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A publication of Trinity Presbyterian Church

2125 Tower Drive Woodbury, MN 55125

Summer 2011

Let the Learning Begin ! ! ! Rally Sunday is Sept 11

Christian Ed for all ages, all church pot luck and choir returns
As the calendar turns to September, and people of all ages return to school, its time for Trinitys Christian Education program to rev up for the Fall. Sept 11 begins with a festive welcome at 9:00 followed by registration for PreK-6th Grade students. After kids are registered they will head toward the CE Wing to meet their Sunday School teachers. Adult Education begins after the festive welcome at 9:00 and will also involve a brief registration. The CE committee is compiling a list of Sunday participants seeking names, phone numbers and email addresses to ensure adults know all the great things that are being offered and finding out in a timely way. A class led by Joe Pendal entitled: Helping Not Hurting. For youth (grades 7-12), there will be Sunday School from 11:00-11:50. If you are entering 7th grade you are a member of the youth group. We will also register the youth and remain committed to having an active, consistent stream of activities and learning opportunities. TrinityAlive! begins Sept 14. See page 9 for all the info.

Several Trinity baseball fans including Sue, Stephanie & Mike Schenk, Beth & Gary Hanson and Peter Strand (lower left) attended a Twins game in July. Speaking of rally, Neal Stands reversed cap didnt bring on a win for the team but he and daughter Kelsey enjoyed the outing nonetheless!

Pot Luck Meal After the Service

Since rally means to assemble and call together for a common purpose, plan on attending an all church pot luck right after the service.!

The Trinity choir springs to action on Wednesday, August 31st at 7:30. Singers of all abilities wanted! Join good friends in song as we raise the roof in God's name. Contact Neal Strand with questions!

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Pastors Message...
This past summer a number of participants enjoyed a 6-week Christian history class on Wednesday evenings. The material was interesting and the conversaSTAFF Gary Hanson Home: 651.501.1820 Cell: 651.373.1821

tion was stimulating. We learned that while we live in an ever-changing world down through the centuries, the Christian message is timeless. In every era throughout history, those who were passionate about sharing the Christian faith figured out new ways to reach people of their day. Take stained-glass windows, for example. The brilliantly colored translucent images that grace the Gothic cathedrals of Europe are beautiful, for sure, but they had a very practical down-to-earth purpose as well. They were designed to convey the Bible stories visually to a largely illiterate population. Also during the Middle Ages, one of the most important innovations in the world and the church came to bethe modern printing press. Johannes Gutenberg combined moveable type (a Chinese invention) with a wine press (which made for even pressure) and used paper instead of cumbersome and costly animal skins. While scribes had often spent years painstakingly copying books by hand, with the first printing press, 300 pages could now be made in a single day. The printing press allowed written knowledge, including the Bible, to be accessible to a much larger segment of the population, and helped pave the way for the Renaissance, the Reformation and the Enlightenment. Whether it was the advent of the printing press, the pipe organ, wireless radio, television, or the internet, the church continues to adopt new discoveries and inventions in order to keep sharing Gods story. As people of faith, we need to continue to enrich and enlighten our lives as well. One of the best ways to do this is through our education classes here at Trinity. We shall continue to offer a rich assortment of opportunities for adults on Sunday mornings as well as Wednesday evenings during TrinityAlive! In addition, there will be occasional offerings such as The Bible in 90 Days adventure, as well as retreats, and this coming year, we are excited to announce an evening with a renowned theologian in January. Stay tuned....and keep on learning, Gary

Pastor Care Coordinator/ Administrator Dee Lindblom M-F 8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Cell: 651.353.6724

Director of Christian Education Joe Pendal 651.436.3435 Church Musician Joyce Piper Choir Director Neal Strand Child Care Attendants Tori Ruckle Custodians Jeff Lindblom Karen Patraw

church website:

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Ministry Opportunities Abound through Trinity

Let our Shared Ministrys Committee help you find your niche...
Greetings from your Shared Ministry Team! Fall is here and its time to get back into schedules. Its also time to think about the opportunities for learning and service at Trinity. How can we, your Shared Ministry team, help you? Do you want to join the choir? Are you interested in joining a committee? Do you just want to discuss Trinity's area of Mission? Do you have great ideas for social events or fund raisers? Do you have a gift or talent that you would like to share, but just aren't sure where it would fit?

