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Department of Education

Detailed Lesson Plan
“Lawn Tennis”
I. Objectives

After the 50-minute discussion, students should be able to:

a. Discuss the brief history of lawn tennis.
b. Identify the equipments and facilities of lawn tennis
c. Perform some of the strokes of lawn tennis
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic
 Lawn Tennis

b. Reference/s
Online resources:


c. Instructional Material/s
 Laptop
 PowerPoint presentation
 TV
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

• Preliminary Activities

• Greetings
Good morning, everyone. Good morning, Ma’am.

How are you all today? We’re fine!

• Prayer (Ms. Doldol will lead the prayer)

Before we proceed to our class
discussion, let’s have our prayer
first. Ms. Doldol, please lead the
Yes, Ma’am.
Are you ready for today’s lesson?

• Checking of Attendance
Let me check your attendance first.
(Students will clap as a response to
their teacher’s commend)
Wow! Excellent attendance.
Everyone is here.

• Etiquette
Let me remind you of a few things
throughout this session in order to
make the lesson more electric and

1. Respect everyone.
2. Be prepared at all times.
3. If you have question do not
hesitate to ask for
Yes, Ma’am.
4. Always do your best.

Do you Understand?

Here are the things you need to

• Discuss the brief history of lawn
• identify the equipments and
facilities of lawn tennis
• perform some of the
fundamentals of lawn tennis

(The teacher will present the


• Motivation

Before we proceed to our lesson, I want

you to finish first the activity for today’s
session. Don’t worry because this will
only be simple.

Good! So, as you can see there are

set of jumbled letters at the
blackboard. What you are going to (Students will raise their hands)
do is arrange those letters to form
the correct words that is relevant to
our topic.

Now, I need 5 volunteer students (The students will participate in the said
who will go in front to arrange the activity.)
Yes, Ma’am!

(Mr. Ildefonso raised his hand)

(5 minutes later)

I believe everyone is done.

Good job, class! Everyone arranged (Mr. Ildefonso read the words)
the words correctly. Can somebody
read the words?

Okay, read the words Mr. Ildefonso.

Alright! It seems like you have an
idea regarding on the topic that we
are going to discuss today. (Ms. Ticsay will raise her hand)

Ma'am, Lawn Tennis is a sport played

• Lesson Proper by players using a tennis racket that is
strung with cord to strike a hollow
rubber ball
What is Lawn Tennis, anyone?

Yes, Ms. Ticsay.

Okay, that’s right!

• Ok, so lawn tennis is a racket

sport that can be played
individually against a single
opponent (singles) or between
two teams of two players each

now let’s learn more about lawn


• The modern game of tennis
in Birmingham, England, in the
late 19th century as "lawn
• The origins of the game can be
traced to a 12th–13th-century
French handball game called jeu
de paume or “game of the palm”.
• This ancient game is still played
to a limited degree and is usually
called real tennis in Britain, court
tennis in the United States, and
royal tennis in Australia.

Equipments and Facilities

Rackets can be made of many alloys
or wood. There are no restrictions on
the size or materials used in making
a racket. It has an oval head and a
gradually widening throat that
connects the narrow handle with the
head of the racket.

As per ITF rules, Tennis balls are
yellow colored spherical balls, with a
diameter between 2.5 and 2.625
inches. They weigh between 2 and
21/16 oz. Pressurized rubber is used
to make semi spherical half shells.
They are then joined with
compressed air between them.

A rectangular net is used to separate
the two sides of a Tennis court. The
net should cover the space between
the two net posts. The net is woven
in such a way that it does not allow
the Tennis ball to pass through. It is
usually tied in about 3 feet above
the ground at the center.

Tennis is played on a rectangular,
flat surface, usually grass, clay,
or a hardcourt of concrete,
asphalt, or acrylic; occasionally
carpet is used for indoor play. All
the lines are required to be
between 1 and 2 inches (51 mm)
in width. The baseline can be up
to 4 inches (100 mm) wide.

None, Ma’am.

Any questions?

Okay, let’s continue.


• A game consists of a sequence
of points played with the same
player serving.
• A game is won by the first player
to have won at least four points
in total and at least two points
more than the opponent.
• The running score of each game
is described in a manner peculiar
to tennis: scores from zero to
three points are described as
"love", "fifteen", "thirty", and
"forty" respectively. If at least
three points have been scored by
each player, making the player's
scores equal at forty apiece, the
score is not called out as "forty-
forty", but rather as "deuce".

