Career Assessment Results

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Career Assessment Results

Career Coach | University of East London

Assessment Length

Top Traits Other Traits

Investigative 100% Artistic 90% Conventional 90% Enterprising 85% Realistic 80% Social 65%

Top 5 Job Categories

1. Information Technology
2. Science, Engineering and Mathematics
3. Construction, Planning and the Built Environment
4. Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Care
5. Business, Administration and Law

Top 10 Career Matches

1. Electronics Engineer
2. Finance or Investment Analyst/Adviser
3. Financial Accounts Manager
4. Other Business or Related Associate Professional
5. Biological Scientist or Biochemist
6. IT Business Analyst, Architect or Systems Designer
7. Town Planning Officer
8. Actuary, Economist or Statistician
9. Other Natural or Social Science Professional
10. Environment Professional

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1 0 0 % I N V E S T I G AT I V E
Independent thinkers who love working on interesting problems.

Work Independently
Like Challenging Ideas
Precise, scientific, intellectual

People who score highly in this category enjoy theories and ideas. They are confident in their
intellect, curious about everything, and independent in their work. They like to observe and to
take a scientific approach to understand a situation completely before taking action. They
enjoy working with data and research, in scientific fields, technology, or academia.

Avoids: leading, selling, or persuading others.

Creatives who often rebel against rules and structure.

Emotionally Expressive

Those who score highly in this category are inventive, open, and find enjoyment in making
things. They prefer working in environments where they can be spontaneous, and can
produce work which is inventive and unique. Their sensitivity to others makes them
perceptive about the world around them. They enjoy working with their hands or with people,
and in fields involving art, design and self-expression.

Avoids: highly ordered or repetitive activities.

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Great organizers who to work within a clear structure of expectations.

Numerically Inclined

People who score highly in this category tend to be efficient, conscientious, efficient, and work
hard to accomplish their tasks. They like working with others if the relationships are clear and
professional, and they prefer predictable, controlled environments. They enjoy working with
data, computers and processes.

Avoids: ambiguous, unstructured activities.

Persuasive talkers who enjoy being the centre of attention.

Self Confident

People who score highly in this category are assertive, outgoing, and good at motivating
others. They like adventure and have lots of energy. They are ambitious, like to start and lead
projects, and to have responsibilities and be in a decision-making and leadership positions.
They enjoy working in fields like business, law or politics.

Avoids: activities that require careful observation or scientific thinking.

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Doers who like building things and working with their hands.


People who score highly in this category tend to be confident, competitive, and good at
getting on with things. They are practical, honest and straightforward. They prefer to
approach a problem by using familiar methods and following established patterns. They enjoy
working in mechanical or practical science fields, working outdoors or with animals, using
tools and machines, or their own physical strength.

Avoids: activities such as teaching, healing, and informing others.

People-lovers who enjoy close personal relationships.

Skilled with Words

Helps, and Informs
Like to work with people

People who score highly in this category want to help others and improve their lives. They like
to work in teams or in cooperative environments, where everyone shares a goal. They are
idealistic and sensitive, and care about their relationships with others. They like attention and
enjoy being recognised and at the center of activity.

Avoids: using machines, tools, or animals to achieve a goal.

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