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Scalable Data Management

A/Prof Uwe Roehm

School of Computer Science

DATA3404 ”Scalable Data Management" - 2023 (Roehm) 1

Scalable Data Management?

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Example: Facebook

Source: Facebook
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Some Facebook Statistics
In March 2022, Facebook has reported
1.96 billion active users/day worldwide.
Supported by a fewer thousand employees

Over two years in mid 2010s:

7x growth in raw user data.
Over Halloween weekend 2011:
1 billion photos were uploaded.

– data centers with n x 10,000 servers
– several specialised data stores
sharded MySQL (still?) database for
actual user database
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Usage Scenario Facebook (ICDE 2010)

Slide from Facebook presentation at ICDE 2010 (

DATA3404 ”Scalable Data Management" - 2023 (Roehm) 5

Usage Scenario Facebook (ICDE 2010)

Slide from Facebook presentation at ICDE 2010 (

DATA3404 ”Scalable Data Management" - 2023 (Roehm) 6

Big Data Examples
– Customer
– Twitter Life Statistics:
– Walkscore:
– Neighborland:
– Business
– Predictive Marketing:
– Journalism
– TimesMachine:
– Panama Papers:
– Research
– Cern LHC open data access:
– SDDS SkyServer:
– Personalities in the United States (cf Journal of American Psychological As.)
– Human Brain Project:
– Google Flu Trends:
– Google Books nGrams:
DATA3404 ”Scalable Data Management" - 2023 (Roehm) 7
The Scale of Today’s Data
– It is common now to deal in units of petabytes (1015 )
– Some examples from Wikipedia (July 2010)
– Yahoo! claimed record with 1 Petabyte Database – back in 2005
– World of Warcraft uses 1.3 petabytes of storage (year?)
– Teradata database has capacity of 50 petabytes of compressed data
– Large Hadron Collider (LHC) generates 15 petabytes per year.
– Google processes 24 petabytes/day
– Manage and access large data
– Go to and search for the keyword “data architect”, “data
engineer” or “big data” – or “data scientist”
– This course will teach you to be a vendor-neutral “big data architect” /
DATA3404 ”Scalable Data“data systems
Management" - 2023 (Roehm)engineer” 8
What do we cover in DATA3404?

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Grand Theme of DATA3404
– How to efficiently deal with SCALE?
– Large collections of data (hundreds of gigabytes)
• both structured (tuples)
• and unstructured (text or (key,value) pairs)
• we are interested on cases where data does not fit into memory….
– Shared access by large numbers of concurrent users (thousands)
– Availability – always ON

– Questions:
– How to efficiently manage large amounts of data?
– How to efficiently find data in those collections?
– How to efficiently serve thousands of concurrent users?

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Key Principles
– Data Independence
– Applications are decoupled from structure of data
– Logical data model is decoupled from physical model

– Declarative Interface
– Specify “what rather than how.”
– Separate “interface from implementation.”

– Space can be reused but not time

– Speed-up lookups and joins using indexing and copies

– Scale-agnostic Design
– Local processing without global state that can be easily parallelized or
cloned/restarted on new nodes
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What is a Data Management System?
– A Database is a collection of data central to some organisation or
– Essential to operation of enterprise
– State of database mirrors state of enterprise
– An important asset on its own

– A Database Management System (DBMS) is a software package that

manages a database:
– Stores the database on some mass storage (+backup +recovery).
– Supports a high-level access language (e.g. SQL).
– Application describes database accesses using that language.
– DBMS interprets statements of language to perform requested database access.

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Levels of Abstraction
– Many views, single conceptual (logical) View 1 View 2 View 3
schema and physical schema.
– Views describe how users see the data.
– Conceptual schema defines logical Conceptual Schema
– Physical schema describes the files and Physical Schema
indexes used.
– In DATA3404, we will look at
– the physical layer
– the translation between conceptual and
physical schema, and
– cross-layer aspects of DBMS.
Knowledge of the database internals is the pre-requisite for effective performance tuning.
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Data Independence
– Applications are insulated from how data is structured and stored.
– Logical data independence:
Protection from changes in logical (DDL) structure of data.
– Physical data independence:
Protection from changes in physical structure of data (storage system).
 One of the most important benefits of using a DBMS!

– DATA3404:
– Which physical design choices do we have available?
– What are the advantage / disadvantages of each structure?

