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FC Questions on Magnetic materials

1. What is a magnet?
2. What is a naturally available magnet?
3. What is meant by magnetic materials?
4. Define magnetic properties.
5. What are the three main classifications of magnetic materials?
6. What is the classification of magnets? Explain.
7. What is ferromagnetism explain by giving two examples?
8. What are diamagnetic materials. Give examples.
9. What is Para magnetism. Give examples.
10. Define magnetic moment/magnetic dipole moment. Write its
mathematical expression and SI unit.
11. Define the process of Magnetization ( or magnetic polarization)? Give
its mathematical expression. [Mz = magnetic moment/Volume of
12. What are antiferromagnetic materials. Give example.
13. What are hard and soft magnetic materials? Give examples.
14. What is the application of magnetic materials?
15. What is Magnetic susceptibility, χ? Give its mathematical expression
and SI unit
16. What does magnetic susceptibility depend on?
17. What is magnetic permeability ‘µ’ and its formula? Give SI unit.
μ = B/H
18. What is permeability also known as?
19. Define permeability constant, μ0? Give its SI units.
20. Derive the relationship between magnetic permeability and magnetic
21. Which material has higher magnetic susceptibility?
22. What are electromagnets? Give examples.
23. What is the importance of electromagnetism in modern technology?
24. What is Curie temperature and what happens above Curie temperature?
25. Differentiate between coercivity and retentivity of magnetic material.
Give examples.
26. Define magnetic moment. Give its SI unit.
27. What is Curie temperature? Explain it in relation to magnetization of
magnetic materials.

28.Find the magnetization of the bar magnet of length 10 cm and cross-

sectional area 3 cm2. The magnetic moment of the magnet is 1 Am2.
Soln: Given: Length of magnet :l = 10 cm, 
cross-sectional area = A = 3 cm2,
Magnetic moment = M =  1 Am2.
Magnetization = MZ = ?

Volume of bar magnet = V = length x cross-sectional area = 10 x 3 =

30 cm3 = 30 x 10-6 m3.
MZ = M/V = 1/ (30 x 10-6) = 3.33 x 104 A/m.
Ans: Magnetization of the bar magnet is 3.33 x 104 A/m.2
29. Find the magnetization of bar magnet of mass 180 g, the density of
material 8 g/cm3 and the magnetic moment 3.5 Am2.
Given: Mass of magnet = m = 180 g, 
Density of material of magnet = 8 g/cm3,
Magnetic moment = M =  3.5 Am2.
Magnetization = MZ = ?

Density = Mass / Volume

∴  Volume = Mass/density = 180/8 = 22.5 cm3 = 22.5 x 10-6 m2.

MZ = M/V = 3.5/ (22.5 x 10-6) = 1.56 x 105 A/m.
Ans: Magnetization of the bar magnet is 1.56 x 105 A/m.
30. A bar magnet made of steel has a magnetic moment of 2.5 Am2 and
a mass of 6.6 x 10-3 kg. If the density of steel is 7.9 x 103 kg/m3, find
the intensity of the magnetization of the magnet.
Given: Mass of magnet = m = 6.6 x 10-3 kg, Density of material of
magnet = 7.9 x 103  kg/m3, Magnetic moment = M =  2.5 Am2.
To Find: Magnetization = MZ = ?

Density = Mass / Volume

∴  Volume = Mass/density =
(6.6 x 10-3)/(7.9 x 103) = 8.354 x 10-7 m2.
MZ = M/V = 2.5/ (8.354 x 10-7) = 3.0 x 106 A/m.

31. Magnetic field and magnetic intensity are respectively 1.8 T and
1000 A/m. Find relative permeability and susceptibility.

Given: Magnetic field = B = 1.8 T,

magnetic intensity = H = 1000 A/m, μo = 4π x 10-7 Wb/Am.
To Find: Relative permeability, μr = ?, susceptibility , χ = ?

