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Specifically, the science of law is not in a position to assert that, according

to a certain legal order, under the condition that a delict has been committed, a
sanction is actually executed. If the science of law were to make such an assertion
it would conflict with reality delicts are committed very frequently without the
sanction taking place as stipulated by the legal order and reality is not the object to
be described by the science of law. This is still true even if the legal norms to be
described by the science of law are valid, that is to say that the behavior
determined by them ought (in an objective sense) in take place only if the behavior
actually eon, forms with the legal order in some measure. The effectiveness of the
legal order it must he stressed is only the condition or the validiry, not the validity
it self. If the science of law has to represent the validity of the legal order that is,
the specific meaning with which the legal order addresses itself to the individuals
subject to it, it can only State that according to a certain legal order under the
condition that a certain delict determined by that legal order has been committed, a
certain sanction determined by that legal order ought take place, thereby the word
"ought" covers both, the situation that the execution of the sanction is merely
anthotized or positively permitted and the gituation that the execution is
commanded. The rules of law to be forrnulated by the science of law can only be

On the other hand, from the fact that the rule of law describes something
does not follow that what is described is an actual fact, because not only actual
facts, but also norms, that is the specific meanings oi facts, may be described
Specifically, the rule of law is not an imperative; it is rather, a judgment, a
staternent about an object or cognition, Nor the of law imply any approval of the
described legal norm. The jurist who describes the scientifically does not identify
himself with the legal authority enacting the norm. The rule of law remains
objective description, it does not become prescription. The rule does no more than
state, like the law of nature the link between two elements a functional connection.
Science whose object is law. The study of legal science is not limited to one area
because it also requires it comparison of laws elsewhere. Like wise, the science of
law studies and examines all matters relating to law. For this reason, in simple
terms, it can be said that the definition of the science of law is a science whose
object of study or object of research is law.
Considering that the power of law must be exercised in the interests of the
members of the corporation and that the fulfillment of obligations which are a
reflex right must ultimately benefit the members, we can speak of the "collective
strictness" of these members and then we can characterize the property comprising
these rights as the property of the corporation or whichever number is the same as
the collective property of the members and civil execution directed at this property
which is the responsibility of the corporation.

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