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The Nature of SQL
– In the “programming world” new languages are constantly being invented –
Java, C#, Python, Ruby, GO etc.
– In the “database world” attempts to replace SQL with other languages have
consistently failed – SQL ends up being extended.

– Why is SQL so versatile? => The declarative nature of SQL

– In modern parlance SQL was probably the first widely accepted language to
successfully decouple the interface design from the implementation.
– SQL syntax is “syntactic sugar” for relational language.
(“most practical thing is to have a good theory”)

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SQL Example
– “Find all students that are enrolled in DATA3404.”
SELECT s.sid,
FROM Students s, Enrolled e
WHERE s.sid = e.sid AND e.cid = ‘DATA3404’

– Given this formal ‘description’ of what we want, how does a DBMS

efficiently find the information?
– Is there an index? Shall we use it? How to join the two tables?

– Query Processing:
– Translation into internal representation
– Query optimization
– Query execution

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Query Optimization
project sid,name
Are they all doing the same?

project sid,name Which plan is better? join

select cid=‘DATA3404’ select cid=‘DATA3404’

project sid,name

students enrolled

students enrolled
select cid=‘DATA3404’ project sid,name

enrolled students
DATA3404 ”Scalable Data Management" - 2023 (Roehm) 17
Challenge: Multi-Core CPUs
– For example, some recent rack server (2U):
– up-to 2 x 18-core Intel® Xeon© CPUs
– up-to 1.5 TB RAM
– up-to 16 TB SDDs / HDDs
– 4 x Gigabit Ethernet
– optional 2x10Gig Ethernet

– Servers with 64 cores and more are available already

– These systems can execute multiple processes and queries in parallel on
different CPU cores
– But we have to synchronize them when they access shared data!
– The challenge: How to do this fast and correctly at the same time?
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– The traditional approach:
– To scale with increasing load,
buy more powerful, larger
• from single workstation
• to dedicated db server
• to large massive-parallel
database appliance

DATA3404 ”Scalable Data Management" - 2023 (Roehm) [source: Jim Gray, HPTS99] 19
The Alternative: Scale-Out
A single server has limits…
For real Big Data processing, need to
scale-out to a cluster of multiple servers (nodes):

[Source: Server.png from]

shared-nothing architecture

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Infrastructure of Scale
– Typical ‘cloud-size’ data center will have about 40-50k servers
– ‘commodity’ design with multiple cores
– virtualization to host multiple services on same shared hardware
=> Plunging cost of computing

– Multiple datacenters
– At scale multiple datacenters can be used
• Close to customer
• Cross data center data redundancy
• Address international markets efficiently

– Avoid massive upfront data cost & years to fully utilize

– Scale supports pervasive automation investment
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Data Science Platforms – Big Picture
– Layered stack of frameworks for distributed data management and processing
– Many choices of distributed data processing platforms


Data Processing MapReduce



DATA3404 ”Scalable Data Management" - 2023 (Roehm) [slide by Ion Stoica, UCB, 2013] 22
Internal Structure of a DBMS
– A typical DBMS has a
Web Forms Application Front Ends SQL Interface
layered architecture
SQL Commands

– This is one of several Parser Plan Executor Query

possible architectures; Optimizer Operator Evaluator Engine
each system
has its own variations
File and Access Methods
– Vertical functions Manager
Buffer Manager
– concurrency control Manager
– recovery Manager
Disk Space Manager
DATA3404 ”Scalable Data Management" - 2023 (Roehm) Concurrency Control DBMS 23

Flink Data Processing System Stack


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– DBMS used to maintain & query large datasets
– Main Benefits:
– Program-Data Independence
– Controlled Data Redundancy
– Declarative Queries

– Data Science Platforms borrow core techniques from DBMS

– Storage, querying, distributed data management and processing
– DBMS techniques not only of interest to DBAs,
but for every SW developer facing large-scale data problems

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Next Week
– Storage Layer
– Disks, Blocks and Files
– Buffer Management
– Row and page structures
– Data Compression
– “Row Store” vs. “Column Store”

– Readings:
– Hellerstein/Stonebraker/Hamilton:“Architecture of a DB System”, Sec 5
– Garcia-Molina/Ullman/Widom, Chapter 13 (skip section 4)
– Ramakrishnan/Gehrke, Chapter 9 (shorter overview in Ch.8)
– Kifer/Bernstein/Lewis, Chapter 9
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