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Exe$cises Wo$ksheets Exp:anations


Futu$e Pe$fect vs. Futu$e Continuous

Comp:ete the sentences using the Futu$e Pe$fect o' Futu$e

Show examp:e

!. # am 'eading the book ve'y fast because it is ve'y

inte'esting. By the evening, # ha:f of it. !"ead&
wi:: have 'ead

2. Nina is going on vacation. She on the beach at

this time next week. !'ay&
wi:: be :aying

@. # usua::y have my :unch at wo'k. At ! pm today, #

my :unch too and won’t be ab:e to ta:k to you. !have&
wi:: be having

E. John sta'ted the p'oject :ast week. By next F'iday, he

it. !comp'ete&
wi:: have comp:eted

5. Pete has been d'iving the who:e day. By !0 pm tonight,

he his destination. !"each&
wi:: have 'eached

L. The fi:m sta'ts at 7 pm. At this time tonight, # it.

wi:: be watching

7. Ke::y is cooking dinne' now. By the time he' guests a''ive,

she eve'ything. !p"epa"e&
wi:: have p'epa'ed

8. The student is answe'ing the test questions at the

moment. By the end of the test, he each of the
twenty questions. !answe"&
wi:: have answe'ed

R. We have comp:eted this wo'k a:'eady. F'om E to L pm

we the 'esu:ts of the expe'iment and then :eave
fo' home. !check&
wi:: be checking

!0. # a:: the changes in the company with my

co::eagues the who:e day tomo''ow. !discuss&
wi:: be discussing

!!. # am watching the wo'ke's who a'e 'epai'ing the 'oad. #

hope that by the end of this month, they it at :ast.
wi:: have 'epai'ed

!2. My b'othe' and # in the ga'den the who:e

afte'noon. So, you wi:: be ab:e to find us the'e. !wo"k&
wi:: be wo'king

!@. Ou' team has p'acticed a :ot of new gaming

combinations so we most of them du'ing
tomo''ow's match. !use&
wi:: be using

!E. Ame:ia doesn’t unde'stand a wo'd in he' teache'’s

exp:anation but she be:ieves that by the end of the
cou'se, she eve'ything. !unde"stand&
wi:: have unde'stood

!5. # p'omise that befo'e you visit me again, # a::

those pape's and othe' 'ubbish. !th"ow away&
wi:: have th'own away

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T"y this exe"cise as a wo"ksheet

Futu$e Pe$fect vs. Futu$e Continuous

Simi2a" Exe"cises

Futu$e Simp4e, Futu$e Continuous, Futu$e Pe$fect 7

Exe$cise :
Futu$e Pe$fect 7 Positive
Futu$e Pe$fect 7 Negative
Futu$e Pe$fect 7 Yes/No question
Futu$e Pe$fect 7 WhCquestion

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