• A set consists of a sequence of
games played with service
alternating between games,
ending when the count of games
won meets certain criteria.
• A player wins a set by winning at
least six games and at least two
games more than the opponent.
• If one player has won six games
and the opponent five, an
additional game is played. If the
leading player wins that game,
the player wins the set 7–5.
• If the trailing player wins the
game, a tie-break is played. A tie-
break, played under a separate
set of rules, allows one player to
win one more game and thus the
set, to give a final set score of 7–
• A "love" set means that the loser
of the set won zero games, also
termed as 'jam donut' in the
USA. In tournament play, the
chair umpire announces the
winner of the set and the overall

• A match consists of a sequence
of sets.
• The outcome is determined
through a best of three or
five sets system.
• On the professional circuit, men
play best-of-five-set matches
while women play best-of-three-
set matches at all tournaments.
• The first player to win two sets in
a best-of-three, or three sets in a
best-of-five, wins the match.
• In tournament play, the
chair umpire announces the end
of the match with the well-known
phrase "Game, set, match"
followed by the winning person's
or team's name.

A grip is a way of holding the
racquet in order to hit shots during a
match. The grip affects the angle of
the racquet face when it hits the ball
and influences the pace, spin, and
placement of the shot.

• A serve (service) in tennis is a
shot to start a point.
• The serve is initiated by tossing
the ball into the air and hitting it
into the diagonally opposite
service box without touching the
• If the ball hits the net on the first
serve and bounces over into the
correct diagonal box then it is
called a "let" and the server gets
two more additional serves to get
it in.

• For a right-handed player, the
forehand is a stroke that begins
on the right side of the body,
continues across the body as
contact is made with the ball, and
ends on the left side of the body.

• For right-handed players, the
backhand is a stroke that begins
on the left side of their body,
continues across their body as
contact is made with the ball, and
ends on the right side of their
body. It can be executed with
either one hand or with both and
is generally considered more
difficult to master than the


• A VOLLEY is a shot returned to

the opponent in mid-air before
the ball bounces, generally
performed near the net, and is
usually made with a stiff-wristed
punching motion to hit the ball
into an open area of the
opponent's court.
• The HALF VOLLEY is made by
hitting the ball on the rise just
after it has bounced, also
generally in the vicinity of the
net, and played with the racquet
close to the ground. 
out of the air as the player
approaches the net. It is an
offensive shot used to take
preparation time away from the
opponent, as it returns the ball
into the opponent's court much
faster than a standard volley.
• From a poor defensive position
on the baseline, the LOB can be
used as either an offensive or
defensive weapon, hitting the ball
high and deep into the
opponent's court to either enable
the lobber to get into better
defensive position or to win the
point outright by hitting it over
the opponent's head. If the lob is
not hit deeply enough into the
other court, however, an
opponent near the net may then
hard, serve-like shot, to try to
end the point.
• If an opponent is far from the
net, a player may suddenly
employ an unexpected DROP
SHOT, by softly tapping the ball
just over the net so that the
opponent is unable to run in fast
enough to retrieve it.
• Advanced players will often apply
back spin to a drop shot, causing
the ball to "skid" upon landing
and bounce sideways, with less
forward momentum toward their
opponent, or even backwards None, ma’am.
towards the net, thus making it
even more difficult to return.


• Application
Now, I will show some videos and
pictures and identify what basic
skills/strokes in lawn tennis are shown.
(Students will answer)
Are you ready?
(Students will answer)

Video No. 1 (Students will answer)

Video No. 2 (Students will answer)

Video No. 3 (Students will answer)

Video No. 4

Video No. 5

Very Good everyone!

So, for your activity, practice the basic

skills and stroke of Lawn Tennis and
make a video of you when you execute

I’ll give you a week to practice and

make the video.
In Birmingham, England Ma’am.

• Generalization

Again class, where did the modern

game tennis originated? 19th century Ma’am.

Very good!

When did this game known as lawn


Excellent answer!
IV. Assessment
Directions: Identify the following.

1. Is a shot returned to the opponent in mid-air before the ball bounces.

2. Is made by hitting the ball on the rise just after it has bounced.
3. Is hit out of the air as the player approaches the net.
4. A hard, serve-like shot, to try to end the point.
5. Can be used as either an offensive or defensive weapon, hitting the ball high and
deep into the opponent's court.

Key Answer:
1. Volley
2. Half Volley
3. Swinging Volley
4. Overhead Smash
5. Lob

V. Assignment:
1. Find out some famous players of Lawn Tennis and discuss on the next

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