Shared Ministry's Mission The Shared Ministry Team works with session, deacons, and staff members to encourage individuals and families of Trinity Church to identify, develop and use their God given gifts in ministries that are appropriate for them and the church.

The Shared Ministry Team would like to help you find your "good place" at Trinity. There are so many opportunities! Please call or email anyone of our team with your questions and interests. What is God's call for you in this place at this time? Look for the Shared Ministry bulletin board in the Welcome Room where youll find a picture of our team, contact information, and information about ongoing opportunities of service. SHARED MINISTRY TEAM (Find our email addresses in the church directory) Susan Jamison 651-578-7100 Brad Wright 651-501-1037 Jane Willison 651-739-2674

..Sign up to prepare food or serve a meal at Family Place Shelter Or really step up to the plate and serve as Trinitys new coordinator!
Teams of 3-5 people are needed to serve dinner at the Family Place Shelter the 4th Sunday of Nov & Dec at First Baptist Church, 9th & Wacouta in downtown St. Paul. The sign up sheet can be found on the bulletin board in the Welcome Room just outside the sanctuary doors. Questions? Youll find a tip sheet that addresses basic questions including food ideas. A huge thank you goes out to Pat Channer for her dedicated volunteer work as coordinator these past several years. With Pat concluding her coordinator duties, Trinity is in need of a new volunteer(s) to coordinate our monthly service at Family Place. The individual(s) recruit and sign-up individuals and families from Trinity to serve dinner to approximately 35-50 individuals the fourth Sunday of each month at First Baptist Church in downtown St. Paul If you are interested in knowing more about this wonderful volunteer opportunity, contact Pat (651) 735-7741 or Bob Anderson 651-578-9367or

Historic First Baptist Thank you for considering!

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Your Deacon & You

From Brad Wright, Moderator
The Board of Deacons is responsible for providing lay pastoral care at Trinity. We are the people to call if you are in need of assistance, whether spiritual, emotional or logistical such as temporary help with meals or rides. There are nine Deacons. We are Jodi Campbell, Susan Rooney, Sean Gavin, Brad Wright, Jessica Pendal, Neal Strand, Alex Espe, Chris Hacker, and Judy Punt. Each member of the congregation has an assigned Deacon but you can contact any of us or Dee in the Church office. The list of Deacons is on our bulletin board just outside the sanctuary door. Regular checking in with the congregation is a primary Deacon responsibility. If for some reason your Deacon hasnt contacted you or you cannot reach them, PLEASE call me and I will make sure that you are contacted promptly. Please help us to help you. Brad Wright, Moderator, Deacons 651-501-1037 evenings or

Trinity Contacts Buildings & Grounds Mike Schenck 739-3727 Christian Education Clerk of Session Marketing/ Communications Don Breckle 739-5429 Mission& Action Bob Anderson 651-578-9367 Moderator of Deacons Brad Wright 651-501-1037 Newsletter Beth R. Hanson 501-1820 Nominating Nursery Coordinator Katy Gavin 304-7945 Pastoral Care/Prayer Chain Dee Lindblom 738-0045 Personnel Bruce Williams 731-8233 Special Events Barb Freeman 731-1220 Stewardship& Finance Brian Fisher 651-578-9827 Worship Debi Espe 730-6805

Money, Values and Choices

From Dee Lindblom, Pastoral Care
Charge them to do good, to be rich in good works and generous, sharing what they have. 1 Timothy 6:18 A recent Synovate survey of 1,600 parents revealed that while 85% said they teach their children about saving money, only 34% taught them about paying bills and a mere 27% taught them about how to use a checking account or credit cards. Not even included in the survey was the topic of sharing/giving money! Nathan Dungan, founder of Share Save Spend, stresses the connection between values and financial decisions, and maintains that the order of the words share, save, spend is intentional. Sharing is about paying attention to the needs of others out of gratitude. Saving is about patience and discipline. Spending focuses on needs and wantsand the difference between the two, says the Minneapolis financial expert. According to Dungan, our culture strives to shape the narrative about money for the next generation and currently, its not a healthy narrative. The dominant value is to spend. He considers it important for parents to start a dialogue with children about charitable giving to help the next generation link their money and their values. One method he suggests is to start young by giving a child a share check for his/her birthday or Christmas. The check is filled out except for the pay to order line, and the child can choose a place or cause to which the money is donated. To quote Dungan: The choices we make with our money can change the world. I challenge parents, grandparents and all caring adults to consider how we are teaching our children to make good, healthy, value-strewn choices. Blessings, Dee

