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Education is an independent sector, yet the fact remains that it is highly

interrelated and interconnected with the various and multiple sectors in the society. It is

attestable that the education sector and society are highly inseparable and

complementary with each other. Evidently, the various areas of societal development

have its roots or foundation to the quality, influence and impacts of education system of

the country.

It is noteworthy to realize and recognize that the foundation of socio-economic

and academic empowerment of the citizens and professionals in the society can be

attributed to the support services endowed by the education sector. Through the

educational support systems and services, the society and its population become more

meaningfully, academically and innovatively directed, driven and equipped. This is

because education sector serves as the mainstream source of wide range of knowledge

that make citizens attributed with competence, productivity and values that contribute

towards a noble society.

That is why it is highly important and indispensable that there are learning areas

and fields of knowledge that orient, inform and educate the learners, youth and public

about the roles and contributions of education in the society. These fields of knowledge

include sociology and other socially-oriented areas of discipline. Engagement in

learning under these areas enables the learners to gain more in-depth and profound

cognizance, recognition and understanding of the value of education in the

empowerment of the society and its people.

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