μr = B/(μoH) = 1.8/(4π x 10 x 1000) =1.8/(4 x 3.142 x 10 ) = 1.432 x 10   =

-7  -4 3

We have μr = 1 + χ
∴  χ = μr – 1 =  1432 – 1 = 1431
Ans: Relative permeability is 1432 and susceptibility is 1431.

32. Magnetic field and magnetic intensity are respectively 1.6 T and
1000 A/m. Find relative permeability and susceptibility.

Given: Magnetic field = B = 1.6 T,

magnetic intensity = H = 1000 A/m, 
μo = 4π x 10-7 Wb/Am.
To Find: Relative permeability = μr = ?, susceptibility = χ = ?
μr = B/(μoH) = 1.6/(4π x 10-7 x 1000) =1.6/(4 x 3.142 x 10-4) = 1.273 x 103  = 1273
We have μr = 1 + χ
∴  χ = μr – 1 =  1273 – 1 = 1272
Ans: Relative permeability is 1273 and susceptibility is 1272.

33. Magnetic field and magnetic intensity are respectively 1.3 T and
900 A/m. Find permeability, relative permeability, and
Given: Magnetic field = B = 1.3 T, magnetic intensity = H = 900 A/m, μo =
4π x 10-7 Wb/Am.
To Find: permeability = μ = ?, relative permeability = μr = ?, susceptibility
= χ = ?

μ = B/H = 1./900 = 1.44 x 10-3

μr = B/(μoH) = 1.3/(4π x 10-7 x 900) =1.3/(4 x 3.142 x 10-7 x 900) = 1.149 x
103  = 1149
We have μr = 1 + χ
∴  χ = μr – 1 =  1149 – 1 = 1148
Ans: Permeability is 1.44 x 10-3, relative permeability is 1149 and
susceptibility is 1148.

34. The susceptibility of annealed iron at saturation is 5500. Find the

permeability of annealed iron at saturation.
Given: susceptibility = χ = 5500,  μo = 4π x 10-7 Wb/Am.
To Find: permeability at saturation = μ = ?


μ = μo ( 1 + χ)
∴  μ = 4π x 10  ( 1 + 5500) =  4 x 3.142 x 10-7 x 5501 = 6.9 x 10-3 H/m.

34.The susceptibility of magnetic material at saturation is 4000. Find its

permeability at saturation.

Given: susceptibility = χ = 4000,  μo = 4π x 10-7 Wb/Am.

To Find: permeability at saturation = μ = ?


μ = μo ( 1 + χ)
∴  μ = 4π x 10-7  ( 1 + 4000) =  4 x 3.142 x 10-7 x 4001 = 5.028 x 10-3 H/m.
Ans: Permeability at saturation is  5.028 x 10-3 H/m.
35. An iron rod is subjected to a magnetizing field of 1200 A/m. The
susceptibility of iron is 599. Find the permeability and the
magnetic flux per unit area produced.
Given: Magnetizing field = H = 1200 A/m, susceptibility = χ = 599,  μo = 4π
x 10-7 Wb/Am.
To Find: permeability = μ = ?, Magnetic flux per unit area = B = ?


μ = μo ( 1 + χ)
∴  μ = 4π x 10-7  ( 1 + 599) =  4 x 3.142 x 10-7 x 600 = 7.536 x 10-4 H/m.
Now μ = B/H

∴ B = μ H =  7.536 x 10-4 x 1200 =  0.904T

Ans: Permeability is  7.536 x 10-4 H/m and magnetic flux per unit area =
0.904 T
36. The susceptibility of magnesium at 300 K is 1.2 x 10-5. At what
temperature will the susceptibility increase to 1.8 x 10-5.
Given: Initial temperature = T1 = 300K,
Initial susceptibility = χ1 = 1.2 x 10-5,
Final susceptibility = χ2 = 1.8 x 10-5.
To Find: Final temperature = T2 = ?
We have χ ∝ 1/T