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Worshippers inspired by Gods great outdoors on Sunday, July 24th

Tent canopies that were in place offered shade and/or rain protection and gave the space outside Fellowship Hall a festive look. A mid-summer Communion was included - a first for Trinity - and the Praise Band provided music. The cool, gray morning gave way to beautiful blue skies filled with plenty of sunshine just in time for the meal directly following the worship service. Attendance was great and there was an abundant smorgasbord of summer picnic pot luck dishes. (left) Trinity's kids really enjoyed playing Soak the Sap manned by Trinity's own Almighty Slugger Softball Team volunteers and (below) the wonderful morning came to a close with parents and children joining in a rousing and refreshing game of Water Balloon Toss. Thanks especially to the Espes and VanderVeers for much of the organizational work and Brad Wright for loaning and setting up all the sound equipment. ..A good time definitely had by all!

Trinity Annual Fresh Air Worship Service

(Above) ... Is that? Could that possibly be, Garry Espe??

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Mental Health Matters

From Dee Lindblom
In 2010, 3,000 people raised awareness about mental illnesses by participating in NAMIWalks. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is a non-profit organization working to improve the lives of adults and children with a mental disorder and their families, and to increase public understanding of mental illnesses. NAMI has made a real difference in increasing opportunities for recovery, and in reducing stigma and discrimination. Did you know that last year:

4,000 people received support through the helpline and 45 ongoing support groups. 8,300 people gained understanding by attending a class, workshop or presentation. 275 volunteers donated over 8,000 hours facilitating classes, support groups, special projects and advocating for good mental health policies at the legislature.

The Faith-Based Health & Wellness Network is grateful for the support NAMI has provided us in our efforts to help families and educate our communities of faith. If you would like to walk in the 2011 NAMIWalk on September 24, or make a donation, please contact Dee Lindblom at or (651) 738-0045.

Sensory Processing Disorders in children Workshop

On Monday, September 26, at 6:30 pm, the Family Achievement Center will partner with the Faith-Based Health & Wellness Network to present a workshop about Sensory Processing Disorders in children. More details will follow but be sure to mark your calendars to attend. This free workshop will take place at Woodbury Lutheran Church, 7380 Afton Road. Contact Dee Lindblom at (651)738-0045 or for more information.

Parish Personals
Darryl and Jane Willison would like to thank everyone for helping in the celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary. They will always remember all of the good wishes and lovely cards! Thanks to everyone who contributed to this years Per Capita campaign. As of August 7th, Weve collected $1825.

Welcome Trinitys Newest Members

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Brent, Colby and Emily Korbel. Brent joins us by profession of faith, and is a manufacturing technology engineer at 3M. Emily joins us by letter of transfer from Northminster Presbyterian Church in Ames, Iowa, and is a stay-at-home mom to the couples lively 6month-old Colby. Faith, family and friends are important to both of them. Verna and Pierre Laban join us by letter of transfer from the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon. Verna has a degree in chemistry and is a pharmacy technician student at Century. Pierre is a home health care worker and is working on a Masters Degree from Walden University in Minneapolis. They have a three year old daughter, Charlize, and are expecting another child in September. Monica Laurent joins us by reaffirmation. Monica and her husband, Paul Roskowitz, have a 13-month-old son, Tyler. Monica is currently between jobs, and enjoys travel, family and friends, walking and working out.

Kate Wolfe-Jenson joins us by letter of transfer from North Como Presbyterian Church in Roseville, MN. She and her husband, Ralph, have a 13 year old daughter, Alexis. Kate works as a web coordinator at Minnesota Child Care Resource & Referral Network, and is a talented artist and writer.

