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BUSINESS ETHICS behavior to higher management or to an external

authority or the public

Social Responsibility - any Responsibility we have,
 the achievements of Gawad Kalinga (GK) particularly towards members of the society with
have been remarkable, to say the least. Just whom you interact or towards the society in
15 years after it started in 1995, gk had general, are called our social responsibility
built close to 200,000 houses in more than
2,000 gk villages in poor communities all Business Social Responsibility - the obligation of
over the country for a fraction of the cost of any business to protect and serve public interest is
government’s owned subsidized and low known as social responsibility of business
cost housing programs
Corruption – the violation of public duties by
 gawad kalinga founder; recipient of the
private interests when rules or norms objectively
2006 Magsaysay award for community
define those two realms
leadership recognized as “social
entrepreneur of the year.  Bribery - an attempt to make someone do
something for you by giving the person
Poverty - is conceptualized as a deficiency or
money, presents, or something else that he
shortage of some sort, typically in comparison
or she wants
either to the living standards of others within the
 Extortion - is the wrongful use of actual or
same society or culture “relative poverty”, or to a
threatened force, violence or intimidation to
universal measure of adequate provision “absolute
gain money or property from an individual
or entity
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - is a  Embezzlement - the crime of secretly
“continuing commitment by business to behave taking money that is in your care or that
ethically and contribute to economic development belongs to an organization or business you
while improving the quality of life of the workforce work for
and their families, the local community, and society  Favoritism - the practice of giving unfair
at large.” preferential treatment to one person or
group at the expense of another
Deceptive Ads - are those that make false
 Nepotism - the practice among those with
statements about or misrepresent the product, for
power or influence of favoring relatives or
example, the picture presented in the
friends, especially by giving them jobs
advertisement is different from the actual product.
 Clientelism - a political or social system
Article of the Consumer Act of the Philippines based on the relation of client to patron
(Republic Act no. 7394) - “the state shall protect with the client giving political or financial
the consumer from misleading advertisements and support to a patron in exchange for some
fraudulent sales promotion practices”. special privilege or benefit
 Fraud – a person or thing intended to
The Labor Code of the Philippines (Presidential
deceive others, typically by unjustifiably
Decree no. 442) - a decree instituting a labor code
claiming or being credited with
thereby revising and consolidating labor and social
accomplishments or qualities
laws to afford protection to labor, promote
 Kickback - an amount of money that is paid
employment and human resources development,
to someone illegally in exchange for secret
and insure industrial peace based on social justice
help or work
Republic Act No. 6727 (Wage Rationalization
High Level of Corruption - can involve
Act) - mandates the fixing of the minimum wages
appointments inside information, policy influence,
applicable to different industrial sectors
political party financing, and public official’s misuse
Insider Trading - characterized as the buying or of power
selling of shares of stock on the basis of information
Petty Corruption - everyday corruption where
known only to the trader
public officials meet private officials
Whistle-Blowing - is the act, for an employee of
Vision and Mission - it is need by the company to
disclosing what he believes to be unethical or illegal
sustain the needs of the customers and to follow the
rules and regulation of the company
Abuse - behavior that deviates from formal or Employee Ethics - the study of business ethics
informal rules established by the one that delegated refers to the ethical dimensions of productive
the activity organizations and commercial activities, and it
applies to the production, distribution, marketing,
Private Benefits - cash, goods, power, benefits to
sale and consumption of goods and services
relatives/kin, religious, ethnic or political groups,
today or in the future for both bribe taker and bribe Sexuality - is about your sexual feelings, thoughts,
maker attractions and behaviors towards other people.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - also Allosexual – a word and category describing those
known as the Global Goals, were adopted by all who experience sexual attraction
United Nations Member States in 2015 as a
Allosexism – this refers to norms, stereotypes, and
universal call to action to end poverty, protect the
practices in society that operate under the
planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and
assumption that all human beings experience, or
prosperity by 2030
should experience, sexual attraction.
1. No Poverty
Androsexual – a term used to communicate sexual
2. Zero Hunger
or romantic attraction to men, males, or
3. Good Health and Well-Being
4. Quality Education
5. Gender Equality Asexual - individuals who don’t experience sexual
6. Clean Water and Sanitation attraction to others of any gender
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth Aromantic - people who experience little or no
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure romantic attraction, regardless of sex or gender
