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We are writing to request permission for a group of learners from Binarsang Elementary School

to visit your facility as part of an educational field trip. Our group consists of 23 learners and 3 teachers.

The purpose of this visit is to give our learners an opportunity to learn more about the
important work that law enforcement officers do in our community, as well as to gain a better
understanding of the training required to become a police officer. In particular, we aim to focus on the
topics of gender equality and development within the context of law enforcement.

As our society continues to evolve, it is crucial that all aspects of our community are dedicated
to promoting gender equality. We believe that the police force plays an essential role in promoting
gender equality, particularly in the areas of preventing gender-based violence and ensuring equal
treatment of all individuals regardless of gender identity.

Additionally, we recognize the important role that law enforcement plays in promoting
community development. By working together with the community, the police force can create safer
and more inclusive environments for everyone.

We would greatly appreciate the chance to tour your facility, observe any training exercises that
may be taking place, and speak with some of the officers and trainers on site about these important
topics. We believe that this experience will be both educational and inspiring for our students, and will
provide them with a deeper understanding of the importance of gender equality and community
development in law enforcement.

We understand that security is of the utmost importance at your facility, and we will of course
comply with any rules or guidelines that you require. We will also provide a list of all participants in
advance, and ensure that all visitors are properly supervised at all times.

Thank you for your consideration of this request. We look forward to the opportunity to visit
your facility and learn more about the important work of law enforcement officers in promoting gender
equality and community development.



Teacher – In – Charge Teacher 3 Teacher 3
Binarsang Elementary School
Reina Mercedes District

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