∴  χ1/χ2 = T2/T1
∴  T2 = (χ1/χ2) x T1
∴  T2 = (1.2 x 10-5/1.8 x 10-5) x 300 = = (2/3) x 300 = 200 K
Ans: At temperature 200 K, magnetic susceptibility increases to 1.8 x 10-5.
36.The susceptibility of magnesium at 400 K is 1.5 x 10-5. At what
temperature will the susceptibility increases to 1.8 x 10-5.
Given: Initial temperature = T1 = 400K, Initial susceptibility = χ1 = 1.5 x 10-5, Final
susceptibility = χ2 = 1.8 x 10-5.
To Find: Final temperature = T2 = ?
We have χ ∝ 1/T

∴  χ1/χ2 = T2/T1
∴  T2 = (χ1/χ2) x T1
∴  T2 = (1.5 x 10 /1.8 x 10-5) x 400 = = (5/6) x 400 = 333.33 K

Ans: At temperature 333.33 K susceptibility increases to 1.8 x 10-5.

37. The susceptibility of magnetic material at 250 K is 1.44 x 10-5. At

what will the value of susceptibility at 300 K.
Given: Initial temperature = T1 = 250 K, Initial susceptibility = χ1 = 1.44 x
10-5, Final temperature = T2 = 300 K
To Find: Final susceptibility = χ2 = ?

We have χ ∝ 1/T
∴  χ1/χ2 = T2/T1
∴  χ2 = (T1/T2) x χ1
∴  χ2 = (250/300) x 1.44 x 10-5 = = (5/6) x 1.44 x 10-5 = 1.2 x 10-5
Ans: At temperature 300 K magnetic susceptibility is 1.2 x 10-5.

38. MCQ

1. Chromium is a _______ material.

a. Diamagnetic
b. Ferromagnetic
c. Paramagnetic
d. Antiferromagnetic
2. Which among the following is a diamagnetic material?
a. Cobalt
b. Liquid oxygen
c. Sodium
d. Gold

Answer: d) Gold
3. Which type of magnet is used in compass needles?
a. Temporary magnet
b. Permanent magnet

Answer: b) Permanent magnet

4. The measure of the magnetization of the material is known as ______
a. Magnetic dipole
b. Magnetic stamina
c. Magnetic susceptibility
d. None of the options

Answer: c) Magnetic susceptibility

5. What is the formula to find the magnetic susceptibility?
a. χ=M+H
b. χ=M_H
c. χ=M*H
d. χ=M/H

Answer: d) χ=M/H

 H: field intensity
 M: magnetization
 χ: magnetic susceptibility

6. Magnetic materials which align against the magnetic field are known
as _______
a. Diamagnetic
b. Ferromagnetic
c. Paramagnetic
d. None of the options

Answer: a) Diamagnetic
7. The capacity of a material to hold on or resist magnetization is known
as ______
a. Anti-Magnetism
b. Retentivity
c. Coercivity
d. None of the options

Answer: b) Retentivity
8. Capacity of the material to resist the external magnetic field without
becoming demagnetized is known as ______
a. Anti Magnetism
b. Retentivity
c. Coercivity
d. None of the options

Answer: c) Coercivity
Explanation: Coercivity is defined as the capacity of the material to resist the
external magnetic field without becoming demagnetized.

Magnetic moment, also known as magnetic dipole moment, is the

measure of the object's tendency to align with a magnetic field.
“Magnetic Moment is defined as magnetic strength and orientation of a
magnet or other object that produces a magnetic field.” The magnetic
moment is a vector quantity.

The SI unit for magnetic moment is clearly N m T−1. If an electric current I

flows in a plane coil of area A (recall that area is a vector quantity – hence
the boldface), the torque it will experience in a magnetic field is given by.
τ=IA×B. This means that the magnetic moment of the coil is given by. p=IA.

How are materials classified based on their magnetic properties?

