by
their level of support.
At the end of the unit, the students are able to:
5. Compare and contrast charismatic and
transformational leadership.
6. Define authentic leadership and show why
effective leaders exemplify ethics and trust.
7. Demonstrate the role mentoring plays in our
understanding of leadership.
8. Address challenges to the effectiveness of
Leadership: Defined
The ability to influence a group toward the
achievement of a vision or set of goals.

A compilation of notes as transcribed by DR. BENJAMIN O. ALO

Theories of Leadership

Early Theories of leadership

• Trait
• Behavioral
Contingency Theories of Leadership
• Fiedler Model
• Situational Leadership Theory
• Path-Goal Theory
• Leader participation Model
❑Leader-Member Exchange
• Charismatic
• Transformational

A compilation of notes as transcribed by DR. BENJAMIN O. ALO

Early Theories of Leadership
• Trait theories of leadership
Theories that consider personal qualities and
characteristics that differentiate leaders from

A compilation of notes as transcribed by DR. BENJAMIN O. ALO

Early Theories of Leadership
• Behavioral theories of leadership
Theories proposing that specific behaviors
differentiate leaders from non-leaders.

A compilation of notes as transcribed by DR. BENJAMIN O. ALO

Early Theories of Leadership
• Behavioral theories of leadership
• Initiating Structure
• Consideration

A compilation of notes as transcribed by DR. BENJAMIN O. ALO

Contingency Theories of
• Fiedler Model
The theory that effective groups depend on a proper
match between a leader’s style of interacting with
subordinates and the degree to which the situation
gives control and influence to the leader.

A compilation of notes as transcribed by DR. BENJAMIN O. ALO

Contingency Theories of
• Elements of Fiedler Model
1. Identify the leadership style
2. Define the situation
3. Match leader and situation

A compilation of notes as transcribed by DR. BENJAMIN O. ALO

Contingency Theories of
Fiedler Model
3 Contingencies
1. Leader–member relations
2. Task structure
3. Position power

A compilation of notes as transcribed by DR. BENJAMIN O. ALO

Contingency Theories of
• Situational Leadership Theory (SLT)
successful leadership depends on selecting the right
leadership style contingent on the followers’
readiness, or the extent to which they are willing and
able to accomplish a specific task.

A compilation of notes as transcribed by DR. BENJAMIN O. ALO

Contingency Theories of
• Path – Goal Theory
It’s the leader’s job to provide followers with the
information, support, or other resources necessary
to achieve their goals.

A compilation of notes as transcribed by DR. BENJAMIN O. ALO

Contingency Theories of
• Path – Goal Theory
Leader Behavior
1. Directive
2. Supportive
3. Participative
4. Achievement-oriented

A compilation of notes as transcribed by DR. BENJAMIN O. ALO

Contingency Theories of
• Leader-Participation Model
A theory that provides a set of rules to determine the
form and amount of participative decision making in
different situations.

A compilation of notes as transcribed by DR. BENJAMIN O. ALO

Leader – Member
Exchange(LMX) Theory
• A theory that supports leaders’ creation of in-
groups and out-groups; subordinates with in-group
status will have higher performance ratings, less
turnover, and greater job satisfaction.

A compilation of notes as transcribed by DR. BENJAMIN O. ALO

Leader – Member
Exchange(LMX) Theory

A compilation of notes as transcribed by DR. BENJAMIN O. ALO

Charismatic Leadership
• Creates an atmosphere of motivation based on an
emotional commitment to and identity with his
vision, style philosophy

A compilation of notes as transcribed by DR. BENJAMIN O. ALO

Transactional Leadership
• helps the follower identify what must be done to
accomplish the desired results and ensures that
employees have the resources needed to
complete the job.

A compilation of notes as transcribed by DR. BENJAMIN O. ALO

Transformational Leadership
• motivates followers to work for goals instead of
short-term self-interest and for achievement and

A compilation of notes as transcribed by DR. BENJAMIN O. ALO

Servant Leadership
emphasizes employee growth and service to others
as worth while ends in an of themselves, placing
others’ needs first before their own

A compilation of notes as transcribed by DR. BENJAMIN O. ALO

Managerial Grid

A compilation of notes as transcribed by DR. BENJAMIN O. ALO

Robbins, Stephen & Judge, Timothy (2018)
Organizational Behavior. 18ed , Pearson Prentice
Hall, New Jersey

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