10. Reducing Inequality Autosexual – a person who’s sexually attracted to
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities themselves
12. Responsible Consumption and
Production Autoromantic – a romantic orientation that
13. Climate Action describes a person who’s romantically attracted to
14. Life Below Water themselves.
15. Life on Land
Bicurious - this refers to people who are
16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
questioning or exploring bisexuality, which
17. Partnerships for the Goals
typically includes curiosity about one’s romantic or
Recycling - make efforts to reduce the amount of sexual attraction to people of the same or different
refuse discharged from the plant by improving the genders
yield ratio of materials and reducing the defective
Bisexual – a sexual orientation that describes those
ratio, as well as actively promoting recycling of
who experience sexual, romantic, or emotional
attractions to people of more than one gender
Green Factory - we have integrated various kinds
Biromantic - those who experience romantic
of processes for preventing air and water pollution
attraction, but not sexual attraction, to individuals
due to smoke and wastewater emitted from the
of more than one gender
Prostitution - is the criminal act of providing, or
Promotion of Green Procurement - procure
offering to provide, sexual services in exchange for
materials and sub materials that can be recycled.
We thoroughly prohibit using any hazardous
chemical substances and have shifted to using Divorce - a legal action between married people to
materials with fewer environmental wastes terminate their marriage relationship
Volunteers - cleaning activities to create a clean Specialization - is defined as the division of labour.
town together with the people of the local societies
Steve Nyugen - leadership and talent development
Environmental Ethics - this practice provides consultant
information to avoid misused of the raw materials
Peter Singer – an Australian philosopher says that
where world poverty is concerned 'giving to
charity' is neither charitable nor generous; it is no  Disturbance Handler – responsible for
more than our duty and not giving would be wrong corrective action when organization faces
important, unexpected disturbances
Implement and Evaluate - this is where talk meets
 Resource Allocator – makes or approves
significant organizational decisions
Ethical Decision - before a model can be utilized,  Negotiator – responsible for representing
leaders need to work through a set of steps to be the organization at major negotiations
sure they are bringing a comprehensive lens to
handling ethical disputes or problems
 Technical Skills – the ability to apply
Manager - responsible for planning and directing
the work of group of individuals, monitoring their specialized knowledge or expertise
performance and taking corrective action when  Human Skills – the ability to work with,
necessary for the accomplishment of organizational understand, and motivate other people,
goals and objectives both individually and in groups
 Conceptual Skills - the mental ability to
 First-line Managers - are at the lowest analyze and diagnose complex situations
level of management and manage the work
of non-managerial employees Management Risk - it’s all about keeping the
 Middle Managers – manage the work of company's reputation and fiscal health in check
first-line managers Compliance with the Laws - we tighten
 Top Managers - are responsible for making management and monitoring of our facilities by
organization-wide decisions and setting our self-imposed management criteria that
establishing plans and goals that affect the is stricter than the current laws and regulations
entire organization
Organization - a consciously coordinated social
ROLES OF A MANAGER unit, composed of two or more people, that
functions on a relatively continuous basis to
Interpersonal Roles
achieve a common goal or set of goals
 Figurehead – symbolic head; required to
Managerial Concerns: Efficiency & Effectiveness
perform a number of routine duties of a
legal or social nature The Family Code of the Philippines (Act. 209) -
 Leader – responsible for the motivation provides that the “parents and those exercising
and direction of employees parental authority shall have with respect to their
 Liaison – maintains a network of outside unemancipated children or wards the following
contacts who provide favors and rights and duties
Confucian Ethics - the practice of the TAO - “the
Informational Roles way of life” or the ultimate purpose and
enlightenment in life – is very important
 Monitor – receives wide variety of
information; serves as nerve center of Hinduism - souls continue to be reborn
internal and external information of the
Religion - this kind of group believe and practices
that is often focused on one or more deities, or gods
 Disseminator – transmits information
receives from outsiders or from other Secondary Stakeholders - they have a potential
employees to members of the organization influence in the event of boycotts and may emerge
 Spokesperson – transmits information to rapidly as players capable of influencing the
outsiders on organization’s plans, policies, company’s performance
actions, and results; serves as expert on
Malversation - public funds, the offender
organization’s industry
misappropriates public funds for his own personal
Decisional Roles use or allows any other person to take such public
funds for the latter's personal use
 Entrepreneur – searches organization and
its environment for opportunities and Conversation - it is a major pastime and people
initiates projects to bring about change enjoy joking around and teasing one another

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