On the basis of magnetic properties materials can be broadly classified as:

a. Paramagnetic materials
b. diamagnetic materials
c. ferromagnetic and
d. antiferromagnetic materials.
(i) Materials with no elementary magnetic dipoles are diamagnetic in
other words a species with all paired electrons exhibits diamagnetism.
(ii) This kind of materials are repelled by the magnetic field because
the presence of external magnetic field a magnetic induction is
introduced to the material which generates weak magnetic field that
oppose the applies field .
(iii) Paramagnetic solids having unpaired electrons possess magnetic
dipoles which are isolated from one another .
(iv ) In the absence of external magnetic field the dipoles are arranged
at random and hence the solid shows no net magnetism .
(v ) But in the presence of magnetic field the dipoles are aligned
parallel to the direction of the applied field and therefore they are
attracted by an external magnetic field.
(v i) Ferromagnetic materials have domain structure and in each
domain the magnetic dipoles are arranged.

Magnetization, also termed magnetic polarization, is a vector quantity
that measures the density of permanent or induced dipole moment in a
given magnetic material. As we know, magnetization results from the
magnetic moment, which results from the motion of electrons in the
atoms or the spin of electrons or the nuclei.

Permeability is a measure of the ease of passage of liquids or gases or
specific chemicals through the material. Permeability is determined by
applying a head and determining the depth of penetration or the amount
of liquid or gas passing through the sample.

Magnetic permeability is defined as the ratio of the magnetic induction to

the magnetic intensity. It is a scalar quantity and denoted by the symbol
μ. Magnetic permeability helps us measure a material's resistance to the
magnetic field or measure of the degree to which magnetic field can
penetrate through a material.

What is magnetic permeability and its formula?

Magnetic permeability μ (Greek mu) is thus defined as μ = B/H. Magnetic
flux density B is a measure of the actual magnetic field within a material
considered as a concentration of magnetic field lines, or flux, per unit cross-
sectional area.

What is permeability also known as?

Permeability is otherwise known as magnetic conductivity.
What is the unit of magnetic permeability?
In SI units, permeability is measured in Henries per meter (H/m), or
equivalently in newtons per ampere squared (N/A2).

In electromagnetism, permeability is the measure of magnetization that a

material obtains in response to an applied magnetic field. Permeability is
typically represented by the (italicized) Greek letter μ. The term was coined
by William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin in 1872,[1] and used
alongside permittivity by Oliver Heaviside in 1885. The reciprocal of
permeability is magnetic reluctivity.
In SI units, permeability is measured in Henries per meter (H/m), or
equivalently in newtons per ampere squared (N/A2). The permeability
constant μ0, also known as the magnetic constant or the permeability of free
space, is the proportionality between magnetic induction and magnetizing
force when forming a magnetic field in a classical vacuum.
A closely related property of materials is magnetic susceptibility, which is
a dimensionless proportionality factor that indicates the degree of
magnetization of a material in response to an applied magnetic field.
The Curie temperature is the temperature above which it loses its
ferromagnetism and converts to paramagnetic substance. This occurs
due the disorderness in the electronic arrangement.

In physics and materials science, the Curie temperature (TC), or Curie

point, is the temperature above which certain materials lose their
permanent magnetic ...
Magnetization, also termed magnetic polarization, is a vector quantity
that measures the density of permanent or induced dipole moment in a
given magnetic material. As we know, magnetization results from the
magnetic moment, which results from the motion of electrons in the
atoms or the spin of electrons or the nuclei.


Electromagnetism is the physical interaction among electric charges,

magnetic moments, and the electromagnetic field. The electromagnetic
field can be static, slowly changing, or form waves. Electromagnetic
waves are generally known as light and obey the laws of optics.

What are the 3 forms of electromagnetism?

Radio waves, television waves, and microwaves are all types of

electromagnetic waves. They only differ from each other in wavelength.
What are the 4 laws of electromagnetism?

The operation of electric motors is governed by various laws of electricity

and magnetism, including Faraday's law of induction, Ampère's circuital
law, Lenz' law, and the Lorentz force
Electromagnetism also plays a crucial role in modern technology:
electrical energy production, transformation and distribution, light, heat, and
sound production and detection, fiber optic and wireless communication,
sensors, computation, electrolysis, electroplating and mechanical motors and

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