Church Directory Additions July 2011

KORBEL, BRENT & EMILY (COLBY*) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(605) 691-3786 9490 Jarrod Ave. S., Cottage Grove, MN 55016 Brent work (651)736-4094 LABAN, PIERRE & VERNA (CHARLIZE*) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(651) 343-2306 2196 Lower Afton Road E., #106, St. Paul, MN 55119 Pierre work (651)739-0076 LAURENT, MONICA & PAUL ROSKOWITZ* (TYLER ROSKOVITZ*) . . . . . . . . . (651) 714-9265 6338 Highland Hills Blvd. So., Cottage Grove, MN 55016 WOLFE-JENSON, KATE & RALPH JENSON* (ALEXIS JENSON*) . . . . . . . . . . (651) 402-5927 2433 Sumac Way, WOODBURY MN 55125


Our New Fire Pit! The results of Lars Espes hot Eagle Scout Leadership Project located next to the Honor GardenThanks Lars & all volunteers!

Before...The original pit.

During...July 30, let the project begin! Construction of benches was the first task. All of the volunteers worked through a stifling heat for about six hours. Although the heat was working against them, they managed to build a total of six benches.

One week later on August 6th, the volunteers arrived at the church for one more day of hard work. They were charged with the task of removing three inches of sod in a 25 foot diameter circle, installing landscape edging, installing all the benches, raking out 12 tons of gravel in the diameter and setting the iron fire ring. John Upson played a big role by ripping up the majority of the sod and digging the holes for the benches with a bobcat. The project would not have been possible without him. After about seven hours of work and many water breaks.. . . . . . fait accompli! Alex Espe and John Upson (back) along with Lars (front & center) and fellow Troop 72 scouts enjoy the new Trinity Fire Pit. This project would not have been possible without many donations and volunteers. Thank you to all who donated either money, materials, or time. Gratefully, Lars Espe


TrinityALIVE! Starts Wednesday, September 14

A year ago we kicked-off a new approach to Trinitys midweek program with a great response. TrinityALIVE!s second year promises to be even bigger and better. 5:10-5:45: Once again children PreK-6th grade will participate in a Bible Study centered around rotation week-to-week from Bible Story to Science to Music to Art/Craft. 5:45-6:30: Our Church Family Dinner will again offer healthy, delicious meals worthy of giving the cook in your house the night off. 6:30-7:30: After dinner and before Choir Practice adults will have a choice between two learning opportunities: a Bible study and either a book or topical study. 6:40-7:20: While adults are learning together, youth will have their own Bible Study led by Joe Pendal, and the younger kids will play games, watch wholesome videos and wind down before going home. This period is from . Cost for TrinityALIVE! is $50 per person between the ages of 13 and 100; $35 per person 12 and under; Families of four or more pay $150. This registration fee covers the 10-week Fall term only.

Trinity in the News! The Communications Committee has started a large push for the Fall. Help spread the word about our ministries and watch for the following:

Thurs., Sept 8th there will be an insertion sheet in the Pioneer Press ( Washington County) promoting Rally Sunday and Trinity ALIVE! Ads in the Pioneer Press every other Friday starting Sept 9th through the end of November Ads in the Sept., Oct. and Nov. issues of Woodbury Magazine. And in the Oct. issue, watch for some mention of the Health and Wellness Network

Trinity Presbyterian Program Financial Summary Month Actual YTD Actual Total Program Dona$29,058 $143,245 tions Total Program Expen$19,824 $141,941 ditures Donations Less Ex$9,234 $1,304 penses Building Fund Donations Building Mortgage Payment Mortgage Balance $3,746 $6,691 $724,928 $40,480 $46,837

Jul-11 Yr. Budget $263,140 $262,080 $1,061

12 September Birthdays!
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:6-8

Beau Hafemeyer Steve Sawyer

Another year older and another year blessed! Thank you for the cards and flowers and happy hugs that I received from my Trinity family at my 95th birthday celebration. It was so nice to hear from former members who now live in other states, too. Thank you again! Virginia Geer

16 17 18 19 20 21

Jodi Campbell Harry Krueger Libby Hanson Allen Gahl Devin Campbell JR Danielson Shu-Mei Hwang

4 5 6 9 10 11

Brad Wright Robyn Gizzi Lori Anderson Bennett Carpentier Kelsey Campbell Bruce Hafemeyer Carly Rosen

26 27 27 28 29

Bob Drehmel Laura Behler Anna Eger Stuart Ellis Breeya Channer

Trinity Presbyterian 2125 Tower Dr Woodbury MN 55125


Concentration was very important for Madeline Upson during games after our outdoor worship service. See page 5 for a recap.

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