Oral Com Reviewer

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Lesson 1

What is Communication?
 Communication came from Latin word communis = working together.
 Process of sharing and conveying messages or information from one person to
another within and across channels, context, media and cultures. (McCornack,
 A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a
common system of symbols, signs, or behaviour.

Nature of Communication
1. Dynamic Process
 Communication is a dynamic process. It goes way beyond the words we say.
 Speech refers to the actual words or sounds that are coming from your mouth.
 Language is the grammar, Meaning and ability to use the words you have.
 When people talk about language, they are referring to both verbal and non-verbal
2. Systemic Process
 Communication is a systematic process to create and to interpret the meaning. The
process is Involved how sender and receiver encode and decode the message.
 According to Griffin (2012), 38% of communication is based on use of the voice,
55% is a non-verbal communication and only about 7% of communication is related
to the emotional meaning of message.
 Communication neutrally happened in daily lives from the moment of wake up in the
morning until sleep at night, which is the process of the communication still persists
(Beck, Bennet, & Wall, 2002).
3. Involves Communicator
 Communication involves at least two persons, A sender and a receiver.
4. Irreversible
 We wish we hadn’t said something and we can apologise for something we said and
later regret it but we can’t take it back.
5. Proactive
 Related to the organizational psychology term proactivity, which states that
Individuals should act based on anticipatory behaviour rather than reacting to
6. Symbolic Interaction
 Focuses on three main aspects of communication: meaning, language and thought.
According to the Theory, meaning is not inherent in objects, But is, instead,
constructed and modified Within different contexts through social Interaction.

7. Meaning is individually construed

 To understand or explain the meaning of (somethIng), especially in a particular way; 

Lesson 2
1. Sending and Receiving
2. Encoding and Decoding

 Needs
 Desires
 Perception
 Knowledge
 Feelings
 Ideas
 Thoughts
 News

 Speech (face to face)

Other Forms:
 Letter
 Email
 Text
 Television
 Radio
 Memos

 Linguistic
 Non-Linguistic
 Verbal
 Non-Verbal
 Intentional
 Unintentional
 Conventional
 Unconventional

 To inform
 To persuade
 To share
 To emote

 Is the process of passing information and understanding from one person to
 It’s a two way process.
 Involves, content, medium, forms, and Purpose.

Lesson 3
Communication is a Human Activity
 People communicate their ideas and feelings using a language, in whatever form, to
meet their needs.
 It maybe “a deliberate or accidental transfer of meaning.” (Gamble & Gamble,
 A human engagement whether it takes place as one speaks with Himself/herself in
prayer or during reflection (intrapersonal) between two people (interpersonal),
among several persons (group communications), or between one person and a big
group of people or the public.

Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

 Verbal Communication make use of words in the process of sending and
receiving messages.
 Written Communication is sending and receiving messages through written
symbols, such as language. It uses traditional pen and paper or electronic
 Oral Communication includes listening and speaking skills. This mode of
Communication maybe done through face -to – face conversations with a
person or a group, or through electronic means such as telephones or
cellphones, video conferencing, or any other medium.
 Talking with your friends over the phone or having face-to- face conversations
are examples of informal oral communication.
 Conducting seminars or lectures, delivering a speech in front of big audience, and
presenting business proposals are examples of formal oral presentations.
 Nonverbal communication is sending and receiving messages without the use
of words; instead, nonverbal language is used such as facial expression and
body movements, among others.
 Although nonverbal language can communicate by itself, it makes Oral
communication more effective when it used appropriately.
Audio and Visual communication
 Audio communication primarily uses sounds to communicate or any form of
transmission that is based on hearing.
 Visual Communication uses aids such as pictures, drawings, llustrations, and
graphic organizers, like charts and tables.
 Audio and visual media usually reinforce oral and written communication, but
they can also communicate by themselves.
In some presentations, they may even replace written and oral communication
1. Charts and tables
2. Advertisement on billboard

Elements of the Communication Process

The Sender
 The communication process begins with the sender, who is also called
the communicator or source.
The Receiver
 The person to whom a message is directed is called the receiver or the interpreter.
The Message
 The message or content is the information that the sender wants to relay to the
The Medium
 Also called the channel, the medium is the means by which a message is
 The communication process reaches its final point when the message has been
successfully transmitted, received, and understood.

•Noise: This can be any sort of interference that affects the message being
Sent, received, or understood.
•Context: This is the setting and situation in which communication takes
Place. Like noise, context can have an impact on the successful exchange Of
information. It may have a physical, social, or cultural aspect to it.

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